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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 936: If you want it, IĄŻll give it to you

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    Chapter 936: If you want it, IĄŻll give it to you. Yang Jian was a little stupid. He knew what happened, but he was helpless.  At the moment when Da ZiZai wrapped himself in golden lotus, he must have used some secret method to escape. Da Zi Zi wanted to avoid his divine blow, but at the moment when he almost succeeded, Fang Jie  Use your own boundary to seal the Great Freedom, and the Great Freedom will not escape at all.  And Xiang Qingniu knew that it would be difficult for Fang Jie's world to trap the current Da Zizuo, so he used his Taoist heart to strengthen Fang Jie's world.  Da Zi Zai thought he had escaped far away, but he couldn't get out. Fang Jie's boundary almost stopped in place.  If Da ZiZi was on guard, he would not be attacked by Xiang Qingniu.  It was precisely because Da Zi Zi was too confident, and no one could crack the secret technique of Lotus Escape, that he was punched away by Xiang Qingniu.  Xiang Qingniu had a fight with Da ZiZai in Dalun Temple. At that time, Xiang Qingniu, who had just opened his Taoist heart, had no power to fight back against Da ZiZi.  If Yang Qi hadn't turned back to save him, Xiang Qingniu would have died in Da Zizai's hands at that time.  Today, all the anger in Xiang Qingniu's heart was vented.  He punched him one after another, all of them hitting Da ZiZi's face.  Speaking of which, Xiang Qingniu hates Da Zi's face very much. He is obviously the most vicious and cunning person, but he has such a pure and kind face. In Xiang Qingniu's opinion, there is nothing more hypocritical than this. He  It would be strange not to be angry.  "However, with Da Zizuo's cultivation, even if he is suppressed at this time, his cultivation itself is still resisting in an instant.  Even if Da Zi Zi did not react, his cultivation power was also reacting autonomously.  Every time Xiang Qingniu's fist hits, the power of cultivation in Da Zizai's body will immediately deploy defense.  Although such passive defense cannot be compared with Da Zi Zi's active use of cultivation power, it is not easy for Xiang Qingniu to kill Da Zi Zai in such a simple way.  Every time his fist fell, a transparent lotus would appear where Da ZiZi was punched, taking most of the force away from Da ZiZi. ????????????? If not, IĄŻm afraid that Da ZiZi at this time would have been beaten to a pulp by Xiang Qingniu.  "It's so damn weird!" Xiang Qingniu turned over and sat in the sky, opened his arms and punched down, each time harder than the last.  With every blow, the ground shook.  This scene is like sprinkling a layer of fine sand on a cowhide drum. If you tap the drum gently, the fine sand will bounce.  Now the ground around Xiang Qingniu is the head of the big cowhide drum. Every time he punches it, the dust and gravel on the ground will bounce up.  "Look how many flowers you still have!" "Look how many flowers you still have!" "Look how many fucking flowers you still have!" Xiang Qingniu shouted while beating him hard, venting the hatred and anger in his heart.  Xiang Qingniu has always believed that he is not a person with great enlightenment, and he does not understand why Yang Qi insisted on going west to destroy the Buddha.  But he clearly and firmly believed in one thing, that is, what his second senior brother did was right. Even if others said it was wrong and others did not understand, even if he himself did not understand, then he firmly believed that what his second senior brother did was right.  Senior brother is right.  No matter what Yang Qi does, Xiang Qingniu will never think it is wrong.  This hatred does not originate from Xiang Qingniu's own hatred for the Buddha Sect. He has no hatred for the Buddha Sect about himself. It only comes from Yang Qi. Yang Qi eventually died together with King Dalun Ming. Xiang Qingniu and others  Just donĄŻt do it!  It's impossible for him to compromise with the people of the Buddha Sect!  There is such a simple yet paranoid and strong emotion in this world, which can support the same paranoid and solid beliefs.  "Hit a flower! Master Dao, I will hit you with another flower!" Sitting on Da ZiZi, Xiang Qingniu had already smashed Da ZiZi's head deep into the ground.  At this time, Da ZiZhi's body was lying on the ground, his neck was tilted back, and his head was completely invisible.  "Knife!" Xiang Qingniu turned around and shouted.  Fang Jie pulled out the Chaolu Knife from his back and looked at the blade with a stern look. A layer of golden flames emerged from the blade. He threw the Chaolu Knife. Xiang Qingniu reached out to catch it from mid-air, holding the knife with both hands.  He raised the Chaolu knife high by the handle, and then stabbed it down hard!  "He can shed his skin!" Yang Jian subconsciously reminded: "Kill him directly, don't leave him any room." "I have calculated it." Fang Jie recalled in his mind what Wu Yiyi came back to tell him when he was tracking Da Zi Zi last time.  The details, as well as the subsequent arrangements made by the Xiao Riding School, were all synthesized by him.  Ą°After every molt of Da Zizi, there must be a period of time.?Recovery period.  Within this time, it would be difficult for him to use that weird secret technique again.  In other words, it is impossible for him to use it twice in a row.  After all, there are still some rules in this world, and weird people will not be allowed to exist.  " Fang Jie replied. Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fang Jie: "You seem to know a lot of things.  Fang Jie nodded: "I know more than you expected. I'm used to preparing before doing things."  "    "this is a good habit.  " Yang Jian didn't know why he said this, or maybe he didn't know what else he could say now. At this time, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart that he had when facing Wan Xingchen. But, this  This kind of weakness was due to Wan Xingchen's absolutely powerful cultivation, and when facing Fang Jie, it was because of Fang Jie's absolutely calm judgment. How could such a young man not be impressed by Yang Jian?  At this moment of confusion, something happened again! Bang! A loud noise came from Xiang Qingniu, and Xiang Qingniu's body was shaken into the air by a huge force.  Although the fat man was a little bloated, his reaction was superb. He twisted his body forcefully in mid-air, and then landed firmly on the ground dozens of meters away. "You guys."  You are really good at calculating!  " The sound of clicking came from the other side of the sky. It was the sound of bones rubbing together. Although it was very light, it could not be hidden from the ears of the other three people. After all, the cultivation of the three of them was enough to stand out among the heroes in today's world. " Lie down  Da Zizi, who was on the ground, raised his hands and twisted his joints at an incredible angle, reaching into the pit and pulling his head out before his face appeared in Fang Jie's sight.  At that time, even Fang Jie and the others were surprised. Xiang Qingniu's cultivation was strong enough. Can you imagine how powerful his fist was? Although he had the defense of his own cultivation, he was really comfortable at this time.  It was so miserable. His face was almost gone, and his mutilated features looked like he was wearing an extremely clumsy human skin mask, with half of it peeled off and gravel seeping into his flesh.  Inside, he looked even more ferocious. One of his eyes had been blown out by Xiang Qingniu, and the bloody eye socket looked so creepy. The other side of his face was not much better, with his originally handsome and perfect face exposed.  At this time, he looked like a rotten eggplant with seventeen or eight holes poked out by a wooden stick. However, the most disgusting thing was not his face, but his neck, which was smashed with his fist.  , also broke his neck, losing the support of the bones. His neck became as soft as noodles and could no longer support his head, so his head tilted to one side, and he held his head with both hands to straighten it several times.  He didn't come forward, and as soon as he let go, his head tilted to one side. This made Da Zizai particularly angry and angry. If an ordinary person saw him with his head hanging down, he would scream in horror, thinking that it was.  A zombie crawled out of the ground. "Fang Jieif nothing happens, this is all your plan, right?"  " Da Zizi couldn't straighten his head, and reluctantly gave up the idea. One of his eyes was broken, and he was obviously not used to seeing the world with only one eye. " I don't know if his vocal cords were also damaged or something.  , his voice became hoarse and unpleasant. "It's really good You have too many calculations. When you knew that Yang Jian left me by your side, did you already think that Yang Jian would look for you sooner or later.  Join forces to get rid of me?  And when you think of this, start preparing for today" The one-eyed Da Zi looked at Fang Jie sinisterly: "You know that people in the Buddhist sect know the secret method of lotus and can escape.  So you deliberately didn't take action, you just waited, forcing Yang Jian to use the strongest blow, and then you used that shapeless world to trap me I have to say, this plan is indeed good and seamless.  " "If I had known there would be such trouble today, I might as well have killed you two that day But speaking of which, I also underestimated you that day.  " Da Zizi's tone was filled with anger and regret. Now he really regretted not killing Fang Jie that day. He suppressed some cultivations that day and had a decisive battle with Fang Jie and Xiang Qingniu. The first purpose was naturally to improve his cultivation.  , because he has to face Yang Jian next, and he already knows that Yang Jian has Wan Xingchen's average cultivation level and even Luo Yao can't beat him, how could Da Zizai not be more prepared?nbsp;He really underestimated Fang Jie and Xiang Qingniu and suppressed their cultivation a little too much, so that he really fought to the death of both sides that day and had no energy left to kill Fang Jie and Xiang Qingniu.  Today, these two people made him suffer a lot.  He doesnĄŻt need a mirror to know how miserable he looks now.  How could he, who valued appearance the most, endure it?  Fang Jie met a Buddhist monk named Chenya in Chang'an City who had been looking for the dust in his heart.  Chen Ya knew that there was a speck of dust in his heart that was hindering his practice, so he wanted to find that speck of dust and sweep it away.  Even in the end, Chen Ya was not quite sure what the speck of dust in his heart was.  Fang Jie suddenly thought of Chen Ya, so he couldn't help but sigh slightly when he looked at Da Zi Zi in front of him.  The speck of dust in Da Zi ZaiĄŻs heart is exactly what he looks like.  "I admire you!" Da Zizi said these two words through gritted teeth. The resentment and anger in them made people shudder.  "It's a pityyou calculated everything, but you missed one thing after all." Da Zizai smiled ferociously, and he could still smile.  "My greatest reliance has never been on the lotus, whether it's white lotus or golden lotus it's not, but the terrain. What do practitioners need most? The vitality of heaven and earth What practitioners in this world actually cultivate is not the vitality of heaven and earth at all.  , but the vitality of heaven, the earth is the sky What you are using is the vitality of heaven, and I am cultivating the vitality of earth Xiang Qingniu, you really shouldn't beat me like this.  He was cruel and smashed me into the ground. "Although Da Zizi was broken, Fang Jie and the others could still feel the pride on his face: "As long as my body is still on the ground, then I will never loseever.  No!" Da ZiZhi almost roared out this sentence, and then began to rush forward.  The way he ran was particularly weird, with his drooping broken head shaking back and forth as he walked.  "Even if you die!" Da ZiZhou roared: "I will pull you with me!" As he ran, his belly began to bulge rapidly.  It's not that Fang Jie has never seen this scene before. He once faced the power of a cultivator's self-destruction.  And how terrible would it be for a person like Da Zizai to blow himself up?  "Yes." Fang Jie suddenly smiled: "What you are cultivating is not the Heavenly Yuan Qi, but the Earth Yuan QiI know it from the beginning to the end, sohow could you forget it?" After hearing this, Da Ziyi moved forward.  His running steps suddenly froze.  Before he could react, a hole suddenly opened in his lower abdomen, and a golden flame burned out from his lower abdomen and quickly spread to his whole body. After a while, Da Zi Zai was swallowed up by the golden fire.  "Actually you missed one thing." Fang Jie shook his head: "You clearly know that I have the power of the seven meridians, and you know that there is invisible power in the seven meridians Why don't you be careful? The earth is here  Your feet are also under my feet, but this is still in my realm The terrain you want to borrow is also the terrain in my realm. If you want I will give you more!" Following his words!  At the end, the fire in Da Zi Zai suddenly became fierce!  The fire was burning, and there was a person wailing sadly inside.
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