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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 664 Have you ever played hide and seek?

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    Chapter 664: Have you ever played hide-and-seek? Yongzhou Pingshang Road Governor's Mansion Luo Qiu stood in a daze under the oleander in the yard. It was already past the time when the oleander was in full bloom, although there were no branches full of them.  There are big bunches of pink, but a glimpse of green also makes people feel comfortable.  But Luo Qiu couldn't feel comfortable no matter what. The Black Flag Army Elite Cavalry at the door of the courtyard was like a nail nailed into his heart, making even breathing painful.  Luo Qiu lost his freedom on the day Fang Jie destroyed the He clan.  He was placed under house arrest in his own house and was not allowed to go out.  Originally, the servants in the mansion could still go out and buy some food and wine for daily use.  But starting from last night, no one was allowed to leave the Governor's Mansion. The steward who was used to being domineering wanted to go out and bring a table of meals to Luo Qiudi. However, he was stopped by the Black Flag Army soldiers at the door and made a fuss.  After having two molars removed by a mouth, I no longer dare to be arrogant.  Because he discovered that the soldiers of the Black Flag Army were just a bunch of hooligans when they were arrogant.  "Something is going to happen." Luo Qiu sighed and glanced at the steward whose face was half swollen: "I want you to take the opportunity to go out and find out the news. How did you end up like this." "Sir you can't get out at all." Steward  He smiled bitterly and said: "I just asked why I wasn't allowed to go out. Those soldiers and barbarians called me directly and didn't even reply. But I looked outside and something was really wrong. There was no one on the street. It was everywhere.  Soldiers. The cavalry of the Black Flag Army were standing on several nearby streets. They looked like they were ready for something big to happen. "I wanted to drive the tiger away and devour the wolf" Luo Qiu shook his head: "  Who knew that the tiger was not chasing the wolf at all? " "Sir, there is no way to go on like this. That Fang Jie took advantage of the opportunity of fighting with the He people and almost killed all the county soldiers in the city.  The county soldiers below are all locked up in the camp and cannot get out. Now everyone in Yongzhou City is on tenterhooks. "Is there anything we can do?" Luo Qiu glanced at the door and said, "Just wait.  Let¡¯s see what kind of tricks he wants to play Wait, you just said that there are cavalry on the street?¡± ¡°They are all!¡± The steward nodded: ¡°My subordinates were stopped by the Black Flag Army soldiers at the door and argued with them.  When I looked away, I saw that there were black-armored cavalry all over the street. I couldn't see their heads at all. Their swords were unsheathed, their arrows were cocked, and they were ready to charge at any time. They looked murderous. " "Go.  !" Luo Qiu pointed to the roof and said, "Bring me a ladder. I want to go up to the room and take a look." "Sir, please go up!" Luo Qiu waved his hand urgently.  If he dared to say anything, he quickly ordered his servants to bring a ladder over and set it up on Fangshan Mountain. Luo Qiu climbed up with the ladder, then stretched his neck to look into the distance.  At this look, Luo Qiu's heart suddenly tightened with shock.  Not only on the street outside the door, the streets outside were crisscrossed and filled with cavalry. It looked like there were no less than thousands of people, and the nearby streets were crowded.  He looked further away and suddenly noticed something strange.  Many houses were covered with soldiers wearing brocade uniforms, and Luo Qiu knew that they were the elite riding school under Fang Jie.  These men and horses were walking in a semicircle, and in the middle was Luo Yao's mansion.  "This is" Luo Qiu was shocked, and then a thought came to his mind that made his heart start to beat wildly.  He hurriedly came down from the ladder, and almost fell down when he stepped down. The steward quickly stepped forward to help him, but Luo Qiu pushed him away: "Quickly, go and open the secret passage. Please invite Zhao Ziwen, Guo Pu, and Jin Yitai to come over."  It¡¯s a matter of discussion in the mansion! Remember, be careful not to be discovered by the Black Flag Army outside! Let them bring all the masters in the mansion, be sure!¡± ¡°Sir, what happened?¡± The steward asked quickly.  "Good thing!" Luo Qiu smiled and cleared away the gloom: "Do you still remember what happened after Luo Wen killed Zhan Yao and seized the military power of Yongzhou?" The steward was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood: "My subordinates understand!  Luo Wen killed Zhan Yao to seize the military power and tried to take Yongzhou as his own. Luo Yao returned alone" "Go quickly." Luo Qiu felt relieved immediately, as if the previous depression had been blown away.  He was almost certain that Luo Yao was back, otherwise the Black Flag Army would not be facing a powerful enemy like this.  Moreover, it was Luo Yao's mansion that was surrounded, so it was easier to speculate.  As long as Luo Yao comes back, can Fang Jie still be domineering?  After being an official in Yongzhou for so many years, the first thing Luo Qiu made sure of was not to offend Luo Yao, otherwise he would not end well.  And as long as Luo Yao wants to do something, nothing can stop him.?.  That was a man who would never show mercy even if he killed his father-in-law or his own son. Killing a Fang Jie was easy!  So without any hesitation, he sent people to contact several other heads of aristocratic families in Yongzhou City and asked them to come with their family masters. As long as Luo Yao came back, the situation in Yongzhou City would immediately change.  After killing Fang Jie, and then taking out the few capable generals under Fang Jie, the Black Flag Army would be like a tiger without its claws, and would no longer have anything to fear.  And, Fang Jie has a weakness!  The women around Fang Jie are his weaknesses.  No matter what happened in Luo Mansion, even if Luo Yao hadn't come back, things would definitely not be simple for Fang Jie when he was facing a formidable enemy.  As long as we take this opportunity to capture the women around Fang Jie, even if Luo Yao doesn't come back by then, we can still turn defeat into victory!  Thinking of this, the smile on Luo Qiu's lips became more cheerful.  ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ ¡­ The door of Luo Mansion is always open.  The front door and the side door are both open.  In the past few years since Luo Yao left Yongzhou, although things in the mansion have changed, the golden plaque hanging on the door is still shining brightly, because the servants in Luo mansion know that they must ensure that this plaque is lit.  In this way, no one dares to look down upon Luo Mansion, even if Luo Yao is not here.  Although Luo Yao left, no one can guarantee that he will never come back.  Even if he doesn't come back, who can guarantee that he will die?  People like Luo Yao will scare many people as long as they don't die.  The people standing at the door raised their heads and looked at the plaque, "The General's Mansion of the Southwest General and the Protector of the Country." These words were like a brand, deeply engraved in many people's hearts.  This man looks very embarrassed. This is the first time he has looked so embarrassed since he appeared in this world.  Just by looking at his clothes, anyone could undoubtedly determine that he was a down-and-out beggar.  However, now not only his clothes were in tatters, but his whole person was in tatters.  Half of his face had no flesh at all, as if it had been burned away by fire, and half of his nostrils had no wings, leaving only a hole.  The eye in the socket is still there, but the eye embedded in the skull looks even weirder, and it would be better to have no eyes at all.  There was a big wound on his heart.  People who have been in the military for many years can tell at a glance what caused this wound.  That is the trace left by the long tree, which runs from front to back.  There is no doubt that his heart must have been pierced or even cut in half, but he was still alive, so he looked less like a beggar and more like a corpse crawling out of hell.  There are many wounds on his body, and each one looks very serious.  If it were an ordinary person, he would have died more than a hundred times.  But he is Luo Yao.  The unique Luo Yao in heaven and earth.  So he is still alive, and his name is the reason why he is still alive, an undoubted reason.  When he came over, he saw soldiers densely surrounding him. Those soldiers looked fierce and elite. He was even sure that when he came over, there were at least more than 200 crossbows aimed at him every step of the way.  At every step, there were at least thirty practitioners following him.  But he didn't care at all, because those people didn't care at all.  In his eyes, only that person existed at this time.  He also knew that these soldiers and practitioners were not here to stop him.  Luo Yao knew that Fang Jie was not an idiot. As long as he was not an idiot, he would know that those soldiers meant nothing to him.  Naturally, he would not fight against tens of thousands of fine knights, as he would die from exhaustion.  But he could make the tens of thousands of fine knights unable to see him, and there was nothing they could do to him.  The person assigned by Fang Jie is to stop others.  "Yes, soldiers are good soldiers, and generals are naturally good generals." Luo Yao muttered to himself, and then stepped into the door.  His own home.  At this moment, it seemed that everyone watching him secretly had an illusion at the same time. The moment he stepped into the door, the whole world shook.  Many people subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the sky, as if the sky would split open in the next second.  The storm is rising.  No one is more familiar with this place than him. He doesn¡¯t need to see or feel it to know what kind of changes have happened in this yard.  When he walked in, he cast his gaze to the deepest part of the courtyard, where his wife Chu lived.  Then he was stunned for a moment, with a sad look in his eyes. ???????????????????????????????????????????? Only some.  But it¡¯s very strong.  He walked in the door and looked at the thick layer of dust on the ground.Surprised, then shook his head.  As he walked through the corridor, the spider in the corner of the corridor suddenly froze, and then fell straight down.  As he walked across the small lake, the fish that had fled to the other side of the lake all floated up, belly up.  The fish were originally his fish, but now they are running away from him, so the fish are all dead.  The spider was also his spider, but the spider was frightened when he saw him, so the spider died.  Is this the inevitable retribution?  ?Maybe so.  Luo Yao walked very slowly. Although he was in a hurry along the way, he was no longer in a hurry after entering Yongzhou.  Because he knew that Fang Jie was waiting for him where he was going and did not run away.  To be honest, Fang Jie did not escape, which surprised Luo Yao.  In his past impression, Fang Jie was a person who was always ready to escape.  So Luo Yao decided to face up to this opponent, starting from this day.  He had never taken Fang Jie seriously before. Fang Jie was like a delicious snack that he had prepared for himself that would never expire. As long as he was hungry, he could always reach for it and stuff it into his mouth.  Chew as much as you like.  Now, he no longer thinks Fang Jie is a snack.  But an opponent.  He walked to the three-story wooden building and stayed for a while, then closed his shocking-looking eyes to feel.  There is a person's breath.     under.  Luo Yao smiled and said to himself that he was very brave.  He walked into the wooden building and twisted the mechanism.  A hole appeared in the wall, and he jumped down without any pause.  From the study to the secret room, it was a straight drop of nearly twenty meters. He had walked this road countless times.  He is very familiar.  But the moment he jumped down, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.  A second ago, he told himself to face the dim sum that would only run away before, but he was still a little proud in his heart.  So when he fell, he found that he was still too impatient.  In the falling secret passage, there are many threads that are invisible to the naked eye.  It¡¯s very thin, thinner than a hair, but sharper than a steel knife.  If Luo Yao hadn't discovered it early, his already mutilated body might have been cut into many pieces under the influence of gravity when he fell.  He is no longer indestructible. His body was beaten to pieces by the armored general with a spear.  Fire suddenly burst out in the secret passage.  The golden flame instantly burned off those filaments.  Luo Yao rested his palms on the wall for a while, making sure that all the threads in the secret passage were destroyed before falling down.  His feet touched the ground, and his heart felt a little more at ease.  ¡°I don¡¯t know why, but when he felt those threads, he suddenly felt a little scared.  For him, this was the most unbelievable thing.  He is actually afraid!  There is no one in the secret room, at least it seems there is no one.  There are only nine large boxes.  Then Luo Yao found a piece of paper on the ground and placed it in front of him.  He looked down and became a little angry.  The words on the paper are ugly and childish.  It destroyed the solemnity that Luo Yao had built before he walked into the secret room. He always thought that today should be very solemn.  Many, many years later, when I think back on this day, I will feel solemn.  Because this is a matter of life and death and the future.  But these few words are simply ridiculous and unreasonable!  "Have you ever played hide-and-seek? Come to me."
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