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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 583 Bah!

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    (I went to the Beijing Writers Association in the afternoon for a meeting. I don¡¯t have time to type. It won¡¯t be too early to come back and update in the evening. If I can¡¯t update three times today, I will definitely update it tomorrow. Please vote for me!) Chapter 583 Bah!  Su Buwei served the emperor and drank a few mouthfuls of rice porridge. The emperor's appetite was still very poor, but he knew he had to eat, so he frowned and forced himself to swallow the rice porridge, but he soon vomited it all out.  Su Buwei hurriedly wiped the emperor, and the emperor smiled apologetically at him like a child who had done something wrong.  Standing on one side, Master Zhang¡¯s face was covered with a layer of gloom. The emperor was already in a state where he could not eat. Perhaps, he might close his eyes at any time and never open them again.  This is an unpredictable emperor. His mind is very fickle, so he should be an impermanent person.  But he is also a perseverant person who cannot but be admired. His persistence and his impermanence are so profound and distinct.  He is impermanent because he always changes his decisions at short notice.  He is determined because he has consistent ideals.  When the emperor was eating, Su Buwei specifically ordered the guards to stay away.  He didn't want the guards to see how weak the emperor was now. In fact, it wasn't just Su Buwei. Even now, the emperor was still the support of many people.  Once the emperor falls, a large number of people will collapse with him.  The same goes for these guards. They are loyal to the Yang family. Although they all know that the emperor is seriously ill, no one wants to believe that the emperor will die soon.  Once the emperor dies on the way, they may become extremely confused once the tense nerves they have been tense in the past few months are released.  "It's windy outside, would your Majesty want to go back to the carriage and rest for a while?" Su Buwei asked with his head lowered.  The emperor shook his head slightly: "No, just sit here for a while, and then continue on the road after feeding the horse. As soon as I close my eyes, I see the prince smiling at me and calling me father I am irresponsible.  Father, I put such a heavy burden on his shoulders too soon. I really want to do more for him, but I know it¡¯s impossible.¡± Su Buwei¡¯s nose felt sore and he lowered his head to massage the emperor.  Bloodline.  "Su Laogou" The emperor suddenly called him: "Kneel down and kowtow to me." Su Buwei was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what the emperor meant, he stood up and took a few steps back, then knelt down and said solemnly  Kowtowed to the emperor.  The emperor smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I forgive you." Su Buwei was startled, then suddenly understood, and burst into tears instantly.  "Your Majesty, this slave deserves to die!" The emperor smiled and said: "I know that you deserve to die, but I am reluctant to kill you. You and Pei Yan did a lot of things secretly when you were in the capital. I knew all about it, but I never asked you. You  I also know that you secretly excluded Luo Weiran and fabricated his disloyalty to me. You also placed people around the prince and monitored the prince's every word and deed. I also know that you did these things.  It was out of selfishness, not disloyalty to me. You made the mistake not because you wanted to rebel." Su Buwei kowtowed hard, and blood soon appeared on his forehead.  The emperor waved his hands laboriously and said: "Get up, I said, I forgive you. I know you are not willing to accept it. You have been following Wu Peisheng for so long, and you are used to seeing how powerful Wu Peisheng is as an eunuch.  , maybe you have thought about being such a eunuch one day. But after I ascended the throne, I removed the power of eunuch Bingbi, and Wu Peisheng was unwilling to do so. Why don't you?" "You don't have any rebellious intentions, but  You still want to restore the rights of eunuch Bingbi. It is precisely because I know that you only have this intention that I have never done anything to you. People make mistakes, and I have made many mistakes, but I will never pursue them if I can forgive them.  What?" He took a deep breath and calmed down: "If you kowtow to me, I will treat you as admitting your mistake." Su Buwei burst into tears and was speechless.  Master Zhang was watching from the side, feeling so sad that he turned away and stopped looking at the master and servant.  "When Lao Liu made trouble, I didn't think about killing you." The emperor smiled and said in a gentle tone: "But at the expedition ceremony, when those two madmen Chen He and Chen Ha came, you stood in front of me  At that moment, I changed my mind. I decided not to ask about your private relationship with Lao Liu, because you never had any intention of harming me. " "This slave deserves death!"  Just kowtow, the blood has already been smeared all over the old face full of ravines.  "Let's not talk about this anymore." The emperor made himself sit more comfortably, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to Su Buwei: "Zhacha, you are ugly to begin with, and your face is even more ugly with blood. Get up, don't you think so?"  Do you still want me to beg you?¡±  Su Buwei stood up quickly, bent over and took the handkerchief but was reluctant to use it. He raised his hand and wiped it on his face with his sleeve, neatly folded the handkerchief and put it into his arms.  The emperor looked at his actions, and the smile on his lips became gentler: "The reason why I just pointed it out today is that I don't want to put any burden on your heart. I know that you have always been scared. People who have done wrong things are like this.  , I am afraid that one day what I have done will be revealed and settled. I am saying it today to settle the score with you. If you kowtow, the score will be settled I want you to continue to work for me and work conscientiously.  I'm doing something." He paused and said, "The prince is young and has not had time to cultivate a few loyal people around him. After my death, you will continue to be the eunuch Bingbi. I will not take the official position of Huangmen Shilang.  It will be reset, so you have to do what you want, I will restore your right to sort out the memorials as a eunuch, but you must remember that this right is to assist the prince, do you understand? " "Slave understand!  Seeing his promise, he breathed a long sigh of relief and looked up at the sky: "I wish I couldask the sky to lend me another thirty years!"     After feeding the war horse, Su Buwei carried the emperor on his back again  Go towards the carriage.  He himself is not tall, and two people who look both skinny and old together give each other a sad feeling.  "Su Laogou, remember, you must let me see the prince no matter what." The emperor leaned behind Su Buwei and whispered.  Su Buwei's body trembled, and then he nodded heavily: "I know, I will protect your majesty from returning to Chang'an City even if I die!" The emperor hummed and said nothing.  In order to prevent the emperor behind him from falling off, Su Buwei first climbed up when he reached the carriage, then knelt and moved forward into the carriage, carefully putting the emperor down from the saddle.  He took the fleece blanket and covered the emperor, and placed the kettle with hot water within the emperor's reach.  "Your Majesty, lie down, this servant is about to drive." The emperor nodded and curled up into the warm quilt.  Su Buwei came out of the carriage and was about to swing his whip to make the carriage move, but the whip-wielding hand froze in mid-air and did not continue to swing.  He looked at Zhenren Zhang who was blocking the front of the carriage not far away, and then looked at the four old men who appeared dozens of meters away at some unknown time. His face gradually became serious. He looked back at the emperor who had closed his eyes and rested.  , after closing the curtain of the carriage, he got off the carriage but did not move forward. He just stayed beside the carriage and never left.  These four people all looked to be around sixty or seventy years old, and they were wearing the same gray Confucian shirt.  Their appearance is different, but their temperament is very similar.  The person standing at the front was a tall and thin man, even taller than Zhang Zhenren. Because he was too thin, his Confucian shirt looked baggy, as if it was hung on a clothes rack.  Of the three standing behind him, the one on the far left is bald, but he is obviously not from the Buddhist sect and has lost all his hair. Not only does he have no hair, but his beard and eyebrows are covered with eyebrows. The whole head is like a bare stone, so it looks like  It looks extremely awkward.  Su Buwei could tell that this man must have had some blood disease that caused all the hair on his body to fall out.  The one in the middle is a very short fat man. Shortness and fatness always seem to be involved together.  This man seemed to be the youngest of the four old men. His hair and beard were still very dark. Perhaps because he was fat enough, he had very few wrinkles on his face. He was as white and plump as freshly baked steamed buns.  It is worth mentioning that he only reached the waist of the tall and thin old man standing in front.  The fourth person is the most normal person. He seems to have a very standard figure, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Although his hair and beard are gray, he is in good spirits. He has a square face and a very upright appearance. He looks dignified. He must have been very handsome when he was young.  man.  It's just that there is only a black hole left in his left eye and one ear is missing, so even though he looks very solemn, his hair is meticulously combed and his clothes are also neat, there is nothing chic or suave about him.  "Unexpectedly" The tall and thin old man standing at the front obviously changed his face when he saw Master Zhang: "Unexpectedly, Master Zhang of Wudang Mountain actually waded into the muddy water of this pool. Didn't you say that you would never go there?  Are you touching political affairs? It turns out that the highly respected Zhang Zhenren is just a liar." Zhang Zhenren looked at the old man and said, "Song Songhe, you are pretending to be more sincere than me. I said you don't want to touch things outside the world.  Well, I said at the beginning that what I hate most is being taken advantage of." The old man known as Song Songhe shook his head: "Actually, you and I both know that when the world is upright and the rules are strict, we people naturally have to pretend to be righteous.  Like a master, sitting on the top of the mountain every day?Playing chess and discussing Taoism, it seems that you are happy, content, pure and comfortable, but in fact it is all just pretending.  Because no matter how high your cultivation level is, you and I are just strangers in the world. When the world is too busy, who would want us low-status but capable people to mix in randomly?  " " But it's different now. The world is in chaos. Without restraint, people's hearts are wild.  When the imperial power is stable, it is like a mountain pressing on those people's ambitions. They dare not move even if they want to, because the mountain will crush them to death.  But now the landslide has collapsed, and ambitions have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. But with all their strength, they have been pulled up, and now the mountain is full of bamboo forests.  Therefore, those of us who used to seem as carefree as wandering clouds and wild cranes are no longer comfortable.  "Zhenren Zhang nodded: "This is pertinent.  " Song Songhe said: "You and I will go out, just because I feel that my cultivation has reached this point, and I should get more than others, and I have to stand in a higher place than others.  If someone is willing to throw out the bait, we lonely fish will naturally jump up and bite the hook ourselves.  "Zhenzhen Zhang nodded again: "This metaphor is also appropriate.  " Song Songhe smiled and said: "When I was meditating on the mountain, I once praised the Sui Dynasty with others, saying that the world is pure and the people have peace of mind, and people like us can practice in a down-to-earth manner without any desire or pursuit.  Pure practice without any flaws.  This is not contrary to my heart, although it is a bit sour.  Now when we are entrusted by others to step forward, we do so without going against our will.  Because we are only doing it to gain profits, and it is very simple, without any flaws.  And if you take advantage of others, you should naturally do things for them seriously and do your best without leaving any room for error.  "So" Song Songhe looked at Master Zhang and asked seriously: "Can you get out of the way?"  "Zhenzhen Zhang looked at him like an idiot and answered one word seriously. "Bah!  "
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