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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 614 Pomegranate Tree Pomegranate Skirt

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    Chapter 614: Pomegranate Tree and Pomegranate Skirt After the emperor finished explaining, he glanced at Yang Chengqian, and he saw indescribable fear in his son's eyes.  This fear made him a little disappointed, although he knew that his son was still just a child.  Such a secret would be frightening even if told to an adult.  But he was still dissatisfied. In his opinion, the descendants of the Yang family should not have such expressions.  "I know you are still young, but you are already the emperor" He looked at Yang Chengqian and said word by word: "I have mentioned twice before that the descendants of the Yang family must make sacrifices for the continuation of the Sui Dynasty.  Be prepared, no one will be exception, including me and you. This is the third time. You must remember not to forget a word." "My son" Yang Chengqian's shoulders trembled slightly, and it took a while.  He lowered his head and said, "My son, I have written it down, and I will not forget a word!" "That's good." The emperor's expression softened slightly: "You can go out, your mother and I still have something to talk about." "Sir.  "I beg you to leave." Yang Chengqian bowed and pushed out, glancing at his mother before going out.  He saw his mother's eyes resting tenderly and lovingly on his father's face, but his father had long lost his former demeanor.  Now my father looks like a mummy, but my mother doesn't feel disgusted at all.  He doesn¡¯t understand this, after all, he is still very young.  Moreover, at this time, all he could think about was the secret that his father had told him before. If the secret that the old dean told him before he went south had already surprised him beyond measure, then the other secret that his father had just said made him feel sad.  I felt chills, chilling to my bones.  Like falling into an ice cave.  He didn¡¯t dare to think about it, didn¡¯t dare to recall what his father just said in his ears.  Those few words kept echoing in his head, making him more and more frightened and irritable.  After he came out of Dong Nuan Pavilion, he walked faster and faster, and in the end he started running wildly, as if there was some wild beast or evil ghost Yaksha chasing behind him.  So embarrassed.  In the Dongnuan Pavilion, the emperor felt the queen's palm gently caressing his face. He liked the warmth in the palm of her hand.  Over the years, he has become accustomed to everything about her. When he is outside, the first thing he thinks about is the foundation of their Yang family, and the second thing is the woman in front of him who has been with him for decades.  She seems to be still so beautiful and has never changed.  Although there were wrinkles on her forehead and at the corners of her eyes, although the skin on her face was no longer as fragile as it was when she was a girl, and although her figure was slightly out of shape and no longer as graceful as before, she was so beautiful to him.  Always so beautiful in her eyes.  "Actually, what I'm most afraid of before coming back is that I won't be able to see you for the last time." The emperor rubbed her palm with his face.  "But I'm afraid to come back and let you see me in my current state. I'm not willing to leave without looking at you, and I'm not willing to make you feel even more uncomfortable by looking at you for the last time." Queen Fu  He came down and rested his head on the emperor's chest.  It was just like it had always been, although at that time his chest was broad and warm, but now it was as dry and cold as if his ribs were covered with a layer of skin.  When he breathed, it was like the sound of a broken bellows. Every breath was very difficult, so the rise and fall of his chest seemed to be huge, but yet so weak.  The emperor raised his hand and stroked the queen's hair.  "I know that Your Majesty pities me, but Your Majesty has forgotten that no matter what Your Majesty becomes, you will always be Your Majesty, and I will always be your concubine." This was a bit awkward to say, but the emperor understood.  "If it's possible" The emperor's vision was a little confused: "I think it would be nice not to be the emperor, and just live an ordinary life with you. Maybe we will quarrel over trivial things every day, but maybe we will stay.  There will be a lot of things in memory. We sit together in a daze, worry about what to eat for the next meal, write some couplets together for the holidays, and go boating on the lake together to talk about common things  But I became the emperor, so these are gone. After becoming the emperor, there are not many days with you that I can remember" "But I know that your Majesty's heart is always with me."  The queen murmured in the emperor's arms, just like before.  He was in his prime and she was in her prime.  He was her everything, and she was his life.  Although the emperor was now skinny and shriveled, she still wanted to find a sense of security in his arms like a bird clinging to a human.  "Being my wife is a pain for you." The emperor said.  The voice was trembling a little.  "I, my concubine, only feel that?, I don¡¯t know what suffering is.  Whether you are the emperor or not, whether you are busy or not, I know that when you need a rest, you will come back and lie beside me. That is enough I am a woman with no talents.  , so I can¡¯t help you more, I can only avoid causing any trouble for you and let you do what you want to do in a down-to-earth manner You have no regrets, so why should I?  " When Su Buwei died, the emperor thought that he had no tears left. But now, he was crying like rain. " Come with me for a walk. I want to see again the heart that I planted with my own hands in front of your palace door.  Pomegranate.  I dug the hole and you watered it. It has been more than ten years. I want to see if it has grown very high" "Okay" The queen nodded and did not tell the emperor that the pomegranate tree had been dead for three years. No matter how she went  No matter how they watered or fertilized, they didn't save it. The queen was pushing the wheelchair, and the emperor was sitting on it, covered with a thick blanket. The guards had sealed off the place and no one was allowed to enter or leave.  After all, the emperor has been dead in the hearts of most people in Chang'an City for a long time, and he doesn't want to cause any more trouble to the prince. "I remember that I promised you to build a small lake in this palace, but I never did it.  " The emperor was stuck in his memories, but he was not miserable, only guilty: "I still remember that after planting the pomegranate tree, you said you wanted to fly the kites. I also wanted to go with you, but I told you that you have already  She is the queen, the mother of all peoples, the head of the harem. Those words were too contrary to my will, but I said them anyway, and I regretted them for a long time.  You have never said anything like this to me since then. I know you are not blaming me, but you want to fulfill my request.  "The Queen kept letting herself laugh, even if tears were streaming down her face. "Didn't Your Majesty secretly take me to the Imperial Garden to release paper kites at night?  "She said with a smile. "But I still regret it." The emperor shook his head slightly: "You started following me when you were fourteen. I always asked you to do this and that, but you never asked me to do anything.  You have a calm temperament and don't like liveliness. I always thought that you would be satisfied if you were left alone in the palace.  Later I found out that because you were so deserted, you planted a whole yard of flowers and talked to them.  " "So you sent someone to find a pair of precious birds, which can learn human language and make me happy.  The queen said. The emperor said: "But how can that be enough" "How can it not be enough?"  The queen asked back. The emperor had no way to answer, so he could only smile apologetically: "What was the first sentence you taught that bird?"  "The queen's face turned slightly red with embarrassment, and she shook her head but did not answer. "How are you, Shiro?  " The emperor struggled to pull his hand out of the thick blanket and held the queen's hand on the cart: "Although you are also in this palace and I am also in this palace, it is normal not to see each other for half a month.  .  I know you want to ask me if I am okay, but you have no way to ask, so what you said to yourself was picked up by that clever thing, and it also accompanied you to ask Shiro, how are you?  "The Queen's tears flowed silently down her cheeks, but she still smiled happily and contentedly. "It turns out that Your Majesty knows.  " She said. "Yes I know it all, but I still haven't taken the time to spend more time with you.  I have forgotten how long it has been since we walked and talked together like this.  We are not talking about those annoying state affairs, we are just talking about something nice like this.  "The queen wanted to tell him that it was seven years, nine months and sixteen days, but she didn't tell him in the end. "I forgot too," she replied. The emperor smiled and did not expose the queen's heart-warming lie. "Remember you and me?  When we met once you were wearing a lotus-colored gauze skirt, you were only fourteen years old, and you stood there timidly like a hibiscus out of water, not daring to look at me.  I knew at the first sight that you are mine and no one is allowed to take you away.  Whoever robs me, I will fight to the death.  " The queen said softly: "What I'm thinking about is that this man doesn't look as handsome as my father said. His beard is a little messy, his hair is a little messy, and his clothes are also a little messy. At first glance, he looks like a lazy man.  .  "The emperor laughed loudly and coughed up blood. "Yes, before that day, I drank with several brothers until midnight. If Lao Qi hadn't persuaded me, I wouldn't have gone to see you At that time, we brothers  Some of them still have some real feelings, and their father is still in good health, so their hearts are much simpler than before.  I still remember that night, I lost to Lao Liuyi in the drinking competitionbut I still haven't given it to him yet.  " "Because your Majesty is the firstWhen I saw me the other day, I forgot about the things I promised others.  "When the queen was not the queen, she would often say such witty words to him. "Haha" The emperor laughed unscrupulously, not caring at all that his laughter would cause coughing, and coughing would cause vomiting of blood, and there would be blood in the chest.  It hurt like hell. There was no pain or worry on his face. But the queen still pretended that nothing had happened and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, without saying anything about fear. ?¡­?¡­ The two of them said.  She said some seemingly casual words, and then cried and laughed very casually. It seemed that she was not in a hurry as she pushed him slowly walking along the corridor of Tai Chi Palace, but he and she were both anxious, anxious to feel the two of them.  The last time we were together. When we were approaching the door of the queen's palace, the emperor suddenly smiled and said: "I know that with your temperament, all you will have after my death is Cheng Qian, so you won't.  Anyone and anything is allowed to hurt him But he is my son and a descendant of the Yang family, so some things must be faced.  " "I know this, I know.  " The queen lowered her head and straightened out the emperor's hair that was messed up by the wind: "Chengqian is my child and I want to protect him, but he is also your child. How could you harm him?  I believe you.  "She said. The corner of the emperor's mouth trembled slightly and did not continue. "When the old dean accepted Lao Qi as his apprentice, Lao Qi came back and told me that the old dean was a god. At that time, I ran to find him.  , I asked him outside if I could practice cultivation. The old dean didn¡¯t go out and just told me that living is cultivation.  At that time, he may have noticed that I was physically ill, but he didn't say it explicitly.  I was selfishso I later thought of many ways to extend my life for a few more years, so I personally went to the northwest when the old dean told me that my life was not far away, because only those disgusting bugs could extend my life, but I  You can¡¯t do this in the palace. Not only are you afraid that the people below will know about it, but you are also afraid that you will hate me if you know it I know that you are most afraid of bugs" The queen smiled and said: "Your Majesty has forgotten that I like your Majesty.  everything of.  " The emperor was silent for a while, and then smiled: "Why am I not the same?  "The queen pushed the emperor to the door of the palace. The emperor saw the dead pomegranate tree that had not been cleared away. "Push me over and water it again."  "The emperor said. "Your Majesty I failed to save it" the queen said. But she still found a kettle, and then took his hand and the two of them watered the dead pomegranate tree. "  I just want todie here.  "The emperor smiled. He was satisfied. The kettle fell to the ground and splashed her dress.
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