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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 729 Five Kills

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    PS: Asking for monthly tickets Chapter 729 Five Kills The nearest border town to Nanyan is called Dingyuan, which is a larger border town than Baishui City.  A small part of the defenders in the city were the original border troops, and the rest were county soldiers brought by Fang Jie from Yongbei Third Road.  They were sent here after the county soldiers were reorganized. The life in the border town made some of them toughen up, and also made some of them complain.  This kind of thing is common for frontier troops, and the recruits they led before also behaved like this.  Time can change everything. The more times you go out to kill people and face more dangers, slowly these grumbling county soldiers will become calm and cold.  "General, across the way is Qingyuan City." The frontier general pointed at the majestic-looking city opposite: "Since Murong Yongduo's defeat and the remnant soldiers of Nanyan fled back, the defenders of Qingyuan City have been  The border gates were closed, and even the stone bridges on the rivers were demolished. " Fang Jie stood on the city wall and raised his clairvoyance to look, and found that the distance between Dingyuan City and Qingyuan City was not far, no more than ten miles at most.  Although the movement in the big city opposite could not be clearly seen, the vigilance of Nanyan's army could still be seen.  There was no one on the official road between the two cities. It was empty and seemed so lonely.  There is a small river about two miles south of Dingyuan City, which is not wide.  There was originally a stone bridge on the river, but most of it has collapsed, and the remaining bridges on both sides are still there.  "This river is called Jinshui." The general of the border army pointed to the small river and said: "Although this section of the river is only a dozen meters long, the water flow is very fast and very deep. Calculating now is the best time to send troops, in the wide area downstream  It can be discharged or a floating bridge can be built. It will be the rainy season in a while. It is common for the rainy season in the southwest to last for two or three months. It is not uncommon for the river to double in width. " "How far away is the slowest point? "  Fang Jie asked.  "Back to the general" The other general of the border army pointed to the southeast and said: "Go southeast for more than twenty miles out of the city. The waterway is the widest and the water flow is the slowest. Another ten miles is where the Jinshui merges into the Luoshui. Luoshui  Bypassing Qingyuan City, the closest point of the river to Qingyuan City is only four or five miles away." Fang Jie nodded and couldn't help but think of the method that Sanjin Hou Wu Yiyi had thought of.  Luoshui is actually a tributary of the Yangtze River. It is different from the Huangniu River. The Huangniu River originates from the mountains to the west of Huangyang Road and eventually merges into the Yangtze River.  The Luoshui River is a tributary of the Yangtze River at the intersection with the Huangniu River. It flows almost straight south, passing through Qingyuan City, crossing northeast of Dali City, and merging into the South China Sea.  Wu Yiyi said a few days ago that no matter how tight the defense of Nanyan Qingyuan City is, as long as the upper reaches of Luoshui River are intercepted and then exploded, the water potential can be poured directly into Qingyuan City.  Most of the big cities in the south have waterways leading directly outside the city.  Unlike the big cities in the north, the big cities in the south will have an extra water gate.  The water gate only has iron bars and no gates, so it cannot stop the water.  When the time comes, the river surges into the city and cannot be stopped.  However, if this is the case, I am afraid that Qingyuan City will turn into a swamp within a few dozen miles. Even if the water recedes, it will take more than a month at the earliest.  When the time comes, the Southern Expedition army will have to march through the mud, and not only Qingyuan City, but also Dingyuan City will be affected, with both pros and cons.  ??Besides, this is against the way of leading an army by flooding the city with water and using it as a means of relief.  Fang Jie has never been soft on the enemy, but now his main strategy is to attract the people. Once the flood floods the city, I am afraid that the people will not side with the Black Flag Army.  "General, look!" The other general of the border army interrupted Fang Jie's thoughts and pointed to a small black spot outside the city: "The Nanyan army will come out for inspection every two hours. Go to the Jinshui River  He just returned and never stopped." Fang Jie nodded and raised his clairvoyance to take a look. He saw a group of cavalry of about three to five hundred people galloping from the official road in the south. They stopped for a while when they arrived at the Jinshui River.  , the man who led the troops also raised his clairvoyance to observe Dingyuan City.  After watching for a while, the cavalry divided into two teams and swept out along the river in the east-west direction.  It seems that patrolling the river in this way has become a routine for the Nanyan army.  "The distance is not far, and the Nanyan army is still patrolling every day." The frontier general said: "As long as the army leaves the city, the Nanyan army in Qingyuan City will find it immediately. Although the Jinshui River is not wide, the army can't cross it quickly.  If the Nanyan army attacks while they are halfway across, we will also suffer losses." Fang Jie looked at it again and asked, "Do you know how many defenders there are in Qingyuan City?" "Go back to the general.  , before the war started, my subordinates had asked the merchants of Nanyan. It was said that there were at least 20,000 elites in Qingyuan City, and there were many civilian warriors. But that was when Luo Yao was still in Yongzhou, and now I am afraid there are more.  After a while, Nanyan sealed the border after the war, and there was no definite news about Qingyuan City for a long time.Except for daily inspections by the army, ordinary people and merchants are not allowed to come in or out.  " Fang Jie snorted. This was also the reason why the people from the Xiaoqiu School were unable to send back the news. When the Nanyan army was defeated, Chen Xiaoru sent people to sneak into the defeated army and follow them back. But since the war, no one has  Come back. What I know about Qingyuan City now is from before the war. Since Murong Shao has allied with Dongchu, he is ready for an all-out battle. Qingyuan City and Fengping City are the gateways to the north of Nanyan.  There must be enough troops in the two big cities. "Looking at it this way, you can't tell anything.  Qilin, Nie Xiaoju" The two tower-like strong men took a step forward: "My subordinates are here!  " "Take a hundred soldiers and follow me out of the city.  " Fang Jie gave an order, threw his clairvoyance to the soldiers around him, and then quickly walked down the city wall.      The border army general tried to persuade him several times, but there was nothing he could do. Now Nan Yan's patrolling cavalry is still outside.  , Fang Jie actually went out of the city to inspect with only a hundred soldiers. Although the river was currently impassable, the narrowest part was only a dozen meters wide, and feather arrows and repeating crossbows could easily be fired at it. Even though he was from the border army.  He had heard that Fang Jie's cultivation was amazing, but he was still worried. No one in the team brought by Fang Jie was surprised. Fang Jie's temperament was more or less known to him when he led ten soldiers in Huangniu River.  He dared to fight thousands of rebels and killed nearly a thousand people with his sword. This incident alone is unforgettable. At that time, Fang Jie was just a young man who relied on his body to fight.  His physique has become stronger, and his cultivation level has shown signs of breaking through to the ninth level. When he was at the ninth level, he was able to kill the great practitioners of the Tongming Realm with all his strength. Once he broke into the Tongming Realm, he could kill anyone in the world.  There were really not many people to kill him. With a hundred soldiers and two men, Qilin Nie Xiaoju, Fang Jie rode on the white lion and asked the border army to open the city gate, and a group of soldiers and horses roared out of the city wall.  Looking out nervously, he found that the cavalry of more than a hundred people were as majestic and fierce as an army. Two or three miles out of the city was the Jinshui River, and Fang Jie and the others soon reached the river.  At this time, the Nanyan army patrolling on the opposite side had obviously already discovered it, and the horns sounded several times in succession on the south bank of the river. The Nanyan cavalry who were patrolling on both sides came back to join together in Jinshui.  I stopped by the broken bridge of the river and sat on the back of the white lion with my legs tilted to look at the river. The water section of the broken bridge is the narrowest, only about 16 to 10 meters, and it gets wider as you go downstream.  It is more than a mile wide. It is said that this stone bridge was built after the founding of the Great Shang Dynasty. It has been hundreds of years old. If it had not been destroyed by the Nanyan army, it would not be a problem for Fang Jie to remain standing for several hundred years.  The wisdom of the ancients never dared to be underestimated. This stone bridge was probably much stronger than some modern projects in previous lives. Seeing the Sui army coming out of Dingyuan City, the Nanyan army on the south side of the river was obviously facing a formidable enemy.  They lined up along the river bank under the leadership of a general and looked nervously at the river, which was only a dozen meters wide. They could even see the expressions on the faces of the people on the opposite side clearly.  They are definitely not Dingyuan city frontier troops. Each of these hundreds of cavalrymen looks so fierce and cold, and their murderous aura makes people shudder across the river. And in front of the team, there seems to be a huge white horse sitting cross-legged.  The young man in black robe on the lion made General Nan Yan even more frightened. Almost instantly, he guessed the identity of the other party. Who else could he be if he was not the general of the Black Flag Army?  The name Jie is equated with the devil in the Nanyan army. He looked at Fang Jie nervously, fearing that the other party would do something. The same was true for those Nanyan soldiers. Even the crossbows were cocked and the hard bows were pulled out from their faces.  It can be seen from their expressions that they are afraid.  Fang Jie couldn't help but want to laugh. When he was in Fangu City, he was just a small frontier soldier. At that time, Fang Jie's name was known to everyone in Fangu City. But after leaving Fangu, who knew about him?  ?  Now, just his appearance in front of the enemy is enough to scare the enemy away from taking any rash action.  Even the name Fang Jie is enough to scare many people.  "Hey! That one on the other side!" General Nan Yan was trembling in his heart. Suddenly he heard a shout from the opposite side, which scared him so much that he trembled subconsciously and almost fell off his horse.  His nerves were tense to begin with, but Fang Jie's shout almost frightened him out of his nerves.  Fang Jie, who was sitting cross-legged on the back of the white lion, smiled and raised his chin: "Let me ask you, do you know who I am?" "It's General Fang"?.  General Nan Yan swallowed his saliva and answered tremblingly. "Let me ask you again, if I lead my army across the river, will you come out of the city to stop me?"  " Fang Jie asked with a smile. General Nan Yan's hands holding the reins were sweaty. He subconsciously pulled the horse and took a step back: "Of course we have to stop him. As a soldier, how can we not fight to defend our territory and open up our borders?  Flee without a fight?  " "That's good." Fang Jie nodded, got off the white lion and walked slowly to the Jinshui River until he reached the broken bridge. He looked at the Nanyan general and asked, "What do you Nanyan people talk about me?"  " Nan Yan's army retreated a few meters neatly. Some of the soldiers behind actually started to move their horses. General Nan Yan opened his mouth and did not dare to answer. At this moment, Fang Jie's foot suddenly touched, and there was a bang.  On the other side of the river, in front of General Nan Yan's horse, the horse neighed in fear and raised its front hooves, knocking General Nan Yan off. Fang Jie casually brushed the frightened horse away.  Go to the side. The Nanyan soldiers behind did not react for a while, but when they did, no one dared to draw their swords! "Go back and tell Qingyuan City Guards Fu Zhengnan to surrender within five days, otherwise everyone in Qingyuan City will surrender."  Anyone who wears armor and leads troops will be killed.  " Fang Jie leaned over and looked at General Nan Yan, whose face turned pale with fright, and said slowly: "Keep on resisting and kill.  Those who cooperate with the defenders of the city will be killed.  Those wearing official uniforms will be killed.  Those who incite the people will be killed.  Those who carry weapons shall be killed.  Remember?  "
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