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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 706 It¡¯s impossible for me

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    Chapter 706: It¡¯s impossible for me alone. In this world, people die every day.  Tan Qingge¡¯s departure seems to be so insignificant to the world that it can be ignored. Not only him, but even a great person like Dalun Mingwang seems to have no impact on the world after his death.  So much so that until now, few people will mention this name that was once looked up to in the prairie and even in the whole world.  The same goes for Tan Qingge. Maybe it won't be long before his name will gradually be forgotten.  People in the distance gathered around, looking at Tan Qingge who closed his eyes and remained speechless.  Tan Qingge is a very contradictory person, simply contradictory.  The rivers and lakes are huge and the road to the rivers and lakes is long, but the road to the rivers and lakes of Tan Qingge is so short, just from Chang'an to Yongzhou.  Dalun Mingwang walked on the road of rivers and lakes for a thousand years, but he only walked for a few months.  Puhu was a little distracted, looking at the body in front of him that had gradually become colder and at a loss.  He told Tan Qingge that he had no friends because he had lived in a very dark environment since he was a child, and only the Iron Armored General gave him warmth.  He was obsessed with the feeling of staying with the armored general.  But Tan Qingge, the person he knew was going to kill him from the beginning to the end, he felt was his true friend.  He remembered what Tan Qingge had said about the definition of a friend.  From the words of the man.  "A friend is someone who stays with you when you are happy. He may not cry with you when you cry, but will beat up the person who makes you cry. When you are proud, he may leave.  When you are far away, he will live his life and you will live your life. When you are frustrated, he will come over and pat you on the shoulder, smile at you and say, do you want to see who can pee farther?  "Who's far behind?" "Okaybut you're not allowed to use your inner energy!" "" There is a sword beside the tiger's waist, without a scabbard, like autumn water.  An inconspicuous piece of red jade is tied to the sword tassel, and there is a crescent moon on the jade.  There is a new tomb by the river in the north of Yongzhou City. In front of the tomb is a new set of scholar's Confucian shirts. ?¡­ ?¡­ ?¡­ ?Puhu was sitting by the dry lake. He didn¡¯t know why, but the small lake with less than one-fifth of its original water volume was still not dry. There were even some very small fish swimming in the small space.  Where this fish came from is unclear.  "Fang Jie, you have many friends." Puhu said.  Fang Jie, who was sitting on the side, nodded: "Yes, I have many friends." Puhu glanced at him and asked: "How does it feel?" "Very good" Puhu hummed and murmured: "Are you mad?  She is beautiful, and Tan Qingge is also very beautiful, so you must not have been laughed at when you were a child, and you will not be laughed at when you grow up. When I was a child, even my mother didn't like me because I was too ugly.  I didn¡¯t dare to leave the house and only played in my own world in the backyard. My house was very big and there was a pond My father was afraid that the servants would talk nonsense behind his back, so he ordered no one to enter or leave the pond in the backyard.  , I feel that my father has given me a world." Fang Jie smiled: "I don't know where my parents are." He paused and said, "I have already found out where they are, but I haven't sent them yet.  When people went to look for them, the He people and the Nanyan people came. The villages and towns south of Yongzhou were basically destroyed. The refugees fled and were either captured by the Nanyan people or died at the hands of the He people.  It¡¯s difficult to find out whether they are alive or dead.¡± ¡°We still have to find out,¡± Puhu said.  Fang Jie nodded: "I've been checking." "Don't march northjust stay in Yongzhou." Puhu said suddenly.  Fang Jie was silent for a while and then said thank you.  "There are some things" Puhu raised his head and looked into the distance: "I know clearly that it is wrong, and some existences should not exist, but I cannot resist or object. Where I am, I must be there. I  Maybe you won¡¯t understand, and I don¡¯t hope you will understand I have always been afraid of leaving the general, because I feel that the world is full of dangers. After leaving this time, I discovered that there are more beautiful things. "  "It's really good that you have relatives and friends around you." He said: "I will tell the general after I go back that it is good for you to stay in Yongzhou to guard, but you have to show off in some way. A shameless villain like Nan Yan Murong Shao  "It's useless to keep it." "Yeah" Fang Jie said, "You are not as ruthless as the legend says."He smiled: "I thought I was that kind of person" Xiang Qingniu followed Xiao Yijiu, stumbling.  "Old Niubi, you haven't said anything yet, how did you know that I was in trouble in Yongzhou? Do you and I have the same mind? Oh my godI actually said such disgusting words, you don't think you've heard of it. I'm just curious.  That's all, if you dare to say it, I will cut off your beard!" "Fang Jie sent someone to find me a month ago and asked me to come to Yongzhou. I didn't want to come, but he sent him.  People said you were here, so there might be some danger. That little guy was a great liar, and he deceived me out of nowhere. Fang Jie got the news not long after Puhu and the others left Chang'an City.  Rushing to the grassland, I don¡¯t know how many horses were exhausted day and night, but you are lucky. If I were delayed for another half day on the road, I would have to collect the corpses for you.¡± ¡°Bah, bah, bah,¡± Xiang Qingniu spat:  "Master Tao, I am blessed with great fortune and good fortune. Even if you can't come back, Old Niubi, Zhang Yiyang will be struck to death by a thunderbolt." "You are really worthless, expecting to strike your opponent to death with lightning" Xiao Yijiu is here  He stopped halfway up the mountain, stared at Xiang Qingniu and asked, "I'm out touring the mountains properly, why are you following me?" "Settling accounts." Xiang Qingniu said seriously: "When we were in Chang'an City, you were  You did such a cruel thing by asking me to seal my air points with gold needles, so you must make it up to me, you must!¡± ¡°What do you want?¡±  Question: "I have handed over Qingle Mountain Yiqi Temple to you, what the hell do you want from me? I shouldn't have just sealed your air points in the first place, I should have castrated you first and then killed you."  " "You're too cruel!" Xiang Qingniu said: "Kill him, and castrate him first" "Well, after the castration, I'll find some girls to wiggle their butts naked in front of you." "  "Your uncle Xiao Yijiu" "My uncle's grave is in my hometown, why don't you dig it up?" "Xiao Yijiu, you are a Taoist, can't you be a little more graceful?" "Fart, you are a Taoist now!"  "Oops I forgot." Xiang Qingniu smiled: "I just don't understand why I haven't made much progress in my cultivation after enlightenment. I thought I would be in a very short period of time?"  I have time to squeeze in and take a position among the most powerful people like you, but now I am still stuck in the upper realm of transparency. Although I can also use my cultivation in the near-heaven realm, I am still a little weak after all." "Look for opportunities.  ." Xiao Yijiu replied.  "Looking for a brothel" Xiang Qingniu was silent for a while, and then nodded as if he mustered up great courage: "Okay! Although I always think your words are unreasonable, since you said it, I believe it.  You once!" Xiao Yijiu hummed and continued walking up the mountain: "It's not that I don't want to give you any advice, but it's because you can only experience this kind of thing by yourself. What kind of peace do you like?  What I like may be completely different. If I give you random advice and you abandon what you like and go for what I like, then you have lost yourself." Xiang Qingniu blushed, thinking that women are pretty cool.  scary.  For so many years, I never approached a woman when I could avoid her.  However, I like people with bigger butts He thought to himself, but he was embarrassed to say it.  Xiao Yijiu didn't know that Xiang Qingniu would be completely wrong. After being silent for a while, he said: "Go, I have my opportunity, and you have yours. Ask me, I think I'm right.  But maybe it's wrong for you. If you leave me, you will lose your own opportunities." Xiang Qingniu nodded: "Yes! We can't go to the same brothel for this kind of thing. We have to separate!"  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Chang¡¯an City Tai Chi Hall Dongnuan Pavilion General Iron Armor slowly walked into this empty room. He looked at the earthen bed and saw that a light layer of dust had fallen on it. He frowned slightly and said, ¡°I¡¯m on duty.  Where are the maids and eunuchs? " A young eunuch from outside ran in and knelt down: "Come back to the general, it's the slaves and others. " " Each of them has twenty sticks to serve as a warning Even if the emperor is not here, this is still the emperor's residence.  The place is covered with dust, so what are you doing here?" A group of armored soldiers came up, each carrying a servant like a chicken and walked out.  These majestic and powerful armored soldiers fought twenty battles. It is estimated that each of the servants can survive. ?"Have you lost your respect?" The Iron Armored General sat down on the Tukang and said to himself: "If I don't come back, these servants will at least maintain their respect for the emperor. Even if the emperor no longer lives in Dongnuan Pavilion, they will still be in awe."  I definitely don¡¯t dare not clean up. Just because I¡¯m here, they fear me instead of the emperor Was it wrong for me to come back?¡± His expression was a little sad.  ¡°If it¡¯s wrong for me to come back, should I go back?¡± he asked himself.  After a while, he shook his head.  "Awe" He stood up and walked to the door. He looked at the armored soldiers standing neatly and the courtiers kneeling neatly in the square below Taiji Palace. An idea became clearer and clearer in his mind.  This idea was something he had never had before, and it sprouted after he absorbed all the blood of Prince Yi Yang Yin.  How to restore everyone's respect for the Sui Emperor?  It can only be me who leaves?  He was still asking himself silently.  Then he discovered that the answer was no.  Even if he leaves, these people's respect for the emperor will not return.  These courtiers were afraid of him, not the little emperor.  After he leaves, I am afraid that the suppressed violence of these courtiers will also explode.  At that time, let alone any respect for the emperor, I am afraid that the imperial power will really be in danger.  What he was thinking about was how to revive and continue the Sui Dynasty.  He said to Prince Yi Yang Yin, I have no selfish motives.  He has no selfish motives to begin with. How could someone like him have selfish motives?  "Yeah No matter what I do, how can it be out of selfishness? I want this empire to last for thousands of years, and what I want is for the flag of the Sui Dynasty to always fly. Is this selfish? No!" The look in the armored general's eyes  He gradually regained his coolness and lost the confusion before.  "Everyone can have selfish motives, but I can't!" A voice in his heart shouted: "No matter what I do, I can't do it because of selfish motives!" "Go and invite all the Yang family members in Chang'an City  Go to Changchun Garden and tell His Majesty that I have something important to discuss with him. All the Yang family members, regardless of gender, agreed. Then they turned towards the palace mechanically.  Go outside.  The Iron Armored General stood in front of the Taiji Hall, looking at the crowd below. A kind of pride that he had carried in his chest many years ago gradually returned, which made him feel excited.
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