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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 923 Should You Exist?

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    Chapter 923: Should you exist?  While Fang Jie was talking to Yang Jian by the river, many things were happening elsewhere.  There is fighting in Eastern Xinjiang, and there is blood on the coastline.  There is a fight in Chang'an, and there is blood under the city wall.  Meng Yuan The man in white walked slowly, and the person disappeared between steps.  When we saw each other again, we were far away.  However, when we met again, it was no longer the same person who saw him before.  From the Central Plains to the grassland, he didn't walk long.  When the sun rose, he walked to Camel City.  When the sun set, he walked to the royal court.  When the sun rose again, he was already at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.  "I don't know how long it has been since he slept. Maybe he no longer needs sleep.  But his face was full of exhaustion. Even for a person like him, staying awake for so many days didn't seem to have any impact.  He was just a little anxious and wanted to see what was changing the world.  "If he discovers the truth, then the cultivation began to appear more than a thousand years ago, which can be explained.  ¡°Perhaps no one in this world wants to know the truth more urgently than him.  He has reached such a high place, and what he sees is far beyond what ordinary people see.  The longer he lives, the more he feels that there is something in this world that affects people's direction.  He has done a lot of things over the years, and everything is just for one goal.  Find this thing that controls the world and see what it is.  When he knew that Great Freedom came from the west, he suddenly thought of something and understood something.  So he came, he had to come.  He walked in a hurry, and his heart was even more anxious.  There was always an idea popping up in his mind along the way, and even if he didn't want to think about it, he couldn't suppress it.  He thought he might die.  He has been pursuing the truth, but he suddenly thought, if the truth comes, will he die?  When he reached the foot of the Snow Mountain, he raised his head and looked at the towering building halfway up the mountain.  Dalun Temple The man in white asked himself, are you afraid of death?  If you're afraid of death, it's probably not too late to turn around and leave now.  If you are not afraid of death, then don¡¯t hesitate to walk up that mountain.  Then he was a little surprised to find that he was still afraid of death.  Sohe stepped up the stone steps.  It turns out that fear of death does not mean retreating.  As if knowing that he was coming, the bells in Dalun Temple rang, which had not sounded for a long, long time.  On the snow-capped mountains that never melt all year round, it seems that they only become popular when I think of the bell.  The man in white walked and listened to the bell, as if there was something obscure in it.  No matter it is winter, summer, spring or autumn, the only color above the halfway point of the Snowy Mountains is white.  In the past, when the incense in Dalun Temple was at its peak, yellow monk robes and red cassocks were dotted on the white.  After the Meng Yuan Golden Family destroyed the Buddha, although Dalun Temple has not yet fallen, the war seems to have taken away the little vitality here.  Dalun Temple is built on the rocks. Whether you look at it from a distance or up close, the construction of this temple can be called a miraculous workmanship. It seems that only gods can make such works of art From a distance, the whole temple looks like  It is carved without any trace of human nature.  This time the man in white did not go very far in an instant like before, but climbed up step by step.  At this point, he didn't want to waste any more energy.  This is a very wonderful and strange place. This place has had the supreme status for a thousand years.  When ordinary people walk up the mountain, they will have the urge to kneel down and kowtow.  But the man in white suddenly wanted to demolish this place, completely and completely.  Then he thought of Yang Qi, the man who was very young compared to him but seemed to see things more clearly than he did.  The man in white suddenly thought that Yang Qi had seen through something earlier than him, so that he was so paranoid that he wanted to kill King Dalun Ming and destroy the temple.  Whether it is or not.  The man in white knew that he was on the same path as Yang Qi.  When the mountain gate opened, hundreds of monks walked out slowly, with their hands clasped together as they walked.  After they came out, they stood silently on both sides, seemingly welcoming the arrival of the man in white with the most solemn etiquette.  But there was no expression on their faces, neither joy nor disgust.     Nothing at all.  The man in white knows that these monks are called golden monk soldiers and are said to be immortal.  ¡°It¡¯s useless,¡± the man in white murmured, then raised his hand and spread it forward, his movements so natural and ordinary.  Just like a farmer spreading seeds in the field,?, just like a peasant woman feeding chickens sprinkles chicken food.  But such a simple and ordinary act makes people feel like the gods are casting a spell. What is scattered casually is not seeds or chicken food, but divine brilliance.  He stretched out his hand and sprinkled it forward.  Those hundreds of golden monk soldiers died.  So easy.  The golden monk soldiers were not living people in the first place. They may have died a long time ago, but their bodies did not find peace. Instead, they were made into one of the most powerful weapons of the Buddha Sect.  This time, they were not really dead, they were completely dead.  Following the movement of the man in white, the heads of the two golden monk soldiers closest to him exploded. This was just the beginning. Like dominoes, the heads exploded sequentially from near to far, until they exploded to the maximum size.  The gate of Lun Temple.  If you can ignore the fact that what exploded was a human head, you can also imagine this scene as a welcoming firecracker.  It¡¯s just that these firecrackers are a bit expensive to make.  There are hundreds of golden monk soldiers who are called immortal.  They all died like this These hundreds of golden monk soldiers were the remnants of the Meng Yuan war to destroy the Buddha, and most of them were destroyed in that war.  You must know how many practitioners the Mongolian Yuan Great Khan Kuoketai Mengge gathered in order to eradicate these golden monk soldiers.  Today, in the eyes of the man in white, those golden monk soldiers were like beautiful-looking porcelain that would break into pieces with a single strike.  No, these golden monk soldiers don¡¯t look pretty either.  Ugly porcelain.  The man in white stepped on the debris on the ground and walked to the entrance of Dalun Temple, but there was no dirt on his feet.  The door is open and no one is blocking it.  He walked in.  So I saw a great freedom.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Isn¡¯t the Great Freedom in the Central Plains?  Wasn't he beside Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty?  Why are you in Dalun Temple?  Could it be that he was actually much faster than the man in white?  Latest arrival but first arrival?  If so, how terrible is freedom?  The man in white didn't think there was anything scary, he just nodded in relief and thoughtfully.  "There is indeed one here." He said.  This is a spotless Da Zi in white monk robes, exactly the same as the Da Zi in purple brocade robes next to Yang Jian.  She has a face that is even more perfect than a stunning woman, and has a pure and flawless temperament like a lotus flower.  Of course, there are also shocking cultivation levels.  But the person walking across from Da Zi Zi was not Fang Jie, Xiang Qingniu, or Yang Jian, but a man in white.  In Tonggu Academy, there are so many perverted characters who are not convinced by each other. The reason why such a group of people can gather and discuss some matters peacefully is because they are all afraid of this man in white, although those in Tonggu Academy are almost  Haven't seen him yet.  "Someone asked me to tell you that you shouldn't come." Da Zizi clasped his hands together, nodded slightly and saluted the man in white before saying.  "Is there someone?" The man in white smiled, with some disdain in his smile: "Are you really a human?" Da Zizai also smiled, seeming to be amused by the man in white's rhetorical question: "So you are a human  "The man in white actually nodded seriously: "I am a human being." Da Zizi shook his head seriously: "You are not a human being It is impossible for a person to live for a thousand years. In the eyes of ordinary people, even if  You only show one-tenth of your cultivation, and they will kneel down and kowtow sincerely, treating you as a god. Why do you still say that you are a human being when you are already a god?¡± The man in white replied: ¡°Because?  People are good, God is bad. " This kind of dialogue seems a bit meaningless, just like two children discussing something, one agrees and the other disagrees, both stubbornly believe that they are right, but no one can say anything.  Make sense.  You say man is good, but he says God is good. Why is it good?  No matter what, it¡¯s what I think is right anyway.  "If someone else says that people are good and gods are bad, then I will definitely say that he is an idiot." Da Zizai said: "But it is you who said this, so I can't say that you are an idiot. It's not because you have extraordinary wisdom.  , It¡¯s not because you are older than Dalun Mingwang, it¡¯s because I can¡¯t beat you.¡± ¡°Is Da Zi Zi the same as Da Zi Zai?¡± The man in white suddenly asked.  Da ZiZai was silent for a while, then shook his head: "Someone told me that there are no two identical leaves in the world. Even if they look exactly the same on the surface, if you look closely, you will find some differences in the veins.  Leaves are different from leaves, so, ?There is also a difference between freedom and freedom.  " "What's the difference?  "The man in white asked again. After thinking about it for a while, Da Zizi replied: "I am smarter.  " The man in white couldn't help but laugh: "You are really a cute person.  " Da Zi Zai asked: "So you won't kill me, right?  " "That's wrong.  The man in white shook his head: "How could I not kill you?"  I killed the hundreds of golden-bodied monks and soldiers at the gate of Dalun Temple because the so-called god you mentioned wanted to tell me that there can be things that don't exist.  The golden monk soldier was something that shouldn't have appeared in the first place, but he made it appear.  Then I killed those golden-bodied monk soldiers because I wanted to tell him If he doesn't have it, he can have it without it.  He pointed at Da Zi Zi and said, "You are something you shouldn't have, so you don't have to have it."  " Da ZiZhi's expression changed and he wanted to retreat. " But he couldn't retreat because his reaction and cultivation were too far behind the man in white. Before he could move his feet, his head  It exploded. Just like the golden monk soldiers outside the temple, when it exploded, it was like inserting a firecracker into the watermelon and then lighting it. Da Zi continued to move forward, turned around a small door and walked through a path on both sides.  It's a high-walled path, and then you go under the hanging hall. From here, you can walk up the stone steps inlaid on the cliff and enter the place where Dalun Temple really represents its status, Mingwang Hall. But it's on these hanging stone steps.  Below. The man in white saw another one. So the man in white frowned and said two words in a low voice: "It's so annoying."  " He raised his hand, and Da Zizai, who was standing opposite him, waved his hand quickly: "I have one more question. After I ask it, can you kill me again?  " The man in white was silent for a while and then said: "I don't think the question you asked is a good question but I will give you this opportunity to ask.  " "You just said" Da Zizai said: "Just now you told me that those golden monk soldiers outside are trying to tell you that things that shouldn't exist can still exist.  When you killed me, you said that even if something should not exist, it can be changed back into non-existence Then I want to ask you, are you supposed to exist?  "The expression of the man in white clothes was obviously a little stiff. A very confused thing gradually came out of his eyes, filling his eyes. This sentence seemed to touch the most vulnerable place in the heart of the man in white clothes, and hit it with one blow. "  Should I exist?  "The man in white waved his hand, and the head of the man in front of him was exploded. "So, I need to go up and ask.  "The man in white stepped over Da Zizuo's body and slowly climbed up the suspended stone steps. The Mingwang Palace is in the clouds.
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