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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 538: Living in a Quiet Room

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    Chapter 538: Living in a Quiet Room Fang Jie couldn't help but think about whether he would have the chance to see the increasingly mysterious Prince Zhong in the future, and whether he would have the chance to see the laughing and scolding Prince Zhong in the future.  Will Xiang Qingniu, the fat man in his heart, meet the sometimes innocent and sometimes crazy Chen brothers?  ¡°If King Ming is really an old demon who has lived for a thousand years, is he really that easy to defeat?  But there is no doubt that now is the best time to kill King Ming. Perhaps he has never been so weak since he called himself King Ming.  No one knows why he suddenly became weak. They only know that he injured himself while trying some practice many years ago, which greatly damaged his cultivation.  Otherwise, no matter how strong the cultivation of Prince Zhong Yang Qi was more than ten years ago, he would not be able to compare with Prince Ming who had accumulated thousands of years of experience.  There is no shortage of coincidences in the world. ??????????? If Prince Ming had not been injured himself, then Prince Zhong would not have been able to hurt him more than ten years ago.  The injury he suffered more than ten years ago aggravated his own injuries and prevented him from recovering quickly. In the end, he was seen through by his eldest disciple Da Zizi, which led to his alienation.  Then, under the persuasion of Prince Zhong Yang Qi, Kuoketai Mengge, the great Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, launched troops against Daxue Mountain.  All this happened actually stemmed from King Ming¡¯s self-injury. ???????????????? What kind of skills has he practiced that would hurt himself, who has thousands of years of experience?  As Fang Jie returned to the east, these things seemed to be getting further and further away from him.  Indeed, in Yang Qi's words, his stage is not here, but in the Central Plains.  Yang Qi asked him to go back. Although he didn't say it clearly, Fang Jie knew what his intention was. It was just five words.  The thought of Ping An's Ping An of Ping An has far beyond the bounds of the family. The Yang family is very important to him. Da Sui is important to him, but compared to the entire Central Plains, it is not important.  Putting aside this seemingly nihilistic level, let¡¯s just say that he was the first person to dare to challenge King Ming. Who else in the world is greater than him?  What's more, he never asked for a challenge just to kill King Ming and then become the next King Ming.  When he was with Fang Jie, the white lion seemed so docile that Zhuo Buyi always had the illusion that Fang Jie and the white lion were companions a long time ago, and they experienced many stories together.  After returning to Qinlin Gol from the royal court to join Shen Qingshan and others, the team returned to the same size as when they entered the grassland.  The ones who disappeared were Xiang Qingniu and Chen Heng and Chen Ha, as if this encounter was just a farewell arranged by God.  Fang Jie only hopes that this is not a farewell.  His body gradually recovered, and on the tenth day of his return journey he was basically the same as before.  Along the way, he kept experimenting, trying to determine whether he had lost anything besides those red eyes.  However, it seemed that Yang Qi's method was extremely magical and did not cause any damage to his body.  All five and a half Qi meridians are present, and so is his ability.  That half of the Qi veins looks a little clearer, and maybe it won't take long before it's completely formed.  Without the red eyes, Fang Jie knew that he actually seemed to have fallen into a big realm.  When the red eyes attack, he can easily defeat the ninth-grade expert, and may even cross the border to fight with the masters of the middle and lower levels of the Transparent Realm.  But now, his pure cultivation power is barely at the eighth level, with one foot stepping into the ninth level.  Some are lost, but what remains is purer.  After estimating the distance, they could enter the Langru Mountain Canyon in two days. Fang Jie asked the team to choose a place to stop and rest for a while.  Shen Qingshan, Mu Xiaoyao and Wanyan Yunshu were most concerned about whether his body had recovered. Fang Jie smiled and said if he didn't believe it, just try a field battle. This sentence made Shen Qingshan look away and not look at him.  Xiaoyao's face turned red. The confused Wanyan Yunshu asked what the field battle was. When Fang didn't answer, she asked Mu Xiaoyao. Mu Xiaoyao blushed and whispered a few words to her. Wanyan Yunshu also turned red immediately.  Face, but it seems that he does not reject this method During the break, Feiyupao, who was sent out first, came back to report that there was nothing abnormal in the canyon. He met the cavalry sent by Sun Kaidao to guard the west entrance of the canyon. Feiyupao  Let them go back to report the news, and then come back and report to Fang Jie.  "There is one more thing." Feiyupao paused and said, "Because the news of the civil strife in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty has spread. It is said that the tribes of the Northern Barbarians have reached unity and are preparing to invade the grassland on a large scale." Although the living environment of the Northern Barbarians is better than that of the Northern Liao Dynasty,  It's better, but it's still a tired place.  In recent years, they have been frightened by the elite frontier troops of the Sui Dynasty. Even though the Sui Dynasty was also in chaos, they did not dare to go south easily. Moreover, although there were many hidden dangers in the Central Plains, the frontier troops were still there.  So the Northern Barbarians would choose to go west.  But if they want to enter the grassland, they have to pass through Beiliao.  Will there be a war?  Fang Jie hesitated for a moment and then told Wanyan Yunshu about the matter.  Wanyan Yunshu is not worried. In her opinion, no one can fight Hanqi in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The powerful Meng Yuan cannot defeat him with ten times the strength.?Don't dare to enter Northern Liao lightly, let alone those barbarians who are far less civilized than Northern Liao.  In addition, there is another more important news brought back by Feiyu Pao.  After Jinyang was conquered, the Sui Emperor personally led a large army to attack Meng Wansui's troops in the rebel west camp. They fought and won consecutive battles. Meng Wansui fled in embarrassment, leaving only a thousand riders under his command.  The Sui army took advantage of the victory and headed south, almost reaching Mangdang Mountain.  However, the emperor left 150,000 troops for Jin Shixiong to stay in Jinyang to suppress the remaining enemies, and he brought 100,000 troops to attack Yinpo Mountain.  At this time, the emperor, who was already terminally ill, seemed to have found that high-spirited feeling.  Dragging on the sick body, it seems that the more he beats, the more addictive he becomes.  Fang Jie processed the news and suddenly realized that from the surface, the emperor was really going to suppress the rebellion.  At the very least, the people of the Central Plains should cheer for it.  At this moment, Zhuo Buyi suddenly stood up and looked to the west alertly. He made a gesture, and everyone immediately prepared for defense.  Not long after, a monk wearing bright red robes and yellow cassocks appeared in front of everyone.  He didn't ride a horse or a chariot, and his behavior was so weird that everyone frowned.  His feet were already bloody and bloody, and only the part above the ankles was left in his boots, especially the toes. The bones were exposed, but he still walked expressionlessly as if he didn't know the pain at all.  When he was explaining to them, he stopped mechanically, his eyes were dull and his voice was emotionless and he said: "Why are you running away? Why are you running away when we are so close?" After saying this, they didn't answer. He was dead.  He turned around stiffly and continued running eastward.  Fang Jie's heart sank to the bottom, and an uncontrollable killing intent flashed in his eyes.  "This monk must have had his soul taken away by someone, and then he was chased all the way from the Snowy Mountains to here like a walking zombie. Maybe when he saw someone, he would ask why you ran away, and Fang Jie was sure that the person he wanted to ask was himself.  It's just that the red eyes have been pulled out by Prince Zhong, and he can no longer determine where he is.     who is it?  Why do you want to vent your dissatisfaction in such a way?  Why run away?  The monk in red has obviously lost his mind. His feet have been worn down to the bone. He has obviously been running for a long time, and this is just because someone is dissatisfied!  The ghost lingers.    Behind the Daxue Mountain Temple of Danun Temple, the place of the King of the Danun Ming King's rest and Zen.  Except for people with extremely high status in the Buddhist sect, no one else is allowed to enter here.  For so many years, Prince Ming seemed to have been living in Prince Ming's palace and bedroom, and rarely set foot elsewhere.  ??This hall, built in a dangerous place in the Snowy Mountains, looks like it is floating in mid-air from a distance.  Only people who have been here can appreciate the majesty of the uncanny workmanship. If they don't see it in person, no one will believe that a huge temple and such a magnificent hall are actually built on a cliff.  There is also something magical about it. Those stone steps are all inlaid on the cliff. Looking from a distance, it looks like the stone steps are floating in the sky. People who climb up to the main hall through the stone steps feel like walking on the stone steps.  It feels like I am reaching the sky step by step.  Every palace is built in a place that feels impossible to build.  But every building is so magnificent.  I don¡¯t know how much manpower it will take and how many years it will take to complete the construction.  This place is like a heavenly palace, completely isolated from the world.  The people who live here are the gods in the sky.  If you stand under the snow-capped mountains and look up, you can only faintly see the golden domes reflecting the sun's rays.  Every year, a large number of believers come to Daxue Mountain for pilgrimage, and the Buddhist sect will select some of the most sincere people and bring them to Dalun Temple.  These people are extremely lucky to see such amazing buildings.  And those who are lucky enough to come in, even if they just stand in the courtyard of Dalun Temple and look up, they will still crawl to the ground with excitement.  At this time, under the snow-capped mountains, there were no less than a million believers gathered to defend their faith. They held simple weapons and stood at the foot of the mountain with determination to fight against the wolf cavalry who were armed to the teeth.  Daxue Mountain is very high, and Dalun Temple is also very high, so no matter how strong the sound of fighting at the bottom of the mountain is, the people in the temple cannot hear it.  The green smoke from the incense burner in front of the Mingwang Palace soared upwards, condensing and not dissipating.  Peace is everywhere here.  Behind the Mingwang Hall, outside the Mingwang's quiet room, four red-clothed monks carried a lotus throne and stopped at the door. The monk sitting cross-legged on the lotus throne waved his hands, and the four disciples then put the lotus throne down and bowed.  Get away.  This is a??The monk looks about twenty years old, young and handsome.  He was wearing a flawless snow-white monk's robe and a golden cassock.  He didn't wear shoes, but his feet were not stained with dust and looked smooth and delicate.  The long robe covered his body, and his aura was as ethereal as that of an immortal.  The four words "clean" and "clean" are the words that will pop up in the mind of anyone who sees him at the first time. He seems to not belong to this world, and there is even a faint milky white light outside his body.  Surrounded by halo, so holy.  He walked into Prince Ming's quiet room, looked around, walked to the couch, stretched out his hand and twisted the green lamp on the bedside. The wall gradually opened, and a dark and deep hole appeared. It was a stone staircase that seemed to have no end.  The path goes all the way down.  The monk in white stepped on the stone steps and entered. When the stone door was closed, the path became extremely dark, but he didn't care at all. The darkness seemed to have no effect on him.  He walked for half an hour before reaching the end of the secret passage.  Pushing the stone door open, there is a very small stone room inside.  The furnishings in the stone room were extremely simple, with only a stone bed and nothing else.  On the stone bed, an old monk who looked as if he might die at any time sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and there were so many deep wrinkles on his face.  "Disciple, I am at ease. I bow to the Master." The white-robed monk leaned forward and saluted with a humble tone.  The old man did not open his eyes or even react.  "Master, if you have any dissatisfaction in your heart, you can give instructions to your disciples. Why should you drive a Dharma Protector crazy like a child and let him run away tens of thousands of miles barefoot and talk to people about why you want to run away?  "The old man didn't look up, pointed behind Da Zi and said: "You forgot to close the door." Da Zi smiled and said: "It's closed." The old man shook his head: "I mean you forgot to close the door of your own room."  Zi Zi was startled for a moment, and suddenly his face changed drastically!
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