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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 370: Smashed to pieces with a hammer

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    Dear heroes, please vote for me!  Chapter 370: Smashed to pieces with a hammer This small border town is called Huxiang City, and it is a very common one among the many border towns in the Sui Empire.  Compared with border towns that are famous for certain events, such as Baishui City, which is only a hundred miles away, Fenghuang Terrace in Eastern Xinjiang, and Fangu City in Xijiang, the name Huxiang City may not be destined to be widely known.  Most people know it.  However, there is a group of hot-blooded men here who are just like the frontier soldiers in Baishui City, Phoenix Terrace, and Fangu City.  In the days after they lost their supplies and backup, they went out hunting on their own, lived frugally, and relied on their determination to defend the people behind them to the death. They never left.  Even though they were surrounded by tens of thousands of enemies.  When people in later generations discuss this war, they often discuss those exciting battles with excitement, but few people remember how many unknown men in such border towns fought until the last moment.  And the names of these frontier soldiers are destined not to become the protagonists of history.  But each of them is worth remembering.  The border soldiers in Huxiang City failed to protect their hometown behind them, but each of them was still doing what they thought was right and worth doing.  Maybe people can't think about what support these people rely on when supplies in a border city are so poor that they can't even light a torch.  Maybe people can't believe that when the living people in a border city placed the corpses of their fallen comrades on the city wall to confuse the enemy, no one among them thought about opening the city gate and surrendering.  This is a very magnificent history that is full of contradictions. In the prosperous land of the Central Plains, almost everyone who has the ability and courage to raise the flag to rebel has already done so and no longer respects this empire called the Sui Dynasty.  But in the most difficult place of life in the border town, these soldiers still held their weapons tightly and guarded the bright red battle flag on the city wall.  The Nanyan army outside the city was cut in the middle by the Black Flag Army cavalry, and then the Black Flag Army began to rush into the grass in regiment units, pushing the chaos of the Nanyan army deep into the Nanyan camp.  The Black Flag Army cavalry used an offensive of boiling soup and throwing snow to completely destroy the resistance that the Nanyan people had barely gathered in a hurry.  Those Nanyan soldiers began to flee, fleeing without any purpose.  In the dark night, they could not tell where the safe direction was, but they kept telling themselves to run and not stop if they wanted to live.  The dark night made them lose their vigilance and caused many people to lose their lives, but it was precisely because of the existence of the dark night that many of them survived.  Because the number of Nanyan troops already posed a threat, Fang Jie ordered the cavalry not to stop attacking after defeating the enemy.  Because ending the battle prematurely will give the defeated troops faster and more time to regroup.  The cavalry controlled the speed of the horses and always maintained pressure on the Nanyan army.  In this way, where would the Nanyan army have any chance to stop and reintegrate?  They can only keep running forward.  So after daybreak, when the Black Flag Army had withdrawn its troops and returned, the frightened Nanyan soldiers were still running forward desperately, not even daring to look back.  Even though Fang Jie called out his identity at the city gate last night, the border troops in Huxiang City still did not open the city gate immediately.  When the sky broke out in the east, the border soldiers could clearly see the fierce red battle flags flying by the Black Flag Army and the familiar armor they were wearing, and then the border soldiers opened the gate of the Protector City.  A man in military uniform rushed out of the city gate with a haggard look but could not hide his excitement. He ran out of breath to Fang Jie and performed the most standard military salute.  "Meet the general!" The faces of this team leader were dark and swarthy, and they didn't know how long they had been exposed to the smoke of the war and hadn't washed their faces for a long time.  There were many holes in his clothes, and blood stains were clearly visible in several places.  "I have a humble position, Zhou Ping, and the troops guarding the countryside and the city are on guard!" His lips were as dry as a dry land, with holes all over it.  His hands were shaking slightly, and he didn't know whether he was tired from running out in a hurry or because he was hungry because he hadn't had a full meal in a long time.  And he was so cautious about his excitement, because he didn't have enough physical strength to support enough excitement, so Fang Jie felt a little sad.  "Are you now the person with the highest military rank in the city?" Fang Jie asked.  "Yes!" Zhou Ping nodded: "On the third day of the Nanyan army's siege, Li Ershui died in battle. He was shot in the eye socket by a cold arrow. At that time, he fell off the city wall and was chopped into pieces by the Nanyan people.  On the thirteenth day of the siege, Cui Leng, our elected captain, was hacked to death by the enemies who stormed the city wall. He was stabbed at least a dozen times. Before he died, he was holding two Nanyan soldiers.?Jumped off the wall.  The two of them died without even keeping their bodies, and they can't be found now.  " "On the fourteenth day of the siege, the school captain Dong Yao had his left arm and two legs chopped off by the attacking enemies. When we rushed over to support him, the Nanyan soldiers were cutting open his stomach, and his intestines were pulled out.  When he came out, he called out to his mother in pain but refused to beg for mercy.  After we killed the enemy who came up, we looked at him again. He was stuffing intestines into his stomach with his right hand that only had two fingers left. He was crying in fear as he stuffed it He died before he finished stuffing it, and I was the one left.  Help stuff it back.  " "On the fourteenth night of the siege, Colonel Zhang Jun had someone lower him down from the city wall with a rope in order to pick up some arrows and weapons. By that time, our arrows had been used up.  As a result, he was seen by the scouts left behind by the Nanyan people. He and the other three brothers who went down fought a dozen of the other scouts to death. Then we tried to pull him up, but he refused. He untied the rope and continued to collect feather arrows.  When the opponent's reinforcements arrived, he picked up a total of 723 feather arrows. I counted them carefully later and found that none of them were missing, because these feather arrows were not easy to come by." "At the end, the enemy moved forward.  Rush, we shouted to him to fasten the rope!  He looked at the bundles of feather arrows he had just tied. After hesitating for a moment, he tied the rope to the feather arrows and let us pull them up. When he rushed to another rope, he was shot by the enemy's arrows like a hedgehog.  His whole body was covered with arrows He went to pick up feathered arrows, and ended up being covered in arrows.  " "Don't be a checkmate. Enter the captain. The captain is dead. Enter the captain I am the last captain in Huxiang City.  " Zhou Ping grinned, but there was a flash of sadness in his eyes: "General, it would be better if you came a day earlier The last team member died yesterday morning, with more than 30 wounds of various sizes on his body.  Department He was a man who was quite afraid of death. When I joined the army, he was a team leader, and when I became a team leader, he was still a team leader. I didn't expect that he would die in front of me That guy kept muttering  I have enough money to go to Yongzhou to visit a brothel Haha" He was smiling, looking a little silly. He was obviously talking about his comrades who died in the battle, but he could still laugh. But is he really stupid? Fang Jie  She went over and patted him on the shoulder, then handed him a bottle of water: "Pack it up and come with me.  " "General!  " Zhou Ping was stunned: "Why don't you ask me how many brothers are still alive in the city?  " Fang Jie stopped for a moment: "Even if you are the only one, I will come.  "     Nan Yan Army Camp Murong Yongduo's face was ashen as he read a military report that had just been delivered. Then he threw the teapot on the table to the ground with a bang, and the water in the teapot splashed everywhere.  The debris flew far away. "Waste!"  " He kicked the table over: "A bunch of trash!  " "Why is the general so angry?  "A staff member asked quickly. "Four days!  "Murong Yongduo said angrily: "In just four days, two large camps were defeated in succession, with a total of more than 50,000 people. They were defeated without even seeing clearly where the opponent was coming from!"  Even if the troops behind are all new recruits, doesn't the general leading the army know to set up a hidden sentinel of rangers?  Don¡¯t know how to prepare for night attacks?  Don't know how to deal with danger?  besides!  The convoy delivering supplies to the capital was looted and everything was burned to the ground His Majesty asked, how should I explain!  " "General, calm down!  " After hearing this, the staff's faces also changed color: "This matter This matter cannot be entirely blamed on the general leading the army. No one could have imagined how a cavalry would suddenly appear, as if it came out of hell, without any trace.  sign.  They followed behind, not expecting anyone to attack at night. After all, the Sui army on Pingshang Road was basically wiped out.  " "This is no excuse!  " Murong Yongduo said: "Even if it was unexpected, could it be that this has happened once and others didn't think of taking precautions?  Two large camps were destroyed one after another, and the baggage was burned" After a while, he sighed and said: "Where did this cavalry come from!  " At this moment, another soldier ran in quickly from outside: "General the troops have reported for duty!  " Murong Yongduo grabbed the military report. After reading it, his face that recovered immediately turned blue again: "In four days the cavalry has rescued the Sui troops trapped in three border cities.  They came out. Although the total number of people rescued was less than a thousand, it was not a matter of the number of people at all!  Once this news spreads, the Sui people's morale will immediately be boosted!  "The staff said: "That Sui army cavalry came and went without a trace. It was really hard to guard against, but speaking of which, I don't know what kind of talent it was."??To do such an incomprehensible thing.  Leading a cavalry force deep into the country just to rescue the border troops who were about to starve to death?  " "Unless the Sui general leading the army is a madman, right?  "He glanced at Murong Yongduo. Murong Yongduo was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head: "If he is really a madman, he is also a feared madman Pass my military order and let everyone behind him give up what he has not done yet.  All the captured cities came to join me.  Our troops are too scattered and can be easily divided and attacked I don't believe that all the troops are concentrated together. With less than 10,000 cavalry in hand, that person dares to attack directly without success!  " "The general is wise!  The staff member praised: "As long as we gather all the scattered troops, including the captured slaves and He people, there will be more than 100,000 people. No matter how crazy the Sui general who leads the army is, he will not dare to attack easily."  He only had those ten thousand men in his hand, so he had to retreat.  " As soon as he finished speaking, someone else ran in from outside: "General, King He sent someone to ask if he knew where the cavalry came from. Two batches of cavalry have been burned in the past few days. King He sent people to send them back to the tribe.  King He was furious, but the cavalry could not be found at all.  " "Send someone" Murong Yongduo said: "Go tell Tuhun Duobie to the people he sent, and ask him to go back and tell Tuhun Duobie to gather his troops and not spread them out too much.  The Sui general who led the army only dared to go on such a rampage after seeing how badly our troops were dispersed.  Let the He people stop sending the captured baggage back for the time being, and store it all in the camp. Now we are short of cavalry, so we can only take precautions first!  "    "yes!  "The soldier ran out quickly. "This manthis cavalrywhere did he come from!  "Murong Yongduo bit his lip bitterly, with a solemn expression on his face.       Chen Xiaoru wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the fire rising into the sky and said with some distress: "This is the third batch that was burned.  He Ren sent back the supplies, and looking at this subordinate Huo felt a little reluctant to part with them.  " The fire made Fang Jie's face red. He smiled and said: "It's not a pity to burn this, just to get more in the futureWith these three fires, people from He and Nanyan  Well, I don¡¯t dare to send the supplies back easily.  Especially the He people, who live in the deep forest, can't get it back if they send it back. The best way is to prevent them from sending it back. As long as we stay, we have a chance to get it back.  " "In addition" Fang Jie stroked the white lion's head and said: "In these few night attacks, Murong Yongduo and Tuhun Duo did not dare to disperse their troops. The brothers in the border army can go back with confidence.  Just avoid the enemy camp.  Besides, it¡¯s time for us to go back.  The Nanyan and He people have been forced to shrink their troops and shrink into a ballthen smash them to pieces with a hammer.  "
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