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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 652 There are only two ways to kill him

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    Chapter 652 There are only two ways to kill him Everyone will leave at some point. If death is regarded as a long journey, some people set off early in order to reach their destination early.  Some people set off late, perhaps because they are nostalgic for the scenery of their hometown or the feelings of their relatives and friends.  But we still have to leave after all, and no one is allowed to look back three times in one step.  Mrs. Chu actually knew what was going on. Luo Yao had been lying to her for so many years, but wasn't she lying to herself?  Fang Jie picked her up and put her on the bed, then pulled her over and covered her with a brocade quilt.  She has done many evil things in her life, and if word spreads about her, she must not be torn into pieces.  But now she is on her way, and the rules of life and death will not change because she is good or evil.  "It's not me!" Seeing Fang Jie look at him, Amosa shook his head and said: "The poison in her body is different from that in the bodies of the four maids. I can kill those four maids easily, but  Is it as easy as I said to kill her? The poison she planted was a forbidden technique that was abolished by the wizards a thousand years ago. It is not easy to destroy the poison! " Fang Jie knew that Amosa didn't have it!  He lied, so he suddenly felt a little sad.  "It has nothing to do with her." Mrs. Chu, who was lying on the bed, was already furious, but there was an incomprehensible smile of relief on her face.  It was a kind of satisfaction, and even a little vaguely proud.  "I got rid of the poison myself." She smiled at Fang Jie: "Actually, ever since you returned to Yongzhou this time, I have been feeling uneasy. I am afraid that the lies that I have carefully maintained for so many years will be exposed. I am afraid that I  I couldn't bear it. So when I knew you were coming today, I got rid of the poison myself Even if I didn't have you and her, I wouldn't be able to survive tonight." She spoke softly, but without sadness: "  Amosa I know you have hatred in your heart, and so do I. After all, we women are the ones who have been hurt the most. Over the years, you have wanted to kill me, and I have wanted to kill you. Sometimes when I am alone, I  I also think, is it worth being filled with hatred for a man who has played with you and me? Women are destined to be just a pastime in Luo Yao's life, and his so-called reluctance to leave me is just to impress himself.  It¡¯s just a look.¡± ¡°To impress him¡­¡± Amosa muttered these words again, and suddenly realized that Mrs. Chu was much more sober than herself.  "Yeah, maybe everything he did was just acting." Amosa sighed and fell weakly on the chair: "He is just a substitute, just a shadow of someone else, so for so many years  He has been deliberately doing things that are different from the other person. He will do things that the other person will not do. He just does this to make himself look like a flesh-and-blood person. " Chu's tone was calm.  He said: "It turns out that you still don't know that he is not a person at all." Amosa was stunned for a moment, and smiled sadly: "Yeshow can he be considered a person?" "It turns out that only in the  Only before I died did I have the courage to face all this and tell all this calmly." Mrs. Chu stretched out her hand and held Fang Jie's hand. This time, Fang Jie did not refuse.  "Listen to me quietly." She looked at Fang Jie's face and said with a smile: "I know you want to kill him because he is someone else's substitute and you are regarded as a substitute by him. He keeps trying to get away.  Others are restrained, and you have been doing the same. So you two are very similar except that you are stronger than him." Fang Jie didn't understand. Mr. Chu said he was stronger than Luo Yao?  "It took him decades to break free from the shackles of others, but it won't take you that long." Mrs. Chu coughed a few times, and her chest rose and fell violently.  Because the poison was gone, her face withered at a speed that people couldn't adapt to.  But Fang Jie suddenly felt that she was much more beautiful now than she was before, who was bright and charming but as cold as ice.  Because this is the real her.  "Luo Yao is half of Maharaja Ming, the Buddhist sect. Do you know this?" Mrs. Chu asked.  Fang Jie nodded.  Mrs. Chu seemed a little surprised that Fang Jie actually knew about it, and then she was silent for a while and then continued: "He once told me that he was just himself created by Dai Lun Mingwang out of boredom. At that time, he still thought that he  He really loves me, so he is willing to say anything to me. Because Dalun Mingwang has no love and does not understand what love is, Luo Yao must have a love. I am just a part of his scene.  "It's just a supporting role." "But it is undeniable that he was very important in those early days.?It's really good Ahem When I met him, he was just a young man who looked very clean and bright. He didn't have any cultivation that despised the world, and he didn't have any army that could conquer the world.  He walked by my door and saw me watering the flowers, so he asked me, do you like flowers?  I didn't recognize him, but nodded anyway.  So, early the next morning, there was a field full of flowers and plants in front of my house.  " "He spent one night digging out the most beautiful wild flowers on half the mountain.  " Mrs. Chu smiled: "At that time, he was not Luo Yao.  " Amosa listened quietly, and suddenly realized that the Luo Yao she knew and the Luo Yao Chu knew were completely different. The Luo Yao she fell in love with was unparalleled in domineering, even if he did not have a stalwart body, he was no matter where he was.  There is a towering mountain everywhere. No one can look down on him, but the Luo Yao whom Chu originally knew was an ordinary man. At first, Amosa looked down on Chu, but now he has become inferior.    What Chu said now was of no use to Fang Jie, but he was willing to quietly listen to Chu recall the past events that had touched her "He stood among the wild flowers, facing the yard.  call.  My father went out with a shovel to drive him away, but he knelt down and said, can you marry your daughter to me?  " "My dad was stunned for a moment, and then asked him what do you have?  What can you give my daughter?  " The smile on Mrs. Chu's lips was natural, and her eyes were bright: "He knelt there and said, I have nothing now, and there is only one person who can give it to her.  If she wants prosperity and wealth, give me three years and I will come back with prosperity and wealth.  If she wants to be ordinary, I am willing to stay and be an ordinary farmer for her.  " "I don't know what happened, but my father actually believed what he said.  Then my father let him into the yard, and the two of them were talking and drinking. Soon, Luo Yao was so drunk by my father that he fell unconscious.  Then my dad smiled and said to me, this is a man you can marry, and if he comes with other thoughts, I won¡¯t let him get away with it.  " Fang Jie's heart suddenly tightened. He was such a simple and honest old man, and was finally killed by Luo Yao himself. His head was put in a large wooden box and taken outside the Tai Chi Palace in Chang'an City. "I'm sorry" There was actually a trace on Mrs. Chu's face.  With a slight blush, she shook her head and said: "It's a bit far Sigh Although I know that these things were intentional on his part, I still feel beautiful when I think about it.  Sometimes I still laugh when I think about this when I am alone, but I obviously want to kill him.  "It's okay" Fang Jie smiled at her: "Anyway, it was indeed a beautiful day."  " Mrs. Chu nodded: "If you want to know how to kill him, you must understand some of the secret methods of Buddhism.  The reason why he didn't die even after destroying Qi Hai Dantian was because he was not a real person in the first place.  I say this, can you understand?  " Fang Jie was shocked. When Chu and Amosa said that Luo Yao was not a human being, he thought it was just the angry words of two women who had emotional entanglements with Luo Yao. But now listening to the meaning of Chu's words, it seems  This sentence is not that simple. ¡°What?  " Fang Jie asked. "He is really not a human being.  " Seeing the confusion on Fang Jie's face, Amosa was silent for a while and said: "He is a thing created by Lord Dalun Ming. Although he uses a human body, he is not a human being in a fundamental sense.  Even though Qi Hai was destroyed, he was still alive.  Even if you destroy his heart, he will still live.  Because what maintains his physical activity is not the function of the body itself, but pure internal energy.  " Fang Jie didn't know that Mr. Wan's seven-hundred-mile sword pierced Luo Yao's heart. Fang Jie understood a little, but found it unbelievable. Mrs. Chu hummed and said, "If you want to kill him, you must understand the big picture.  What method did King Lun Ming use to create Luo Yao in the first place?  I even doubt that he would still be alive even if you smashed his body.  " Amosa nodded: "The reason why he chose you as his replacement is because your physical body is strong enough. An ordinary person's physical body simply cannot withstand such a huge internal energy.  The most important thing is that your body is still the original body that has not been seen in thousands of years.  " "The original body?  " Fang Jie was stunned: "What is the original body?  "    "you do not know?  Amosa asked in surprise. Fang Jie shook his head: "I don't know, I'm also very curious about my body."  " "If you want to know what the original body is, then you should go back and ask the woman next to you ifThe only one who can really explain it clearly is her.  "    "who?  " "Sang Sa Sa.  " Amosa said: "No one knows what the original body is better than him.  " Mrs. Chu said in a very light tone: "I don't understand these things. I only know that if you want to kill him, you must understand where his weaknesses are.  And if you want to understand these things, you must start with Buddhism.  " Amosa said: "I don't know why, you are here talking about how to kill him, I should be very angry, I should take action to kill you, but now I am involved in it, I feel a very inexplicable pleasure  ¡­¡± Mrs. Chu looked at Amosa with some sympathy: ¡°You, like me, have a very beautiful past with Luo Yao.  But if you and I knew the news of Luo Yao's death, we would all laugh.  "Amosa was silent. "I want to kill Luo Yao.  " After a while, Amosa raised his head and said seriously: "There are only two ways First, you have to understand how King Dalun Ming made Luo Yao, so that you can know Luo Yao's weaknesses.  What is it.  You'd better go see King Dalun Ming, I believe he is also willing to kill Luo Yao, the other half who is no longer under control.  " "King Dalun Ming is dead.  " Fang Jie sighed slightly. "Huh?  " When Chu and Amosa heard this, they couldn't help but exclaimed. They looked at Fang Jie with astonishment in their eyes: "How could the Great Wheel Ming King die?  Even though King Dalun Ming is no longer as powerful as before, he is just like Luo Yao, and it is almost impossible to kill him!  " "He is indeed dead. He died in the hands of Prince Yang Qi of Sui Zhong.  " "No wonder!  " Amosa let out a long sigh of relief: "There are three people that Luo Yao is most afraid of. One is the Great Wheel Ming King, the other is Wan Xingchen who can break all magic with one sword, and the other is Yang Qi who can't see through anyone.  But since King Dalun Ming is dead, there is only one way to kill Luo Yao.  "    "What?  " "Make yourself more powerful than Luo Yao!  "Amosa said seriously: "So, you must first figure out what the original body is.  " Fang Jie was a little confused, and something suddenly flashed in his mind amidst the confusion. He remembered that when Yang Qi killed Dalun Mingwang, in the earthen house that Dalun Ming Wang had created, Yang Qi used a very strange light group to trap Dalun Ming King.  Stop. After that, the ball of light became many times larger. It seemed that a tiger was trying to escape from the ball of light, but failed in the end. Is that what he had to do to kill King Dalun? Fang Jie suddenly felt a little regretful.  He witnessed the process of Yang Qi killing Dalun Mingwang, but he didn't pay attention to those details at the time. Now, another Dalun Mingwang has become his direct opponent, and what tips did Yang Qi leave for him?
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