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Volume One: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 804: Extraordinarily Cool

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    Chapter 804 It¡¯s Extraordinarily Cool. Imperial Master Heishang lowered his head and looked at the bright red robe on his body. He was stunned as he looked at the golden threads reflecting the brilliance on it. When the city gate opened with a creak, he subconsciously raised his head.  Looking forward, as the door gradually opened, he seemed to see a wave of blood coming towards his face. This sudden trance made his body tremble involuntarily, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.  The moment the door opened, he seemed to have seen twenty years ago.  It¡¯s very vague, but unforgettable.  In the dark night, a huge courtyard was still lit with dots of lights. In a remote part of the courtyard, a group of people with red eyes uniformly let out a cry of sorrow, and everyone looked so ugly.  This is an isolated small courtyard. Some of them have lived here for several years and some just came here.  Every day, they live almost the same life, worried.  They were invited here to work, but they lived like prisoners. They had good food and drink, but no freedom and lived in fear all day long.  Because they don't know who will die next.  Newcomers know what terrible things they will face on the first day. They can come in only because a group of people died.  There have always been about a dozen people living in this courtyard. Except for the luckiest among them, who survived for a few years, ninety-five percent of them have died.  A group of people died, and a group of people were invited in.  The strong warriors standing at the door looked back at them from time to time with cold eyes, without any expression.  If they want to continue to live, it seems that there is only one way to choose.  Success If they continue to fail, they will soon be replaced by another group of people.  The owner of this yard is like an omnipotent devil, no matter how deep they hide, they can be found out one by one.  A man wrapped in a robe looked at the corpses on the stage, with a trace of helplessness and worry in his eyes. Then he looked at the crowd surrounding the stage and pointed to the two youngest among them: "  It failed again this time. Someone has to be responsible for the failure, otherwise more than two people will die I'm sorry, you two have the lowest cultivation level among all the people, and your death will not have much impact on the overall situation, so  "No!" The two young men cried out sadly and subconsciously hid behind.  They begged and cried, but they didn't get any sympathy.  Everyone else knew that if they sympathized with these two people, they might be the ones who died.  This is something that does not need to be considered at all. They have no feelings for each other, so naturally they will not be willing to die for others.  The man wrapped in the robe waved his hand, and several wolf-like armored warriors broke in, held the two young men down without any explanation, and then put the knife in front of their throats. The next second, the knife was  It can cut their throats and arteries, and their lives will be ended.  "Wait a minute" Just at this moment, a man walked in slowly from outside. He was not very tall, and his appearance was not particularly outstanding, but his temperament was as domineering as a gun.  So much so that people who are much taller than him will feel like a dwarf in front of him.  Where he stood, it was like a high mountain.  "Master" People in the yard bowed down one after another, with uncontrollable fear on their faces.  The man in front of them had killed too many of their companions in the past few years.  I don¡¯t know how many people would rather hide in the mountains and forests to keep company with wild beasts in order to escape this master. Unfortunately, no matter how deep they hide, no one can hide away as long as this man wants to find them.  "How many of the test products are left this time?" the man asked.  The man wrapped in the robe bowed deeply: "None of them are gone. The last one died before he could survive the third step. There are twenty-four in total, and today is the last one None of these test subjects seem to be very good."  , The one who was close to success last time is much better than this batch." The man nodded, his eyes fell on the two young people who had already peed their pants: "It will take a few days for the next batch to be delivered.  , but the experiment cannot stop Neither of them are too old, so let¡¯s experiment with them. If I can find out the steps to success, I will give them a good burial.¡± ¡°Yes¡± The person wrapped in the robe.  He smiled conspiratorially, looked back at the two young men and said: "You are really lucky. If the master hadn't come, you would have died today. Now it's better. You can live for at least a few more days. If  If you are lucky enough to succeed, you can even write it into the history books. What an honor it would be!" "No!" The two young men screamed in fear, going crazy.Struggling like this, they know better than anyone else that living a few more days like this is by no means a blessing, but the most terrifying torture in the world.  "Please! Kill me!" "Kill me!" The man wrapped in the robe shook his head: "No one can go against the master's wishes, no one can." The two young men were beaten by their former companions  They were held down, stripped of their clothes and tied to the stone platform. Their limbs were twisting violently but they could not break free from the shackles of fate.  Their companions raised their sharp knives and began to cut at them.  Someone was holding a transparent jar, and something seemed to be moving inside.  A few days later, the man wrapped in the robe rubbed his red eyes, stretched his body tiredly, and looked at the two dying young people on the stage and shook his head in disappointment: "Sure enough, it still doesn't work They are no longer alive.  Use it, carry it out and deal with it. They are too big, there is no use leaving them." "Yes!" Several warriors came in and carried the two dying people out of the yard.  In confusion, the door of the small courtyard opened.  The door seemed to open so slowly, like a passage to hell.  The Imperial Master Heishang shook his head vigorously to free himself from his thoughts.  This scene was so familiar to him and had appeared in his dreams countless times. Yes he told himself that it was just a dream, even though he would see this dream every day. ?¡­ ?¡­ ?¡­ ?The city gate opened and the Imperial Master Heishang shook his head to free himself from the memory.  The opening of the door in memory is already a thing of the past, and even the most terrifying memories will eventually pass.  Now, he had to face the open door in front of him.  Since he started practicing, he seems to have progressed much faster than the average practitioner.  Sometimes he couldn't help but want to laugh. If it hadn't been for the accident that year, he wouldn't be as strong as he is today.  In the past twenty years, he has felt that he is getting stronger day by day, and that power is surging in his body, which is unstoppable.  He chose to stay in Dali because it was quiet here.  The scenery here is more beautiful than anywhere else. Someone once said that after living in Dali City, he no longer has the dream of traveling around the world, because the scenery here is enough to captivate any wandering heart.  Not only that, here he also tasted the beauty of the superior.  If he were in other places, his cultivation would be very high but he would not be so valued and would not gain such a high status.  In Dali City, he was the national advisor of Nanyan, and his status was equal to that of Prime Minister Zhu Chijian. Even Zhu Chijian had to speak politely to him, because Zhu Chijian's status depended on the strength of his family.  As for Heishang Guoshi, he relied on his own strength.  Murong Shai gave him status, and he could get almost all desires satisfied.  Money?  There is no point in him asking for it.     woman?  In all of Dali, except for a very limited number of women, he could randomly select any woman among the hundreds of thousands of people in the city and pull her into his dormitory.  Even if he defiled the maids in the Dali City Palace, Murong Shai would pretend not to know anything.  As long as he didn't touch Murong Shai's queen and concubines, the other maids in Murong Shao's eyes were just bargaining chips to retain the Imperial Master Heishang.  Just last night, he slept with the daughter of a military official.  To him, a fifth-grade military official is like an ant, without any threat.  "Don't scare them, be more honest after entering the city." Fang Jie rubbed the white lion's head and said with a smile. The white lion glanced at him, seeming a little confused.  Fang Jie laughed and said, "If you scare them all to death, how can I play?" The white lion snorted out a puff of air from his nose in dissatisfaction, and simply turned his head away from Fang Jie, just like an angry child.  of.  The city gate is very long, about twenty meters long.  After they opened it, the Nanyan Army soldiers guarding the door quickly ran back into the city. No one dared to stay in the doorway.  It's like those three guys who look very pleasing to the eye are actually demons in human skin.  In fact they were wrong, because only the one at the front was the real devil.  When the door opened, Fang Jie was the first to walk in. Xiang Qingniu behind him put the cards away in a deerskin bag a little unhappily. He was unhappy because he had lost the most just now. He originally lost a quarter of Dali City.  It belongs to him, but Fang Jie just won back more than half of it. Now, only about one-tenth of Dali City still belongs to him.  But the door opened at this moment, and he didn't even have a chance to make money.  Xie Fuyao remained calm even though he had already lost a quarter of Dali City.   After entering the door, Xie Fuyao stayed at the door, standing there with his body straightened.  He is like a towering pine that needs people to look up to.  When he reached the middle of the doorway, Xiang Qingniu also stopped. He sat down cross-legged on the surface paved with blue bricks, took out the deck of cards again from the deerskin bag, and started shuffling the cards as if he was bored.  Then the cards are placed on the ground one by one in an orderly manner, and the numbers on the cards are rounded up to an integer before being drawn out. This is a boring game played by boring people.  Fang Jie walked the farthest and walked to the door inside the city gate cave.  Stop.  Heishang Imperial Master looked at Fang Jie carefully, then looked at Xie Fuyao at the door outside and Xiang Qingniu in the middle of the doorway.  He was silent for a while and then shook his head: "It turns out that you had no intention of entering the palace and having a decisive battle with Monk Chuji." Fang Jie smiled brightly: "Monk Chuji also never thought of having a decisive battle with me."  "As expected, all monks are unreliable. The statement itself is a lie." Although Imperial Master Heishang was a little surprised, he quickly recovered: "I had forgotten that the great monk who had mistaken himself was even more unreliable."  Fang Jie nodded: "Because he is smarter than you." Imperial Master Heishang shook his head: "No because I am better than him."       Imperial Master Heishang looked at the city gate and said with some sadness: "  Just open the door and close it again." Fang Jie looked back, and then said to Master Heishang seriously: "You don't have much time. It takes half an hour for the cavalry to rush into the city gate from departure. You only have  Defeat the three of us in half an hour, and then close the door. "It doesn't take that long." Master Heishang slowly stretched out his hand from his sleeves: "Please believe me, it will be done soon."  Chaolu took the knife from his back and inserted it on the ground beside him. He moved his arms and said, "What I like most is that you like to brag, because you will feel particularly good when you beat him."
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