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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 703: One Finger of Divine Power

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    Chapter 703: One Point of Heavenly Power Puhu turned his head and looked at Fang Jie, waiting for Fang Jie's answer.  "There is a tree in the country that can be the pillar of the sky." Fang Jie said calmly: "The general is now the Optimus Prime of the imperial court. There is no doubt that without the general, Luo Yao's rebels would not be able to defeat them.  Chang'an City, Chang'an City must also be in trouble. General Puhu is the most capable assistant of the general. Among the brave generals who rush to kill, many people naturally regard General Puhu as a thorn in their side. " Fang explained: "  Killing General Puhu is equivalent to breaking the general's arm. Isn't that too much?" Puhu was silent and then nodded.  "I don't know how many people in the Sui Dynasty want to kill General Puhu now, but they are definitely not a few." Fang Jie pointed to himself: "Maybe there are more people than those who want to kill me." Puhu laughed.  , the previous cold aura immediately dissipated: "General Fang is right, there are so many people in Sui Dynasty who want to kill me, and as far as I know, there are also many people who want to kill you Fang Jie. But this is where you should be proud. If  If you don't make people jealous, how can you find someone to kill Nian?" Fang Jie smiled and didn't respond.  Puhu walked to the door, pointed outside and said: "The Great Sui Dynasty has been established for more than a hundred years. How can some young people just subvert it? How strong and terrifying is the Great Sui Dynasty?  Some people simply don¡¯t see it clearly. Some people think that the Great Sui Dynasty is about to collapse and want to take advantage of it. It¡¯s ridiculous to think about it. ¡°Since Taizu, the Great Sui Dynasty has worked hard to govern. Who knows how many things the royal family has not yet come up with.  You know? These things are taken out one by one, and each one is enough to make people feel frightened! In fact, it is a good thing to have trouble once in a while. People will forget the majesty of the royal family once they are singing and dancing.  , Only in this way will people understand the horror of the Sui royal family. " Fang Jie still didn't respond to this, but he knew that Puhu's words were reasonable.  "Just like the sudden appearance of the general, the sudden appearance of 20,000 armored troops.  When Luo Yao's million-strong army entered Chang'an City, everyone thought that the Sui Dynasty was almost over.  But in the blink of an eye, more than half of the million-strong army was defeated, and even Luo Yao died.  Although rebellions are still going on everywhere, there are only a few people who really deserve attention.  Northwestern Jin Shixiong did not raise a flag to rebel because he was still waiting and watching.  He won't do anything until the situation is clear.  Although Northwest is exhausted, he can make a deal with the Black Flag Army. At least he no longer has to worry about food and grass.  Give him some time to recuperate, and it will not be difficult for him to gather a hundred thousand troops under his command.  When the time comes and the imperial court wins, he can say that he has been doing his best to guard the three northwest roads.  If the imperial court is defeated, he can raise his troops and march eastward.  The people in Northeast Mu Mansion didn¡¯t seem to be in the mood to express their stance early.  Mu Mansion has always had a very strong influence in the Northeast. Although it is not as good as Luo Yao in the Southwest, it can make the governors of the Southwest bow their heads and obey them.  But those officials in the northeast who were feudal lords basically acted based on Mu Fu's face.  Moreover, although the people in Jiangnan Tonggu Academy are extremely powerful, it is still difficult for them to reach the northeast.  Because those people in Tonggu Academy also understand that the strength of Mu Mansion cannot be easily provoked.  ??The strength of the two parties in the west and the east will not be expressed for the time being. They are just Luo Tu and King Gao Kaitai. When they are put together, they are sure to win.  Of course, the families in the south of the Yangtze River would not just watch the court deal with Luo Tu and others.  "Does General Fang understand the meaning of what I said?" Puhu looked back at Fang Jie and asked.  "I have never had the intention to rebel against the imperial court." Fang Jie stood up and walked to the door, stopping next to Puhu: "General Puhu may not understand my past I don't have any good points, the only better thing is  I just know how to remember the good things others do to me. Especially the late emperor, who is as kind as a mountain. " There are truths and lies in Puhu's words, and the same is true in Fang Jie's words.  He did feel grateful to the emperor, but what God Bless Emperor Yang Yi did later was enough to make Fang Jiehan feel cold.  In fact, when he was in Chang'an City, Fang Jie really thought about being a good official in the Sui Dynasty.  Whether you are civil or military, you must fulfill your duties.  But this idea is just a dream that has been forgotten.  "I know more or less about the general on the other side." Pu Hu faced the window, his gaze resting on the dry lake: "Is that caused by?" Fang Jie nodded: "Yes" "It's so magnificent.  "Pu Hu said with emotion: "Even looking at the scene left now, I can still guess that the danger of that battle was one or two points, so I also admire the opponent's general. What the court lacks most now is Fang.  The general is so capable in both literature and military affairs, and he is also loyal to the court.?Talent.  The general asked me to come this time mainly to see General Fang's character.  To be valued by the general, General Fang don't miss this opportunity.  The status of a general can sometimes change a person's destiny.  " "Yes" Fang Jie nodded. "However, it seems that many people do not want the court to reuse me.  " Fang explained: "For example, someone assassinated General Puhu on the way, and the intention was obvious.  If anything happens to General Puhu in the southwest, the general will march south in anger. This is what many people want to see.  " Puhu laughed. "How can I die so easily?  " He stood with his hands behind his hands and looked out the door: "I know that General Fang had been hunted down for more than ten years before he became an official.  To be honest, since I was young, there seem to be more people who want to kill me than those who want to kill General Fang.  But no matter before or now, those who wanted to kill me are dead, but I am still alive!  " He raised his voice and said: "I want to see who can kill me?  !  "      Who can kill me? These four people have a sense of arrogance. Fang Jie can hear a bit of sadness and anger, a bit of cruelty and a bit of heroism from these words. So he is sure that this Puhu has  There must be many stories. But when he thought of this, Fang Jie's expression suddenly changed. He turned aside violently, and a ball of five-vein power flew out from the roof.  It struck down. This sword energy was very familiar to Pu Hu. It was the one he had seen before in Luoshui. But this time, the sword energy was even more fierce and violent.  Open, the entire house was split into two, and the sword energy that had materialized looked like a giant knife falling from the sky, hundreds of meters long! The blade is here, and the handle is still in Luo Mansion.  Outside the main gate! In other words, the person who struck out with this sword was not in Luo Mansion at all! How could this kind of momentum be expressed in words?  The impeller rotated and flew up to resist the sword energy. The power of this five-vein cyclone was extremely strange and special. It seemed that the momentum was absolutely different from that of the sword, but this domineering sword was actually held up for a full second.  Time. For a master, one second is enough! Yes, one second is enough. Just as Fang Jie blocked this unparalleled sword, Puhu waved his hand to summon the hammer from the old scalper in the distance and prepared to rush out of the gate.  At that moment, Senhan's fierce sword intent appeared behind him. Fang Jie had seen many sword masters, such as Shen Qingshan and Xiang Qingniu.  He had even seen Prince Zhong Yang Qi take action, but today's sword intention was different from those of these people. Shen Qingshan's sword intention was cold and pointed straight into the heart.  . Yang Qi's sword intention is to compete with the world! The sword intention behind him is extremely cunning, but it is like this.  A sword can find a flaw and stab it directly. He still has this feeling, let alone Pu Hu? Because this sword was originally aimed at Pu Hu, and the hammer in his hand was just pulling out.  He was leaning forward, and his back was all open. Fang Jie's attention had been on the sword above his head, so the timing of the sword thrust was the best for him to hold the boat with one hand on the Luoshui River.  There was no one else in the room, so there was no doubt that it was Tan Qingge who drew the sword. After the sword was released, Tan Qingge¡¯s whole demeanor changed.  In his hand, the sword intention spreads out from the sword and spread everywhere, so you can't figure out where the sword intention is, but Fang Jie also feels it.  A huge threat. The sword's intention seems to be going straight, but there is no trace to follow.  Talking about Qingge, a person who says he can¡¯t use a sword.  In order to welcome the guests, Fang Jie did not bring a knife with him.  He pointed one hand to the sky and continued to block the violent sword intent.  Pushing back with the other hand, the power of the five meridians formed a huge vortex behind him and Puhu, trying to block Tan Qingge's sword.  But just when Fang Jie thought he could block the sword, the sword intention suddenly turned around on its own, bypassing the whirlpool, and disappeared into the back of Pu Hu in an instant!     when!    A crisp sound!  Puhu¡¯s body staggered obviously, but he did not fall down.  I don¡¯t know when, the huge cattail leaf fan appeared on his back and blocked the sword!  When Puhu originally walked to the door, he leaned the cattail leaf fan against the door frame.  But when the sword intention came, the cattail leaf fan flew over as if it was sane and blocked the sword that Puhu was determined to win!  Fang Jie dodged to one side, and the sword came down with a bang, splitting a row of rooms apart.  Smoke and dust exploded!  In the collapsed room, a black shadow jumped up.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Tan Qingge stabbed him with a sword, a sword that seemed to be invincible.  But it changed because of the cattail leaf fan. Only then did Fang Jie see clearly. The cattail leaf fan was connected to a very thin silk thread, and the other end was in Puhu's hand!  Fang Jie was startled. In other words, Puhu had already expected that Tan Qingge would stab him in the back!  That's why he deliberately placed the cattail leaf fan at the door. What he was waiting for was for Tan Qingge to take action!  It can be seen that Puhu¡¯s face is extremely ugly.  Not because the sword hurt him, but because the sword came after all.  There is a crack on the cattail leaf fan.  He also has it in his heart.  But before he could do anything, Tan Qingge suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Puhu.  Anger began to burn in Puhu's eyes and spread uncontrollably.  Just as Fang Jie was about to pass, the second sword came from the direction of the gate, still extremely domineering. This time, it was Fang Jie who was clearly killed!  Fang Jie had to go all out to deal with the knife, while Puhu turned to face Tan Qingge.  Then, Puhu was stunned for a moment.  Because he found something wrong with Tan Qingge's expression.  There is a tear in the corner of the eye.  So the speed of his attack was half a beat slower, and he subconsciously held back the energy he was about to attack.  Boom!  A kind of pressure that Puhu has never felt before falls from the sky. It is a completely irresistible energy.  Like an indescribably huge pillar, it fell from the sky and pressed straight on Puhu's head.  In fact, this is not a pillar at all, but a finger.  It was as if the god reached out a finger from the clouds and pressed it down, trying to crush an ant to death.  Compared with this finger, the sword intention from outside the gate and the sword energy from Tan Qingge are so insignificant.  This finger is the sure kill.  One finger, God¡¯s power!  The change that Fang Jie had been thinking about came and turned a viable situation into a dead situation.
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