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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 789 Punishment

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    Chapter 789 Punishment The man in white glanced at Zhang Yiyang. It seemed that the anger and helplessness on the other person's face made him a little happy: "People climb up so hard and arduously just because pursuit can be unreasonable."  He pointed at Zhang Yiyang: "Just like you, you can be unreasonable in front of most people." Zhang Yiyang was silent, and after a while he asked: "Are you coming to kill me?" The man in white shook his head: "I have been for a long time  I haven't killed anyone for a long time. I went to Nanyan a while ago to meet the young man named Fang Jie. I told him that I was just a spectator who was unreasonable because I didn't need your consent.  , you can watch it if you want, I can enter your lives casually." Zhang Yiyang asked: "Who are you?" The man in white drank the tea in the cup, and then filled it up himself: "I just got it by chance.  Favoring people who can stay in the long river of time for a little longer. I once thought that I had no interest in life, so I thought about death, and even died. However, after a long time, all kinds of emotions have faded, and only one remains.  "Frustration?" Zhang Yiyang didn't understand.  The man in white smiled: "I came to you, not to kill you, but to see what is special about you. I have been watching the world over the years, watching what is special about those outstanding people. Every successful person  They all have their own differences, and it¡¯s good for me to discover these.¡± ¡°What do you want to do?¡± Zhang Yiyang asked again.  "I want to" The man in white organized his words: "I want to see if there is any order and rules in this world. What ordinary people think about is how to live a better life and fight for tea, rice, oil and salt. What the powerful want  How to be more powerful and fight for the world, that's because these are their needs. The reason why I watch outstanding people struggle one after another is because that is my need." Zhang Yiyang finally understood that the opposite person.  Man is a lunatic.  ¡°It turns out you no longer regard yourself as a human being.¡± He said.  The man in white smiled: "I am no longer a person, so the things I think about seem so vain and unrealistic in people's eyes. I look at you people who are struggling, trying to find order or order.  Law, if I find this order or law, then I can try it. " "Try to be a god?" Zhang Yiyang suddenly felt that he was not afraid anymore. When the man in white went up the mountain, he was really afraid, because he thought of his master.  A Taoist who thinks he is the most graceful person in the world is a pitiful person whose Taoist heart is broken just by seeing someone who is more graceful than him.  In fact, people are so pitiful. Even if his master's cultivation level is not the highest in the world, it is enough to make the world tremble with one step.  But such a person can be destroyed so easily and even absurdly.  So he was afraid, he was afraid that everything he had finally obtained would be destroyed so easily and absurdly.  But now he is not afraid anymore, because he found that the obviously scary person opposite him has completely lost touch with the concept of human beings.  Zhang Yiyang understands why this is. When a person reaches the height where he is considered to be at the top of his game, and there is no longer a person in front of the target, the target will become something else.  He has heard of many such examples. There was a wealthy man who thought he was invincible, so he went to northern Xinjiang to hike to the highest mountain in the world. When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he roared loudly and then died.  Some people go to the sea and search the immortal mountains, thinking that they can leave the martial arts and enter the immortal way, but in the end the bones are left everywhere.  Some people become suspicious after their cultivation reaches a certain level, thinking that God will not tolerate them, and that thunder and lightning are divine punishments from God to destroy them, so they hide and hide all day long.  These are all lunatics.  The person in front of me who is looking for some order in the world is also a madman.  This madman actually wants to go to heaven!  "You have been looking at those outstanding people in the world, watching them follow their own path. You want to see some clues from them, and you want to see whether God is controlling everything in the world. You want to find where God is, and then you challenge  It, you want to be in heaven? You want to find order because you want to create order." Zhang Yiyang asked: "Can I understand it this way?" The man in white smiled: "No." There was something behind his smile that Zhang Yiyang couldn't understand.  A touch of sadness. Just because he saw this sadness, Zhang Yiyang felt that his previous understanding was wrong.  A madman would not have such sadness.  "Because I stand high, I see things in the distance earlier than you." The man in white stood up, walked under the pine tree and looked at the sky.?You need to find light through the gaps in the leaves: "Many years ago, people could not practice cultivation. At that time, people lived a very difficult life. Facing wild beasts, plagues, and various natural disasters, people could not fight. Although people are the rulers of this world  , but there is no doubt that it is the weakest or even the weakest among all creatures. Cats, dogs, insects and ants can foresee the coming of natural disasters and avoid it. Wild wolves can bite off their own broken legs and continue to live. " "  Perhaps it is precisely because of this that people are unwilling to give up, and then one day they discover that the human body can become stronger through acquired efforts, and it can be stronger than those beasts with innate advantages!  Avoiding plagues and natural disasters, people began to look more and more like real rulers, and human power began to truly become the most powerful force in time." Zhang Yiyang listened to him quietly, sorting out these words in his mind.  The man in white said: "People can practice, which brings people to another level. Because there are practitioners, people have a lot less fear. There is a practitioner in a town, and tigers and wolves dare not invade. There is a practitioner in a city.  He can foresee earthquakes and alert the people. A great practitioner in a country can even deter foreign enemies." He looked back at Zhang Yiyang and asked, "Is that right?" Zhang Yiyang nodded: "Yes." The man in white is right.  These are all facts.  A person who does not need to have strong cultivation is enough to protect a village from being invaded by wild beasts.  A perceptive practitioner can detect natural disasters such as earthquakes in advance and remind people to save themselves in advance.  A great cultivator with extremely strong cultivation can make a country peaceful for a long time.  For example, there are thousands of stars in Sui Dynasty.  "What is this?" the man in white asked.  "What is it?" Zhang Yiyang didn't understand and shook his head: "What is what?" The man in white sighed slightly: "You still think too little People can become stronger after practicing, so they get many benefits. This benefit  What is the nature of it?" This time he didn't ask Zhang Yiyang. He paused and said, "Isn't this a provocation?" "A provocation?" Zhang Yiyang didn't understand.  The man in white said: "If the physique of beasts is stronger than humans, natural disasters will cause people to suffer. Are these the established order in the world? If so, then when people start to practice and avoid all these, they are provoking this order. If people's  If your cultivation is so strong that you ignore these orders, will there be any consequences if you continue to destroy this order?" Zhang Yiyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt shocked.  "I said that I was just a spectator. I was there but didn't want to interfere. I just wanted to see if I would be punished if I disrupted the order. Over the years, the number of practitioners has become more and more powerful, but I have become more and more worried.  " The man in white sighed: "Things must turn against each other When a practitioner can control the court and develop left and right, the practitioner's doom is probably coming. " Zhang Yiyang was silent for a long time, and he finally understood what was happening in front of him.  What is the madman thinking?  This madman has lived for a long time. He doesn't know how long, but Zhang Yiyang is sure that this person must have seen the development of practitioners. If he has seen it from the beginning, then the years he has lived are terrifying enough.  But because Zhang Yiyang knew about the existence of King Dalun Ming, he was not too surprised by the existence of the man in white.  If one has witnessed the number of practitioners from the very beginning to the present grand occasion, it is indeed a shocking thing.  But as you can imagine, it should be a wonderful feeling.  It's like a person is lonely at first, then he discovers a similar person, and then there are more and more similar people. That feeling must be exciting.  But just because he saw too much, he thought too much.  "Since people can practice, it's because their bodies have such potential. Beasts can't practice because beasts don't have such potential." Zhang Yiyang began to express his views, and his previous vigilance was much less: "So, since  It¡¯s the inherent potential of human beings, so it doesn¡¯t count as violating the law of heaven, and it doesn¡¯t count as provoking the orderif there really is such an order.¡± ¡°That¡¯s not right.¡± The man in white said, ¡°I have thought about what you said.  But then I thought that people are weak but have the best and most flexible minds, so they use their minds to survive, come up with many ways to develop, and invent many tools to assist This seems to be the order of human development.  After people practice cultivation, they use less of this kind of thinking I can kill a beast with one finger, so why would I think about inventing any tools? I can't practice, but if there are people in my village who can practice, I can protect the village.  Just plow the fieldsI'm just fine, I'm too lazy to think about anything else.  " "This kind of thinking is becoming more and more common. Another example is soldiers. Soldiers will think that if a great practitioner kills the enemy's general, then I just need to rush forward when the time comes. I am too lazy to think about what to do.  Make the army stronger.  " The man in white said, "This situation is the ultimate development of a practitioner.  It is no longer promoting human progress, but hindering it.  That's why I'm worried that the end of practitioners is coming.  "Until one day" The man in white said sadly: "I went to the other side of the sea."  " His eyes were a little erratic: "I have seen another extreme of human development.  " He thought of the young man named Fang Jie. He had never been to the other side of the sea, but why would he think of another direction of development? He was obviously a person with an extraordinary physique. If he devoted all his attention to practice  On the other side of the sea, he could have become another person who shocked the past and the present. They did not find the path to spiritual practice, but they found a way to become powerful with firearms, which allowed ordinary people to achieve this.  As powerful as a practitioner. On the other side, the power of muskets has far exceeded that of bows and arrows. The power of artillery is enough to be comparable to that of a practitioner of high level, and the operator only needs to light it.  Lead! A cultivator who has practiced hard for decades may not be able to reach the level of six or seven. In terms of power, one punch of such a cultivator is definitely not as good as a blow from a cannon. Of course, a real great cultivator will not bother with guns and artillery.  , but how many such great practitioners are there? Compared to hundreds of millions of people, can dozens, even hundreds, of great practitioners stop another development path?  Cultivation is not as good as when a cannon is blasted, then the doomsday of the cultivator is really coming. "That's why he wants to keep Fang Jie alive. He wants to see what this path is like."  That's not right. If there is no such person as Fang Jie in the Central Plains, will he be abandoned by the world in the future? Is this God's punishment for the people in the Central Plains who disrupt order? The man in white looks to the east. The people on the other side are coming soon.  punish?
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