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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 768: Named after the word town

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    Chapter 768: Taking the name of the town Yang Qinyan, the eldest princess of the Sui Dynasty, sat on the main seat. The faces of the generals of the Black Flag Army were obviously a little ugly. Look at me and I look at you.  , there was some dissatisfaction in his eyes.  Speaking of which, the generals of the Black Flag Army no longer have much respect for the Sui royal family.  As if aware of these strange things, Yang Qinyan cleared her throat and said: "Give General Fang an extra seat next to me. General Fang is the host and I am the guest. We must not lose our etiquette. Furthermore, if General Fang hadn't planned the strategy,  I can't leave Chang'an safely. If it weren't for General Fang's insistence, I would never sit on this throne." Some soldiers moved a chair to put it up, but Fang Jie stopped him: "Step back, your highness is the king now.  We are ministers, have you forgotten the ways of a monarch and his ministers?" The soldiers retreated sarcastically, but they still looked at Yang Qinyan with some dissatisfaction.  Yang Qinyan smiled slightly awkwardly, and had no choice but to find a topic to talk about this trivial matter. But after she said the words, she immediately realized that she had said something wrong, but she could not take it back after she said it.  "It's gratifying that General Fang went south to conquer the country and won the war, butwhen will he go north to fight against the rebellion?" She originally wanted to change the atmosphere before, but her smooth words made the atmosphere even colder.  The generals' eyes changed when they looked at her, and Yang Qinyan understood the meaning.  But the words had been said, and she had to wait for Fang Jie's answer.  "I also want to send my army north as soon as possible to fight against the rebels and destroy the traitors. But if the army goes south and returns in vain, first of all, the money and food spent will be meaningless. It will be difficult to make up for it in a short time, and it will not be able to pay tribute to those who died in the battle.  The soldiers explained. Second, if they suddenly returned in the middle of the battle, the current victory would be equivalent to giving it away. The three cities that took thousands of soldiers to fight would be recaptured by the Nanman in an instant.  We need to prepare a lot of things for going north, including food, grass, luggage, weapons and armor. I have ordered the Zhuque Mountain Camp to prepare these things. After Nan Yan is pacified, we can send our troops to the north. " Yang Qinyan did not expect that Fang Jie would be like this.  Such a detailed and serious answer, so I smiled at him gratefully.  She did feel a little uncomfortable sitting in front of such a large group of generals wearing armor, and it would be a lie to say she wasn't nervous.  After all, she has never faced such a scene in all these years, and the palace garden is her world.  She really doesn¡¯t understand much about things in the court.  "I I'm just talking casually. It's up to General Fang to make his own decisions on military matters." Yang Qinyan lowered her head to hide the blush on her face, but she couldn't find what to say next.  In fact, she thought about it countless times on the way, how to tell Fang Jie about fighting back to Chang'an City.  She also prepared many, many words for herself, both emotionally and rationally.  But when she saw Fang Jie, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten everything she said.  She was actually not familiar with Fang Jie. Before going south, all her memories of Fang Jie were nothing more than the disgusting joke in the secret cell of Ouchi Guards.  To be honest, she should hate this person.  But now, she found that she could only rely on this person.  "Chen Xiaoru." Fang Jie turned around and ordered: "Find some maids in the city who come from clean families and know etiquette and respect. Choose from the houses of those I have designated today, tell them the rules, and stay with His Highness to serve him in the future. In addition,  , select people with good skills from the Knight Riding School, and then choose a smart Baihu to lead a team to protect His Highness. Also, buy the things His Highness needs from the city, and bring a few maids to buy them. You may not necessarily buy everything.  I paid as much money as I had to pay. After I left, I ordered the people from the Xiao Riding School to patrol the city in turns. Anyone who harasses the people will be killed without questioning. It doesn't matter if they are rogues in the city or people in my Black Flag Army.  " "Here!" Chen Xiaoru responded and quickly went out to make arrangements.  "Chen Dingnan" "My subordinates are here!" "The people with you will count the number of surrendered troops. Those who are willing to stay will be paid according to the customary system of the Black Flag Army and reorganized. Those who are not willing to stay will be allowed to go home to farm.  Send some money." "Here!" "Dugu" Dugu Wenxiu stood up quickly: "Wei Xiting is busy with the selection of local officials. You should pick up the matter of re-registering the people in the city until Wei Xiting's affairs are clear.  Some will be handed over. In addition, since I have ordered half of the supplies to be distributed to the people before, all the people who take the initiative to register will be distributed according to their households. " "I understand!"  Dugu Wenxiu took the order and left.  "The generals of other battalions will all go back to count their troops, treat the wounded, and count all the soldiers who died in the battle. I will ask for the list tomorrow, and then send one copy to Zhuqueshan Camp and Yongzhou each for delivery."?Local officials verify each household and issue pensions according to controls.  This money was earned by the soldiers with their lives. If anyone dares to deduct a copper coin, I will confiscate his home and destroy his nine tribes.  " "Here!  "The generals stood up and clasped their fists: "I obey the general's order!  " "That" Yang Qinyan suddenly raised his head and said with a little stumble: "Generals, please go slowly, I have something to say" Everyone had already raised their feet to leave, but after hearing her words, they all came back. "Everyone.  They are the pillars of the Sui Dynasty. In the future, it will all be up to you to restore the country and kill the rebels.  Since I am here on behalf of the royal family, I cannot ignore your achievements.  Whether it was killing bandits in the northwest or killing bandits in the southern Xinjiang, the Black Flag Army fought bloody battles to defeat the enemy, and their achievements were outstanding!  General Fang, in particular, should be the first to appease the local area and expel the barbarians.  When the late emperor was still alive, he said several times that General Fang would be an indispensable person in the Sui Dynasty in the future.  " "It's just that I can't give you any benefits now Now the Great Sui Dynasty is in turmoil, chaos and chaos are rampant, and even the capital has fallen into the hands of rebels. Therefore, even if I want to give you a generous reward, I can't give you anything.  .  The only thing I can do is to increase the rank and rank of the princes, and other rewards will be discussed after the imperial capital is recaptured.  "Everyone looked at her and no one spoke, waiting for her to continue. "General Fang has killed enemies for the country in the past few years. He killed the Mongolian Tatars in the northwest and the Li Yuanshan rebels.  After going south, he pacified the southwestern roads, and settled the border areas in one battle. Now he led his troops into Nanyan to open up territory for the Sui Dynasty. If such great achievements were not rewarded, even God would not agree.  Therefore, after much deliberation, I decided to represent General Jin Fang of the Sui Dynasty as the first-class Duke!  I will make a decision on the rewards for you after discussing with General Fang.  " She was waiting for everyone to express their thanks, but she saw dozens of generals suddenly standing up straight and giving a standard military salute to Fang Jie: "Congratulations on the promotion, General!  " Fang Jie nodded slightly, turned around and cupped his fists at Yang Qinyan: "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward!  " Yang Qinyan was a little frustrated, but she didn't show it. "That girl is stupid, is she really a member of the Yang family?  " Chen Dingnan sat on a broken wall with a piece of fur grass in his mouth, looked at the sun that was about to sink in the distance and smiled and said: "In this world now, the words "Yang family" actually have little weight.  Many people said that the lord took her in just because the Yang family was really good to the lord at the beginning. Some people said that the lord wanted to conquer the world in order to be justified in the future But I just don't like this woman. She is sitting on that chair.  I couldn't help but want to kick her down.  " "You have to endure it even if you think about it!  " Dugu Wenxiu patted him on the shoulder and said: "My lord's great cause has just begun. Although Huangyang Road has stabilized its footing, there are still many things that have not been done in the entire southwest.  You are not thinking right now, and you are already going crazy from the beginning Wouldn't it be a pity if you were convicted of the crime in the future?  " "My Lord Dugu!  " Chen Dingnan smiled and said: "If I were really a talkative person, I wouldn't just talk to you.  Brothers in the army all know that you are smart, sir. I just want to ask you My lord, don't you think you have made wedding clothes for others and worked hard to conquer the world? Do you really want to return it to the Yang family?  " "My lord has made his own decision in his heart.  " Dugu Wenxiu shook his head: "I once mentioned to my lord that this princess is a double-edged sword.  With this princess here, our Black Flag Army will be able to fight wherever it goes.  But the other edge is suspicion.  The soldiers were worried about their own future. It would be bad if the army's morale was weakened.  "    "so what?  " Chen Dingnan asked. "So?  " Dugu Wenxiu smiled and said, "You understand everything, and why are you asking me?  " Chen Dingnan laughed loudly: "I understand, everyone in the army understands, it's just that His Highness doesn't understand.  " "Talk too much!  " Dugu Wenxiu rolled his eyes at him and turned to leave. When he turned around, he happened to see the whole team of the Jingbu Battalion preparing to return to the camp. The shirtless strong man in front made him pay special attention: "General Chen, who is that person?  ?  " He pointed and asked. "That man's name is Nalan Dingdong, and he is from Northern Liao.  At first, the prince of Northern Liao, Wanyan Zhongde, led the cold cavalry to fight side by side with the lord. Later, the people of Northern Liao were unwilling to get involved in the war between the Han people. In addition, the emperor of the Sui Dynasty issued an order to allow the people of Northern Liao to move to the north.  Xinjiang, so Wanyan Zhongde went back with his troops. He was seriously injured and stayed, and now he is one of the 100 households in Jingbu Camp.  If I hadn't happened to see this man's ferocity during the fight the day before yesterday and inquired about it, I wouldn't have known.  Nie Xiaoju is in charge of Jingbu Camp, you should ask him to find out.  ¡± ¡°???¡± Dugu Wenxiu nodded, but couldn¡¯t help but feel moved when he heard the name. He suddenly remembered a rumor he had heard but didn¡¯t know whether it was true or not. However, since this rumor may be groundless. ¡°What a big man!  " He praised and left immediately. Chen Dingnan didn't pay attention. """Ding the south, fix the north, fix the east and west" Fang Jie murmured, and his thoughts returned to the time when he was in the northwest. When he heard these words.  I didn¡¯t really care much at the time, but things seemed to be more and more coincidental. ¡°Find Nalan Dingdong.  " He gave the order, and his soldiers immediately ran out to look for the person. Dugu Wenxiu, who was standing aside, said: "It's better to be more concerned about such mysterious things. Besides, this person's martial arts and literary skills are not unconventional, so he can do it.  Reuse.  Only the identity of this Bei Liao native was a bit inappropriate. If he were promoted suddenly, other generals would probably feel dissatisfied.  " Fang Jie nodded: "Let's transfer him to Qin Yuan's infantry army first. If this person is of great use, he can be promoted later. He will be promoted to a special general first and given a chance to lead him in the camp.  " Dugu Wenxiu responded and asked: "By the way, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess has made the lord the Duke of the country. I wonder if the title has been finalized?  " Fang Jie nodded: "She invited two people from Sanjin Hou to discuss it, and they initially decided to be Protector. However, because Luo Yao's title was also Protector of the Country, he changed it to Zhong. Thinking of Prince Zhong, he changed it to Bao.  , Sanjin Hou said it was not appropriate, and after discussion it was changed to Zhen.  " "Zhen Guo Gong" Dugu Wenxiu nodded: "Zhen is the fourth character in the first-class Guo Gong, which is quite appropriate.  At the beginning of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Taizu of the Sui Dynasty awarded the founding heroes, among whom the eight characters of "loyalty, courage, protection, and stability" were given as first-class Dukes. Li Xiao, the general during the Taizong period, was also titled "Zhen Guogong".  " "It's just a title, don't worry about it.  " Fang Jie waved his hand: "Don't delay the matter of Fengping for too long. The army will set off immediately after five days of rest.  I will go to Peicheng first tomorrow. If the eldest princess needs anything, you can discuss it with Sanjinhou.  In additionwrite a letter to Cui Zhongzhen" Fang Jie lowered his voice and said a few words, and Dugu Wenxiu's eyes flashed: "I understand!  "
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