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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 561 What happened next

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    (Do you know how to make that guy Zhibai sit in front of the computer and giggle and keep typing? It¡¯s very simple, use monthly tickets to get rid of him!) Chapter 561 What happened next The surroundings became extremely quiet, and it seemed that all the sounds  There was no way to wake Fang Jie up from the shock.  Just a second ago, Sang Sa Sa's plain words made him feel something earth-shaking.  He really didn't expect that the Han man squatting on the ground eating raw yellow mutton would be Maharaja Mingwang.  Maharaja Maharajais actually a Han?  !  These four words are like thunder.  Sang Sasa was not surprised at Fang Jie's surprise. She was even more shocked than Fang Jie when she saw the notes for the first time.  At that time, she felt like her breathing had stopped and the world became pale.  Fang Jie raised his head and forced his eyes away from the notebook. He looked into Sang Sasa's eyes, trying to find the most reasonable explanation.  "Without this notebook, no one would ever know about that past." Sang Sasha looked at Fang Jie and said seriously: "When Sang Luan met the Han man, he was just curious about how a Han man could appear here.  On the grassland, he competed with a wild wolf for food. Then the Han man threw him a yellow lamb leg and a gentle smile, and then they came together and have not been separated for at least several decades. It can be said that they were in chaos.  The Han man was responsible for half of the success he won later. "He taught Sang Luan a lot of things, such as how to use strategies and how to scare people. Sang Luan taught him how to practice" Fang Jie was silent for a while and then grew long.  He breathed a sigh of relief: "Then many years later, this Han criticized Sang Luan as the source of human evil, called it a devil, and gathered all the forces that could resist Sang Luan to overthrow it. Then he sat on Sang Luan's bed  He became the new Sang Luan but he did better than Sang Luan, because he learned from Sang Luan's experience and understood that in order to control people, he must first fool them. " Sang Sa Sa didn't speak, but there was a look in his eyes.  Something particularly sad.  Fang Jie said: "If these are true, perhaps King Ming had already planned to overthrow Sang Luan a long time ago, so he has been hiding behind the scenes to make suggestions for Sang Luan. He single-handedly held Sang Luan up.  Then he will use Sang Luan to establish his prestige." Sang Sasha pointed to the notebook: "I'll give this notebook to you. I've already remembered everything in it." "Why?" Fang Jie asked.  "When you finish listening to the story I told, I will tell you why I gave this notebook to you." Sang Sasha lowered his head and spoke, looking at his fingertips: "After Sang Luan returned to Wudao Mountain, he completed  In keeping with the original promise, a very majestic city was built at the foot of Wudao Mountain. Every citizen at the foot of Wudao Mountain was assigned a big house of their own. It was magnificent and they no longer needed to work, but enjoyed the luxury of the people in other places.  The army continuously transported the plundered money and food to Wudao City. It is said that at most, the huge city could not hold so many plundered things, and the gold and silver flowed down the slope outside the city gate, like a river.  "Then the Nineteen Demons of Sang Rebellion led their troops to raze the Tieliu Kingdom, which had once bullied the people of Wudao Mountain, to the ground. Millions of Tieliu people were killed, and the remaining people were captured and taken back to Wudao Mountain.  Become a slave. The Khan of Tieliu Kingdom was nailed to the wall of the capital of Tieliu Kingdom by nineteen demons. He has been exposed to wind and rain and has no one to care about. " "Since then, Sangluan's demonic nature has really become stronger and stronger.  He seemed unable to control his desires and began endless massacres and conquests. Later, he took control of the entire prairie and ordered the people on the prairie to send all women over the age of fifteen and under twenty to the City of Enlightenment.  Go, he wants to choose a wife, because he feels very lonely, and there is no one to share his loneliness with him at night. He doesn¡¯t know how many families who resisted were killed, and how many women died of hunger and cold on the way.¡±  He nodded: "I have heard about this history. People from the Buddhist sect often use this incident to promote the evil of Sangluan. The Buddhist sect said that there were so many women who died on the way that it is impossible to estimate, because there were so many corpses that  The beasts on the grassland became rampant. Because they ate too much human flesh, there were even hares the size of cattle This statement is not credible, but it fooled many people. "Sang Sasa said: "Of course there is no such thing.  A hare as big as an ox appeared, but many people did die. If Sang Luan didn't know about this in time, he would send an army to massacre the entire tribe. Although he is my ancestor, I can't do it for him.  Argument. These are all facts, and they were evil things he did personally. The matter of forcing tribes to sacrifice their young women did not end until the spring of the following year, because" Sang Sasha paused: "Sang Ranyu.  To his wife ¡±  She pointed at the notebook: "Everything that happened in the ten years since Sang Luan left Wudao Mountain and came back was recorded in that notebook. But what happened after he returned to Wudao Mountain and destroyed Tieliu Country,  He only wrote down one thing. It's on the last pageyou can read it yourself." Fang Jie immediately turned to the last page of his notes, and there was indeed a small paragraph of vague words on it.  "Chaos was very restless today, always walking back and forth in front of me. I asked it what it was going to do, and it signaled for me to ride on it. Then it took me out of Enlightenment City and met her at the bottom of the mountain. She came from another place on the grassland.  On one side, she had walked thousands of miles barefoot, but her feet were so perfect and infinite. The moment I saw her, I knew she was my wife. I wanted to possess her. She should have been mine.  "Alone." "I pulled her up on Huan's back and told her that you will be mine from now on. She was not afraid and nodded and said yes, but you have to let the other women go home, and you have to guarantee them.  Live. I said yes, you are enough. This may be the last time I record what I have done, because I will have no time in the future. How can I have time to do other things when she is here?  After this paragraph, there is no other writing.  Fang Jie sighed: "She is here specifically to persuade Sang Luan, right?" "Maybe." Sang Sasha lowered her head and said in a very soft tone, "But I prefer to believe that they are in love."?¡­?¡­  The note has come to an end.  "What happened next?" Fang Jie asked.  "Later, Sang Luan changed a lot. His wife was like a fairy sent by God to correct him, washing away his violence and evil. He gradually recovered his kindness and began to smile on his face. He abolished the  Without harsh laws, people's lives finally became stable. "Sang Luan was probably the happiest at that time, because he had his favorite wife and his best friend by his side. He even stopped going out.  Expansion, otherwise maybe the grassland army would have crossed Langru Mountain and attacked the Central Plains more than a thousand years ago. His life was filled with his wife, watching the sunrise and sunset together, and going on trips together. He would do everything.  He left it to his best friend because he trusted his friend. "Perhaps from that time, his best friend decided to get rid of him in the next few years," Sang Sasa said.  Sang Luan had been out playing with his wife and did not return to Wudao Mountain. His Han friends began to take over this huge country, and then the people in this country lived more harshly in the name of Sang Luan.  The law has caused more people to die, and people's hatred for Sangluan is getting stronger and stronger. How can people know that the person they hate is living an ordinary life with their loved one? " "At this time, a  A sect called the Buddha Sect began to rise quietly among the people. The people of the Buddha Sect preached truth and goodness, pointing out that a messenger appointed by God would come down from the top of the university, kill the demon Sang Luan, and lead the people on the grassland from there.  Sang Sasha said: "Later, when Sang Luan returned to Wudao City, the Buddha Sect already had a large number of believers on the grassland, so he came back to question him because he discovered this.  Why didn't his Han friend stop this happening immediately? His Han friend said it doesn't matter, didn't the prophecy say that the messenger of the god will come down from the Snow Mountain? Then let's go conquer the Snow Mountain and let those ignorant people see this prophecy.  How ridiculous. " "Sang Luan agreed to his friend's suggestion, raised an army of 500,000 people, and led millions of people to conquer the Snowy Mountains. The army urged the people to conquer the Snowy Mountains for ten years.  A majestic palace was built on the cliff. Sang Luan's Han friends said that since the prophecy said that a saint would emerge from the Snowy Mountains, they should simply move the capital to the Snowy Mountains and see if the saint would emerge from under the capital's base.  " "Sang Luan was very proud. He trusted the Han people even more and let them supervise the construction of the Snow Mountain City. In the past ten years, no one knew how many people died on the Snow Mountain to build a magnificent building. During this period, the Buddha  The number of followers of the Buddhist sect is increasing. People are resentful of Sangluan's desolation and immorality. For a prophecy, they actually mobilized millions of people to build a capital city on the Snowy Mountains. This is also the most unforgivable thing about Sangluan that was later promoted by the Buddhist sect.  "One of the Seven Deadly Sins." Fang Jie shook his head: "King Dalun Ming used a good trick to build the Dalun Temple on the Daxue Mountain, and then put all the blame on Sang Luan!"  : "Ten years later, the capital city on the Snow Mountain was completed. The Han people asked Sang Luan to move the capital to the Snow Mountain. The Han people told him that it was the highest place in the world. Although it was dangerous, only a true king was qualified to live there.  Sang Luan went happily, taking his wife with him.  His wife was very sad and told him that if he continued like this, God wouldThere will be chaos next time.  Sang Luan didn't care, because he was the most powerful person in the world.  " "Later, his wife became pregnant.  Kuoke Taimeng, one of the nineteen chaos demons, presented a thousand-year-old ginseng as a gift. Sang Luan was very happy" Hearing this, Fang Jie's heart clenched again! "The next day, he drank the ginseng soup.  Later Sang Luan's wife was poisoned to death.  Sang Luan was furious and ordered all Kuoke Taimeng's family to be killed.  It was on that day that the rebellion began.  The Han people asked the Nineteen Luan Demons to unite against Sang Luan. Because Sang Luan had not been with his subordinates for more than ten years, they had lost their respect for Sang Luan and only had some fear.  But when the number of rebels reaches a certain number, fear will be thrown away.  " "Sang Luan walked down from the Snow Mountain, surrounded by rebel soldiers. He killed all the nineteen demons by himself as he walked. At least thousands of them turned into corpses on his way down the mountain.  .  The crazy Sang Luan went and killed wherever he went, no one could stop him.  Just when he had controlled the rebellion but was disheartened and ready to return to Mount Wudao with his wife's body in his arms, the Han people came.  " Sang Sasha said in a very low tone: "The Han people are wearing golden clothes and red cassocks. Lotus flowers bloom every time they take a step.  Countless Buddhist disciples followed the Han people with firm faces.  Behind the Buddhist disciples were countless grassland people, who finally could no longer bear the tyranny and were ready to resist.  " "Sang Luan must have been very angry at that time.  " Fang Jie murmured. Sang Sasha nodded: "Not angry, but desperate His beloved wife is dead, and his best friend is rebelling. What could make him more desperate than this?  So he chose to commit suicide and end his life with death.  "    "suicide?  " Fang Jie asked in surprise. "Yes" Sang Sasha nodded: "No one can kill him except for him who wants to die.  Because he is truly invincible, even the most accomplished King Ming is still far behind.  After he died, the white lion carried the bodies of the couple and rushed out. The white lion was the fastest creature in the world, and no one could catch up.  The lion took the corpse and ran back to Wudao Mountain. Only then did people discover that there was a baby between the two corpses. He was born after his wife died. The white lion bit off the umbilical cord, but the baby did not die" "Later  King Ming brought the Kuoke Taimeng family and army to Mount Wudao"
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