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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 454 Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Nine

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    Chapter 454 Two thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine

    The golden flames burned along the ice gun and air knife. Li Xiaozong was so shocked that he immediately released his hands and retreated backwards.  The long qi sword that exuded light blue light had been completely swallowed up by the golden flames. Not long after, the qi sword and the flames disappeared at the same time.  There is also that hard and sharp ice spear that is like a steel spear. When it encounters the golden flames, it melts as quickly as it encounters a natural enemy.

    Fang Jie did not catch up immediately, but smiled ferociously.

    The red light in his eyes became thicker and thicker, and from a distance it looked as if there were flames spraying out from the eye sockets.  At this time, he looked particularly strange and scary.  Like a demon who had just emerged from hell, his eyes had a chilling power.

    Everyone who saw this scene was frightened.

    Even Mu Xiaoyao, who had seen this scene before, was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out when he saw those red eyes reappearing.

    Wanyan Yunshu¡¯s mouth opened in fear, and he looked at the young man whose face became ferocious in disbelief.  She couldn't help but tighten her grip on Wanyan Zhongde's arm and glanced at her brother subconsciously.  Unfortunately, Wanyan Zhongde, who also didn't understand what happened, couldn't give her an answer.

    When the red eyes appeared, Fang Jie's forward speed slowed down.  His upper body was slightly leaning forward, his arms were hanging down, and the sword was dangling in his hand.  He walked forward slowly, his strange eyes staring at Li Xiaozong not far away.

    If everyone present felt fear in their hearts, then the person who was most afraid was undoubtedly Li Xiaozong.  He has never seen a person's eyes become like this, and he has never seen flames that can burn out the inner energy.  There was no doubt that the golden flame came from Fang Jie's eyes.  Although he didn't see it, he was sure of it.

    Li Xiaozong swallowed hard and found that his throat was burning.

    The clothes on one shoulder were shattered by Fang Jie¡¯s previous blow, and the exposed shoulder was covered with tiny scars.  Every scar was covered with fine drops of blood, and it looked like half of his body had turned red.

    Seeing Fang Jie coming towards him, Li Xiaozong gritted his teeth, pointed his right hand forward, and shot two sharp rays of energy into Fang Jie's eyes as fast as lightning.  Li Xiaozong subconsciously targeted Fang Jie's eyes because those eyes made him feel boundless fear.

    But what happened in the next second shocked everyone.

    When those two invisible energies were about to reach Fang Jie, they suddenly burned out of thin air.  The energy was like hitting an invisible wall of fire and was ignited as soon as it came into contact.  The flame suddenly appeared in front of Fang Jie's body, burning up the two strands of energy in an instant.  The soldiers couldn't see the strength, but they could guess what was happening.  Everyone opened their mouths, even Cui Zhongzhen who was beating the drum subconsciously stopped.

    At this time, Fang Jie is like a demon.

    Li Xiaozong looked back and found that he had no way out.  There were people all around, and every direction was blocked.  Wanyan Zhongde mobilized the cold cavalry immediately. Trying to fight through the huge crowd was tantamount to wishful thinking.  But now Li Xiaozong suddenly had a voice in his heart that kept warning him that he would rather rush out and be shot to death by random arrows than continue fighting with Fang Jie.

    But obviously, Fang Jie didn¡¯t give him this chance.

    "Are you dreaming?"

    Fang Jie, who was walking forward slowly, suddenly asked.

    His voice became extremely hoarse, and it sounded as if he wasn't speaking.

    Li Xiaozong looked at Fang Jie warily and did not answer.

    Fang Jie smiled ferociously as he walked: "People like you may not dream about those innocent people who died. Just because of this, you are lucky, because they can't enter your dreams. But I can't don't care.  Whether I am willing or not, whether I resist or not, Fan Gu's old friends will always enter my dreams unknowingly in the past three years. They always remind me that they died unjustly.  . They are all scoundrels, why do they have to find me?"

    Fang Jie casually threw the Chaolu knife in his hand to the ground, raised his hands and made a circle in mid-air: "I spent three years walking in a big circle, and finally returned to the northwest. In the past three years, I have not only  I told myself again and again that there was no need to shoulder those blood debts, but every time, I couldn't convince myself."

    "Do you remember cherries?"

    Fang explained the question.

    He continued without waiting for Li Xiaozong's answer: "Perhaps you have forgotten That was a beautiful little girl. When I left Fan Gu, she was standing on the road.She asked me when I would come back and if I would bring her a gift.  I said yes, and she smiled as brightly as the newly bloomed flowers on the roadside.  But in my dreams, she would say to me seriously every time, brother I don¡¯t want any gifts, can you help me get revenge?  "

    After saying this, Fang Jie suddenly disappeared.

    Although Li Xiaozong was fully prepared, he still had no ability to stop Fang Jie.  His eyes were dazed for a moment, but when he looked again, Fang Jie was already standing face to face in front of him.  The distance between the two people is so close.  He could even feel the breath exhaled from Fang Jie's nostrils, so hot, like fire.

    Fang Jie smiled ferociously: "I told her, don't keep pestering me, why not reincarnate first? I will avenge you." Cherry said, I don't want to reincarnate, if you don't help  If I take revenge, I will haunt you for the rest of my life. Do you think she is hateful? "

    When Fang Jie spoke, his breath sprayed on Li Xiaozong's face.  It was like a heat wave, almost roasting Li Xiaozong's skin.

    Li Xiaozong roared, raised his left hand and made a few quick strokes. A huge ice gun appeared in his hand again. He raised the ice gun high and stabbed Fang Jie hard in the heart.

    Fang Jie did not dodge and allowed the ice spear to stab him.

    In fact, the ice gun began to melt before it came into contact with Fang Jie's body.  Although no golden flame appeared, the ice spear melted faster than Li Xiaozong stabbed with the spear.  The ice gun Li Xiaozong was holding disappeared without a trace, and his hand hit Fang Jie's chest.

    And then his hands started to burn.

    The flames suddenly shot up and immediately spread along his arms and to his body.

    "Just because you are alive, they are not even willing to reincarnate."

    Fang Jie looked at the wailing Li Xiaozong, and the red light in his eyes flashed suddenly.

    With a pop, Li Xiaozong¡¯s burning arm seemed to be grabbed by an invisible giant and torn off from his body and thrown aside.  Before long, the arm turned into ashes.



    "what is that?"

    Mou Liangbi looked at Fang Jie with a pale face, not realizing that his voice was trembling extremely badly when he spoke.  He didn't know who he was asking, or even that he asked such a question.

    "It looks like it can burn everything."

    Wanyan Zhongde wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, it was just a subconscious reaction.

    Zhuo Buyi glanced at Shen Qingshan, who had worries in his eyes.

    "Has he often been in this situation before?"

    he asks.

    Mu Xiaoyao nodded: "There have been a few times, but this kind of flame has never appeared. However, after his eyes turned red, it seemed to have no harm to his body."

    Zhuo Buyi hummed, two words appeared in his mind but he quickly shook them off.  He didn't think or believe that the golden flame was what he thought of, because Fang Jie could never have anything to do with those two words.  But apart from the legendary flame, he could never find a similar answer.

    "What kind of secret is hidden in his body"

    Zhuo Buyi murmured, but knew that no one could give him the answer, maybe not even Fang Jie himself.

    "We can't just burn you to death."

    The smile on Fang Jie's lips was cruel and ferocious, making Li Xiaozong's heart become more frightened.  He just wanted to escape now and never wanted to see those red eyes again.  But now, he didn't even have a chance to escape.  If the golden flame would not disappear before it burned out the burning thing, then there is no doubt that if Fang Jie had not torn off his arm, he would have been reduced to a pile of ashes by now.

    But this is exactly what Li Xiaozong is afraid of.

    Fang Jie tore off his arm because he didn¡¯t want him to be burned to death.

    ¡°Perhaps in Fang Jie¡¯s opinion, it was too cheap to burn him to death like this.

    When the red light in Fang Jie's eyes flashed, Li Xiaozong made a dodge movement almost at the same time.  But just when he wanted to move, he realized that he had lost his freedom.  His legs seemed to be bound by invisible ropes, and his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground by two wedges.

    With a pop, a hole appeared in his lower abdomen.

    "The strange thing is that there is no blood flowing from the wound.  At the same time as the hole appeared, the flesh around the wound was burned to death and turned into a dark color.


    Fang explained a number and then used his redHe stared into Li Xiaozong's eyes and asked word for word: "Do you know why I have to count one?"

    Li Xiaozong felt nothing but fear at this time. He never thought that one day he would be so helpless.  He really valued Fang Jie, but he didn't regard him as someone who could threaten him.  The Fang Jie he knew was completely different from the Fang Jie in front of him now.

    "If you get the answer right, I can consider giving you pleasure."

    Fang explained.

    Li Xiaozong endured the severe pain in his broken arm and lower abdomen, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you trying to tell me that you can easily defeat me now?"

    "That's wrong"

    The smile on Fang Jie¡¯s lips became more evil and ferocious: ¡°The answer is very simple. The reason why I count one is because I have to count two next.¡±


    The second hole appeared in Li Xiaozong¡¯s right shoulder, and there was also no blood flowing out.  The wound was not big, only as thick as a chopstick, but the wound, which was transparent from front to back, looked particularly terrifying.

    "I'll give you another chance."

    Fang Jie got close to Li Xiaozong¡¯s face and asked, ¡°Why should I count to two?¡±

    There was no trace of blood on Li Xiaozong's face. He answered tremblingly: "Becausebecause you want to count to three?"

    "Wrong again"

    Fang Jie shook his head: "I count two because I want to count to two thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine, not three."


    Unable to bear the pressure, Li Xiaozong shouted loudly: "Kill me! Kill me quickly!"

    "It won't be too soon."

    Fang Jie said seriously: "Eight hundred border troops and 2,169 civilians, I will kill you for each of them, so it won't be too fast"

    Everyone present felt their hearts tremble when they heard this sentence.

    Surrounded by soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles, their immunity to fear is much higher than that of ordinary people.  But now, everyone seems to have fallen into an endless cold black hole, and even their hearts are twitching.

    Those red eyes are destined to become a lingering dream for everyone present today for the rest of their lives.
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