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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 543 Two Madmen

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    Chapter 543: Two Madmen The stove in the house was burning very brightly, and the water in the iron kettle mounted on it was boiling and making a gurgling sound. White water vapor came out one after another, but the house  It still seems very dry inside.  Fang Jie was leaning on the bed with an empty bowl beside him. He had just taken the medicine and seemed to be in good spirits.  Xiang Qingniu, who still had difficulty moving, sat on the recliner opposite him. In this position, his belly appeared even higher.  He glanced at Fang Jie, who was frowning because of the bitterness of the medicine, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly to express his ridicule.  "I never dared to ask." Fang Jie said after being silent for a while.  Xiang Qingniu nodded: "I can guess it, as if I never dared to say it." Fang Jie lowered his head and looked at the empty bowl.  "But I still have to say it after all." Xiang Qingniu took a deep breath and tried his best to sound calmer: "This matter needs to be said after all. Only by saying it will more people know, and more people will know.  Only when many people know about it can they believe that the so-called myth of invincibility is just a myth and not true. Only then will they realize that there are really a group of people who have done something incredible.  Eighty-nine people are accustomed to accepting their fate that seems to have been arranged for a long time. Maybe they have thought about resisting but they don't dare to take action. " "What they lack is courage, and at this time, some people do.  Certain things that come out will give them courage. "Xiang Qingniu rarely speaks in such a serious and serious manner. Although what he says is a bit vague, it is easy to understand.  "When people know that the myth of invincibility has finally been broken, their once unwavering faith will be shaken, and they will doubt the so-called destiny." Xiang Qingniu looked at the water vapor spurting out of the iron pot, and seemed to be blinded by the water vapor.  My eyes felt a little moist.  "That day" He bit his lip, as if he didn't know when to start recalling it.  "I asked Second Senior Brother, are you afraid of going up to the Snow Mountain?" Xiang Qingniu paused, looked at Fang Jie and said, "Second Senior Brother smiled and said what are you afraid of? It's not like I haven't been up there before. Now it says Big Wheel  The plaque with the words "Temple" still has a sword mark left by me more than ten years ago. King Ming was so ashamed that he refused to let others replace the plaque to warn future generations. This time he went up to give him more warnings.  It's something for future generations, such as his death. " "I asked Second Senior Brother, in the more than ten years since you first traveled westward, have you ever been particularly close to killing King Ming? Second Senior Brother shook his head and said that I was not.  His opponent didn't hesitate at all in his answer. I wondered at the time, since I knew I couldn't defeat King Ming, how could the second senior brother have the confidence? I knew that the second senior brother wanted to kill King Ming and thought it was his duty.  , but I don¡¯t understand where his confidence comes from?¡± ¡°I can¡¯t defeat him, but he will definitely die in my hands.¡± Xiang Qingniu smiled: ¡°That¡¯s what the second senior brother said at the time I have a lot to say.  I wanted to say a lot and ask questions, but after meeting the second senior brother, those words and questions suddenly disappeared. I felt that I should just follow him and follow his footsteps. It was meaningless to say anything.  Following him, and Xiao Heng Xiao Ha we passed through the layers of believers that surrounded the Daxue Mountain, watching them enthusiastically kowtow in the direction of Dalun Temple and sneer. " "We passed through the Buddha.  The monks and soldiers stationed at the foot of the mountain were still sneering at the confusion on their faces. "We climbed up the mountain. The stone steps were so steep and long." Xiang Qingniu spoke slowly, as if to make his memories clearer.  Some: "Second senior brother walked at the front, and I followed behind. Xiao Heng and Xiao Ha walked at the end chatting and laughing. The two of them never thought that climbing the Snowy Mountains was a dangerous thing. Maybe they knew,  "I just don't want to show it." "When we climbed the first stone steps, I asked the second senior brother if there would be many people suddenly coming out in front of us. The second senior brother shook his head and said no, they would let us go all the way.  Go to Dalun Temple. I asked why, and the second senior brother said calmly that he had killed enough, and the Buddhist sect could no longer bring anyone. I thought about it, and that was indeed the case. Seven or eight of the golden monk soldiers were gone, and the remaining  They were all blocking the Meng Yuan Langqi at the foot of the mountain. If the disciples of the Buddhist sect were not strong enough, there was no point in coming out. So, as the second senior brother said, no one came out to stop us.  There is indeed a sword mark on the plaque, a shallow one. The plaque is not thick to begin with. Considering that the second senior brother's cultivation was not able to cut it off with one sword, I can't guess how many stories there are in that battle. At the door, I couldn't guess.  He looked up at the sword marks on the plaque and asked Second Senior Brother, should we go in or wait? " "Second Senior Brother said, there is a guy named Da Zizi in this temple."He can't get out of Dalun Temple, but as long as he is in Dalun Temple, no one can despise him.  That day I was outside the temple and he was inside the temple. I used my sword to cut the plaque, but he protected me by just a hair. It seemed that I had won by half a point, but I was right under the plaque and he was in the dormitory.  Xiang Qingniu said: "I didn't pay attention at the time. How could someone with great cultivation dare not even leave the temple door from the beginning to the end?"  So I was the first to step into Dalun Temple, and then waited for someone to come and fight.  But after entering the door, the yard was empty, not to mention people, not even a ghost.  I laughed and said that the people from Dalun Temple must have escaped completely, but the second senior brother shook his head and said that he had been waiting for us for a long time.  " "Then I saw four old monks walking down the cliff like clouds. If I hadn't seen clearly later that they were stone steps embedded in the cliff, I would have been frightened by them.  The second senior brother said that he had made two decisions. When he went west for the first time, he rarely took action. When he entered the snowy mountains, he also walked at the back. The Jianghu people who followed him died one by one in front.  He didn't even try to save him.  The second time, when Su Tu Gou killed more than a hundred golden-bodied monk soldiers by himself and bit a protector to death, he still did not save him.  " Xiang Qingniu sighed and said: "I understood what the second senior brother meant at that time, so I took a step forward and said to the second senior brother, don't save me either.  " Fang Jie's heart was shocked. From the plain-sounding narration, it seemed that Prince Zhong Yang Qi had a particularly cold heart. No matter how many people died in front of him, he did not take action. But Fang Jie understood that Yang Qi wanted to keep more people behind.  To deal with the great practitioners of the Buddha Sect, especially those with unfathomable cultivation levels like the Great One, Yang Qi always seemed indifferent to his own people in order to ensure that he had an extra chance of winning.  Turning a blind eye to life and death, Fang Jie can understand Prince Zhong. If it were Yang Qi, he would make the same choice. "You were the first one to take action?  " Fang Jie asked. "No" Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I am the third one.  "      At the entrance of Dalun Temple, Xiang Qingniu took a step forward and turned around and smiled at Yang Qi: "Second senior brother, look at the jade belt around my waist.  " Yang Qi nodded calmly and said nothing. Xiang Qingniu took a deep breath, then lifted the jade belt up and straightened it. Just when he was about to take action, Chen Heng and Chen Ha took his hand and grabbed it.  Xiang Qingniu leaped over. Two white-haired but naughty men held hands as if they had gone together to steal jujubes from the yard next door, go to the river to take a bath, or go to the mountains to pick wild apricots.  , Go to Gaopo and lie on the grass and count the stars. ¡°Hey, are you afraid?  " Chen Ha asked Chen Heng: "If you are afraid, just stand behind me. If I die, you can die again.  " Chen Heng curled his lips and said I am your brother. Although I am only one year older than you, the eldest brother is the eldest brother after all. There is no reason for the younger brother to die first and the older brother to follow. I will die first and you will come again, okay. Chen Ha  He smiled and said yes, and then asked Chen Heng, have you ever thought about us dying like this? Chen Heng shook his head and said, I have never even thought about dying, how could I think of dying here? Xiang Qingniu wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Yang?  Qi shook his head to stop, "You are the third one to take action.  " Yang Qi said, his tone was calm but unquestionable. Xiang Qingniu nodded and shouted to Chen Heng and Chen Ha's back: "Don't look back, don't be distracted!  " Chen Heng looked back at Xiang Qingniu and said, "That fat man is indeed a fool. What if I just turn my head away?  " Chen Ha nodded and said seriously: "Don't scold someone just because he said something stupid. It's wrong to call him a fool because of one sentence, as if he wasn't before.  " Chen Heng laughed, and then asked Chen Ha what to do? Chen Ha thought for a while and said that he would do it now as he did before. Then they rushed up hand in hand, and the two of them fought against the four old monks. The first one  The old monk drew a circle with his hands on his chest, and then a gate appeared in front of him. It was very majestic and majestic. It was necessary to look up at the edge. Chen Heng and Chen Ha teamed up to hit the gate.  The door shook a few times but did not break. Just as Chen He and Chen Ha were preparing for the second blow, the second old monk also drew a circle on his chest and then the door opened.  The general walked out of the door, holding a golden sword in one hand and a golden shield in the other. This golden-armored general was so tall that Chen Heng and Chen Ha were not even close to his waist.  When General A appeared, he sat cross-legged on the ground. He bit his finger and drew a circle on the ground. Then at the gate, General Jin Jia and Chen Heng and Chen Ha were all imprisoned in a very large circle, with    In this area, Chen Heng Chen Ha was fighting with the golden armor general. The golden armor general's armor was extremely strong. No matter how Chen Heng Chen Ha attacked, he could not break his armor.  When the pressure was too great, he retreated to the door and used it to block Chen Heng and Chen Ha's offensive.  The fourth old monk also sat down cross-legged, and he still drew a circle on the ground.  Then something like a black sun appeared in the circle where Chen Heng and Chen Ha were. The next second, Chen Heng and Chen Ha felt that their inner energy was being lost uncontrollably and was sucked away by the black sun.  Chen Heng cursed "fuck his mother" and Chen Ha cursed "fuck his grandma".  Chen Heng said you are fucking taking advantage of me, and Chen Ha said next time you fuck his grandma, why don¡¯t I fuck her?  Chen Heng thought for a while and said okay, let me let you this time, who calls me the eldest brother.  Then Chen Heng rushed over, facing the golden sword struck down by General Jinjia without dodge, he raised his hands to clamp the golden sword.  Chen Ha rushed over as if he had a tacit understanding, jumped up before General Jin Jia retreated into the door, wrapped his legs around General Jin Jia's neck, held General Jin Jia's head with two arms and twisted it back and forth, and then forcefully pulled the  The huge golden head was pulled out.  General Jin Jia naturally wouldn¡¯t bleed, but the old monk outside the circle spit out a mouthful of blood.  Finally, the old monk began to exert his strength, and the black sun became darker and darker. Xiang Qingniu, who was standing outside, noticed that Chen Heng and Chen Ha had more and more wrinkles on their faces, as if they had aged twenty years in an instant.  .  But the two of them were still laughing, unscrupulously.  Then Chen Heng flew up and hugged the black sun. There was really no way to shake it, so Chen Heng started to bite it bite by bite. He actually ate the black sun, although he ate very slowly.  Chen Ha rushed to the door, holding the huge door panel and shaking it like crazy, making the ground tremble. Then he actually pulled the door panel off, threw it on the ground, and jumped on it and stepped on it hard.  "Two lunatics, one eats the sun and the other tears down the door.  Then, all four old monks were vomiting blood.  PS: For these two lunatics, would you like to buy some more monthly tickets?
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