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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 709: Five hundred corpses whipped

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    PS: Last reminder, those who won the monthly ticket and have not contacted me should contact me today. If I still don¡¯t get your reply today, the lottery will be drawn again tomorrow.  Chapter 709: Five hundred whips to the corpse Yang Jian never thought that when this secret was revealed, the people below would cheer for joy.  But when he saw the behavior of the following people, he was still slightly disappointed and sad. In the days since he returned to the human world, he had seen many people show their admiration and respect for him, and that kind of emotion did not seem artificial.  In the Ancestral Temple, people carefully wiped his portrait and tablet, and paid homage sincerely.  When people mention the name Yang Jian now, they are still full of awe and nostalgia!  But now he suddenly realized that it was the dead man who these people respected and worshiped rather than the man who came back alive.  What he now brings to these people is only fear and terror.  The words of the young emperor Yang Chengqian made him understand one more thing. It turned out that his descendants, those who knew this secret, had even begun to treat him as an enemy.  The hatred in Yang Chengqian's eyes seemed to be irresolvable in any way.  So, he started to get a little angry.  "Father once said that!" The excited Yang Chengqian wiped the tears and snot from his face, pointed at Yang Jian and said loudly: "In order to select the most aggressive offspring to inherit the throne, you determined the talents of the best-performing princes.  The rules of succession! This caused a bloody storm when the emperors of the Sui Dynasty succeeded. To put it nicely, you wanted the emperors of the Sui Dynasty to be the best among future generations, but in fact, it was not because of this.  Selfish?" Because of the excitement, the little emperor's lips trembled: "Only the strongest and most ambitious descendants will satisfy your taste, right? This is not for the sake of the Sui Dynasty, but for yourself.  ! You don't regard your descendants as descendants at all, but as snacks! You choose the most delicious one to be the emperor just to satisfy your own selfishness! Before I knew these things, I respected you more than anything else!  I respect my father, but now, no matter how powerful you are, in my eyes you are just a ruthless clown!" Perhaps it was because he had held these words in his heart for too long, but after saying them, the little emperor gradually calmed down.  Although his chest was still heaving violently, the fear in his eyes was getting less and less.  When a person is willing to risk his life, he is no longer afraid of death. What else is there to be afraid of?  "All the emperors of the Sui Dynasty were played by you in the middle of applause! You are not a qualified father, but you play with the feelings of other fathers. You know, even if every emperor who succeeds knows this secret,  You won¡¯t have the heart to give away your son, and the Yang family¡¯s fatherly love is not inherited from you! So in my opinion, you are not worthy of being our ancestor!¡± ¡°That¡¯s right!  " Yang Qinyan walked to the little emperor and held her brother's cold hand.  "Although I still don't know what happened, I know you shouldn't show up again." She looked at Yang Jian stubbornly and bravely, and said word by word: "You created an empire and made the Yang family the best in the world.  Noble family! The blood of the Yang family has become the blood of the royal family and is respected by all people. You let most of your descendants enjoy prosperity and wealth in the world, can you just let us remember you?  Should I be so in awe of you?" "You still don't understand what the supreme mission is." Yang Jian shook his head.  "I don't know how to be grateful" He seemed a little sad, and his speaking speed became very slow: "Someone once said to me that when God gives you one thing, he will take away another thing that belongs to you.  Things. Most of you are enjoying the glory, wealth, clothing and food that I have brought to you. When you are enjoying all this, don't you think about what you have to pay?" Yang Jian said slowly: "The mission of the Yang family is to protect you.  This empire. Now who among you can tell me who can protect this empire better than me?" He raised his voice fiercely: "Who can!" His roar was like a thunderbolt, making everyone subconscious.  took a step back.  "I thought Yang Yi was a man of great courage. He knew what was the biggest obstacle to the continuation of the Sui Empire, and he had the courage to change it. I don't blame him for tearing this country into pieces. Only an empire can be built after it is broken.  It will be stronger. It will indeed hurt when the cancer is removed, but after the pain is over, there will be peace and peace for a long time! " "Now I understand that Yang Yi also wanted to take advantage of him.  While he is still alive, let all the potential crises in Sui Dynasty break out and resolve them all by his own strength. In this way, Sui Dynasty will not need me in the future.The creator appears again.  He planned to let this matter stop with him, and might even have thought of killing me So, he didn't even trust the old dean.  But he overestimated himself, he was incapable of completing this matter!  "The little emperor raised his chin and said loudly: "Father, at least half of the success was achieved!  " He seemed to have calmed down at this time, and he was less afraid of Yang Jian: "At least my father succeeded in removing a large number of cancerous tumors, and also succeeded in forcing the old dean to leave Beijing and go south to die!  You may not know how happy your father laughed when he was sure that the old dean was going south!  As long as the old dean is dead, who can threaten the subsequent emperors of the Sui Dynasty?  No one will enforce that cruel rule for you anymore, and without the maintenance of the strongest direct blood, how long can you live?  !  " "I just didn't expect that the old dean would arrange for someone to release you before he left!  " His tone was full of reluctance! Yang Jian looked at this descendant, and after being silent for a while, he shook his head: "You are wrong I was not released by him.  "     Yang Jian was silent for a while, his eyes a little confused: "Actually, I don't know what his plans were when he found me and said there was a way to keep me alive.  Such a mood At that time, maybe he was completely disappointed in me, right?  "When this sentence was said, no one understood it. Yang Jian seemed to be recalling the past, and his tone of voice was a little erratic: "After I built the most powerful empire in the Central Plains, the more I got older, the more fear I felt in my heart.  strong.  It is precisely because I built this country with my own hands that I know the hardships involved!  So I am afraid that someone will be another Yang Jian and steal the newly established empire from my hands" The little emperor sneered: "So you started killing Zhongliang indiscriminately!  None of the veterans who followed you to conquer the world died well.  Because they all rebelled with you, you are afraid that they will rebel too!  The sixteen princes who founded the Sui Dynasty and the thirty-seven county princes, county princes, and township princes died in your hands.  Only a few of the founding heroes survived!  But even so, your descendants are still trying to beautify you" The little emperor said: "Even my father never said that what you did was wrong when he mentioned these things, but told me that it was  A choice that a founding emperor must make.  I once went there full of longing and fear, wondering what kind of courageous ancestor you would be.  Now I understand, you are just a poor selfish ghost.  " Yang Jian didn't seem to be angry, and there was some confusion in his eyes. "Yes At that time, there were indeed many founding heroes who were executed by me for various reasons, and at least two-thirds of them were cleared by me.  Do the math In the Zhu Nan case, I killed 37,000 people.  In the Fang Zhenyu case, I killed 18,000 people.  In the Lan Yong case, I killed 44,000 In the Yang Kaiming case, I killed 21,000" These things emerged from his mind one by one. "That's why Wan Xingchen found me.  I began to think that he really thought about me and this empire, so I respected him as much as I respected my father.  He told me at that time that he could make me immortal, but I would have to rely on the blood of my descendants to maintain it At that time, I thought, for the sake of this empire, he, a foreigner, could sacrifice half of his cultivation. What else could I not sacrifice?  " "Later" Yang Jian's mouth twitched slightly, and then sneered: "Later, I lay in the darkness in the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum for so many years.  I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't open my eyes, but I was awake most of the time!  Maybe you will never understand that kind of pain.  But because of this, I understood what Wan Xingchen meant!  " "He won't help me again!  But punishing me!  " Yang Jian's tone suddenly increased: "Because I killed too many people and let him down!  The reason why he wanted to help me in the first place was because he knew that the previous dynasty had been corrupted and the people were in poverty. Moreover, the Zheng State court had always been hostile to people in the Jianghu, and many Jianghu sects had been destroyed by the Zheng State!  Because of this, he brought a group of charlatans to help me!  I don't deny that without him, it would be difficult for me to establish Da Sui.  This is what I should thank him for, and I will not forget it on purpose!  " "I later killed many people, and a large part of them were the Jianghu people who helped me conquer the world.  After I gave them status, I became more and more afraid that these arrogant and unruly people would take up arms to rebel again!  Because these people don't know what the rules are at all!  The reason why Wan Xingchen came up with such a way to help me prolong my life was not to sacrifice half of his cultivation to help me, but to use half of his cultivation to avenge those Jianghu people!  " "He wants me to experience pain, and the descendants of my Yang family to experience pain for generations to come!  Do you blame me for being cruel?  In fact, the bestIt¡¯s him Wan Xingchen who can endure it!  How much reputation he has received, the guardian of Sui Dynasty, the emperor must respect him respectfully!  But in fact, he has always been seeking revenge!  He has enjoyed the pleasure for more than a hundred years, and he should think it was worth spending half of his cultivation!  " After shouting these words, the killing intent in Yang Jian's eyes spread uncontrollably: "So, when I was in the underground palace of the emperor's mausoleum, I figured out these reasons, and I swore that if I go out, I will be the first to kill.  It¡¯s Wan Xingchen!  I'm afraid even Wan Xingchen didn't expect that it took me a hundred years to absorb half of his cultivation that kept me alive!  He originally thought that even if I were resurrected, I would be just an ordinary person who could only lead troops.  He probably still hopes that I will live, so that I can feel the pain of the Yang family for more than a hundred years!  He wants to make my life worse than death!  But he was wrong, I want half of his cultivation!  " Yang Jian's eyes were a little red because he started to become excited. "So, shouldn't you cheer?  " Yang Jian took a deep breath: "But I still thank him. Without him, it would be difficult for the Sui Dynasty to establish a country.  Without him, I would not have lived this long, even in pain.  Without him, my heart would not become any colder and stronger.  Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now!  Therefore, I even ordered him to be buried with dignity!  " "But" Yang Jian paused and then suddenly burst into laughter: "I ordered his body to be brought back from Jiangnan and buried in a dignified manner. Before that, I personally whipped the body five hundred times!  Looking at the shattered corpse, haha it was as satisfying as if I had chopped him into pieces with a knife!  "
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