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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 899: Controlling Killing and Burying

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    Chapter 899: Killing, Burying It took sixteen days for Fang Jie and Xiang Qingniu to rush back to Zhuqueshan Camp from North Jiangsu Road.  The two traveled lightly, and except for half a day in Pinggu County, they basically didn't waste a minute more.  Xiang Qingniu seemed to be more anxious than Fang Jie, but Xiang Qingniu knew very well that no one was more anxious than Fang Jie.  When Fang Jie opened the door of Sang Sa Sa's room in the dusty world, Sang Sa Sa was lying on the recliner by the window, looking at him and smiling. Her belly was already very big, and she calculated that there were only about ten days left.  She didn't get up, she was still lying there, but the joy in her eyes was clearer than anything else.  "I knew it as soon as you entered the camp" Sang Sasha said with a smile: "But I don't want to get up. Can I be lazy?" "How can this be laziness?" Fang Jie walked over and stood in front of Sang Sasa.  He knelt down next to her and put his face against her belly: "Now that my belly is so big, I can think of your hard work. To be honest, I haven't taken care of you much since you became pregnant. Not all day long.  You are busy with these things, and you have always taken care of yourself." "How could it be?" Sang Sasa gently stroked Fang Jie's hair: "When you were not at home, you were accompanied by Sister Shen, Sister Mu and others.  While I'm away, I still have Yinyu with me. You don't know, they are even more nervous than me. Even if the walk is longer, they will be worried." "What about them?" Fang Jie asked.  "I knew you would come see me first when you came back, so you all went back. They were still in my room before Yinyu made chicken soup for me when I got up in the morning. You see, I drank a big bowl full.  " She pointed to the empty bowl on the table: "Actually, I'm fine. I asked those who have been in the camp, and they all said that being pregnant is very difficult. I vomit everything I eat and feel uncomfortable drinking water.  She also came to see me occasionally. She said that when she was pregnant, she often couldn't eat for several days, and she couldn't sleep well. When she lay down, her chest would feel tight and she couldn't breathe. Some people also said that her tailbone hurt.  I don't even dare to sit down." Her fingers slowly and gently stroked Fang Jie's cheek: "I'm fine, but I'm very greedy and always want to eat weird things. Fortunately, I have it in the camp.  There were so many aunts taking care of me and telling me what I could and could not eat. A few days ago, I wanted to eat longans and asked someone to buy them. However, I met Lord Dugu¡¯s mother on the way and snatched all the longans away, taking the maid as well.  A good lesson In fact, I am lazy. I should study more and pay attention to some taboos when I get pregnant. But I only know how fat I am now" Sang Sasa looked down at herself, and her chin was raised.  Then she wrinkled a cute double chin, and her breasts became more and more plump, which made her a little annoyed, and she didn't like the thighs that were now swollen.  Therefore, even a woman like her who always hides her perfect figure in robes does not pay attention to body shape.  Fang Jie didn't say anything about getting fat and looking good. He stroked her thighs back and forth with his hand: "It's okay. My Sa Sa has such a good foundation. She lost weight in minutes after giving birth." Sang Sa Sa made a sound in her nose.  She moaned softly: "Don't touch me anymore" Her face was as red as a burning cloud in the sky: "Since I became pregnant, I have become more and more sensitive Please stop touching me."  There was a rare hint of charm in her eyes when she looked at Fang Jie, which was touching.  Fang Jie took back his hand and couldn't help but laugh. He leaned forward and kissed Sang Sa Sa on the lips. He reached out and ruffled her hair: "That's because she has really matured." Sang Sa Sa blushed.  , almost burying his face in Fang Jie's arms: "But why didn't it happen like this before? In the past, after you touched me, I would be nervous and a little scared. It was like this every time, because you did too much.  A bit fierce But now, when you are not here, you will think" "What are you thinking about?" Fang Jie asked with a smirk.  "Miss you!" Sang Sasa suddenly raised her head and kissed Fang Jie on the face, then closed her eyes and turned her head away, not daring to look at Fang Jie.  Because her belly is getting bigger and bigger, Sang Sasa is wearing very loose clothes now. In addition, it is hot and she is still in the house, so the clothes she wears are not only loose, but also have a somewhat big neckline.  Fang Jie took advantage of Sang Sasa's turning of her head, put his hand through her collar, and accurately grasped a plump dollop.  "Yeah" He nodded and said seriously: "It is indeed a lot older" Sang Sasa closed her eyes tighter, and she still dared to speak. ?¡­ ?¡­ ?¡­ ?Actually thisOver the past few days, the family has prepared everything they need to prepare.  A large pile of children's clothes and quilts were made and placed on the kang in a room, which was full.  As for supplements, not to mention, the villagers living at the foot of Zhuque Mountain heard that the wife of the Duke of Zhen was pregnant, and many people brought them gifts every day.  Fresh fruits, freshly caught fish, and hard-boiled eggs were more than a thousand people could eat.  Because these things are what the people want, they will not refuse them.  Sang Sa Sa had specifically ordered that if the people were refused such a thing, they would feel that the woman of the Duke of Zhen was condescending and unkind.  Fang Jie stayed with Sang Sa Sa for a long time, and then went to say hello to Mu Xiaoyao and the others. When he went to take a bath, he met Wu Yinyu who insisted on going out to buy pastries for Sang Sa Sa.  Because there are many pastry chefs on the mountain, all brought back by Fang Jie, Wu Yinyu knows which ones are delicious, so she has been helping Sang Sasa choose snacks these days.  The two people almost collided with each other, and Fang Jie took advantage of the situation and picked up Wu Yinyu.  "Ah" Wu Yinyu was startled. She knew Fang Jie was back, so she hurried back. Who would have thought that she would run into Fang Jie's arms.  She was pretty good at cultivation, but she didn't sense anything at all.  Fang Jie sensed it, but how could he avoid it?  "There are many people in the yard." Wu Yinyu said with a blushing face.  "Yeah, that's right." Fang Jie smiled, hugged Wu Yinyu and walked into the house: "There is no one in the house." Wu Yinyu wanted to struggle, but he was holding her so tightly, there was no room for struggle.  After twisting a few times, he was afraid of being seen, so he had no choice but to let Fang Jie carry him inside.  "Where to go?" she asked in a very low voice.  "Rub my back for me." "Huh?" Wu Yinyu startled the boss, and his face immediately felt as if it was boiling.  This was the first time that Fang Jie hugged her so directly. Although he had done intimate things before, they were always gentle.  This time, Fang Jie seemed a little rough.  Wu Yinyu struggled again, but Fang Jie didn't pay attention to her small fists hitting him randomly.  "I just want you to rub my back. If you move around again, I will rub your back." Fang Jie said as he walked.  Wu Yinyu stopped immediately, and when she saw the smile on Fang Jie's face, she came to her senses again, and punched and kicked her again. When she walked to the back room, or because she was tired, she stopped and hooked Fang Jie with her two hands.  On Fang Jie's neck, a pair of beautiful big eyes stared at Fang Jie's face fiercely, then suddenly opened his mouth and took a hard bite on Fang Jie's shoulder.  "Why did you take so long again!" She gritted her teeth.  Fang Jie looked at the anger in her eyes, but he saw the tenderness behind the anger.  Fang Jie suddenly lowered his head and kissed him on the lips.  Wu Yinyu's body froze, and after a moment he hugged Fang Jie's neck and responded wildly.  Her hair was hanging loose, exuding a different kind of temptation.  In this posture, Wu Yinyu, who is in Fang Jie's arms, has her body curves outlined so clearly.  With a plop, she was thrown into the huge bathtub. The water soaked her clothes, but her body was burning.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Fang Jie is sitting in the study room, with a thick account book on the table.  The last golden light that the setting sun could squeeze into the window made the names of the people written on it appear clearer on the account book.  This is the current registration list of all officials of the Black Flag Army. Many of their names were circled by Fang Jie with a red pen.  ¡°Except for the emperor¡¯s review of memorials, it seems that¡­ red pen and ink is only used when executing criminals.  Therefore, those circles seem to be filled with murderous intent.  Dugu Wenxiu sat hunched over on the chair opposite Fang Jie, her face a little pale.  After Fang Jie came back, he asked him to send over the list of officials. Dugu Wenxiu guessed that something bad must have happened.  After listening to Fang Jie's explanation of what happened in Pinggu County, Dugu Wenxiu immediately lowered his head and apologized.  Fang Jie just shook his head and told Dugu Wenxiu that there was no need to blame himself. Now that civil affairs and logistics matters were all on Dugu Wenxiu alone, how could he know everything.  Originally, Fang Jie planned to promote Wei Xiting, but now things on the Yunnan Road side are also very heavy, and Wei Xiting cannot come back.  And Zhang Chu, who was initially activated earlier than Dugu Wenxiu, was the one who led people to inspect local officials.  "The second Sun Kaidao" Fang Jie seemed a little sad, looking at the name and said: "When I led the troops from Huangyang Road to the northwest, I picked up Sun Kaidao halfway. This man did a lot for the Black Flag Army.  thing, so although he was greedy for a lot of money??In the end I just sent him to Yongzhou for retirement.  Zhang Chu is the person I started using after I arrived at Langru Mountain. I have always felt that although he cannot see the overall situation clearly, he is cautious, upright, and very principled" Dugu Wenxiu said: "It was my subordinate who recommended Zhang Chu to inspect the place.  The responsibility for the crime cannot be evaded.  " "That doesn't make sense.  Fang Jie smiled: "If in a court, if an official commits a crime, the prime minister will be implicated, wouldn't it make sense?"  "Because she felt guilty, Dugu Wenxiu did not understand the meaning of this sentence. "Okay, there is no need to blame yourself.  Fang explained: "These things are inevitable, and these people can't stop them."  The last incident involving Sun Kaidao was caused by me not handling it well. Because I gave Sun Kaidao a pension, many people who thought they were old enough were relieved.  They thought that at worst they would be like Sun Kaidao, finding a place to become a rich man When I arranged for Sun Kaidao like that, it was because I was thinking of old friendships, and I was indeed beyond the law. It was my fault first.  This trend must be killed now.  " He handed the list to Dugu Wenxiu: "The people whose names I checked will be brought back for trial as soon as possible.  After Zhang Chu is captured, I want to personally interrogate him. I want to see how much money can buy him for showing favoritism and perverting the law.  " "In addition" Fang Jie stood up, walked to the window and stood with his hands behind his hands: "I have asked people to prepare two hundred coffins, and they can all be used.  I don¡¯t want people to say that I don¡¯t miss my old relationship, and I don¡¯t care about killing or burying it¡­ I don¡¯t care about burying it even if I don¡¯t care about killing it!  "
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