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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 911 Already Blurred Appearance

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    Chapter 911 Already Blurred Appearance When the eldest princess Yang Qinyan heard cheers from time to time outside, she thought the Black Flag Army had won another big battle.  But then I thought about it, I haven't heard of any recent actions by the Black Flag Army. He lives halfway up the mountain, and he hasn't seen any troop movements in the camp below.  The little maid serving outside was changed after arriving at Zhuque Mountain, and all the servants we found on Yunnan Road were put back.  "Min'er" Yang Qinyan called out: "What happened outside? Why are there still people beating gongs and drums?" "Your Highness" Min'er, who was only fifteen years old, floated in from the outside like a butterfly, without saying anything.  Xian smiled, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon: "The Duke has got a daughter, and people rushed over to congratulate him after they found out. It's very lively outside now, I heard that the Duke is hosting a wedding banquet tonight." "  This is really a happy event" Yang Qinyan suddenly felt something strange in her heart, but she couldn't tell what it was.  She felt that she should hate Fang Jie, but she was really happy when she heard the news.  So she was stunned and didn't understand why she would be happy about other people's happy events.  Especially, Fang Jie's Seeing some changes in her face, Min'er also stopped laughing: "What's wrong, Your Highness? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" "No" Yang Qinyan shook her head.  "Min'er" She glanced at Min'er but hesitated to speak.  Min'er went over to help her sit down on the chair and poured a glass of water for her: "If your Highness needs anything, just give it to him directly. Min'er is stupid and can't guess His Highness's thoughts, but his hands and feet are still diligent. If anything happens to Your Highness,  Just say it. Although Min'er comes from a peasant family and is rough, I will do my best. The Duke of Guo has told me not to make your life miserable in Zhuque Mountain and to make you laugh more. " "  Hereally said that?" Yang Qinyan asked subconsciously.  "Yes!" Min'er nodded vigorously: "Your Highness, you don't know that the Duke often comes to our place. He is just afraid of disturbing His Highness's rest. He always goes to the door to ask about you, and then says a few words before leaving. As long as  Mr. Guo is in the camp, and he comes back every now and then, bringing some pastries or fresh fruits. Last time I mentioned to Mr. Guo that your highness likes to eat sesame cakes, and there are always people bringing them over these days.  My father-in-law told me not to tell you, but I don¡¯t understand why I wasn¡¯t allowed to tell you" Yang Qinyan suddenly felt her nose was a little sore, and then blamed herself for why she was grateful to that man.  Didn't he say that he was not important?  Didn¡¯t he say that he didn¡¯t even have the intention to use his own mind?  Since it wasn't important, why did he go to all the trouble to save himself?  And why are you so concerned?  "Youall respect Duke Zhen, right?" she asked.  "That's natural." Min'er said with a smile: "Without the Duke of the State, how could we ordinary people live such a comfortable life? The Duke of the State divided the fields, and the common people had their own fields.  Most of it is still in his own hands, and he has a surplus every year. In the past, he had to live frugally while farming for other people. Now, whose life is not prosperous? " "He is so kind to you."  Qinyan sighed slightly.  "Master Guo is good to everyone." Min'er said seriously: "Who in the entire camp has not received favors from Duke Guo? Duke Guo is cruel to the enemy. That's because the enemy always wants to destroy us.  It¡¯s a hard-earned good life. The Duke of Guo said that anyone who can¡¯t get along with the common people is his enemy.¡± ¡°Min¡¯er has never seen much of the world, and he has never seen any big shots except the Black Flag Army.  In the past, let alone the Duke, how could a county magistrate be so close to the people? I have never heard of any dynasty where the Duke cared so much for the people and did not regard himself as a big shot.  When we were in the camp, we always ate at whichever restaurant we had. We never disliked anything, and we didn¡¯t pick and choose what we had.¡± ¡°You admire him very much?¡± Yang Qinyan asked.  .  Min'er blushed, lowered her head and looked at her toes: "How can there be" Yang Qinyan smiled, unbuttoned the opening of her clothes, took out a small bag of tips that was placed close to her body, opened it and took out the  He took out a drop-shaped jade pendant, which was crystal clear and said: "Give this to Sang Sa Sa and say it is a gift from me to the child. I didn't bring anything with me when I came out of the palace. This was handmade by my father when I was a child.  You gave it to me" "Huh?"   Min'er was surprised: "Such a precious thing" Yang Qinyan shook her head: "As long as the thing is not valuable compared to people, I am the eldest princess of the Sui Dynasty. I should give it to the Duke of Zhen when he is so happy.  These gifts are a bit shabby to me. It¡¯s a pity that this is not in the palace, and I don¡¯t have anything to bring.¡± ¡°Okay.¡± Min¡¯er took the jade pendant and said, ¡°I¡¯ll send it over right away.¡±  Walking out, he was suddenly stunned: "Miss Xi when did you come?" "I just came, and I came in when I saw the door open." I don't know when, Xi Zhuxin was standing in the yard.  .  She seemed a little absent-minded, looked at Yang Qinyan carefully, hesitated for a while and said: "Go and do your work, I just came to talk to Her Highness the Princess." "Then the relationship is good." Min'er went over and took a breath.  Zhuwick's hand came in: "There are not many people in this courtyard on weekdays, but it is deserted. It is rare for someone to come and talk to His Highness. Miss Xi, please sit down first, and I will make tea." "You go and deliver the things first.  " Xi Zhuxin looked at the jade pendant in Min'er's hand. After being silent for a while, he took a jade pendant from his neck and handed it to Min'er: "Help me, I'll also give you a gift. " Min'er looked at that.  Yuzhui glanced at it, and then was stunned: "How could it be exactly the same?" Hearing this sentence, Yang Qinyan's face suddenly changed. She walked a few steps quickly to Min'er and looked down at the two pieces.  She was equally astonished and opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.  "No need to look, they are exactly the same. There were originally two of these things, made by the late emperor himself" Xi Zhuxin walked into the house slowly, and Yang Qinyan followed her in mechanically.  It seemed as if she was the guest here and Xi Candlewick was the owner.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡°You¡­ are the person Fang explained?¡± Yang Qinyan looked at Xi Zhuxin in silence for a while before asking.  She didn't know why, but she was suddenly afraid of asking this question and what kind of answer she would get from Xi Zhuxin's mouth.  At this moment, she particularly regretted asking.  Although, she still wasn't sure why she was so scared.  "What did Fang explain?" Xi Zhuxin asked.  "Fang Jie explainedI am not the only bloodline of the Yang family in the Sui Dynasty." Yang Qinyan replied.  "Maybe." Xi Zhuxin smiled and didn't seem to care about Yang Qinyan's worries: "This jade pendant was indeed strung by the late emperor himself, but I am not his daughter, so you can rest assured. I have also heard that this is the case.  The late emperor made two jade pendants with his own hands, one for you and one for Prince Zhong Yang Qi. " Yang Qinyan felt that her mind was confused, and she only caught a clue: "You are Prince Zhong.  "Human? Why did he give this jade pendant to you?" Xi Zhuxin didn't want to answer her question: "I just happened to pass by and saw the door open, and I thought that you are nothing like me.  People can talk more. He walked in unexpectedly, so I didn't have any purpose, so you don't have to be so alert." Yang Qinyan felt that her palms were sweating when she heard Xi Zhuxin said about her.  Yang Qinyan was obviously relieved after she was no longer the late emperor's child.  "Prince Zhong and Aunt Xi are very close. You are Aunt Xi's daughter. Prince Zhong must have given this jade pendant to Aunt Xi, and Aunt Xi gave it to you, right?" Yang Qinyan asked.  "That's rightbut I'm not her daughter." Xi Zhuxin said lightly, and then stopped continuing the topic: "His Royal Highness escaped from Chang'an City in order to revive the Sui Dynasty. But when the Black Flag Army arrived,  Later I realized that it was completely different from what I imagined, right?" Yang Qinyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded.  She didn't know why, but she felt a little close to Xi Zhuxin when she saw it.  "Yeahit's really different from what I imagined. When I left Chang'an, I asked myself, do you have the courage, ability and perseverance to do this? In other words, can you be ruthless? I know  If a person wants to achieve great things, he must first be ruthless." She laughed to herself: "Obviously, I overestimated myself." "Do you hate Fang Jie?" Xi Zhuxin asked her.  "Hate?" Yang Qinyan answered uncertainly, then shook her head: "I always thought I would hate him, hate that he was not a loyal Sui court official, hate that he did not have the heart to serve the country and be loyal to the Yang family.  . But just now I heard Min'er talking about himThere are so many benefits to his surname, but I don't know if I should hate him.  " "If he really took advantage of you, maybe you would really hate him, right?  " After Xi Zhuxin said this, she suddenly thought of herself. She seemed to have always felt that she should hate Yang Qi, very much. Even when Yang Qi occasionally appeared in the Red Sleeve Moves over the years, she chose to avoid it.  Missing. Because she still can¡¯t understand and let go of why Yang Qi left her alone after being separated for many years. ¡°Perhaps men and women really don¡¯t care.  Same thing, right?  " Yang Qinyan was silent for a while and then said: "I think I hate Fang Jie because Fang Jie didn't help me restore the Sui River and Mountains.  But think about it, why would he help me unconditionally?  Just because he was once a minister of the Sui Dynasty?  There were tens of millions of officials in the Sui Dynasty, why did I only hate him?  If my brother came out of Chang'an, he would definitely not be like this.  He would urge Fang Jie to march into the army instead of hiding in the house to avoid everything.  " "I once thought" Xi Zhuxin lowered his head and looked at his hands: "I can live a good life by myself without relying on any man.  "    "What now?  " Yang Qinyan asked. "Now?  Xi Zhuxin glanced at her, stood up and prepared to leave: "Why live for others?"  Whether I hate him or miss him, he is dead after all.  What can I do if I am still angry and hateful?  If I lose my temper, he will come alive and teach me a lesson, but it's a pity So, now I just want to live well, and I have almost forgotten the previous sentence.  "The previous sentence is, don't rely on any man. When Xi Zhuxin walked to the door, he turned around and smiled, a little bitterly: "It took me so long to finally distinguish two things It's a pity that it's too late.  If I could understand it so early, I wouldn't avoid it forever.  Sometimes we think it's hate but it's not, it's just resentment.  Yang Qinyan was stunned and repeated in a low voice: "It's not hate, it's just resentment?"  "Xi Zhuxin said nothing more, smiled at her, and then left the yard. She really wanted to find someone to talk to. She was wrong The mistake was that she missed the few times she could see Yang Qi.  Opportunity, it is no longer possible to have such an opportunity. When he was just sensible, he gave himself to Xi Huamei instead of staying in the Chang'an City Palace. At first, she always thought, if he had left her.  If he had stayed in the palace, the late emperor would have taken good care of him based on his feelings for Yang Qi. But his choice was to leave her to a confidante. When he grew up, Xi Zhuxin suddenly understood how could it be possible.  A father who doesn't care about his daughter? What he's afraid of is that once he leaves Chang'an City, he will be taken into hell by countless dangers. When she went out, she looked towards Sang Sasha's yard and saw Fang Sasha.  Jie stood at the door with fists in his hands and thanked the congratulatory crowd. "Love your daughter. It's best not to let her forget what her father looks like That will be very painful" Xi Zhuxin whispered to himself: "I seem to have.  It's already a little blurry.  "
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