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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 860 I want to be emperor!

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    Chapter 860 I want to be emperor!  The world is too big. Whether it is Fang Jie¡¯s previous life or this life, the world is so big that no one can grasp even the information about themselves. The more famous they are, the more so.  The more famous a person is, the more people mention him, and there are countless things that directly or indirectly involve him. Therefore, no one person can master all the information about himself.  Relatively speaking, it is easier for people who live in the wilderness.  In a village with only a few dozen people, even if he is as famous as the village chief, wouldn't only a few dozen people at most mention him?  In another village a hundred miles away, few people knew what was going on in the other village.  Fang Jie¡¯s reputation is already very great.  His fame is no longer something that happens in a day or two. In Fan Gu, he is a famous person because he relies on his little cleverness and experience brought back from his previous life to help the people of Fan Gu live a healthy and satisfying life.  Eat the days when the family has enough food and money.  After entering Chang'an, Fang Jie also became famous because his Pinyin notation method and small character calculation method alarmed all the bachelors in Chang'an city, and those respectable and lovely old guys were in awe.  Despite the war, the small-character calculation method and pinyin notation method have become popular all over the country in recent years. Even private school teachers have to hold an official book to learn first and then teach it to students in order to make their own jobs.  But speaking of it, if Fang Jie could have taken over this matter and published it himself, it would have been a huge sum of money.  Of course, that's impossible.  Fang Jie is more famous now because he is already the Duke of Zhenguo.  Not everyone knows how many stories happened behind these three words, but anyone who knows that Fang Jie has been promoted to the title of Duke can tell one or two.  And many people began to tell Fang Jie¡¯s story in a legendary way.  Isn't it a kind of pride to become a legend in the eyes of a large number of people?  Fang Jie did not dare to be proud, because he knew what kind of hardships he would face in the future.  When he walked out of Fan Gu, he wanted to rely on the strength of the Sui Dynasty to survive peacefully. If he couldn't successfully enter the Yanwu Academy, then find a yamen and become a small official, at least he would have enough food and clothing.  There was a lot of suffering at that time, let alone now?  The current solution is no longer as simple as wanting to live peacefully.  He has already stood high enough, so he can only continue to climb higher.  Shengfangting Ancient Town is still as peaceful as when Tathagata came.  Fang Jie and his party did not leave in a hurry and had a comfortable lunch in the town. Then he was still in the mood to take his women around the streets and bought some snacks such as spiced melon seeds.  Prepare to spend the boring time on the boat.  Fang Jie stopped by a bookstore and actually bought a biography about Yang Jian, Emperor Taizu of the Sui Dynasty. It is said that the author was from the Taizong period. The person who wrote this book came from a wealthy family. The reason why he dared to truthfully write down some minor facts.  Most of the words that show disrespect for Emperor Taizu were written out of his true love for literature.  A small part of the reason is that I am too stupid to read.  He wrote it himself and spent money to publish it, and then gave a few copies to his relatives and friends. He thought it would just make it popular in a small circle, but who would have thought that it would lead to a huge case.  Somehow this book got into the hands of Emperor Taizong, who ordered it to be confiscated in anger.  The person who wrote the book was executed, and the person who circulated the book was exiled to death, and then suffered punishment.  Such a book would never appear in any bookstore during the Taiping period of the Sui Dynasty. Even if the owner of the bookstore was bold, this was not the way to die because it would harm his family.  The biography of Taizu that Fang Jie bought in Shengfangting Ancient Town worth 120 taels of silver is not much different even if it is not a unique copy. If the Sui Dynasty is really destroyed, after the next Qing Dynasty comes, this book will be  If it were sold, it would definitely be more than one hundred and twenty taels.  "Taizu is indeed the most powerful ruler in the world, but his headstrongness is unparalleled by any of the twelve previous emperors." Fang Jie couldn't help but sigh when he saw this sentence. During Taizong's reign, there were  If you dare to write like this, you are really seeking your own death.  After all, this era is still an era where imperial power is supreme. Where is the freedom of speech?  Unlike Fang Jie's previous life, although he was still a little restricted, at least no one dared to make a joke about the Holy Master's name.  "Lord" Chen Xiaoru came in from the outside and handed over a note in his hand: "Message sent by Zuo Mingchan" Fang Jie opened it and looked at it. There were only a few words on the note, but everything was included.  Almost everything has been explained clearly.  What it boils down to is that Zuo Mingchan and the people from the Xiao Riding School caused some trouble for Luo Tu in Mouping. This time, more than a dozen trucks of firearms purchased from the Ross Principality rebels were robbed by Zuo Mingchan, because? Brothers and sisters, coupled with the support of goods from all over the world, these things were not burned, but transported to the southwest by ship.  More and more foreigners have appeared in Mouping City recently. At most, half of the market was occupied by foreigners, and the other half was occupied by merchants from the Sui Dynasty. As for the Dongchu merchants who once occupied almost the entire market in Mouping City  It seems that it disappeared overnight, and now it's hard to find it.  Just because a large number of foreigners entered Muping City, the rebels of the Rus' Principality who were doing business with Luo Tu became more cautious. Zuo Mingchan captured several of Luo Tu's men. After interrogation, it was found that Luo Tu ordered a huge number of muskets and artillery.  But the people of the Principality of Ross wanted such a large sum of money but simply couldn't afford so many weapons.  What Zuo Mingchan didn¡¯t find out was that precisely because of such a large order, he had quietly helped the people of the Opuru Empire solve a problem.  Luo Tu took out enough silver that the rebel leaders of the Rus Principality had forgotten that they wanted the money to expand their army for revenge.  Several leaders looked at each other with greedy eyes, and then said with a smile that we have so much money and we are still resisting. Let's take out the weapons and sell them to those stupid Han people, let them go to fight, we will take them.  It would be great to find a good place to be an uncle after the money is gone.  It hit it off immediately.  Perhaps even Emperor Lyman of the Opuru Empire did not expect that the rebels in the Principality of Ross would disappear like this.  "Something's wrong." Fang Jie shook his head after reading the secret letter: "What's happening over there at Yang Shunhui?" Chen Xiaoru replied: "Yang Shunhui has been very close to foreigners recently. It was Yang Shunhui's approval that allowed foreigners to enter Muping City to do business.  Therefore, Yang Shunhui must have received a lot of benefits from it. Therefore, every time the foreigners entered Yang Shunhui's general mansion, they always carried boxes of gifts.  Find a way to contact Sanjinhou and ask him to send people all over the world to find some Dongchu merchants as soon as possible. Don't delay this matter I suspect that Dongchu has been destroyed. " Chen Xiaoru was frightened by these words.  Jump, paused for several seconds before reacting: "Oh my god! My lord is saying that all Dongchu merchants have disappeared. It's not because foreigners are cheaper and more direct in supplying goods, but because foreigners are using such things to cover up."  "Have you destroyed Dong Chu?" Fang Jie nodded: "That's what I'm worried about. The emperor of the Opulu Empire named Leman is very ambitious. He has no rivals on the other side of the ocean. For an emperor who has been expanding  It is painful to find a new place to start the war Dongchu is his springboard from the other side of the ocean. As long as Dongchu is destroyed, the next step is to go straight to the Central Plains. " "Ah!" Chen Xiaoru suddenly!  What came to mind: "If if the people from Mu Mansion lead troops into Shanhaiguan and into the Central Plains at this time, wouldn't Eastern Xinjiang be empty? If the foreigners knew the consequences would be disastrous!" "Tell the boatman to stop the boat!" Fang  Xie suddenly ordered: "Get to the shore, I want to wait for someone!" Chen Xiaoru was stunned, and for a moment he didn't expect who Fang Jie was waiting for.  Everyone has returned, and the people in the dark are also walking back with the fleet. Who else needs to wait?  But Chen Xiaoru knew that there were some things that the Lord said he could ask, but he couldn't ask.  The biggest duty of a subordinate is to keep your mouth, ears and eyes in check. You don't need to look, ask or listen to what you know.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Jiangnan Jin Family Courtyard Looking at the courtyard that had changed beyond recognition, Jin Shiduo¡¯s eyes were full of sadness.  I remember that when the old lady was still alive, although she did not go out, she had a seat in Tonggu Academy.  Just because it has a seat, Jin Jia is a first-class wealthy family in Jiangnan!  But Jin Shiduo also knew that things behind the wealthy family were even colder and crueler.  So he felt that he was already prepared for the gradual decline of the Jin family after the death of the old lady.  But when Wan Xingchen's sword struck down without warning, he found that he was not prepared at all.  The old lady is dead. The boss of the Jin family is a weak character who defends the city. He is squeezed out by the people in Tonggu Academy and has no status at all. In the end, the Jin family becomes the person promoted by Tonggu Academy after the Pang family. Pang Ba is in Jiangbei.  After being killed by Luo Yao, the Pang family plummeted, and now no one even mentions it.  Now, it¡¯s his turn to suffer disaster for the Jin family.  He was pushed out by the people in Tonggu Academy to lead the army, which was really helpless. If he didn't take up the matter, the Jin family would be in catastrophe.  If you accept it, it will still be a disaster Between the two choices, you can only choose the disaster that comes later.  But who would have thought that Tonggu Academy would disappear so quickly?  The person behind the academy in legend did not show up at all when the academy was destroyed.As a result, the Jin family was lucky enough to be able to avoid disasters, but unlucky ones had more disasters that followed immediately after the destruction of Tonggu Academy.  He himself led the troops to fight Yang Jian in the south of the Yangtze River, and his second brother Jin Shixiong led the troops to fight fiercely with the man named Puhu in the north of the Yangtze River. So Yang Jian was furious and sent a team of armored troops to attack for six hundred miles and kill the Jin family first.  Butchered.  His eldest brother died unexpectedly, leaving almost no one alive in the family.  The once world-famous family garden has been burned down, leaving only ruins.  "My lord, now is no longer the time for you and me to fight each other." Jin Shiduo looked at the devastation and felt his heart twitching.  Tu, who was standing on his side, glanced at him expressionlessly: "You mean, beg me to avenge you?" "Please?" Jin Shiduo repeated the word, then nodded with a wry smile: "Please! I  I'm begging you to help me take revenge. I know that your cultivation is amazing, and I am by no means Yang Jian's opponent, so I can only ask you!" "Two conditions" Tu glanced at Jin Shiduo: "First, yours.  People, all Jin Shixiong's people belong to me, and the same goes for you two. Of course, you don't have to worry. You can send someone to contact Jin Shixiong in Jiangbei. I'll give you half a month. Second, the Jin family will do their best to help me.  One thing must be known to everyone in the world!" "What?" Jin Shiduo asked after hesitating.  Tu raised his head and looked at the sky, murmuring to himself: "If I achieved this all because I wanted to fight Yang Jian, so I don't have any choice why can't I do something according to my own ideas? No matter whether I live or die today  Success or failure No matter whether I will be famous or infamous in the future, I have done it after all I want to be the emperor!" Jin Shiduo was so frightened that he trembled and took a few steps back: "Your Majesty Your Majesty, now I want to be the emperor.  Isn't it extremely inappropriate? I'm afraid that as soon as the news of proclaiming the emperor is spread, we will have no way out and no help. Not only the people of the court, but also other forces will immediately declare war on us Prince Tu, think twice.  He smiled coldly: "What am I afraid of? If I can't defeat Yang Jian, I will die. What enemies should I be afraid of? What else should I be afraid of and the infamy behind my back? If I defeat Yang Jian, who else in the world will I need to fear? As for infamy, who  You dare to scold me?" He threw his sleeves back and stood with his hands behind his back: "No matter what, I will do it. Whoever stops me will die first!"
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