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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 917 Thank you for your tolerance

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    Chapter 917 Thank you for your tolerance. The first battle of the foreign attack on Penglai Island was retreated by the Han people with cheers. Although the battle was not very long, the brutality will make everyone who has experienced it personally never forget it in their lifetime.  forget.  There were layers of corpses on the beach. The Opulu Empire army, which had the upper hand with firearms, did not occupy the island as easily as expected. They saw the decisive fighting spirit and unyielding fighting spirit of the Han people.  When the enemy fled, Yan Li couldn't help but fall to the ground.  He kept looking at the one-armed man, the rich young man who grew up in fine clothes and fine food. In this battle, what Mu Xianjun showed shocked people.  Yan Li never thought that Mu Xianjun would fight so hard on the battlefield.  Fight for your life.  The moment he saw the bright and bright smile on Mu Xianjun's face, he suddenly felt that he should congratulate Mu Xianjun.  At this time, Yan Li only had one feeling in his heart The young master has come out.  Mu Xianjun sat down next to Yan Li, feeling a little tired.  He looked sideways at his empty sleeve, his eyes no longer as depressed and sad as before. Yan Li understood Mu Xianjun's eyes, so he couldn't help laughing.  He laughed, and Mu Xianjun also laughed.  "Young Masteryou are different today than before!" Yan Li said with a smile.  Mu Xianjun hummed, unable to conceal his joy.  "If there is a devil in everyone's heart, it will restrain everyone from taking that crucial step.  The demons in some people's hearts are innate, perhaps due to innate fear, innate cowardice, or innate laziness.  Some people have their inner demons given to them by others, for example they gave Mu Xianjun the solution to his inner demons.  That broken arm has always been a hurdle that Mu Xianjun couldn't get around after Fang Jie left. He was depressed and worried all day long. He knew that something was wrong with him, but the inner demon was there.  The man named Fang Jie was better than him, more decisive than him, and more powerful than him.  Whenever he saw his bare shoulders, especially when taking a shower, Mu Xianjun even had the idea of ????ending his own life many times.  He felt that no matter what he did in the future, he would never succeed.  But today, on the battlefield, Mu Xianjun found himself.  I have found my once proud and domineering self.  "Perhaps, this is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life." Mu Xianjun patted Yan Li on the shoulder: "Fight side by side with you." Yan Li could feel Mu Xianjun's change, the change was so obvious.  He lay back on the bloody beach, looked at the azure white clouds, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you will hate me, young master. In fact, before today, I really didn't want to be your companion on the battlefield. A man in  If you scheming for too long, you will become cowardly and afraid to face the danger directly. What is needed on the battlefield is a straightforward man, not a smart person" "It seems that I am stupid." Mu Xianjun smiled.  Nor was he angry at Yan Li's blunt words.  "Young Master, I admire you!" Yan Li turned to look at Mu Xianjun: "If I had gone through what you have gone through, maybe I wouldn't be able to get out. You are the most admirable warrior on the battlefield today.  "If it weren't for you, today's battle would have been much more difficult." "Because my surname is Mu." Mu Xianjun also lay down, ignoring that his white clothes were stained. In fact, his white clothes were also stained.  He was already completely dirty. On the Super battleship, he was almost sent to the bottom of the sea by gunfire.  "Perhaps I didn't understand the most important thing about the surname Mu before, so I took many wrong paths. But today, I finally understand what my father's belief is that has supported Dongjiang for so many years. I also suddenly understand why  When I faced Fang Jie, I felt so unbearable. When I saw Fang Jie, I felt that I was inferior to him in every aspect, so I began to hate him. I always thought that I could only break the demon by killing him, especially if I killed him.  It was after he broke off my arm" He smiled: "Perhaps, I should be grateful to Fang Jie for cutting off my arm." Yan Li said: "Broken and then built, a desperate situation Don't hate me, young master.  He?" "Don't hate me?" Mu Xianjun laughed: "How can I not hate him? If we meet again, I will definitely avenge my broken arm. But I have now understood that even if I resist, I must admit it.  It's really not as good as him. In the past, it wasn't hatred at all, but jealousy. Jealousy can make a person lose his mind, which is more serious than hatred. Hatred can make people lose their mind, and it can also make people become more conscious. " Yan Li couldn't help but wave.  A fist pump: "??That's the man!  " Mu Xianjun rested his head on his one arm: "I have found myselfit feels so good.  "     Since the afternoon, reinforcements from the Mu Mansion have planned to cross over to support Penglai Island, but there is no doubt that the people of the Opulu Empire have an unshakable dominance on the sea. The fleet of the Mu Mansion is more powerful than the foreigners.  It appears vulnerable in front of the artillery. No matter whether it is a large ship or a small ship, it cannot pass through the sea route blocked by the Imperial Navy. In other words, in the next few days, maybe until everyone is killed, Mu Mansion on Penglai Island.  Soldiers and fishermen who volunteered to fight could only fight alone. ¡°We must share the pressure of our brothers on the island!  " Mu Mansion General Mo Leiting's eyes were red. After several attempts, he could not penetrate the blockade of the Opuru Empire Navy. He was as anxious as if his heart was on fire. But it was useless for him to be anxious. With Mu Mansion's ship  "How long can the supplies on the island be sustained?"  "Mo Leiting asked. His men replied with an ugly expression: "We were in a hurry when we got to the island. The foreigners arrived before the follow-up supplies could be sent over. If we save morethe five thousand soldiers on the island can support half of the island.  moon.  However, if the enemy attacks with all its strength, the people on the island may not be able to hold on for fifteen days" "Bang!" Mo Leiting punched the big tree next to him: "If something happens to the young master, how can I and the young master be together?  explain!  " He was silent for a while and then gritted his teeth: "Attack!  Attack forward regardless of the cost, and bring the young master back from Penglai Island no matter what!  Even if the young master had good cultivation, he would not be able to cross such a long sea area.  Tell the people below that I will personally lead the team to charge again later!  " As soon as he finished speaking, a horse galloped in the distance. " Military order from the Duke of Guo!  " The messenger rode up to Mo Tingting. Without dismounting, he shouted loudly: "The Duke has arrived less than fifty miles away from here and already knows about the war on Penglai Island.  The Duke of Guo has issued a strict order that no one is allowed to lead troops to forcefully attack the foreign blockade before his arrival!  Everyone is guarding the coast to prevent foreigners from attacking in the east!  "    "But!  " Mo Leiting said excitedly: "What if something happens to the young master!  " The expression of the messenger visibly stiffened, and after a while he said: "The Duke said Mu Xianjun is his son and a man from Eastern Xinjiang.  Now that they are on the battlefield, the Mu family members are the same as the soldiers and have no qualifications to enjoy privileges.  To save Mu Xianjun and risk the lives of more soldiers The Duke said he couldn't do it!  "After saying this, the messenger didn't seem to want to say anything more. He turned around and rode back to resume his life. "Alas!  " Mo Leiting stamped his feet, looking so weak. The foreigners' second offensive came soon. But the people on land could only watch Penglai Island from a distance, but could do nothing. The foreigners were coming very quickly.  It was faster than they imagined, so that they were trapped before all the backup supplies were delivered to Penglai Island. Hullens asked someone to move a chair to the bow of the ship. He sat down and swayed slightly with a glass of red wine.  . The sun on the sea in the afternoon is extremely strong, and it is difficult for young people to bear the exposure. But for an elderly person like him, the sun seems to give him warmth more than anything else. This is what makes him angry.  When summer comes, young and strong men have put on unlined clothes and even bare their upper bodies to relieve the heat. But even in this season, he used to smile proudly on the waves with cotton cloth wrapped around his knees.  He once went crazy on the battlefield, but as he got older, he could only succumb to the sea breeze and humid climate that he despised on the battlefield. "Grand Duke" Lapis looked at the flames rising again on the island and couldn't help it.  Shaking his head: "I don't think Lei Ze can do anything good to deal with those Han people. In fact, Super has done everything he can.  Even I was a little surprised, how could those backward Han people not tremble under the power of artillery, but become high-spirited to fight.  " "This island is very important.  Hullens said casually: "I don't think it's a loss if I sacrificed Super's life in order to seize this island."  But this island is not necessary. When the losses exceed the benefits, giving up will follow.  Let Lei Ze fight as hard as he can With the order, the fleet approached the coast.  "    "ah?  ¡± Rabbi Si was surprised: ¡°Attacking the coast directly?  There may have been more Han troops gathered there.  And when we got to the shore, it was so open that although the Han peopleThe lagging trebuchets and ballistae will exert greater power.  "No" Hullens shook his head: "Didn't you notice? Labis Han reinforcements have attacked the blockade again and again. What does this mean?"  Is it just that they have high morale?  If you think this way, you are wrong In my opinion, in addition to their fighting spirit, there is another factor for the Han people to desperately want to support Penglai Island, and that is there is one of them on the island.  Someone who must be saved.  " Rabbi Si was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what Hullens meant. Hullens looked at Penglai Island: "Let Lei Ze fight, and you will lead people to support it. No ships are allowed to come out of the island.  I'll go to the coast to see for myself, maybe I'll find something big.  When I saw the owner of Mu Mansion appear on the coast, maybe the answer came.  " He stretched out and said, "War always relies on more than just courage.  Wisdomwisdom is the most important thing.  "    Mu Ping Yang Shunhui smashed the coffee table next to him with a bang: "How dare you!  " The foreigner standing in front of him smiled slightly, as if he was not surprised at all by Yang Shunhui's anger, nor was he worried at all. As the special envoy of the Emperor of the Opuru Empire, this foreigner named Dege was covered in anger.  There is a sense of confidence and pride. ¡°I¡¯m not here to see you lose your temper, nor am I here to discuss anything with you.  " He looked at Yang Shunhui and smiled and said: "I'm just here to inform you that the imperial navy has begun to attack. If you feel that you are still qualified to fight for the Han people, I don't mind if the next time we meet is on the battlefield.  But General Do you think you are still qualified to fight for something?  Military dignity?  The dignity of the Han people?  Ohmy Godthese things have already slipped away when you collected the boxes of gold, haven't they?  " "Besides, there's nothing you can do to stop it.  " Dege raised the corner of his lips: "In addition to informing you this time, I also want to thank you.  Because of your tolerance and hospitality, our warriors from the Opuru Empire have sneaked in in batches these days. As for where they are?  If you can still keep a general awake, you won't be able to guess.  " "Goodbye" He waved his hand politely: "I hope you can appear at the welcome dinner for the great Emperor Lyman to come to this land. I also hope that you can kneel down on one knee and accept the gift of Emperor Lyman.  " Yang Shunhui's face was as white as paper. At this moment he finally knew what mistake he had made. But, is there any room for regret?
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