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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 747 Stay alive!

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    Chapter 747: Stay alive!  The second day after the Black Flag Army formed their formation in the north of the city, Fu Zhengnan felt that he had never been so anxious.  Ever since he inherited the position of Lord of Qingyuan City from his father, his life has actually been smooth sailing.  He experienced the demise of Great Shang and the founding of Nanyan, but none of these affected the Fu family's status in Qingyuan City.  Speaking of the people with the most power in Nanyan, he can still be ranked in the top fifteen.  He even always felt that he was lucky. When the Sui Dynasty conquered the Shang Kingdom, he was still young and had not yet reached the position of city lord. At that time, his father was worried all day long because they all knew that Qingyuan City could not stop it.  The Sui army was at the height of its power, but luckily the Sui army did not continue to move south.  After the founding of Nanyan, Murong Shai did not dare to offend the local prominent families, because Qingyuan City was the gateway to the north of Nanyan. Murong Shai knew that the Fu family would be even more wooed, and the Fu family would receive no less benefits than others.  Precisely because he knew that Murong Shai didn't dare to do anything to him, otherwise he wouldn't have blatantly withheld Murong Yongduo's trophies, because he knew that Murong Shao would only scold him once or twice at most.  Without their Fu family, who would guard Nanyan's north gate?  But this time, he found that his luck was gone.  Fang Jie asked someone to bring back a sentence of five kills, and then shot thousands of text messages on the city wall, causing the people in the city to boil with resentment.  After hearing about and seeing the brutal destruction of the city wall by catapults, the people were even more afraid to go to the city to help defend themselves.  In the past two days, some soldiers even took the opportunity of patrolling to take off their uniforms, throw away their weapons and run away, but no one could be found.  If this continues, it won¡¯t be long before the people start to cause trouble.  ¡°If the matter is really that simple, just send the people of Pingshangdao out and that¡¯s it, he would be more willing than anyone else.  But he knew better than anyone else that this was just Fang Jie's plan to divorce.  "City Lord!" A general ran in quickly, clasped his fists and said, "Go and have a look at the city wall." "What's wrong?" Seeing the anxious expression on the general's face, Fu Zhengnan's heart tightened.  "Youit's better to see for yourself." Fu Zhengnan was greatly annoyed by the way he hesitated to speak, but he had no time to care about it at this time. He immediately put on armor and led people to the city wall.  The Black Flag Army had not attacked in the past two days, but they were even more worried and busy dealing with the affairs of the people in the city. He had not slept a wink for the past two days.  When he arrived at the city wall, he took the clairvoyant hand handed to him by the soldier and looked outside. Fu Zhengnan immediately yelled: "Fang Jie! You shameless person!" About six or seven hundred paces away from the city wall, there was a group of about a few hundred steps away.  A team of hundreds of people stopped there.  There was a table at the front of the queue, seemingly filled with wine and food.  The three of them sat around, changing glasses from time to time.  And through his clairvoyance, Fu Zhengnan could see who among the three people was facing the city wallhis younger brother, Fu Zhengming.  "It's the Second Master!" A soldier lowered his voice and said in surprise: "The Second Master is having a drink with the general from the Black Flag Army!" "And General Shi!" A sharp-eyed soldier saw the other person clearly.  "Look, even the Second Master and Shi Da Ke were not executed They were still drinking there. It seems that the Black Flag Army is not bad to our people at all." "Yes, they say that the Black Flag Army has never been kind.  It seems that keeping alive is just a rumor. Even the second master can entertain us with delicious food and drinks, so we will definitely not be killed." Soon, the soldiers began to talk about it.  "Let me tell you, they are doing this on purpose. They just want us to see that as long as we surrender, we will not be charged, and we will also be entertained with good food and drinks. In fact, another meaning is that if you resist, no one will  Don't think about sitting down and drinking wine like the Second Master and General Shi." "Shh! Keep your voice down!" "I tell you, in fact, we are just pawns who are willing to die.  People, even if they want our Qingyuan City, do we have to kill all the people in Qingyuan City? If we do that, who in the big cities behind will dare to open their doors and surrender? " "Actually, it's not us who can't surrender, but us?  It's the city lord" Someone lowered his voice and said cautiously: "We surrender, we still serve as soldiers, at worst we can go home and farm. I heard that the Black Flag Army on Pingshang Road is dividing the fields for the common people!  The land that belongs to you is not for those rich people to work on! But if the city lord surrenders, can he still be the city lord? The city lord ordered to defend it because he was afraid of losing his family's things, and we were just gatekeepers for other people's families.  "I'm thinking about it too. If the Black Flag Army says it wants to massacre the city, it will cost us everything for my grandpa and my mother to kiss our relatives and family members."?This life is worth it, there is nothing to hesitate about.  But now people say that as long as the people of Pingshangdao are returned, innocent people will not be killed indiscriminately. Even the city lord is unwilling to agree to this. Is our life worth selling?  If the city lord does not agree, when the Black Flag Army breaks the city, no one wearing armor or weapons will be left alive. Who is harming us?  "    "do not talk!  Be careful not to be overheard!  " "At this point, who doesn't think more about it!  " Although the voices of these discussions are not loud, they are everywhere. Not just the soldiers, but also the low-level officers. In the city, people are gathering everywhere on the streets, and the crowd is excited. If anyone observes carefully,  You will find that wherever there are many people, there will be people making excited speeches, vaguely pointing the finger at the city lord Fu Zhengnan. After arousing the emotions of the people, these people will disappear into the crowd and disappear.  Outside the city, Fang Jie looked back at the city wall with his wine glass, then smiled and asked: "You two, if you sit here and drink with me like this, I'm afraid City Master Fu will be very unhappy, right?"  " Fu Zhengming and Shi Da Ke looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.      In the afternoon, a group of cavalry came like a cloud from outside the city. After arriving at the city, they reined in their horses. The leader of them  He pulled out the bowstring and shot an arrow, which struck the city tower with a bang. "Tell your city lord that if you don't return our Sui people before sunrise tomorrow, don't blame my general for being ruthless after the city is destroyed!"  " After the man finished shouting, he turned around and left. All the defenders on the city wall heard clearly. When they saw a letter tied to the feather arrow, they naturally understood that it was written by Fang Jie to the city lord. It must be  A letter of persuasion to surrender. So they were wondering, would the city lord agree? Someone climbed up and pulled out the feather arrow, but did not dare to read the letter and sent it to the city lord's palace intact. Fu Zhengnan had not slept for two days.  After resting for a while, he was woken up. He put on some clothes and came out. His subordinates said that the enemy troops outside the city had sent a letter to him. The letter on the envelope was written by the general of the Black Flag Army. Fu Zhengnan took the letter and sat down.  Behind the desk, he opened it with a gloomy expression. "City Master Fu personally said: I heard that City Master Fu is very knowledgeable. Today, while I was drinking and chatting with General Shi outside the city, I heard your brother tell an interesting story about Nanyan.  It is said that there is a kind of old turtle commonly seen on the seashore of Nanyan, which is as small as a millstone and as big as a boat. Different from ordinary turtles, the carapace on the back of this old turtle is not strong. Although it is shaped like a castle, it can be broken by one hit.  Whenever in danger, they immediately retract their heads and feet into their shells, thinking they can protect themselves.  When the fishermen first saw it, they thought the turtle shell was very strong, so they made an egg out of it. When touched, the egg was intact but the turtle shell was broken But I don¡¯t know the name of this turtle. I don¡¯t know but I feel anxious in my heart.  Then he said, "My brother is the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable. You should know the name of this turtle."  Therefore, I personally wrote a letter to ask City Master Fu, what is the name of the turtle of Nanyan?  I wonder how long this turtle will live?  I wonder how brave this turtle is?  I wonder if this turtle tastes delicious?  I came to Nanyan to enjoy the mountains, rivers and historical sites, and it was a nice thing to catch turtles and make soup for drinking.  Although I haven't seen it, I can tell that it tastes delicious when I think about it. It makes my mouth water. It's really ungrateful.  I hope the city lord will not hesitate to teach me, so I would like to thank you.  " " Fang Jie!  " After reading the letter, Fu Zhengnan's shoulders trembled with anger. He tore the letter into pieces like crazy. The clothes on his body fell off, but he didn't notice at all. The angry Fu  Zhengnan tore up the letter and was still angry, kicking the desk in front of him, "I'm at odds with you!"  If I don¡¯t kill you, I swear I won¡¯t be a human being!  " Angry roars came from the study, and everyone outside looked confused and frightened. They didn't know why the city lord was so angry. But, the news soon spread. City Wall  When the defenders came down, they said that the Black Flag Army sent someone to send a handwritten letter from Fang Jie, which should be an ultimatum. If the Sui people are not exchanged when the sun rises tomorrow, they will attack the city.  Then the second news came out quickly. It was said that the city lord tore up Fang Jie's autographed letter and roared that he would fight to the death with Fang Jie! That night, some people were incited to gather outside the city lord's palace, shouting for those Sui people to be killed!  After being released from the city, the furious Fu Zhengnan ordered the army to drive away the people, and many people were injured. "The general has created opportunities for us. How can we live up to the general's arrangements if we don't take advantage of them?"  " Late at night, a few people gathered in the corner and discussed in low voices: "Go to the place where the people of Pingshang Road gather. Let them prepare tonight. If they see a fire in the city, they will rush to the city gate and block the city gate.  Move away the stone!  " "A few of us went to incite the people in the city and asked them to surround the city's main palace tonight and force Fu Zhengnan to release his people.  There was a commotion on both sides, and the defenders in the cityIf they were restrained, the number of manpower in the barracks would be reduced sharply. Others would sneak in and set fire to the soldiers, steal some uniforms of Nanyan soldiers, put them on, and spread rumors in the barracks, saying that Fu Zhengnan was going to kill those soldiers tonight.  All the Sui people were killed and they would never be returned to the Black Flag Army!  " "When there is a commotion at the city gate, they will be convinced!  Then we take advantage of the chaos to find a way to open the city gate. If it cannot be opened, we will burn the city to pieces.  With such chaos, how could the defenders think about defending the city?  " The leader lowered his voice and said: "If there is a fire in the barracks, Fu Zhengnan will definitely lead people to deal with it.  I would blend in with the crowd on the street and stab him with a crossbow. I would definitely not be able to kill him. But as soon as he ordered a search for the assassin, our people would encourage the people, saying that Fu Zhengnan was going to kill someone to establish his authority, and they had to gather together to let him go.  All the people he let go were killed.  "A few people were stunned for a moment, and they all knew that it was a very bad thing for the group to do. "Guide, you have to live well. We have persisted until the general led his troops. After the city is broken, we can go back. Let's live well.  Take a nap and get drunk!  We agreed that we should go shopping together!  "    "good!  " The team leader nodded vigorously: "Drink a pot of wine and go to a brothel!  " He looked at the sky, waved his hand and ordered: "Everyone should do it separately, the sooner the better!  " Several people disappeared into the night. Before leaving, they turned around and clasped their fists: "Stay alive!  " "Alive!  ¡± In the night, the voice was so soft, yet so firm.
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