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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 514: Just fight, don¡¯t talk nonsense

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    Chapter 514: Just fight and stop talking nonsense

    Kuoketai Menglie is the younger brother of Meng Ge, the Great Khan of the Meng Yuan Dynasty. As a special agent, he is equivalent to the prince of the Sui Dynasty, but his power is much greater than that of the prince.  Except for the private soldiers of the Sui people, the princes were basically isolated from military power by the emperor.  But Meng Yuan's special service is different. Not only does it have rich pastures, but it also has heavy troops.

    In the Meng Yuan Dynasty, special Qin also had a special identity, that is, the successor to the imperial power.  If the Great Khan's heir is still young, according to the rules of the Golden Family, the Great Khan will select the most suitable candidate from among his brothers to inherit the throne.  Those who obtain the throne of Khan will also inherit the private property of the Great Khan, including his wife.

    However, according to the rules, when the heirs of the previous Great Khan grow up, the throne must be returned to him.

    The rules are good, but since the founding of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, there have been many cases where the Great Khan has passed the throne to his brothers, but there has never been a case where the Khan's throne has been returned.

    ¡°None of the children of the previous Great Khan survived to adulthood.

    At the beginning, Meng Ge¡¯s father took over the scepter from his uncle and became the new Great Khan of Meng Yuan.  At that time, Meng Ge's elder brother, his uncle's son, was only nine years old. According to the rules, he could not take over the power again until he was fourteen years old.  The first thing Meng Ge's father did after he became the Great Khan was to let the nine-year-old child successfully die of a serious illness.

    Brother Meng doesn¡¯t need to worry. His eldest son is now twenty years old, and he is very brave and has an almost identical temperament.  Therefore, Brother Meng is not worried about the succession of the Khan throne. He is worried about more important things.

    When Kuoketai Menglie led his troops to the Sui Dynasty, he actually had a lot of complaints in his heart. How could he not understand Meng Ge's intentions?  Brother Meng didn't expect him to make more military exploits, but he wanted him to be shot to death by the cold arrows of the Han people.  As long as he dies, those thousands of miles of lush pasture will be taken over by Meng Ge. The most important thing is to get rid of the threats to Khan's throne.

    There was a time when Meng Lie even considered not returning to the royal court.  With hundreds of thousands of wolf riders in hand, it is not impossible to be independent on the grassland.  But this time, he must obey Meng Ge's call and lead his troops back.  The Golden Family is facing the most severe test in history. If it cannot withstand it, this great family that has ruled the grassland for hundreds of years will become history.

    Although this test stems from Meng Ge¡¯s decision to bring the Golden Family into the war, Meng Lie does not blame him.  Meng Lie knew very well that he would do the same thing even if it were him.

    ?????????? Such a good opportunity cannot be passed up by people from the Golden Family.

    And everything we are facing now is expected.

    The only thing that surprised and angered Meng Lie was the Sui people's changeability and bad faith. He had promised the emperor of the Sui Dynasty to use all his strength to send troops against Luo Yao, and he would try his best to get rid of Luo Yao. The prerequisite was  The emperor of the Sui Dynasty allowed them to leave and return to the grassland after the war.

    The emperor of the Sui Dynasty promised very freely, but in the blink of an eye he had people seal the canyon.

    In fact, Meng Lie has been unhappy since the war against Luo Yao. Although the surprise attack wiped out more than half of Luo Yao's troops, not one of the nearly a hundred masters sent out came back alive, including two great shamans and  A dozen little shamans and royal court masters.  He has attached great importance to Luo Yao. You must know that either of the two great shamans is above the ninth level of Central Plains martial arts, but he still can't do anything to Luo Yao.

    Later, he got a secret message from Meng Ge, asking him to quickly lead his troops back to the royal court to support him. Meng Lie immediately led his troops back. When the people sent by Bai Huo told him that the Langru Mountain Canyon was blocked, Meng Lie was very angry.  , sent people to the Sui army camp to question, and the Sui Emperor, who was leading troops to besiege Jinyang, told the people he sent that the emperor did not know who was blocking the canyon.  The emperor of the Sui Dynasty said that he did not even know whether the army was from the Sui Dynasty.

    Meng Lie naturally did not believe the lies of the Sui Emperor, but at this time he had no time to waste anymore.  He knew that once the Sui Emperor led troops to conquer Jinyang and Li Yuanshan's remaining rebels were completely defeated, the sick emperor would immediately lead troops to besiege him, and the war in the royal court was tight and he had to return immediately.

    If Meng Ge alone lives or dies, he won¡¯t care.

    But what matters now is the life and death of the entire Golden Family, and he must rush back.

    When they arrived outside Fangu, Meng Lie sent people to cut down trees overnight and tie up ladders. This kind of Han siege method was very uncomfortable for the Meng Yuan people, but now they could only force themselves to adapt to it no matter how uncomfortable they were.  The last thing the Meng Yuan people wanted to do was to leave their horses on the battlefield.

    Now that the way home is blocked, they can only dismount and become infantry to fight like the Han people.

    Meng Lie had no interest in Fan Gu City. He sent his general Gu Luo and 20,000 troops to camp outside Fan Gu to monitor the Han army in Fan Gu. This littleThe purpose of the garrison in the city is not to defend the city, but to harass the Mongolian and Yuan people's rear troops. Once the Mongolian and Yuan people begin to attack the canyon, the Han troops in Fangu City will immediately stick to them like annoying flies.  later.  That's why Meng Lie divided his troops into 20,000 men and didn't attack. He just blocked the Han people from coming out of Fangu City.

    Meng Lie also sent General Bai Huo and his 10,000 troops to monitor the Han troops in the Han stronghold on Langru Mountain. The purpose of that troops was the same as Fan Gu's Han army, which was to respond to the defenders in the canyon.

    After the Meng Yuan Langqi arrived, they prepared siege equipment overnight. Not only did they tie up a lot of ladders, but they also cut down huge trees to prepare for the construction of a siege ram.  This man is very smart. In the past few years, he has been learning the fighting methods of the Han people, especially siege tactics.  He knew that it was difficult for the two huge empires of the Sui Dynasty and the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty to live in peace, and a war would break out sooner or later.  Take this opportunity to learn more Han siege techniques. If the Mongolian and Yuan armies invade the Sui Kingdom again in the future, they will not be helpless against those strong cities.

    What I didn¡¯t expect was that the siege skills I learned were now used on the way home.

    Meng Lie, who was well aware of the strength of the Sui people in defending the city, did not immediately order an attack. He began to prepare equipment that night. For three or four days in a row, Meng Yuan's cavalry was cutting down trees and tying countless ladders.  Two somewhat crude battering rams were also built in an attempt to use giant logs to ram stone walls.

    Fang Jie saw all the preparations of the Meng Yuan people, but he didn't seem to care much and just patrolled the city defense every day.  All the cavalry are resting on the side of the canyon. When necessary, they will also climb up the stone wall to defend themselves.  However, there are 20,000 infantry in the canyon, which is quite abundant for defense.  Meng Yuan's side was unable to mobilize troops to support Meng Lie's attack on the city from the west, which was even more good news for Fang Jie.

    Originally we planned to defend on both sides, but now we only have to defend one side and the pressure is much less.

    Fang Jie had no reinforcements until the emperor had dealt with the remnants of the Jinyang rebels.  The emperor could not send troops to him because the rebels still had considerable strength. Once the emperor led his troops to attack Meng Lie's Wolf Cavalry, Li Xiaoche, Meng Wansui, and Yin Poshan's rebels would come from behind.  Attack the army.

    So there were only two choices before Fang Jie. First, persist until the emperor quelled the rebellion and led troops to support him.  Second, all the Black Flag Army died in the Langru Mountain Canyon.



    On the seventh day when Meng Lie led his army to Langru Mountain, it seemed that they were well prepared.  It must be said that Meng Lie is a natural leader. This can be seen from the fact that he can build countless ladders and even a battering ram in just seven days. Not only does he learn quickly and comprehend quickly, he also manages an army.  strict.

    At noon on the seventh day, about 10,000 wolf riders separated from the camp and went straight to the canyon without any siege equipment. When they saw the dust and smoke rising, the lookouts from high places blew the warning horn.  Five hundred soldiers were already waiting on the stone wall, and the reserve team under the city was also in place.  After the horn sounded, the archers neatly placed their quivers at their feet, pulled out an arrow and put it on the string, staring at the dust and smoke floating outside the city.

    Because the length of the stone wall is limited, the defense of five hundred people on the wall has reached its limit.  However, according to Sun Kaidao's instructions, Lu Fenghou built the stone wall in an excellent place. It was not built at the mouth of the valley, but one mile into the canyon.  This distance is not chosen randomly, but is a carefully considered decision.  About a mile into the canyon, this place is the narrowest. The Mongolian people cannot deploy their troops within this mile, and they will not invest too many troops at once if they want to attack the city.  The section of the canyon behind the stone wall is relatively wide and is convenient for garrisoning.

    The biggest advantage of Sun Kaidao is that he can think of all the details.

    Watching the group of wolf cavalry pouring into the canyon, the faces of every defender on the stone wall became solemn.

    ¡°To say I¡¯m not nervous is nonsense.

    No one can be calm before a fight, but after a fight they forget to be afraid.

    After the golden flag with the black flying wolf embroidered on it appeared in the sight of the defenders, the scene became unusually quiet.  When the cavalry stopped, the dust and smoke stirred up by the horses' hooves floated up.

    Under the banner, Kuoketai Menglie, who was wearing golden armor, carefully observed the defenders on the stone wall with the clairvoyance he snatched from the Han people, not even letting go of the expressions on the faces of the soldiers.  When he found no sign of fear from the defenders, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

    "I'm afraid this battle won't be easy."

    He did not look at the stone wall or the terrain first, but first observed the defenders.


    Meng Lie pointed to the stone wall and said: "Let the garrison general come out. I have something to say to him."

    His general Zhelibie urged his horse forward and left.Fifty steps into the stone wall, he was forced to stop by the warning arrows of the defenders. He raised his neck and roared several times. Although the Han people's words were very awkward, there was no obstacle in communication.

    "Let your general come out. The special agent has something to ask."

    Qilin yelled angrily on the stone wall: "My Lord Marquis said, if you want to fight, fight. I have nothing to say to you barbarians. If you want to return to the grassland, you must first break through this stone wall!"

    Zhe Xibie was angry and turned around to return to Meng Lie.

    Meng Lie raised his brows, and after a moment of silence, he urged his horse to move forward in person. Dozens of his followers held up cavalry shields to protect him, lest the Han people would sneak up on him with cold arrows.

    "Is the guard on the city wall General Fang?"

    Kuoketai Menglie shouted loudly.

    He waited for a while, but no one answered and continued to shout: "The Great Khan invites you to meet in the royal court. We have important matters to discuss. Why is General Fang so unwise? You should understand that this matter involves neither Sui people nor Meng Yuan people.  But you. If you are willing to open the door and let me lead the army, I will go with you to the royal court!"

    "If you have any questions, I can help you!"

    After shouting for a while, there was still no response. He wanted to urge the horse to go forward, but suddenly an arrow shot through the air with extraordinary accuracy. The soldier holding the cavalry shield was unable to react in time.  A guard beside Meng Lie who was not wearing armor had a stern look in his eyes. He reached out and grabbed the armor-piercing awl in front of Meng Lie. The arrow cluster was less than a foot away from Meng Lie's eyes.

    Meng Lie glanced at the guard and nodded in approval. The guard casually threw the armor-piercing cone aside with a look of pride on his face. His expression seemed to be saying that a mere feathered arrow was nothing.

    Just when he was proud, there was a sudden buzzing sound, and a heavy crossbow roared towards him. The guard immediately turned pale, grabbed Meng Lie and moved to one side, and with a pop, the famous grassland species Meng Lie sat down unexpectedly  He was nailed to the ground by a heavy crossbow.

    Meng Lie, who was still in shock, did not expect that Fang Jie would not even say a word. Even if the two armies were fighting, he would not act in such a barbaric manner.

    "My general still says the same thing, if you want to fight, fight, if you don't fight, get out!"

    Qilin shouted at the top of his lungs, then picked up a big stone and threw it down from the wall. With his natural supernatural power, he could throw a stone weighing more than 100 kilograms dozens of meters. The wolf riders quickly protected Meng Lie and retreated back.  , a burst of laughter immediately broke out from the stone wall.

    PS: Supplementary update, there are still four chapters left
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