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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 818 The Third Reaction

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    Chapter 818 Third Reaction: Tengnuo Mountain is located to the west of Liuzhou City. The scenery of Jiangnan is that you can see mountains everywhere, and where there are mountains, there is water.  From a distance, it looks like a freehand landscape, and from a close look, it looks like a meticulous painting.  If you place it in the distance, you will see the beauty from a distance. If you place it close, you will see the beauty of the close up.  ¡°Perhaps it is precisely because of this breathtakingly beautiful land and water that many literary giants were born in Jiangnan.  Of course, there are also politicians who influence the world.  But no matter whether it is the previous dynasty or the current generation, Jiangnan has never produced any handsome talents who can truly leave their names in history.  Looking at the history of nearly a thousand years, there have been many famous generals in the Northern Dynasties, and it is rare for a general to be victorious in every battle in the Jiangnan court for several generations.  This may be related to the lack of wars in the south of the Yangtze River. The areas north of the Yangtze River have experienced frequent foreign wars, so military talents continue to rise.  Since the time of Chen Guo, Jiangnan has had no external enemies except Zheng Guo.  At the same time, the Zheng State not only frequently fought with the Chen State, but also constantly fought with the grassland people in the west, the barbarians in the north, and the Chu people in the east.  Without fighting, it is difficult to produce true talents.  Since the founding of the Sui Dynasty, there has been no war to speak of in the singing and dancing of Jiangnan, or it may have been intentional by the Yang family. After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty continued to expand territory, but Jiangnan has always been peaceful.  To the north they drove the barbarians into the barren mountains, to the west they fought openly and secretly with the Meng Yuan Dynasty, to the east they swallowed up most of the Eastern Chu, and after destroying the Shang Dynasty in the southwest, they repeatedly started wars with the He people.  Jiangnan has not smelled the smell of gunpowder smoke for two hundred years.  Now, the war and military disasters have finally spread here.  The moment the artillery fire on Tennuo Mountain ignited, it was like a spark falling on a famous painting handed down from generation to generation, burning a hole.  The hole is small, but if a gust of wind blows through, the entire painting may be burned to the ground.  Tu was very satisfied with the hole. He was in a particularly good mood as he truly felt the power of the firearm.  Mu Li's elite team of more than 10,000 people looked so weak in front of twenty artillery pieces.  The arrow formation that frightened foreign enemies the most in the two hundred years since the founding of the Sui Dynasty was like a basket of eggs in front of artillery. A single stone would smash most of them.  He began to imagine that without too many, if there were a hundred artillery pieces, it would be enough to wipe out the armored army that was said to be invincible in the world.  Even though the defensive power of those armored troops was unparalleled, it was precisely because of their heavy armor that it was difficult for them to dodge when faced with artillery.  Tu seemed to have seen the scene where he trampled the battle flag of the Iron Armored Army under his feet.  The reason why he would rather risk being punished by the man behind Tonggu Academy to avoid the Iron Armored Army was because he was waiting for these firearms.  He knew why Tonggu Academy wanted to train him. It was nothing more than a stone blocking Yang Jian.  If it's blocked, everyone is happy.  If it can't be stopped, Tonggu Academy will not be sad because of his death.  But Tu can't think of himself as a stone. Even if it is a stone, it must be a boulder high enough to be taller than the sky.  Before he felt he was not ready to fight Yang Jie, no one could force him to go to the battlefield in advance.  He knew that his current cultivation level was already very strong, strong enough to fight Yang Jian in a one-on-one decisive battle.  But that's not what he wants. What he wants is to completely defeat Yang Jian.  That includes defeating that armored army. Victory cannot be discounted. If you want to win, you must win completely.  Using Mu Li's men and horses to test the power of the artillery, Tu also gained a little more confidence.  "Scarface" He glanced at his newly promoted confidant: "You said the caravan was attacked when it left Mouping? How much was lost?" The person named Scarface is Scarface, but the name Scarface is actually not  His real name.  However, Tu liked to call him Scarface, so he lost his original name.  There is a scar on his face, starting from the left temple to the right temple, spanning the entire forehead.  This injury is a little weird.  Logically speaking, unless the wound was deliberately cut like this by someone holding it down, it would be difficult for such an injury to appear on the battlefield.  But this wound was not cut by someone holding him down, nor was it cut by someone on the battlefield, but was cut by himself with a dagger.  "Back to my lord, we lost about 150 muskets and two artillery pieces. The attackers appeared at night. They must have targeted our team when they were in Muping City. They were very accurate in killing people and then fled.  However, our belongings were not taken away. Apparently there were not many of them. When my subordinates heard this and rushed over with people, it was already too late. The team was dead, the muskets were smashed, and the artillery was destroyed. " "Do you have any clues?  ¡± Tu asked.  "I doubt that it was done by any big force. If it was people from Yang Shunhui or Mu Mansion, they wouldn't destroy those things. They have enough manpower to transport the things away. So, my subordinates  It is inferred that it should be a coincidence. There are many robbers outside Muping City who make a living by robbing passing caravans. If my subordinates' guess is correct, theyThe people who saw us in the city were looking at the goods purchased from Dongchu merchants and thought it would be profitable, so they attacked the camp.  Tu nodded: "There's nothing to worry about."  " "My subordinates have already taken care of it. Those muskets and artillery have sunk to the bottom of a small lake, and the scene has been cleaned up. It looks like it was just murder and robbery. This kind of thing is not uncommon. It should not cause Yang Shunhui or  It was Mu Mansion's suspicion.  " "Yeah" Tu nodded: "Go ahead, it's time to talk to the wealthy households in the city and ask them to hand over half of their property to buy their lives. If they don't want to, just take it all away.  You can directly take the money you get and go to Muping to continue trading with the foreigners. I want a hundred artillery pieces and 20,000 muskets. If the money is not enough, I will order the team to expand to the surrounding areas and massacre a few counties.  .  " "Here" Scarface lowered his head and said: "However, it is difficult for the Russians to take out such a big tree.  " "That is to do business with the people from the Opuru Empire. As long as you give enough money, there will always be people who are not afraid of death.  " "I understand.  " "Also" Tu thought for a while and said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days. I invite Navy General Zheng Qiu to come to Liuzhou City for a banquet.  This person" He paused and turned to look at the person standing on the other side: "Silang, on Mid-Autumn Festival night, take your people to the Dahong River. The people of the Navy have never listened to my orders.  If you want to develop, you cannot do without the navy, but I don¡¯t want a disobedient navy. Let¡¯s send those people to hell on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. Hell also has a bright moon¡± The young man named Shiro smiled coldly: ¡°Don¡¯t worry, my lord, I will  I will see them on their way.  "      The waterways in the south of the Yangtze River are criss-crossed. The waterway of the Dahong River is very wide. A river like this in the north must be much more famous than in the south of the Yangtze River. But in the south of the Yangtze River, water flows like the Dahong River are too common. The Great Sui Dynasty destroyed  Chen previously started to prepare for the Yangtze River Navy. It took ten years to finally build a fleet that was unrivaled in the world. It was precisely because of this fleet that the Sui army was able to invade the south of the Yangtze River with overwhelming force. Before that, the navy in the south of the Yangtze River always came from.  Proud. In their view, the Yangtze River is a natural danger and treasure given to them by God. In the eyes of the enemy, the Yangtze River is only a natural danger. When the north and the south stand side by side, Zheng Guo cannot invade the south of the Yangtze River because his navy is inferior to Chen Guo's.  . The reason why Chen Guo could not attack Jiangbei was that they could not defeat Zheng Guo's infantry on land. The Sui Dynasty changed this situation. The establishment of the Yangtze River Navy symbolized the beginning of a new era.  The appearance frightened the Chen navy. The Chen people really couldn't imagine how the Sui people could suddenly have such a huge fleet, with hundreds of giant ships, thousands of Huanglong ships, and countless more.  The Centipede Clippers of the Qing Dynasty almost blocked the Yangtze River waterway. In that battle, the Sui Dynasty Navy left a great reputation. Later, after the pacification of Jiangnan, the Yangtze River Navy's scale was slightly reduced, and the battles damaged in the war were eliminated.  The ship was abandoned and not repaired, but it still had suffocating combat power. After the war, the Yangtze River Navy still had one hundred and sixty giant ships, thousands of Huanglong ships, five hundred White Fang ships, and of course, that one.  The flagship built specifically for the Sui Emperor Such a powerful force was enough to deter the rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River. After the rebellion in the northwest, Emperor Tianyou transferred the Yangtze River Navy to the north. Later, General Wang Yiqu of the Yangtze River Navy rebelled.  About one-third of the fleet was left, and the other third was in the hands of Luo Tu, while Fang Jie and the imperial court accounted for the other third. However, in terms of combat effectiveness, the fleet in Wang Yiqu's hands was still under control.  70% of the most powerful and well-equipped White Ya ships are in Wang Yiqu's hands. Luo Tu's navy now has thirty-six ships, two hundred and seventy Huanglong ships, and ninety White Ya ships.  There is also the Tenglong battleship that the Sui Emperor only boarded once after it was built. Navy General Zheng Qiu was the commander of the Tenglong battleship. At that time, Wang Yiqu did not dare to take this ship with him when he went north, otherwise he would be rebellious.  It's too obvious. Now, this ship is in Luo Tu's hands. Because of this ship, Luo Tu always feels that it is a kind of providence. The Tenglong battleship is more than 200 meters long.  The warship is the only one from ancient times to the present. The warship has four floors and is built like a palace. Because it is too big, the ship can walk on the wide river, and the water is even shallower at that time.  In order to build this Tenglong battleship, the best craftsmen of the Sui Dynasty were gathered. It took six years to complete the construction. Those who participated in the construction of the Tenglong battleship firmly believed that this ship would be the dominant force on the sea even if it went to sea.??This ship is the flagship of the Luo Tu fleet.  Zheng Qiu has been the commanding general of the Tenglong ship seventeen years ago, but he has never met the emperor.  God Bless Emperor Yang Yi was the least traveler in the history of the Sui Dynasty. He had never seen his own battleship, which symbolized his status as an emperor.  If he had seen this big ship, he would have been proud.  Only a country like the Sui Dynasty could create such a behemoth.  Zheng Qiu stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the bright moon reflected on the water in a daze.  The navy has been staying here for more than a month, and he has been deliberately avoiding Luo Tu.  Zheng Qiu never had a good impression of that young man.  "General we have a visitor." Just when he was in a daze, the military commander came over and whispered into his ear.  "Who?" "General Mu Li!" Upon hearing this name, Zheng Qiu's expression suddenly changed: "He is not dead?" The military commander said: "It's not just him, there is another person following him, it seems  It¡¯s not like Mu Li¡¯s subordinates, but Mu Li respects him.¡± ¡°Please¡± Zheng Qiu hesitated but decided to meet Mu Li. He always felt that if he drove this person away today, he would miss it.  Something important.  He didn't know why, but he actually denied his immediate decision. After hearing that Mu Li had arrived, his first reaction was to capture this person and send him to Luo Tujun.  The second reaction is to drive this person away, and the third reaction is this person must be seen.
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