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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 949: Being the Boss Is Enough

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    Chapter 949: Being the boss is enough Dugu Wenxiu¡¯s face looked a little strange, and she felt a little uneasy.  There was a time when he thought that Fang Jie was a very simple person, and it was not difficult to figure out the thoughts of such a lord.  Because Fang Jie's requirements have always been simple, Dugu Wenxiu thought for a while that he had found the point.  But later he discovered that the simpler the lord seemed, the more confusing he was.  To be honest, he had hesitated for a long time whether to persuade Fang Jie to march into Chang'an.  Now that the Southwest Dao has gradually stabilized, and the Yunnan Dao has been acquired, the strength of the Black Flag Army has greatly increased.  According to Fang Jie's previous goal, he was to stabilize the southwest, then fight Yang Jie in Jiangnan, and then march to the northwest.  First capture half of the Sui Dynasty, and no matter how you fight in the future, you will not be weak.  ¡°In the long run, Fang Jie¡¯s plan is very sound.  However, the current situation is like a war situation, changing rapidly.  The previous plan may not be suitable now.  First of all, the decisive battle with Yang Jian was unexpectedly easy, and all the hard work lay on Fang Jie alone.  The most important thing is that with the war in Eastern Xinjiang now, Fang Jie's thoughts seem to be no longer in the Central Plains, so there must be a new direction of development.  If Yang Jian had not died, Dugu Wenxiu would not have mentioned the idea of ??marching into Chang'an City.  The war is raging in Eastern Xinjiang, and the advantages of foreigners are becoming more and more obvious.  Now the powerful people are waiting and watching, and secretly those who have not exerted their strength are waiting to see what others will do.  There are many people like Fang Jie who put foreign enemies first, but there are also many people who are waiting for the opportunity to become powerful.  If Fang Jie allocates his troops to Eastern Xinjiang, the control of the Black Flag Army will be greatly reduced.  At this time, you need the most influential thing to make others give up, and there is nothing better than taking Chang'an.  Regardless of whether the Sui Dynasty still existed or not, Chang'an City was the imperial capital and it would not change.  No matter which force it is or ordinary people, everyone knows that whoever sits in Chang'an City has won the majority of the people's hearts.  The word "orthodox" is the most mysterious, but sometimes it is the most useful.  Seeing that Fang Jie didn't say anything, Dugu Wenxiu simply stopped trying: "Now that there is a war in Eastern Xinjiang, it is natural that it is urgent to divide our troops and go eastward. However, I forgive my ominous words Even if my lord divides his troops and goes to Eastern Xinjiang, there is no chance of winning against foreign enemies overseas.  Not big. The foreigners have been operating secretly in Dongjiang for a long time, and even if Mu Pingcheng can't block it, even if Mu Mansion resists and others rush to help, the foreigners already have a second way to go. " "  After Muping City landed, whether the foreigners attacked Shanhaiguan or attacked the retreat of Mu Mansion, Mu Guangling had to divide his troops. The foreigners had powerful artillery, and the siege of the city was even more difficult than when the Sui army was at its strongest.  People are frightened. If we want to solve the crisis in Eastern Xinjiang, we not only need the full strength of the Black Flag Army, but also need the powerful forces from the Central Plains to join forces to have a chance of winning. But my lordcan the entire Black Flag Army march to Eastern Xinjiang?  " "No" Dugu Wenxiu didn't wait for Fang Jie's answer and continued: "The southwestern roads are the foundations that the lord has finally stabilized. Once the entire Black Flag Army moves to Eastern Xinjiang, the foundations must be left.  It will be lost! Therefore, the lord is worried about the Eastern Border, but he has to focus on the Central Plains. After taking the city of Chang'an, the lord can issue orders in the name of the court and call on the people to resist the foreign enemies. This is justified. " "Chang'an.  Outside the city, there are Gao Kaitai's rebels, whose strength is far inferior to that of the lord. If he goes north, Gao Kaitai will retreat. If he retreats, he will not dare to retreat to the east, but can only retreat to the northwest. What worries his subordinates is that now.  The national affairs of the Meng Yuan Dynasty have been stabilized. With Kuoketai Mengge's mind, how can he bear to watch the Central Plains becoming more and more chaotic?  This first wall will be cast by Gao Kaitai. " "If my lord secures Chang'an City, even if the foreigners come all the way, Chang'an City will be safer in my hands than in anyone else's!"  Dugu Wenxiu said so much in one breath, and after taking a deep breath, he advised: "My lord, my subordinates are not opposed to dividing the troops in Eastern Xinjiang, and Nalan Dingdong is also the most suitable candidate. But the rear defense is the top priority.  The Lord's position in Chang'an will be beneficial to both the war situation in Eastern Xinjiang and the foundation of the Black Flag Army in the southwest. There are at least 5,000 armored troops in Chang'an City, which is the best weapon to use in the battle.  The eldest princess is still here" Before he could finish his words, Fang Jie waved his hand to stop him: "I will consider the matter of marching into Chang'an City later. Now let's do the things right now. I will personally go to the Sui Army early tomorrow morning.  Camp." After saying this, Fang Jie stood up and left.  Everyone stood up, clasped their fists and saluted, and after Fang Jie left, they all looked at Dugu Wenxiu.  "Actually, my lord has not agreed to your proposal for the time being. It is not that my lord does not want to attack Chang'an City, but that it is too difficult to attack Chang'an City."Some.  " Wu Yiyi sighed: "How could Gao Kaitai retreat to the northwest so easily?  Even if he retreats to the northwest, will a person who has already rebelled once really resist the Mongol invasion with all his strength?  The Lord wants to capture the northwest first, but he is actually worried that once the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty advances eastward, foreigners will invade Eastern Xinjiang, and the Central Plains will be attacked from both sides" Dugu Wenxiu shook his head: "Why don't I understand this?  But now the soldiers are looking at their lord, waiting for him to point the direction more clearly.  We understand going to Eastern Xinjiang, but not all soldiers may understand.  Cui Zhongzhen shook his head and said: "It's true that you think comprehensively, but sometimes you get confused if you think too much If you ask the soldiers, are you willing to kill your own people or fight with foreign enemies?  In a life-and-death fight on the battlefield, I'm afraid the answer couldn't be clearer.  "But" Cui Zhongzhen said: "I also think it is best to attack Chang'an City first."  "    " Too many worries?  " Xiang Qingniu handed the jug to Fang Jie, and then stuffed a piece of braised pork into his mouth. The two of them lived on the roof of a dilapidated house, drinking wine and eating meat. The wine was aged in the south of the Yangtze River, and the meat was the signature of a century-old shop.  The aroma is overflowing and the taste is soft and fragrant. ¡°I just wonder what it would have been like if I had chosen another path.  " Fang Jie took a sip of wine and glanced westward involuntarily: "If I had not chosen the path I am taking now, but had taken my beloved woman to find a good place, it would have been much faster.  I couldn't do it before because there were too many unpredictable things.  Now, I can do it.  King Dalun Ming is dead, Luo Yao is dead, and Yang Jian is dead. I no longer have to worry about being hunted down" "But" Xiang Qingniu smiled: "When you find that you can do what you once hoped for.  By the time, I realized it was already too late.  In the past, the pressure was not knowing the right time to die, but now the pressure is that you carry the life and death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and tens of millions of people on your shoulders.  If you are just a grain of sand, you are already carrying a huge mountain on your shoulders.  " "Ask you something.  Xiang Qingniu was silent for a while and then asked: "Have you ever thought about being an emperor?"  " Fang Jie glanced at him, then nodded: "I've thought about it.  "    "Then what?  " Xiang Qingniu asked again. Fang Jie pondered for a while and then replied: "In the past, maybe you didn't understand what I said before, and it was hard for me to explain I didn't have that much understanding of the word "emperor" before. I just felt that  The highest achievement of a man is the title of emperor.  Every man has imagined what it would be like to be an emperor.  " "I haven't thought about it.  Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I really haven't thought about it, so I won't be as troubled as you."  In the past, all I thought about was to find my second senior brother, but later I thought about not letting my master die in peace.  Later, what I wanted to do was to help you bring peace to the world as soon as possible, and then I would train an apprentice to explain the matter of Qingle Mountain Yiguan.  Later, Mr. Zhuo went to Qingle Mountain, and I didn¡¯t worry about Qingle Mountain anymore.  " "Do you know what Taoist heart is?  Xiang Qingniu asked. Fang Jie shook his head. "It's just the word "clear".  Xiang Qingniu said: "People are hesitant and difficult to make decisions, just because their minds are not clear."  The so-called original intention, in the simplest terms, is what you want.  The so-called Taoist heart means knowing what you want.  The eldest brother wants too much, so his heart is not enlightened.  The second senior brother is simple, but he is not clear.  As for the third senior brother, his heart was even more noisy.  " "Master said that I have the best qualifications, but what he actually means is that I have the simplest heart.  "Xiang Qingniu said: "Only when it is simple and clear, will there be less worries.  " He looked at Fang Jie and said: "If you really have a hard time making a choice, you need to ask yourself what exactly you want, and you must not deceive yourself into giving a false answer.  If you want too much, then weigh and compare, clarify the one you want most, and the following things will not be difficult.  " "This seems to be a very superficial truth, but it is actually very profound.  Fang Jie smiled: "It's not easy for a fat man to be reasonable."  " "If I didn't eat your food and drink your food, Master Dao, I wouldn't bother to tell you this.  Xiang Qingniu wiped the corner of his mouth: "Actually, I have thought about it for you. Your problem is not difficult to solve."  You don¡¯t know what you want most, but I do.  In fact, it's extremely simple. It's just that your thinking is too complicated and you haven't found the most direct way.  " "What is it?  " Fang Jie asked. Xiang Qingniu said seriously: "What do you want most?  You may not know it yourself??, but I seem to be watching more clearly If you want this world to become your ideal world, it's that simple.  This answer encompasses all the desires in your heart.  Whether it is for one's own selfishness or for the common good of the world, this answer is enough.  " "So, this is what you want most, how can you do it?  " He asked, but he didn't need Fang Jie to answer: "It's enough to do just one thing, it's still simple and direct Be that person who makes everyone run east when you point east, and turn around immediately when you point west.  Only if you are the most powerful person in the world can you solve everything.  Make everyone obey your will, then nothing complicated, you just point in one direction.  " "Be the boss of the world.  Xiang Qingniu smiled: "When you become the biggest boss, everything you want to achieve will be much easier than what you are doing now."  " "Being the boss can do whatever you want?  " Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh: "What a fucking bachelor's idea But it does seem to make sense.  " "I am Tao Zun!  Xiang Qingniu pointed to his nose: "What I say doesn't make sense, so what everyone else says is just farts."  " "Why don't you want to be emperor?  " Fang Jie asked Xiang Qingniu. " When the emperor I have to turn over the cards every night to choose a woman to sleep with. I get a headache when I think about it There are so many beauties like flowers and jade, and I don't want to leave anyone out.  We can't all sleep togetherwhat a difficult choice.  I am a person who is willing to have both rain and dew, but cannot do so, so in the future it is better to only seek one wife, so that I don¡¯t have to choose.  " Fang Jie looked at Xiang Qingniu as if he were a monster: "I bet you have made aphrodisiacs before.  "    "fart!  Xiang Qing became excited when he heard Newton: "I'm not that dirty!"  I justread relevant books in my spare time" He asked Fang Jie: "If there is such a medicine that can make you strong forever, wouldn't you be tempted?  Fang Jie shook his head: "Does it still taste good?"  " Xiang Qingniu was stunned, and then sighed: "I really have a lot to think about"
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