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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 807 The Supreme in the Dark

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    Chapter 807: The Supreme in the Dark Since the decisive battle with Luo Yao, Fang Jie has not had such a hearty battle for a long time.  On the day of the decisive battle with Luo Yao, Fang Jie's potential was fully unleashed and he created a world of his own.  In this battle with the Black Shang Imperial Master, Fang Jie's physical body's potential was further explored by himself.  At this time, the Heishang Imperial Master was like a wolf that finally found its prey after being hungry for a long time, with the smell of blood in his eyes.  On the grasslands of the Western Regions, when prairie wolves cannot catch prey, they will risk attacking the herdsmen's horses. The hungry wolves do not care at all that the galloping horses are also fatal to them.  The greed of wolves is that they will not let go after biting.  Even if they die, they must first swallow the meat in their mouths.  So once the wolves attack the horses, the brutality of the scene is shocking.  The frightened horses ran wildly, and the prairie wolves bit the horses wildly. Sometimes a wild wolf bit the horse's belly and refused to let go. The horse felt the pain and ran away, as if the wolf was hanging on the horse's belly.  Being dragged along, the wolf could easily be trampled by the horse's legs.  In fact, herdsmen often see wolves hanging on the horses' bellies, with their hindquarters trampled to pieces and the wolf's internal organs hanging on their bodies. Even so, the wolves will not let go of their mouths.  Some wolves only have half their body left, and they will bite off a big mouthful of meat with red eyes and swallow it, and then the swallowed meat will roll out of the belly.  The greed and ferocity in the wolf's eyes at that time is unforgettable.  At this time, the eyes of Heishang Imperial Master were full of such things.  But the problem is that he is not a prairie wolf, and Fang Jie is not a war horse.  There is no doubt that Heishang Guoshi has a strong advantage in close combat. If it were another practitioner who was so close to him, he would have been defeated long ago.  Ke Fang Jie is also good at close combat, and has far more close combat experience and fighting skills than Heishang Guoshi.  You must know that Fang Jie once killed a fourth-level warrior when he was unable to practice, relying on close combat.  Imperial Master Heishang kicked Fang Jie in the neck with a sweeping kick. Fang Jie leaned forward to avoid it and at the same time rushed forward. He carried the kicked leg of Imperial Master Heishang on his shoulder and hit him forward. Imperial Master Heishang  His body was knocked away by the force on Fang Jie's shoulder. One of the characteristics of melee combat is that once you gain an advantage, you must rely on endless blows to make the opponent completely lose resistance. Therefore, Fang Jie did not pause at all.  Before landing, Master Shang put his fists together and raised them high. After jumping up in the air, he slammed his fists down hard!  A huge force hit the body of Imperial Master Heishang, knocking him straight down as he flew out horizontally. Imperial Master Heishang's body landed with a bang, creating a cloud of smoke and dust.  Fang Jie followed up and stepped on Imperial Master Heishang's chest. This foot was powerful and heavy, and his foot landed on Imperial Master Heishang's lower abdomen. Imperial Master Heishang's body was folded upwards like a shrimp, and his chest was bearing the pressure.  The heavy pressure pressed against the ground through his back, causing his body to sink in the dust.  Fang Jie, who had the upper hand, stepped down one foot after another. The sound of bang bang bang was like thunder and war drums. Every time a foot landed, the ground trembled.  Soon, the layer of green bricks paved on the road was crushed and shattered, and the soil began to roll out. Hei Shang's body was like a wooden pile, and Fang Jie's feet were like heavy hammers, smashing Hei Shang's body like a pile.  Master Shang kept digging into the ground.  Even though Heishang Guoshi had a strong body, he was gradually unable to bear such a direct attack from Fang Jie. He wanted to open his mouth and roar, but when he opened his mouth, the churning soil was stuffed inside. The pain in his chest made him clearly conscious.  If it turns out, his ribs may have been broken by Fang Jie.  This has never happened in the past twenty years.  Moreover, since he discovered that his physique had been changed, he did not believe that anyone could defeat him in close combat.  Fang Jie was still stepping on it. Through the flying dust, Master Heishang saw Fang Jie's expressionless face. It was calm, as if he was not fighting with anyone at all, but just doing something ordinary.  matter.  This kind of calmness seems to be telling Master Heishang that Fang Jie's victory is just a common thing and not something to be proud of at all.  Therefore, Imperial Master Heishang became more and more angry.  In such an extremely disadvantageous situation, the night twenty years ago actually reappeared in his mind, the moment when the door opened.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ There is a misty drizzle falling in the sky, making the night cooler. The night is so dark, it is like a distant view splashed with thick ink by the hands of a great nation.  The door of the small, remote courtyard in the big courtyard would be opened every once in a while, and the dead who could not withstand the torture would be sent out, and the living people who were not ready to endure the torture would be sent in.  Every few days, a fresh life will be taken away by death in this yard.?No pity.  The young wizard remembered that this was the third test subject he had faced. He was a boy who looked to be only about two years old.  The boy's eyes were full of panic, and his clear eyes were full of fear of the unknown.  The boy had no idea what kind of ordeal he was about to face, but the young wizard did.  Although he is young, he is also very famous in the clan. Chieftain once said that he may become the most powerful wizard in the history of the clan, and may even become a great wizard.  Young people are also very confident about this.  Ever since he showed interest in Gu magic when he was a child and then showed his talent, he has been the pride of everyone in the entire village.  If a copycat with a small population and weak combat power wants to rise in the entire jungle, if it wants to rely on those powerful copycat tribes, it is simply seeking death. Once it gets close, it will be swallowed up by those big villages, even the bones and scum.  There won't be anything left.  Therefore, if you want to have a stable life in the jungle, nothing is more exciting than the appearance of a powerful wizard in the village.  Therefore, the young wizard has been closely protected since he was a child. Before he becomes a great wizard, the people in the village must ensure that his talent will not be known to the chieftains of powerful tribes or other great wizards. Once it is leaked, he will be  Killed on the way to becoming a great wizard.  When he was twenty years old, he walked into the chieftain's room and told the chieftain that he could go out.  The chieftain cheered excitedly and immediately decided to marry his daughter to him.  But he refused. He told the chieftain that he would first lead the tribe to become stronger.  But before the chieftain and the tribe could celebrate, that powerful army and that powerful man descended outside the tribe like an ancient king.  He wanted to rely on his Gu skills to protect his homeland, but he couldn't stop the strength of that man's generals.  Precisely because he had very powerful Gu skills, he was not slaughtered like his own people. He was brought back to that huge city with tall and solid walls and even the walls were armed. They were once  A city where tribes also lived.  There were more than a dozen wizards captured with him, and each of them was very knowledgeable in the art of voodoo, but he was undoubtedly the best among them.  So if things go according to normal course, even if the disgusting and terrifying experiments fail one after another, he will not be the scapegoat.  "It's a pity that the person who manages these wizards is also a wizard, a wizard who is known as the most powerful wizard in the entire ethnic group in a hundred years.  The man wrapped in the robe saw his talent and wanted to kill him from the beginning.  The young wizard knew that it was because he threatened the status of the great wizard. Once he grew up, the Han general might use him more. In order to protect himself, he made a decision in a very short period of time to join another great wizard.  .  But this decision was wrong. Because of this, the great wizard in charge decided to get rid of him immediately. Therefore, after the last batch of experimental subjects died, the great wizard placed the blame on him and another young wizard.  The change of fate comes at this time.  Because of the Han general¡¯s words, he changed from an experimenter to a guinea pig.  The horrific experiments he had witnessed all happened to him.  On the rainy night, those wizards failed again. With only his last breath left, he was carried away from the small courtyard by the armored warriors. His head hung limply, and there was only a trace of life in the eyes that were about to close. He was still struggling. He was in a daze.  I saw the door of the small courtyard open, and saw the door getting further and further away.  He forced himself not to close his eyes, because he knew very well that as long as he fell asleep at this time, he would never wake up again, but in the end he failed to hold on, and was abandoned by the armored warrior in the wilderness outside the city in the drizzle.  After closing his eyes, his world became dark, and only the remaining sounds in his ears still accompanied him reluctantly.  The sound of raindrops hitting the iron armor, and the sound of his own weak breathing.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ I don¡¯t know when, the rain got heavier and heavier, and the cold rain woke him up from his deep sleep.  He opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he was not dead!  This made him want to cheer, just as he would have cheered if he had not lost any strength.  If it weren't for the laziness of those armored warriors who didn't bury him, if it wasn't for the rainy night that made wild beasts reluctant to come out to look for food, if it wasn't for the poison he once planted for himself to prolong his life The young wizard was lying on the ground in the wilderness in the heavy rain, with his mouth  Keep smiling.  When he regained some strength, he began to look for herbs to stop bleeding and apply them on himself, then found a piece of wood as a crutch and started to escape.  He didn't dare to let people know that he was still alive, so he chose to enter the deepest part of the jungle, which even the most experienced and tough hunters did not dare to enter.  While walking through the jungle he found aThere was a huge tree hole where a huge man-bear lived. He mixed the poisonous weeds he found into deadly poison, poisoned the man-bear to death and then got into the tree hole.  The smell of this bear is enough to keep other beasts away, and this tree hole has become a good place for him to recover from his injuries.  A few months later, he fully recovered.  And just when he was lucky to have escaped death, he discovered that his body had changed.  He becomes more and more flexible and stronger!  Because he was a participant in that experiment, he knew why.  The purpose of that experiment was to allow ordinary children to become warriors with powerful physiques after being transformed by Gu magic.  But because this experiment has never been successful on living humans, there is no empirical basis for it.  The children died one by one, and it was said that they were all made into human skin dolls by the cruel wife of the Han general.  And he and the young wizard were abandoned in the wilderness because they were too big.  He remembered that the great wizard he had taken refuge in once mentioned that the Han general planned to find a way to change the physique of an ordinary child, but he deceived his wife and told her that he was doing this to resurrect their dead son.  What made him unforgettable and frightening the most was the burning hope in the eyes of the Han general's wife.  She would always personally watch every experiment and would not blink when faced with such bloody scenes.  And the great wizard he took refuge in always liked to stand next to her and explain every step to her.  The great wizard in charge would always look at the two of them and laugh coldly.  Such a woman makes people scared to the point of trembling in their hearts.  The young wizard doesn't want to recall that past, but every night those things will appear in his dreams involuntarily, torturing him and making his spirit worse and worse. Anger will appear inexplicably, and venting it is  Slaughter the wild beasts in the mountains and forests.  He became more and more powerful. He was agile and faster than a leopard. He was stronger and stronger than a man-bear. He was greedier and crueler than a python. He became the king of the beast world.  But he was unwilling to do so, and decided to walk out of the jungle and return to the human world.  He chose Nanyan and entered Dali City.  He gave himself a namethe Supreme King of Darkness.
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