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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 699 Leave one behind

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    Chapter 699: Leave one behind. There are old scalpers to attack the tiger, but Tan Qingge only has one pair of legs.  Because of the carriage, the team was not moving slowly. The soldiers in iron armor walked with their heads held high. No matter how long they walked, no one showed any signs of fatigue.  On the other hand, Tan Qingge was still barely able to do it on the first day, but on the second day he started to stop and rub his legs and feet from time to time.  "Why don't you go and take a ride?" Puhu asked. Tan Qingge glanced sideways. On the carriage not far away, the curtains were open, and the young master and a few girls were chattering and laughing. Looking from the side,  There is something wonderful about being a little boss.  Tan Qingge hesitated and said, "There are all women in the carriage. Wouldn't it be rude for me to get in there as a man?" "It's not like there's no empty carriage behind!" Pu Hu rolled his eyes at him.  Tan Qingge opened her mouth, hesitated for a while and nodded: "Okay." As soon as he finished saying this, he heard a burst of laughter like silver bells coming from the carriage not far away.  "At that time, little Fangfang was in Fangu and didn't even dare to kill rabbits. Every time the border troops went out on a mission, he was definitely the one who hid. You guys joined the Red Sleeve Recruitment relatively late. Most of them came after the Red Sleeve Recruitment returned to Chang'an City.  I only know that he is the world-famous Master Xiaofang, but how could I know that he was once a famous coward?" The young master said with great interest and his eyes were full of joy.  The girls pulled her to ask, and one girl with a round face who looked particularly cute said: "I am in Chang'an City, but I only know that he is a rare genius in the Sui Dynasty for more than a hundred years. He passed the nine examinations of the Yanwu Academy with excellent results. Let's  In the Sui Dynasty, only Li Xiao, the great general of the Taizong period, had the distinction of being in the martial arts academy. He was much younger than Li Xiao!  eyebrow asked.  The girl immediately blushed: "Where is it I have only seen him three or two times since I entered the building." The young master smiled and said: "I only saw him three or two times and gave you the soul of a little girl.  Go ahead, look at your face full of love. When you meet him in Yongzhou, you will immediately feel weak. If he hooks your fingers, why don't you take the initiative to embrace me? " "Little sister, don't ridicule me" " Then  The girl smiled mischievously and said: "You are still talking about us. Miss, when you were in the building, did you not mention Mr. Xiao Fang for a day? You usually don't like anything, but you are energetic only when you mention him.  ! I heard that there was talk of matchmaking a while ago, and the young man from the Household Affairs Bureau's family fell in love with our young lady. He cried and shouted that he would not marry anyone who was not a young lady, but he was punched and kicked by the young lady.  "Go out, maybe the young lady has a sweetheart?" "Bah, bah, bah!" The young master blushed and scolded: "If you talk nonsense again, I'll tear your little mouth off!" The other girl said with a sweet smile:  Even though he is a member of the household department, he is a good vacancy, but how can he compare with the unparalleled hero in the eyes of our young master! He was originally an ordinary frontier soldier, but he became famous in Chang'an City, took the martial arts test, and won the Holy Family.  The academicians and generals were all full of praise. He went to Yongzhou and went to the northwest, fighting the enemy on the battlefield and winning thousands of miles. Now he is sitting on one side and has a strong army. Although the boy from the Hubu family is good, how can you compare with that man?  These little girls will become tight if you don¡¯t take care of them for a few days. I will marry you off one by one from here to Yongzhou without accepting any gifts!  Are we going to compete with you for Mr. Xiao Fang?  " These words floated clearly into Tan Qingge's ears through the car window. He couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth a few times, and then shook his head violently: "A manly man, if you can't walk a few steps,  What else can be done?  That crappy car I won't ride in it!  " Puhu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. Tan Qingge blushed at the laughter, turned and walked aside, and stopped walking with Puhu. Puhu glanced at him, stopped laughing, and suddenly said with some sadness:  ¡°If you have the opportunity to cherish some things while they are still in front of you, cherish them more.  If you cherish it until you are about to lose it in the end, the reluctance and sadness in your heart will be even stronger.  For example, I have not had much since I was a child except for the love and care given to me by the general.  So when something makes me feel happy, I will have the idea to enjoy it for a while longer, even if it is just for a moment.  "But" Tan Qingge was silent for a while and then said coyly: "She may not like meAlthough I liked her the first time I saw her, when she first saw me, I felt that she  base?Just didn't pay attention to me.  " Puhu sighed: "That's not what I'm talking about.  " Tan Qingge asked: "What is that?  "Pu Huruo glanced at Tan Qingge meaningfully and did not say anything else. " Because the Black Flag Army's Riding School opened the road in front, the counties, counties and state capitals passed through were all smooth. Now in the southwest  He said that the banners and badges of the Black Flag Army were more effective than the customs clearance diplomas issued by local government offices. Everyone in the southwest knew that Fang Jie was a tiger who could not be messed with. Whoever provoked him would be in trouble, so when they saw the flag of the Black Flag Army,  No one dared to deliberately make things difficult. Puhu had been observing the Xiao Riding School carefully, although in his eyes these people were not worth mentioning. He was carrying a bamboo pole with a piece of fresh meat tied to it.  As always, he stuck his head forward and stuck out his tongue, and then kept walking forward stupidly. There was a sledgehammer hanging on one side of the old scalper. The other sledgehammer was originally on the other side, but at this time it was in Chang'an City.  Tai Chi Hall in Chang'an City Since the young emperor Yang Chengqian moved to Changchun Garden, the dragon chair in Tai Chi Hall has been empty. The base of the dragon chair is very large, and there are actually nine steps to climb up the base.  It is a small platform. It takes five steps to go to the next step. There is no one on the dragon chair now, but there is a carved huanghuali wood chair on the eighth step.  It is spacious and very strong. Since the emperor is not here, there is no need for the ministers to bow to an empty dragon chair and say long live. However, they still have to bow to the iconic armor.  , It seems that he has never left the body of this mysterious man. For so long, no one has seen him take off his armor. Shortly after returning from the imperial mausoleum, the little emperor ordered to move to Changchun Garden to sort out the relics of the late emperor. The purpose was to miss him.  Sad and exhausted, the emperor could not govern, so he left all court affairs to the general. This excuse is not good, but the excuse is not important, is it? The armored general sat on the chair and listened to the people below.  Listen carefully. No matter how big or small, he will make accurate and clear judgments and then give orders. The courtiers were originally afraid of him, so they didn't even argue in the court. After going to court, the Iron Armor Army obeyed.  After taking the carriage back to his residence, he still lived in Prince Yi's Mansion, not the palace. After entering, he did not go back to the study but went directly to a small courtyard behind Prince Yi's Mansion. There was a team of armored men guarding the door.  The soldiers stood up and saluted when they saw him. The general nodded slightly and walked in after hesitating at the door. The middle-aged man wearing a black python robe sat in the yard with a dull look, looking fair and white.  He looked up and looked at the general, and then he smiled stupidly. He looked at the general for an unknown amount of time.  The stiff smile on his face suddenly dissipated, and the eyes of this prince who once caused a stir in Chang'an City returned to being clear and calm. "Have you pretended enough?  General Tiejia asked. Prince Yi Yang Yin nodded, made himself sit a little more comfortable, and then asked seriously: "What should I call you?"  How should I face you?  "The armored general looked at him and replied: "You don't have to think so much, just wait quietly.  " "Waiting?  " Yang Yin stood up and walked not far away from the armored general: "Not many people in this world know who you are. The fourth brother got you out before he died. He despised himself and then despised his son.  Nothing will happen in this world without you, and there is no place for you in Chang'an City.  Since you have left, why do you need to come back?  "The armored general frowned slightly: "You should respect me more.  Yang Yin sneered: "Respect?"  " He said coldly: "I respect you. When you kill me, will you be softer?  " General Iron Armor replied seriously: "Be gentle when killing people, and the pain of being killed will be even more painful.  " Yang Yin was silent, and after a while he said: "The worst thing Wan Xingchen did was arranging all this.  He thought that keeping you would be the pillar of the Sui Dynasty, but he didn't know that you have been a nightmare for generations of my Yang family!  With you here, how many emperors can sleep peacefully?  The ancestors of the past generations, which one is not conscientious and cautious?  If there is any trouble in the Sui Dynasty, Wan Xingchen will release you!  General Tiejia said slowly: "So from the founding of the Sui Dynasty to the present, there has never been a faint emperor."  For the coming of Sui Dynasty??, isn't this a good thing?  "    "No!  " Yang Yin said angrily: "For the Yang family, this is a nightmare!  There is a bloodthirsty knife hanging above your head every day. Do you think that is a good thing?  !  So when I learned all this later, I couldn't help but think, if I become emperor, the first thing I will do is kill you!  I will kill you completely!  "The armored general was silent, and then sighed slightly: "This nightmare is just the emperor's nightmare, and it has nothing to do with you.  If you didn't want to seize the throne and deliberately inquire about these things, how could you possibly know?  If you don¡¯t know, you won¡¯t be afraid, and these have nothing to do with you.  " "It doesn't matter?  Yang Yin pointed to his chest and said, "I am from the Yang family, and you actually said it has nothing to do with me?"  General Tiejia was silent again, and after a long time he continued: "I can guarantee that I have no selfish motives at all. Everything is for the country of Sui Dynasty."  For Sui Dynasty, I have paid more than any of you.  " "Yeah" Yang Yin said sadly and angrily: "You have no selfish motives, that's why Wan Xingchen let you sleep for so many years!  But your deep sleep and your immortality are nourished by the royal blood of the Yang family for generations!  Since Taizong, every emperor has been unable to sleep peacefully after death, and has to try to keep his body from rotting. Not only that as long as you come out, no one in the Yang family will survive sooner or later!  " "I will keep one," the Iron Armored General said calmly: "When Wan Xingchen said that this method could ensure that Da Sui could be saved in times of crisis, I accepted it.  Don't I want to sleep peacefully?  Don¡¯t I want to be clean?  I said that I have no selfish motives. I will choose the best Yang family member to stay and continue to run this country.  When it's time for me to go, I will go.  " "You are so compassionate!  " Because of the excitement, Yang Yin's body was trembling: "Is that why you brought all the younger generations of the Yang family in before entering the imperial mausoleum?  You also pretended to keep the son of Yang Kai, the king of Xu County, because Yang Kai made great achievements in the northwest, so you gave charity like this?  " He raised his finger and pointed at the armored general's face: "You still want us to accept it calmly now?  No regrets?  General Tiejia nodded: "For the Sui Dynasty, shouldn't the Yang family have no regrets no matter what they do?"  " "Then do you want to offer yourself up now?  !  Yang Yin roared! "Okay" General Iron Armor nodded: "Since you are in so much pain, you should come first."  " He grabbed the clothes on Yang Yin's chest, and then bit Yang Yin's neck. As his Adam's apple continued to rise and fall, Yang Yin, who was originally white and fat, was like a balloon that was gradually being evacuated.  It shriveled up just as quickly. This once powerful man was fucked by an unknown person in his own palace. After a long time, the armored general let go, and Yang Yin's shriveled body slowly shriveled up.  He fell down. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and closed his eyes. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes: "This kind of direct blood is the most nourishing. Although the blood of the descendants is full of vigor, it is weaker after all.  Knowing that you alone can heal my old wounds, why waste so much white rice Yang family, your blood is the most nourishing. Since you decided to keep me, you should be prepared to sacrifice to keep me.  " He stretched his body and felt very good. "Ifif I add some more, will I really be alive?  "Really." These two words spoken in an emphasized tone are particularly weird. "I will leave one I will" The armored general murmured, turned and left. The bright sunshine fell from the sky, falling.  On that shriveled corpse, a drop of dew fell on Yang Yin's dead tree-like face. The sun and rain might make the dead tree sprout again, but it couldn't save him.
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