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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 600: Trade in the Northwest and the Prisoner of the Northeast

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    Chapter 600: Trade in the Northwest and Prisoner King in the Northeast The civil servants did not understand Fang Jie¡¯s temperament at all, so no one kept secrets. Fang Jie spent the entire afternoon in the meeting hall discussing with them how to govern the place.  Originally, Fang Jie was planning to just transfer what he knew from his previous life, but he didn't think much about it.  He just subconsciously felt that things from his previous life represented a certain degree of advancement, but he forgot that the structure of this society was completely different from that of his previous life.  ¡° Just dividing the fields into households was not something that could be done casually and easily in previous lives.  After Dugu Wenxiu brought it up, Fang Jie immediately realized that this kind of thing cannot be done mechanically.  In the world we live in now, those who dominate the direction of society and control more than 80% of the wealth and resources are still the large households who only account for 10% or 20%, but these people cannot be overthrown in this era.  Since this road is blocked, Fang Jie doesn¡¯t have to try it.  "Dugu" Fang Jie pondered for a while and said: "What you mean is that if you want to maximize the benefits for the people, you just need to reduce or reduce more money and food taxes." "Yeah" Dugu Wenxiu nodded, he didn't know how to solve it.  How could such a wise person come up with such an incredible thing just now?  He couldn't even think of taking land from wealthy families and giving it to the common people.  But Dugu Wenxiu also knew that if this was really done, the people would be able to work harder in farming. After all, the fields were their own.  But you have to know that if Fang Jie really pursues this matter, he will offend all the big players in the world.  In this case, it will be difficult for the Black Flag Army to develop.  In fact, Fang Jie has also woken up. This era is different after all.  In the previous life, the rights of the common people had been greatly improved, and they no longer lived in humility.  However, the people of this era still had an unchangeable blind obedience to big families and imperial power. If Fang Jie divided the fields into households in this way, most people would not dare to take it.  Several other civil servants looked at each other, and they didn't understand why the general's idea was so bizarre.  Instead of thinking about how to benefit big business owners who are more helpful to the general's cause, we should instead consider how to benefit ordinary people.  It is true that if the people are convinced, they will support it, but without the support of those big families, it will be difficult after all.  "General, how about this." Dugu Wenxiu thought for a while and said: "If you want as many people as possible to feel the love and care of the general, you can issue a decree. All strong men from innocent families can join the army. After joining the army, they will  You can receive a few acres of private land, but these acres of private land cannot be divided from the property of the big households. Instead, the common people can open up wasteland on their own. These acres of land are their private property, and they do not have to pay rent to the big households or the army.  The money, food, and income belong to the common people. " Zhang Xi sighed and said, "I'm afraid that even if this is the case, the big families will feel very uncomfortable. Those common people have gone to farm their own private fields. Who would want to work on the big family's fields.  "So" Dugu Wenxiu said: "The general must also appease the big families in Huangyang Road. Now that Huangyang Road is under the rule of the general, it is better for the general to summon all the people under his rule.  Noble families come to Zhuque Mountain to see how the great soldiers under the general's command are doing. The general can also sit down and have a good talk with them to let them know that the general attaches great importance to them. Although they will not give their full support, as long as they do not fight with foreign enemies.  Collusion is a big help." Fang Jie nodded: "I have also been thinking about inviting those people to Zhuque Mountain, firstly to show military power, and secondly to let them understand who Huang Yangdao must obey now.  The third rule is to appease. Let you and Zhang Xi handle this matter. We will start preparations tomorrow. Just come to me if you need anything." Dugu Wenxiu and Zhang Xi quickly bowed their heads and said, "Thank you.  "The general trusts me, and my subordinates dare not trust me." "Also, we have a large number of new recruits, and the equipment and armor are somewhat insufficient. I asked Sun Kaidao to talk to Zhong Xin. It will not be difficult to get some more."  , but it¡¯s still not enough. I asked San Jinhou to search for craftsmen from various places and build several workshops in Huangyang Road. You will be responsible for this separately.¡± ¡°But¡± Zhang Xi thought for a while and said, ¡°There is also a shortage of horses in the Central Plains.  There is a shortage of cattle and sheep, and there is no leather. Even if you build a workshop and hire craftsmen, it will be difficult to make leather armor without raw materials. " "I have already sent people to do this." Fang Jie smiled and said: "Now on the grassland.  The northern barbarians had a lot of skins in their hands. After these barbarians arrived in the grassland, they slaughtered war horses, cattle and sheep, but the population was not large, so the skins were wasted. I have sent people to the grassland to see the king of the northern barbarians. We can use tea, cloth, brocade and these.  "I want to exchange things with you on the grassland."When barbarians trade, they have to pass through Jin Shixiong's territory in the northwest.  " Dugu Wenxiu said worriedly: "When the caravan comes, I'm afraid he will intercept it.  " "So, we must first make a deal with Jin Shixiong.  Fang Jie glanced at Dugu Wenxiu and said, "Your mother will be here in a few days. I said I would give you ten days to spend time with her."  After the old man settles down, I have an important errand for you.  Now I can tell you what this errand is so that you can make more preparations.  " Fang Jie stood up and paced and said: "If we want to trade with the barbarians to trade cloth brocade for leather, we have to cross Jin Shixiong's territory, so first we must make Jin Shixiong not to cause trouble with us, then we can only move him as well.  Get benefits.  Dugu, what do you think Jin Shixiong lacks most now?  " "Food!  " Dugu Wenxiu immediately said: "Jin Shixiong does not have many troops and horses, and the northwest is so exhausted that he cannot raise troops, but Jin Shixiong has nowhere to go.  When he heads east, he will go to war with King Gao Kaitai.  Xiangnan, the general naturally refused.  It was as if he was trapped to death in the northwest, and he was afraid that he could no longer survive.  The northwest has been war-torn for years and many people have fled to other places. Not to mention that he has no sources of troops to replenish his troops. No one is cultivating the thin fields in the northwest. How can Jin Shixiong collect grain and grass?  " "Does the general want to deliver food to Jin Shixiong?  " Zhang Xi said in surprise. "Of course it's not just about giving him food.  Fang Jie smiled and said, "What do we lack now?"  " Zhang Xi said: "Weapons and armor!  " "Yes" Fang Jie nodded: "Don't you all forget that although Jin Shixiong is short of food and soldiers, he is short of everything, but he is not short of anything" Dugu Wenxiu's eyes lit up: "Iron ore!  Jin Shixiong has an iron ore in his hands!  One of the reasons why Li Yuanshan dared to rebel was that he discovered an iron mine with huge output.  It took ten years to mine and create a large number of weapons and armor!  " "Yeah" Fang Jie hummed: "Jin Shixiong has iron mines, but he lacks major generals and there are not many people under his rule, so it is meaningless even if he wants to open the mines.  If we want him to stop disrupting our trade with the Northern Barbarians, we won't be able to just send him food.  He has benefited but has no restraint, and will only become more unscrupulous in robbing our supplies.  " Zhang Xi was overjoyed: "General, in this way, the three parties can fill the gap with real work, and no one can stir up trouble first. How wonderful!  " Dugu Wenxiu said: "The barbarians have a lot of leather, but what they want is Shu brocade cotton cloth and tea and salt from the Central Plains. If you exchange these things with them, they will be overjoyed.  Jin Shixiong has iron ore but no food. We can exchange food with him for iron ore.  Jin Shixiong wants food, so he doesn't dare to make plans for our caravan!  Fang Jie smiled: "Can you do this well?"  "    "able!  " Dubu Wenxiu leaned over and said: "Don't worry, General, my subordinates will definitely negotiate with Jin Shixiong.  " "In this case, the matter of summoning local bigwigs to Zhuque Mountain will be left to Zhang Xi and you guys first. I originally planned to ask you to go north to negotiate with Jin Shixiong in a few days. Since the topic has come to this today, then  Just settle it first.  Remember, when talking to Jin Shixiong, you have to master a certain degree that is to take the initiative and not be involved by him.  Fang Jie thought for a while and said, "If he wants food, he can send iron ore first. If he wants food first, he can't!"  You just need to remember one thing, he is more anxious than us. As long as you go to talk, he will immediately become impatient, because you are there to provide them with a way to survive.  " "Subordinates, please remember this!  " Dugu Wenxiu hugged his fists and said.    Northeastern Sui Dynasty Jijin Road Jixi County Jiming County Although this is not the most northeastern place in the Sui Dynasty, it is still six or seven thousand miles away from Gyeonggi Road.  More than a thousand miles to the east is the State of Chu, which is commonly known as Dongchu by the people of the Sui Dynasty. More than 700 miles to the north is the Northern Territory, and beyond the national border is the endless Baitou Mountain.  The people in the county are relatively wealthy, because it is not very far from Dongchu. Businessmen from Dongchu flock in large numbers every year to purchase medicinal materials such as wild ginseng, bear gallbladder, and tiger bones. The folk customs here are strong, and most of the people are hunters who go down the mountain.  But they can farm and hunt in the mountains, and the men are rough and heroic people. Although the location is remote, there are Dongchu merchants who have traveled all over the world, so the news is not closed. In comparison, the people in the Northeast are better than those in Gyeonggi Province.  The people must be well-informed. At least they already know that the world of Sui Dynasty is in chaos. There is a Cuimu Village in Jiming County, which is heavily guarded all year round, and outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave at will.??A big shot who is also nominally the Prince of the Sui Dynasty.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT Out of the gate, when the late emperor was critically ill and the princes were competing for the throne, this great man once had great hope of inheriting the throne and becoming the supreme leader of the Central Plains.  It's a pity that because of one wrong move, he will regret it for the rest of his life.  He is the eldest prince, the proud man who was ordered to lead the army to subdue the rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River and patrol the eastern border.  He was once known as the one who was the best at leading troops and fighting among the seven sons of the late emperor.  When he competed with the second prince for the throne, he was out with his troops. When he learned that the emperor was seriously ill, he immediately led his troops back to Chang'an City. However, the second prince asked Yang Yin, who was still the fourth prince at the time, to stop him. On the way, Yang Yin suddenly realized that there was no such thing.  He stopped the eldest prince and instead led his troops back to the capital.  When the second prince found out, he was furious and ordered all the gates of Chang'an City to be blocked. It was the seventh prince, Yang Qi, who led hundreds of slaves to guard a city gate to welcome Yang Yin and his army into the city. This led to the future Emperor Tianyou.  After Yang Yin ascended the throne, he had the second prince killed for some reason.  Yang Yin did not dare to kill the eldest prince, who was quite prestigious in the army, so he severely reprimanded him for leading troops back to Chang'an without authorization, and then named him Prince Zhuang and imprisoned him in the prison.  More than ten years have passed in Jiming County.  This Prince Zhuang seems to have accepted his fate and has not taken a step towards Cuimuzhuang for more than ten years.  He just spent time studying and fishing in Zhuangzi every day. Because of this, the emperor thought about killing him several times over the past ten years but hesitated and held off.  But there are always people who don¡¯t believe that a prince who was once very likely to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor will really accept his fate and really have no resentment at all?  So, a carriage stopped outside Cuimu Villa, followed by hundreds of well-dressed men.  A man who looked like a steward got out of the carriage, looked at the guards outside Cuimu Villa and snorted coldly.  "Tell them to get out of the way or die." He pointed to the guards guarding the door and ordered the followers who came with him: "Forget it just kill them all, no need to waste time with nonsense."
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