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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 822 You are also a wicked person

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    Chapter 822: You are also a wicked person. The eldest princess Yang Qinyan arrived at her residence. Before entering, she looked back at the knights guarding the door, with a somewhat sad look in her eyes.  Professor Qiu Yu of the Yanwu Academy followed her closely, looking at her with his white eyes that seemed to see everything, as if he had been looking into her heart.  Yang Qinyan felt a little afraid of this woman named Qiu Yu, at least she looked like a woman.  It seems that her eyes really have magic power. As long as she looks at herself, Yang Qinyan feels uncomfortable all over, as if the things in the darkest corner of her heart have been taken out and exposed to the sun.  This feeling arose on the way out of Chang'an, so she had been resisting Ke Qiu Yuyou's too close contact.  She was afraid that she would really be seen through.  All the disguised strength is not as easy to remember as a teardrop in my heart late at night.  For a princess who has never left Chang'an City and rarely even left the palace, living among a group of strangers every day is a terrifying thing in itself.  The difference between men and women is that men can easily adapt to the situation, but women cannot, or it can be said that it is very difficult.  "Sir, there is no need to follow me. It should be very safe here. There are people from the Xiao Riding School inside and outside. Is it possible that Chi Haonian still has the courage to commit an assassination?" She paused and said.  Qiu Yu nodded: "I'm in the courtyard. If your Highness needs anything, just call me." Yang Qinyan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly walked into the door, feeling a little more at ease.  After leaving the palace, she discovered that only when she was alone in a room could she feel a sense of security.  This feeling became clearer and more intense after she got Luo Weiran's handwritten letter.  Before Luo Weiran left, she dragged Fang Jie to bring her a letter. She didn't mention anything sensitive. She just told the princess that her plan had failed. Fang Jie didn't kill him. He was going back to Chang'an City to protect the queen.  The other thing is to reassure her that Fang Jie will never do anything rude to her.  This letter was like taking the last straw from Yang Qinyan's hand. She felt like she was floating on an endless sea. No matter which direction she looked, there was only water, and the waves came one after another.  He slapped her on the face, so hard that her eyes hurt and she couldn't open them.  She felt that she was blind and could no longer see the world clearly.  In fact, Fang Jie¡¯s prediction was good. If she hadn¡¯t learned from the young emperor that there were people like Luo Weiran outside the palace, she would never have escaped from Chang¡¯an City easily.  She couldn't trust anyone, including Fang Jie.  Relatively speaking, she was familiar with Luo Weiran. Luo Weiran would always take care of her personally when she went out to play when she was a child.  Yang Qinyan still remembers the many times he loved her, sitting on Luo Weiran's shoulders to pick pomegranate flowers in the imperial garden, and climbing the rockery that was not very high.  She still remembered the genuine concern in Luo Weiran¡¯s eyes when she was climbing the rockery.  Luo Weiran's matter failed, and it seemed that all hope was dashed.  Yang Qinyan closed the door tightly and leaned against the door as if she was afraid of something breaking in.  This house is very strange. She has lived in many strange houses since she came south.  She didn¡¯t know how long it took, but after a long sigh, she walked to the bed and sat down.  Everything on the bed is new, very clean, and has a faint smell of new cotton, which is very nice.  She lay on the bed, but did not dare to close her eyes.  When you close your eyes, you will think of that day in the Changchun Garden. The little emperor smiled pitifully and respectfully, with such strong pride in his self-deprecation.  The scene of him falling down with blood still remains blurry to this day.  The Yang family seems to be moving away from the pinnacle of power step by step.  She knew that Fang Jie respected her, but she also knew that perhaps Fang Jie had never thought of taking back for her the country that belonged to the Yang family.  "Your Highness would you like to take a hot bath?" The maid's voice came from outside the door, and Yang Qinyan hummed. It seemed that only taking a bath could make her feel a little more relaxed.  When the door opened, she saw that there were a lot more guards outside, and couldn't help but ask: "What happened?" "Nothing." The leader of the team, the Riding School, lowered his head and replied: "Your Highness, don't worry, yes.  The Lord ordered the home of Chi Haonian, the governor of Yongbei Province, to be raided. In order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause trouble, the number of guards was increased. Now the army is maintaining law and order in the city and arresting the rebels. It is estimated that it will calm down by night. " Yang Qinyan.  He was no longer surprised, his face returned to expressionless, and a voice in his heart sneered and said, lookhe killed another one.  However, that joy seemed to have nothing to do with her.    ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ The notices were quickly posted on the streets and alleys of Crescent City. Chi Haonian, the former governor of Yongbei Province, had evil intentions. He repeatedly obstructed Zhen Guo from the rear during his southern expedition, despised the court, and collaborated with the rebels.  In accordance with the laws of the Sui Dynasty, the duke was removed from his post as the second-rank governor of the Sui Dynasty, stripped of his title, and was immediately arrested and put on trial.  The news spread faster than the autumn wind, and it didn¡¯t take long for the whole city to know.  But people were just surprised for a while and then calmed down. Even the most ordinary people understood that what the Black Flag Army did was not unexpected at all.  Now that Fang Jie is back, what he must do is to firmly control the entire southwest in his own hands. It is impossible to continue to tolerate being controlled by the original governor.  Even if Chi Haonian is not wrong, Fang Jie will make some mistakes for him.  Besides, how could there be no fault found in a person like Chi Haonian?  The Knight Riding School sealed the Governor's Mansion in the afternoon, and no one in the Governor's Mansion was allowed to go out. All the strong men in the Mansion were taken away and imprisoned in the Crescent Mansion Prison, leaving only a group of old, weak, women and children.  Before dark, the people from the Xiaoqiu School confiscated all the weapons in the mansion, and then sealed Chi Haonian's study and warehouse.  A group of women cried until the sky was dark, but there was nothing they could do.  At night, the chief steward of Chi Haonian's mansion was carried back. He couldn't find a good place in his body. It was said that he had told everything he knew, including Chi Haonian's previous relationship with Nan.  Du Jianzhou, the governor of Huidao, discussed the matter of poisoning Fang Jie when he returned to the north.  It also included the discussion between Chi Haonian and Luo Qiu about Fang Jie's borrowed knife to kill people after he went south.  The chief steward was sent back with wounds all over his body, and was beaten again by the angry lady and several concubines. He died before he could hold on to the lamp.  That night, almost no one in the Governor's Mansion slept.  At daybreak, a group of cavalrymen in bright clothes and angry horses arrived at the door. They held the warrant of the Zhenguo Duke in their hands and read out: Chi Haonian, the governor of Yongbei Province, tried to conspire with foreign countries and committed eighteen crimes punishable by death. According to the  According to the laws of the Sui Dynasty, officials were removed from official positions, stripped of their titles, and executed on the same day.  Because most of his family members didn't know about it, they were exempted from the death penalty. Everyone immediately left Crescent City and was sent to southern Xinjiang as slaves. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Out of this way came the end of his period of history.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Dugu Wenxiu summarized all the items that he had checked out from the Crescent City Governor¡¯s Office, the treasury, and the Governor¡¯s Mansion, and wrote a note and handed it to Fang Jie.  Fang Jie took it and looked at it and couldn't help but shake his head. There were too many things on it, so much that people were surprised at first and a little bored later.  "Seal the things and bring them back to the Zhuque Mountain camp." Fang Jie was silent for a while and then said: "Select the more exquisite things and give two to each of the generals. There is no need to register them." Dugu Wenxiu nodded.  : "Yes." Fang Jie leaned on the chair and looked at the dense handwriting written in small regular letters on the paper, and said with some emotion: "Copy a governor's house. If these things are converted into silver, it will be enough to feed the entire Crescent City."  The people can arm at least 20,000 people and purchase the best equipment in one year. It's a pity that after the money went into Chi Haonian's warehouse, he had no intention of taking it out. He knew how to collect the money but didn't know how to use it.  How to spend it This is a common problem." Dugu Wenxiu smiled and said: "There are so many copies from one governor's house. If the wealth of the twenty-four governors of the Sui Dynasty were added up, they would be more valuable than the treasury of the Sui Dynasty.  There are more. However, most of them should have been looted after the war. When the Sui Dynasty was still peaceful, even the governor did not dare to be so free. " Fang Jie nodded, nothing more.  Dugu Wenxiu was silent for a while and then asked: "My Lord, the situation in Yongbei Road is now under control, and those people have no courage to resist. After taking Chi Haonian, these people will have to be on tenterhooks for a while What is happening in Yongbei Road now?  It¡¯s basically over, so is Nanhui Road?¡± ¡°No¡± Fang Jie shook his head: ¡°I killed Chi Haonian, how could Du Jianzhou still have the guts to open the door to welcome me in? When I first entered Yongbei Road, I asked Liu Enjing.  He and Xu Xiaogong each took 10,000 troops and took another route to Nanhui Road. 20,000 people are not enough to capture Daozhi City, but it is enough to calm down the others who are ready to move." Fang Jie stood up and looked at the sky outside:  "Choose some capable people to stay in Crescent City, you can look for them. I will let Chen Xiaoru choose the elite cavalry school to stay, and then leave an army of infantry. Let me tell you a story Someone once put a frog in  In boiling water, the frog will jump out immediately. He changed the method and put the frog into cold water, then lit a fire below to heat the water little by little. By the time the frog noticed it, it was already too late"   Dugu Wenxiu was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Fang Jie meant: "I understand Although these people seem to be particularly obedient now, it is because they are afraid of death. After the army sets off, these people will still jump  If you want to deal with them all at once, you can't do it like throwing a frog into boiling water. You have to do it slowly, killing one after another, and then one after another.  Those who have not been killed will think, "Oh, luckily it's not me." "Now these people in Yongbei Road, on the surface, seem to be really afraid of their lord, so kill Chi Haonian and the others."  I'm afraid of it for a few days at most, because if they are not involved, they will only be lucky and gloating. This is best, and let them slowly live in luck and gloating. By the time they realize it, the water has boiled.  " Dugu Wenxiu thought for a while and then said: "My subordinates thought that we could give some of them a little sweetness and free up some official positions for them to do. This is the pot of cold water, and then we can let them kill people.  They feel that they are trusted and can continue to live. Just let them fight each other and guide them slowly. The subordinates think that it will take at least a year.  He patted Dugu Wenxiu on the shoulder: "You are also a villain."
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