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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 690: Always Tears of Leaving People

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    Chapter 690: Always Tears of Parting: How many times is this the first time you have to say goodbye to your loved ones?  Fang Jie¡¯s mind was in chaos.  A large number of knights from the Riding School had already poured over. They were wearing black armor and red cloaks. They surrounded this small, run-down village like a burning cloud. Chen Xiaoru looked at the two corpses lying on the ground, and his face was twisted together as he looked at the two bodies squatting on one side.  General, he suddenly felt like he was so blocked that he wanted to howl out.  Even he felt pain, let alone Fang Jie?  "General" Chen Xiaoru called out.  "Firstsend General Shang back?" he asked tentatively.  ¡°I¡¯ll do it myself¡± Fang Jie stood up holding on to the low wall, his hands and feet trembling.  He walked over slowly and picked up the cold and hard body of the big dog.  He raised his head and looked north.  "Yongzhou is his home, not Baishui City." Fang Jie murmured, then strode out towards the north.  At this time, Qilin, who was running all the way, had just arrived.  Seeing Fang Jie walking north with the body in his arms, Qilin roared and knelt down with a bang, his knees embedded in the soil.  This place is no less than a thousand miles away from Yongzhou.  "General, what should we do over there in Baishui City?" Chen Xiaoru shouted from behind.     no answer.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ Tuhun Duobie stood at the gate of Baishui City, suddenly feeling very proud.  A few days ago, he led millions of He people to conquer Han cities one after another, and he was also so proud.  Now he is obviously still a prisoner, but this kind of pride emerges from his heart again.  To be honest, even he himself did not expect that there would be a day when he would stand up again.  A million-strong army was trampled to pieces by Fang Jie's Black Flag Army in one day, and so was his dignity.  Fang Jie wanted to launch troops against Nan Yan, which gave him hope.  Tuhunduo don¡¯t know that this is an opportunity and must be seized.  He didn¡¯t see Fang Jie before he left. When he was looking for Fang Jie, a Black Flag Army general who called himself Chen Dingnan told him that General Fang had to leave for a while and he could tell him anything.  Tuhunduo was surprised for a moment, and suddenly felt a little uneasy.  In fact, Chen Dingnan didn¡¯t know why Fang Jie left suddenly, but fortunately he knew how to deal with it today.  In the evening, the outside of Baishui City began to become lively. Many chieftains from the He people's village came out of the jungle with their teams and stopped in the open space south of Baishui City.  They should have made an appointment and arrived at almost the same time.  It looked like there were at least forty or fifty toasts.  Chen Dingnan glanced at the He people gathered outside, and raised the corners of his mouth coldly.  "The general asked Tuhunduo not to write a letter and go back to summon these He chieftains to discuss matters in Baishui City. Look, these He chieftains arrived at the same time. The jungle is so big, and the distances between the villages and Baishui City are different. Obviously they arrived early.  They got together. The general said before that this Tuhunduobei will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to do something, huh these self-righteous He people, do they think this opportunity is really an opportunity? "His personal soldier captain?  Niu Geng smiled: "They say He people are cunning, but their biggest weakness is greed. Because they are so greedy, they even forget their original cunning." Chen Dingnan sneered, turned and walked towards Tuhunduobie  : "King He, since all your men have arrived, please invite them to the city to discuss matters. The general is in an emergency, and I think he will be back soon. Joining forces with King He is a big deal, and the general takes it very seriously." "This  " Tuhunduo did not hesitate and said: "Baishui City is small and cannot accommodate so many people. Why not wait for the general to come back and talk outside the city?" "King He, you seem to have forgotten your identity." Chen Dingnan Leng.  The voice said: "The general does not treat you as a prisoner. It is the general who is kind. But have you forgotten that you are not the real King He now? It is the general who allows you to meet with your men in the city.  Opportunity, what qualifications do you have to bargain? Could it be that you have other intentions?" Tuhun Duobei's face changed, and the anger in his heart suddenly emerged, but he knew that he would have to endure it.  You must endure it: "How could it be? The general is kind and gave me this opportunity. I am grateful in my heart. I really just think that Baishui City is too small to accommodate so many people." "Let each of your chieftains  You can bring five guards into the city." Chen Dingnan said: "The general can trust you, but I can't trust you since the general will hand over the guards today."I, I am responsible for the general's safety."  Either you do as I say, or you won't see your people today.  " Tuhunduo hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay!  I just follow the general's orders.  " Tuhunduobie turned around and ordered the guard who was captured alive with him to go out and call the chieftains into the city. The guard responded and whispered a few words in the language of the He people. Tuhunduobie also made the same sound.  After saying something very low, the guard nodded and ran out of the city. "What did you just say?  " Chen Dingnan asked Tuhun how he was doing. "I asked my guards to tell the chieftains not to cause trouble after entering the city and to be polite.  " Tuhunduo don't answer. Chen Dingnan nodded, turned around and walked to the other side. Tuhunduo looked at his back and smiled coldly, but what he didn't know was that the smile on the corner of Chen Dingnan's mouth was  Just like him. There are probably dozens of chieftains coming in, each with five guards. There are hundreds of people. Baishui City is not that big in the past.  The Baibian Army was just living there, but now there were four or five times the number of people, and the streets seemed to have become narrower. At the city gate, the soldiers guarding the gate looked coldly at the chieftains coming in, with their hands on the hilts of their knives.  , always on guard. The chieftains entered the city one by one. The team of several hundred people was not too small. In order to prevent them from raiding and snatching the city gate, the Black Flag Army cavalry went out of the city first and formed an array outside the city.  , the crossbow was ready to be fired at any time. However, Tuhunduo probably gave these chieftains no orders, so they all raised their hands and kept their weapons away to show that they had no ill intentions. After they all came in, the cavalry returned to the city.  Chen Dingnan's personal soldiers led the chieftains into the city, and then brought them all to the former residence of the frontier general. This was the largest house in Baishui City. Although the house could not accommodate hundreds of people, the yard was large enough.  The chairs were collected and placed in the courtyard. When they reached the door, the soldiers guarding the door held out their hands to prevent the chieftains' guards from following them in. The chieftains looked at each other, hesitating whether to go in or not.  Duobie nodded to them, and then the chieftains entered. Their guards were invited by the Black Flag Army soldiers to rest in the courtyard on one side. "On behalf of the general, I welcome you.  " Chen Dingnan clasped his fists: "The general has some urgent matters and has left the city. He will be back soon.  But your King He is waiting for you here. He can also say what he wants to say today on behalf of the general.  " He smiled and said: "I am a martial artist, so I speak more directly. If the negotiation is successful today, you and I will both be friends.  " Tuhunduobie cleared his throat and said in He people's language: "General Fang brought you all here this time just because he wanted me to go back. I am still your king.  However, from today on, we and the Black Flag Army are no longer enemies, but friends.  What General Fang means is that we join forces to attack Nanyan. After conquering Nanyan, the Black Flag Army and we He people will divide Nanyan's territory equally.  Everyone also knows that Nanyan is rich and prosperous. If it is really captured, it will indeed be a good thing for us He people.  " As he spoke, he made gestures. The chieftains couldn't help but change their expressions and looked at each other. Because they all understood Tuhunduo's other gestures. "You all agree first, no matter what, I want to leave the city first.  As long as we go out, can we still listen to these Han people?  " This is the gesture used by the He tribe hunters when hunting. When hunting down prey, speaking a little louder may scare the prey away, so hunters have a unique set of gestures to express themselves. "Do you agree?  Tuhunduo asked, raising his voice. His eyes scanned the toasts, and finally someone nodded first: "Promise!"  " There was one person who took the lead, and others also agreed. Tuhunduo stopped laughing, turned to Chen Dingnan and said, "There is no problem. They are all my subordinates. As long as I say something, they will not dare to object.  Now they have agreed to join forces with the Black Flag Army to attack Nanyan, and we will be allies from now on.  I swear on behalf of the entire He people that from now on we He people will obey General Wei Fang¡¯s orders.  As long as it is General Fang's order, we will definitely obey it!  "    "good!  " Chen Dingnan smiled and said: "It's so happy!  " He stood up and said: "Although the general is not here, the general confessed before leaving that after the matter is settled, the He brothers will be treated as true friends.  Our orders to the general must be??Obey, if the general says go east, we will go east. If the general says we are friends, then we are friends!  He pointed to a few carriages parked on the street outside the door: "Did you see that? Those carriages are full of good wine brought from Yongzhou."  The general knew that the He brothers would agree, and even brought wine for celebration.  Come on, serve the wine!  " He strode out the door, and the Black Flag Army soldiers in the yard also walked quickly toward the carriage. Tuhundo breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally leave the Black Flag Army. As long as he answered the question in the jungle, he would  Xie's words are nonsense. No matter how strong the Black Flag Army is, he will not dare to enter the jungle rashly! As long as he goes back, he will still be the supreme King He. As for launching troops against Nanyan, don't be ridiculous Couldn't he see that Fang Jie can't?  Plan? Plan to use the He people as swordsmen to fight to the death with the Nanyan people. What a beautiful idea! All the Black Flag Army soldiers in the yard ran out, and then opened the canvas covering the carriage.  It was a wine jar, and each person walked back with one in his arms and placed dozens of wine jars in the middle of the yard. Chen Dingnan did not enter the yard, but stood at the door and said, "Thank you for coming. This is Baishui City. Once upon a time, you all."  Many people have been here, and the reason why I chose this place is because there are still many people here waiting for you to come again, that isthe border soldiers who died in Baishui City.  " "On behalf of them, I invite you to drink!  "After he said this, he slammed the courtyard door shut. Immediately after, dozens of soldiers holding giant shields rushed up to block the courtyard door. The giant shields they were holding were obviously specially made.  It was more than two meters high, covered with a thick layer of iron, and was extremely strong. At the same time, a rocket shot out from nowhere and hit the wine jar in the middle of the yard. A fire suddenly broke out.  It started burning in the yard, and the flames shot up into the sky in an instant. On the official road, the young man strode with a body in his arms, followed by a man as tall as a mountain.  There is a pavilion next to the official road. In the pavilion, a young woman is saying goodbye to her husband. The man seems to be going to join the army. He leads a mule and turns his head to say goodbye to his wife. As he is leaving, the young woman sings two songs.  Sennan accent: "The sky is cloudy, the ground is filled with yellow flowers, the west wind is strong, and the northern geese are flying south.  Who will be drunk in the forest at dawn?  Always left in tears!  " The melody is fluttering, full of parting pain. PS: "The sky is cloudy, the yellow flowers are on the ground, and the geese flying from the north to the south.  Who will be drunk in the forest at dawn?  Always left in tears.  "From "Farewell at Changting Pavilion" by Yuan Wang Shifu
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