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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 632 Bringing Glory Back to Hometown

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    PS: There are still about the last forty minutes. I will sit quietly in front of the computer and wait for the arrival of the new year. I will also quietly watch what the final pattern of the monthly ticket list will be. I know that everyone has tried their best.  That's enough!  The number of words updated this month is over 270,000, which is less than I expected. This is because I am not good enough, but your enthusiasm is always so strong!  I firmly believe that this is just the beginning of the fight for hegemony, and we will continue next year!  PS2: Happy New Year!  I hope everyone can get real happiness!  Chapter 632: Bringing Glory Back to Hometown For a long time after this day, some people couldn¡¯t figure out why Fang Jie¡¯s path to the south was so different.  It seemed that he had no intention of making any friendly gestures to those local wealthy families from the beginning. Instead, he declared with an almost barbaric domineering manner that he would not bow to anyone.  In Liangcheng, Northern Hui Dao, he killed a ninth-level expert just as a small warning.  In Dagu City, Nanhui Road, he slaughtered a family to tell others not to test anything anymore. If the test continues, it will only make them feel more and more painful and afraid.  The people in Dago City have forgotten when the last killing occurred.  But they will remember when this killing ended.  When Zhuo Buyi left, he asked Fang Jie why his murderous aura was getting stronger and stronger. Fang Jie replied that he wanted to use human blood to nourish his murderous aura.  Perhaps this was Fang Jie giving himself a clear direction, because the path he was going to take next was filled with blood step by step.  No one dares to mention the matter of ten thousand county soldiers, and no one will get into trouble again at this time.  They have seen what it means to be unreasonable, and the smell of blood in the city makes them want to vomit.  The cavalry of the Black Flag Army passed one by one on the streets of Dagu City, and the people watched from a distance and whispered.  The corpses taken out of the Liu family's Gaomen compound were loaded onto horse-drawn carriages and transported outside the city for burial.  On this day, the people of Dag City all remembered the name Fang Jie.  Because he killed more than twenty of his soldiers and slaughtered a wealthy family in a rage, this story is destined to be spread for a long time.  Of course, such bloody methods may not be approved by everyone, but Fang Jie's soldiers deeply remembered one thing, their general would always be on their side.  After everyone dispersed, the governor's office of Nanhui Road seemed deserted.  The guards all looked listless, and the original sense of pride they had was completely shattered by Fang Jie's butcher knife.  They were unwilling and did not even dare to look at the cavalry in black armor, not only because these guys killed without blinking an eye, but the most important thing was that the soldiers of the Black Flag Army were more proud than them, truly proud.  The fragrance of tea floated in the living room. Du Jianzhou sipped the tea but couldn't find a topic. He glanced at Fang Jie from time to time, only to find that the other party was still calm, as if he had never given an order to kill.  Du Jianzhou can imagine that after today's incident, no matter whether it is the 10,000 county soldiers who followed from North Hui Road or the 10,000 county soldiers who were about to follow Fang Xie from South Hui Road, no one will come back from now on.  Dare to be domineering.  "Today's incidentto put it bluntly, it all started because I neglected to supervise. Since I have already killed my brother to pay for your life, this matter will be forgotten." Du Jianzhou was silent for a while before speaking:  "I have vaguely heard some rumors about something. General Fang was in the northwest at that time and should know it very wellIt is rumored that His Majesty killed hundreds of courtiers in the northwest palace at one go. Is thistrue?" He  I didn¡¯t want to mention what happened today, so I had to talk about something else.  "Yes" Fang Jie nodded without saying a word more.  Although Du Jianzhou knew that this was true, he still felt a little nervous after receiving the affirmation from Fang Jie.  Du Jianzhou actually respected and feared the God-Blessed Emperor who sat on the dragon throne.  Although the officials in these places had few opportunities to meet the emperor, and the feudal side had overwhelming power, he had never doubted that he might be dismissed from office or even beheaded by the emperor for some trivial matter.  Looking at Fang Jie with a calm face, Du Jianzhou suddenly understood why the emperor valued this young man so much. Fang Jie's acting style today seemed to be very similar to that of the emperor.  When it should be gentle, it makes people feel like a spring breeze; when it should be cold, it makes people feel like falling into an ice cave.  Du Jianzhou couldn¡¯t imagine what kind of experiences had made this young general what he was now, or whether he was cold-blooded from the very core.  After Fang Jie¡¯s simple answer, silence fell between the two people again.  "When does General Fang plan to set off?" Du Jianzhou subconsciously found another topic, and only after asking it did he realize that something was wrong.  "Soon" Fang Jie turned his eyes from those who were scrubbing blood in the yard.He took it back from the traces of the servants, and after a moment of silence, he replied: "Mr. Governor I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out. If if our Black Flag Army did not go south, the Nanyan and He people would continue to fight north.  , How will the Governor respond? "This question is too sharp, and it makes Du Jianzhou feel uncomfortable.  "Of course we will fight to the end." When Du Jianzhou answered this sentence, he quietly asked himself in his heart, and then he found that his answer was still the same, so he was a little surprised, surprised that he had never understood himself.  "The general said something I just heard that resonated especially with me" He paused and said, "No matter what, we are all Han people. No matter how violent and uncontrollable the trouble is in our family, outsiders are not allowed to bully us.  Come on, come on, hit hard." "No." Fang Jie shook his head: "Just hit the door, and the enemy will not give up and soon forget to be afraid." Fang Jie turned his eyes to Du Jianzhou's face.  He smiled and said: "Fight back, hit the enemy's home, and fight until the enemy has no home. Only in this way will the next enemies be frightened." "Fight back?" Du Jianzhou was slightly stunned, and subconsciously repeated Fang Jie  if.  "Fight him back." Fang Jie nodded: "The harder it is, the better." These words made Du Jianzhou's heart churn. For a moment, he was afraid to make eye contact with Fang Jie. I don't know why, but he was so interested in this young general.  The fear is getting stronger and stronger Before the money and supplies prepared by Nanhui Road were gathered, Fang Jie deliberately gathered 10,000 county soldiers from North Hui Road and 10,000 county soldiers from Nanhui Road.  The county soldiers lined up in the Dagu City camp. Although these county soldiers were not from the same place, they found that they had the same expressions of awe when looking at each other. These county soldiers had not stopped training on weekdays.  The queues were quite orderly. Originally, according to the rules of the Sui Dynasty, the county soldiers did not have to practice every day when there was no war, or even every month. During the busy farming season, these county soldiers only had to show up.  They would only be gathered together to defend against the enemy when the enemy was in danger. But since the Great Sui Dynasty, Luo Yao took away millions of troops from the southwest. Almost all county soldiers no longer follow the previous practice, and the county soldiers are funded by the wealthy families.  The soldiers must always be in a state of assembly and continue to practice every day. In order to increase the combat effectiveness of the county soldiers, these people from aristocratic families spent a lot of money on them. At least in terms of equipment, these 20,000 people are no better than the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.  How much difference. In the past, these wealthy families would not pay for the maintenance of the county soldiers, but now they are willing to pay for it, and they are not stingy at all. But even so, the combat effectiveness of these county soldiers is still worrying.  They were recruited after leaving, and although not all of them were, they accounted for more than 70%. According to the rules set by the Sui Dynasty, the number of soldiers in each county was not allowed to exceed 1,500, and the total number of soldiers in each county was not allowed to exceed one.  Fifty thousand. After Luo Yao left, the southwest garrison force was almost evacuated, and the various forces were constantly expanding the county troops, but the time to gather them was still short, and they still needed to be trained slowly.  The general glanced at the soldiers below who were standing neatly and didn't even dare to say anything. He paused for a while and then said loudly: "I know why you are standing so straight now, and why you are so understanding.  You yourself know the rulesbecause this city has just been spilled with blood.  I also know that many of you hate me because I killed more than five hundred of your comrades today, as well as a county military captain.  In any case, I will not make you feel friendly" "I did not summon you here to further investigate who else was involved in this matter. This matter ends here and will not be mentioned again today or in the future.  Mention it again.  If you don¡¯t understand why I would go on a killing spree even at the cost of offending local wealthy families, you can ask the soldiers of my Black Flag Army, and they will tell you why.  " "I said in the governor's office that no one is allowed to touch my soldiers except myself. If anyone touches my people, I will return them double.  You are not the veterans I brought back from the Zhuque Mountain Camp, nor are you the veterans I brought back from the northwest. Even most of you still don¡¯t know what a soldier is and what a soldier should look like.  " "I am not saying this to make you afraid or to relax, but to let you understand one thing.  Since you are following me from today on, you will also be my soldiers from now on.  If someone in another place raises a knife against you, then I will also seek justice for you.  Maybe some of you will still hate me after the war in Southern Xinjiang is over, but my?I also hope you will remember me as deeply as you hate me.  " "Follow me and you can safely leave your back to me."  Please tell me, I will not allow anyone to blaspheme your dignity.  Remember, if someone asks you whose team you are in the future, just give me a loud answer, you are Fang Jie¡¯s soldiers!  "After saying this, Fang Jie pointed to the mountains of materials piled up in the distance of the school grounds. "These things are all yours. They are the materials and food that the folks in Nanhui Road raised for you.  Do you know why they are willing to save a bite from their own rations and give it to you?  " Fang Jie looked around: "Because the people all know what you are going to do, you are going to kill the enemy!  Maybe you will say that the enemy is not burning, killing and looting Nanhui Road, but has not even reached Yongbei Road, and you are still safe.  But have you ever thought that if the men in Yongbei Road think the same way, then the enemy may kill you in an instant!  If you think this way, it won¡¯t be long before all your family members become slaves or corpses!  " His voice suddenly rose: "Since you are already my soldiers, I will do my best to let you survive and win on the battlefield.  Then take your pride back to your hometown, wave your fists vigorously and tell your families and fellow villagers that you have killed all those sons-of-bitches enemies!  Remember, the person standing in front of you nowme!  Never failed on the battlefield!  " "Does anyone dare to shout after me?  " Fang Jie said loudly: "Bring the glory back to your hometown!  "The scene was still quiet, so quiet that the breathing of the soldiers was very clear. Their faces slowly turned red, and their breathing became more and more rapid. There was something hot in their hearts that kept going  Their throats were burning, and it seemed that only shouting would relieve the burning sensation. "No one?"  " Fang Jie asked. "General" A soldier standing near the front looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old. The clothes on his body seemed a bit loose. The horizontal sword more than one meter long was slung around his waist.  He fell to the ground. His neck turned red from holding back his words, and his eyes bulged out from holding back the words. "Fuck his grandma you're so scared!"  " He muttered to himself, then pulled his neck and shouted: "Bring the glory back to your hometown!  " "Bring the glory back to your hometown!  " "Bring the glory back to your hometown!  " "Bring the glory back to your hometown!  "
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