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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 785 Who cares who he is

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    Chapter 785: It doesn¡¯t matter who he is Mu Ping Huotong Tian Xia Xing Shop Zuo Mingchan¡¯s face was solemn, he glanced at Zhou Mingli and said: ¡°This matter has exceeded our imagination, we must send someone back to report it immediately  Lord, if we want to continue the investigation, our current manpower is obviously not enough, and we can't touch them at all. Now we can confirm that those people are from the military, but we can't determine which team they are.  In all likelihood, Jiang could not do this without the Mu Mansion" "I understand why the people in the Mu Mansion gave up Mu Ping to Yang Shunhui!" Zhou Mingli suddenly raised his head: "If you buy in large quantities from foreigners,  The one who owns the firearms is Mufu, so Yang Shunhui's move to Muping is just a cover-up for Mufu. If Muping is handed over to Yang Shunhui, who would suspect that it is someone from Mufu who trades firearms with foreigners? No wonder Mufu will use it as a shield.  Mou Ping, who had entered Dou Jin, gave way. "Zuo Mingchan nodded: "The people doing the transaction are from Dongchu, but obviously the people behind the deal are foreigners." Zhou Mingli suddenly thought of something: "I have been in Mu Ping for a long time.  When dealing with those Dongchu merchants, you can always hear something about the other side of the ocean. The Dongchu merchants mentioned before that after the Ross Principality was engulfed by the Opuru Empire, the Opuru Empire sent a grand duke named Hullens to take over the Ross Principality.  , and began to suppress the original Ross nobles Naturally, those Ross nobles would not sit still and wait for death, so they formed a rebel army to fight with the army of the Opuru Empire. However, due to their limited strength, they could only fight in a small way. " Zuo Mingchan.  After thinking about it carefully: "So, if analyzed in this way, the people who sold firearms to the Sui people were definitely not people from the Opulu Empire, but the rebels of the Rus state. They needed firearms in exchange for money and to expand the army, and they could also use firearms in exchange.  The support of the Sui people, and the only one who has the strength to support the Ross rebels in the eastern Sui Dynasty is the Mu Mansion!" Zhou Mingli's expression changed: "There is some secret agreement between the Mu Mansion people and the foreigners!" "That's right!  !¡± Zuo Mingchan¡¯s eyes flashed: ¡°With our current manpower, it¡¯s obviously not enough to find out what¡¯s going on with Mu Mansion. But we can start from other directions. If the people dealing with Mu Mansion are the rebels of the Russian Empire, then the people in the city will be in trouble.  Those Dongchu merchants are just here to cover them. Behind the Dongchu merchants, there must be people from the Russian rebels watching. " He stood up and said: "What we need to do now is to find out who they are as soon as possible.  The Dongchu merchants shipped goods to that caravan, and then kept an eye on them. They would definitely be able to find the Ross rebels. If they could catch a few Ross rebels the matter would come to light. " "Tong Sheng.  There are several foreigners staying in the inn. " Zhou Mingxiang wondered: "Yesterday, when I sent people out to keep an eye on those Dongchu merchants, I saw several foreigners coming out of the General's Mansion and staying at Tongsheng Inn.  "Zuo Mingchan was startled: "If these foreigners are the rebels of the Russian state, then Yang Shun will also know about this?" Zhou Mingli shook his head: "Then something is wrong, if Yang Shun will know about this?  , there is absolutely no need for people in the Mu Mansion to do things in such a secretive way. They can just put the transaction in the General's Mansion. Who will see it?  There is no need for Mu Mansion to hand over Mu Ping to Yang Shunhui. As long as Mu Ping is still in the hands of Mu Mansion, wouldn't it be more convenient to trade?  " "It makes sense." Zuo Mingchan nodded: "Then these foreigners may have nothing to do with the Russian rebels.  "I was thinking" Zhou Mingli said: "Why do the people in Mu Mansion do so many things?"  If it was just to cover up their firearms transaction with the Russian rebels, it would obviously be more convenient for them to have Mu Ping in their hands, and they could do it more secretly.  Unless the people in Mu Mansion are afraid of something, once this matter is exposed, the people in Mu Mansion can shirk the blame, because Mu Ping is now affiliated with Yang Shun!  " "What are you afraid of?  " Zuo Mingchan paced back and forth, his eyes flickering: "There is nothing in the Sui Dynasty that the people of Mu Mansion can fear. The people of the imperial court are restrained by Luo Tu's rebels and cannot move in the south of the Yangtze River. The only remaining troops in Gyeonggi Province are  It was to defend against Jin Shixiong's people in the northwest.  In the eastern border of the Great Sui Dynasty, who can make the people of Mu Mansion worry?  " "No" Zhou Mingli shook his head: "If the imperial court is no longer afraid, what else can the Mu Mansion be afraid of?  " "The person Mu Mansion is afraid of is not in Sui Dynasty!  Zuo Mingchan suddenly found an idea: "The people in the Mu Mansion secretly trade firearms. First, they don't want the people of the Sui Dynasty to know about it. They want to train an army equipped with firearms. Who will they target? Who can I guess now?"  Less than.  Secondly, the people of Mu Mansion went around in such a big circle to trade with the rebels of Russia. What they were afraid of was not the people from the Central Plains, but the powerful Opulu Empire on the other side of the ocean!  ¡±   Zhou Mingli suddenly realized: "If this is the case, then it can be explained clearly. People in the Aupulu Empire must not be allowed to sell firearms to the Sui people. If the Mu Mansion wants to buy firearms, they can only rebel against the Rus.  Once the people of the Opulu Empire know about it, the people of the Mu Mansion are worried that if the people of the Opuru Empire find out about the deal between the Mu Mansion and the Ross rebels, they will take revenge on the people of the Mu Mansion. " "Yang Shunhui is really a piece of cake.  Shield!" Zuo Mingchan was stunned for a moment: "In other words, the people in Mu Mansion know very well what is happening on the other side of the ocean. Since they are afraid of the Opulu Empire, it means that this country must be very powerful!" "Send people first!  Go back and report to your lord immediately." He said in a solemn tone: "In any case, this matter seems to be developing in the direction that my lord is worried about. My lord personally wrote a letter to remind Mu Mansion and Yang Shunhui to beware of foreigners. Now it seems that my lord's  No one paid attention to the reminder. The people in Mu Mansion wanted to use the firearms provided by the Ross rebels to equip the army. I found not only muskets but also unassembled artillery from the caravan's carriage" "Mu Mansion, finally.  I¡¯m going to join the competition in the Central Plains.¡± Zhou Mingli sighed, with worry in his eyes.  "But my lord is worried about" Zuo Mingchan sighed: "Foreigners"     Muping has two main streets, one running north-south and one running east-west. More than 80% of the restaurants, casinos, brothels, and inns in the city are concentrated here.  on these two streets.  In order to facilitate transactions, merchants traveling from north to south also chose to settle on these two streets, so the business of the inn was very good.  Although Dongchu businessmen are stingy, they will not live in a remote place just because they feel sorry for a few dollars.  In that case, the money lost in delayed business is much more than the money saved.  Therefore, the people from Xiaoqiu School soon discovered that a group of Dongchu people were acting suspiciously.  The experts selected from the Hutong Tianxia Xingxing and the people from the Xiaoqiu School stared at the Dongchu people for a day and a night, and finally found the clues.  One group of Dongchu people wandered around the east-west street after the transaction. They first found a restaurant to eat, and then went to a teahouse to listen to a play. They did not leave until after dark.  They took advantage of the darkness to leave the teahouse, and then turned into a small alley.  The people from the Riding School followed cautiously, and those people seemed to be very wary. They would separate and walk in another direction before passing a fork in the road. There was no doubt that this was enough to confuse those who were following them.  Although these people did not notice anyone following them at all, they still remained wary.  If it weren¡¯t for the fact that the Xiao Riding School barely had enough manpower, we would have almost lost track of them.  Because it was impossible to determine which of the separated people was the main target, the Riding School could only allocate manpower.  It wasn't until late at night that it was determined that those people were living in a very humble inn in the east of the city.  This place may be difficult for even people from the Muping government office to find.  ¡°However, it can also be concluded from this that there must be something wrong with this group of Dongchu people.  Such a remote place and such careful precautions can only show that they have something evil in mind.  After discovering where they were staying, people from the Xiao Riding School immediately informed Zuo Mingchan.  Zuo Mingchan and his men arrived here under the cover of night.  "I'll bring two people over to take a look. You should hide around the inn and don't reveal your whereabouts. Don't do anything without my order!" Zuo Mingchan gave the order and then brought two skilled men with him.  He walked towards the small inn.  The three of them were all good at lightness skills. After carefully avoiding the secret sentry outside the inn, they climbed in from the courtyard wall on one side of the inn.  This inn is actually a private residence. The house must have been vacant, so we simply opened the inn. There were only two waiters in the front room, but they were already asleep on the table.  The lights in the small courtyard behind were still on. Zuo Mingchan looked in through the gap in the flower wall and found two people standing guard at the door of the house. It looked like they were definitely not from the Central Plains. They were tall and holding firearms in their hands.  He signaled his two men not to move, then quietly climbed over the wall on one side, jumped onto the roof lightly, and then walked lightly from the roof to the eaves, hooking one hand on the eaves and leaning his body.  He fell down and peered into the house from the window above, but the two foreigners guarding the door were standing under him without noticing.  The Dongchu people in the room were mumbling something in foreign language, and a foreigner sitting on a chair interrupted to ask questions from time to time.  Zuo Mingchan didn't understand foreigners' words, so he didn't understand a word.  He took out the incense from the bag and was about to pierce the window paper when he suddenly felt the sound of slight footsteps. He immediately turned back and lay down on the roof.  Immediately afterwards, several figures climbed in from outside the courtyard wall very lightly.??, several of them blew out the poisonous stings with blowpipes, and the two foreigners guarding the door fell limply.  Then those people approached the house, and about six or seven more people jumped in.  Zuo Mingchan was startled, wondering who else was watching this group of people besides himself?  He didn¡¯t dare to act rashly, but stuck his head and looked down.  There were about a dozen people in the group who came in later. Although their movements were very flexible, Zuo Mingchan was sure that these people didn't know how to practice, but they were just relatively strong.  After entering the yard, these people all took off their short muskets from their belts, which revealed their identities.  Zuo Mingchan's heart moved, wondering why so many foreigners came to Moupingli?  Obviously, the subsequent group of foreigners and the people in the house were definitely not the same group. If the people in the house were members of the Russian rebels, could these people be the same?  Before Zuo Mingchan could figure it out, something had happened in the yard below.  The foreigners who came later kicked open the door and rushed in with short muskets.  Immediately afterwards, I heard several scoldings, but Zuo Mingchan still didn't understand a word.  He hung from the eaves and looked down, and found that the foreigner in the room had been subdued and was cursing.  The Dongchu people were all held down and their throats slit with daggers.  This group of foreigners is extremely cruel.  At this time, the two boys who heard the shouting got up, rubbed their sleepy eyes and walked to the backyard.  Two foreigners came out of the house, waving to the little boy and mumbling something, but the little boy didn't understand, so he quickly walked towards the backyard.  Zuo Mingchan's eyes changed, and he knew that these foreigners were going to kill people and silence them.  No matter who he is, take them all first!  Zuo Mingchan took out a whistle and flicked it with his fingers. After the whistle flew out, it made a very high-pitched sound, just like the cry of a bird. The foreigners in the yard looked up, but they didn't care.  When it comes to these useful little tricks, they are far behind.  Just as the two foreigners hid the daggers behind their backs, and when the boy came over to take action, Zuo Mingchan rolled down from the eaves and cut the two people's necks with two palms in the air. The two foreigners groaned and then  fell down.
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