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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 444 The Aquarius and the Buddha's Hand

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    Chapter 444 Aquarius and Buddha's Hand

    A wolf-faced ape weighs more than a thousand pounds?

    Luo Yao lifted up the spiritual ape that had been burned into a fireball with one arm and smashed it against Shi Yuan's lotus throne.  If you look at it from a distance, the scene looks like an ant lifting a peanut.  The body of the spiritual ape is so huge, it is more than twenty times bigger than Luo Yao?

    But Luo Yao lifted it up with one arm, his movements smooth and natural without any stiffness.

    The wailing wolf-faced ape rushed toward the lotus throne with roaring flames. Shi Yuan put down the bamboo flute in his hand and sighed slightly.  He stretched out his hand and pushed it forward, and suddenly a huge lotus flower appeared in mid-air. It looked crystal clear and beautiful.  What is shocking is that this lotus actually has seven petals.

    The white lotus and the fireball collided together, and the air in mid-air seemed to be shaken away. The air waves surged out, as if a huge stone was thrown into a calm lake wave.

    There was a bang.

    After the violent ripples of air swayed out, the sound of explosions came down from mid-air.  Immediately afterwards, a hurricane swept down from the air, sweeping up all the dust on the official road.  Luo Yao and Shi Yuan stood in the hurricane, and the distance between them was less than twenty meters.

    General Mo, the man in black robes who was dozens of meters away behind Luo Yao, put down the bamboo flute in his hand, frowned after looking at the dead bodies on the ground, and then spat out a large mouthful of blood with a loud sound, which was shocking.  There seemed to be bits of meat in the blood.  One hundred golden monk soldiers are so powerful that even if ten great practitioners join forces, they may not be able to win.  But after the flaw was discovered, it was cleaned up so easily.

    But it seems that General Mo suffered serious internal injuries. It seems that when Shi Yuan was playing the flute, he not only commanded the golden monk soldiers to command the wolf-faced ape, but also shocked him.  How can the methods of the Buddha Sect Tianzun be taken over by just one person?

    "You go to Yongzhou City first."

    Luo Yao said something in a gentle tone, but didn't even look back.

    General Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, was silent for a while, then jumped on his horse and left.

    Shi Yuan watched General Mo leave and slowly walked down from the lotus throne.  He waved his hand casually, and the eight red-robed monks carrying the lotus throne immediately rushed towards Luo Yao.

    These eight people are different from those golden monk soldiers. They are living people.  He is a disciple that Shi Yuan has trained carefully over the years. This time he followed Shi Yuan away from the Snow Mountain, but he never showed up.  The cultivation bases of these eight people are all very strong, and their movements seem to be running a formation.

    Luo Yao allowed the eight people to surround him and did not stop him.

    "Once again, the dead are not worth pity. I think these eight people are also very important to you. Don't you feel it is a pity at all to let them die?"

    Luo Yao asked.

    Shi Yuan shook his head: "I was supposed to have the upper hand today, but you made a miscalculated move and took the advantage. I didn't expect you to be able to deal with the golden monk soldiers, nor did I expect that you could actually master the secrets of my Buddhist sect.  Fire. Even in the Snowy Mountains, there are no more than five people who can cultivate Karmic Fire. So as long as I can kill you, no matter how much I lose, it won't be a pity."

    Luo Yao couldn't help but smile, glanced at the eight people and said, "Are you also willing to die?"

    Shi Yuan said: "I told the eight of them before that if I kill you and those who survive by chance, I will give them the same status as Tianzun in the Buddhist sect. Their cultivation is good, so there will always be someone who can  Survive. As for who will dieit depends on fate."

    Luo Yao smiled: "Don't look at destiny, look at my interests."

    He pointed at one of the red-robed monks and said: "If I say he can die, he cannot live. If I say he can live, he cannot die."

    "The Great Vajra Wheel"

    Shi Yuan said four words, and the eight red-robed monks immediately moved at the same time.  The eight of them clasped their hands together and muttered something.  In an instant, Luo Yao, who was surrounded in the middle, felt that the vitality of the world around him had changed drastically.  A large circular formation composed of the vitality of heaven and earth took shape above his head, and then began to slowly press down.

    Luo Yao could feel that the diamond wheel was constantly rotating in the formation. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, the formation was as sharp and cold as a meat grinder.  As long as someone messes in, they will immediately be minced by the diamond wheel.

    "I have seen the Buddhist sect's large and small vajra wheel formations many years ago."

    Luo Yao said calmly: "Although the cultivation of the person who casts the spell is much stronger than that many years ago, there is still no difference in my opinion. You should know not to use the same move twice in front of your powerful enemy. This  It's common sense. When I was trapped by the Little Vajra Wheel Formation, you took the opportunity to seal off my Qi Sea and tried to force me to submit At that time, I destroyed my Qi Sea in order to survive. Have you forgotten these past events???  "

    His Qihai was actually destroyed by himself!

    "You were still very weak back then."

    Shi Yuan said with some emotion.

    "I was not weak back then, and the heart of a strong person has remained the same from beginning to end."

    Luo Yao took a step forward: "I want to do great things and achieve great things, so I don't want to embarrass you for the time being. But you have to choose to go this way. People want to die on their own, and heaven can't stop it."

    He pointed to the sky with his left hand, and pointed forward with his right hand, and a wisp of flames rolled towards Shi Yuan like a dragon.

    In an instant, the Vajra Wheel Array stopped suddenly, the Vajra Wheel stopped rotating, and the eight people seemed to have turned into stone statues, motionless.



    Shi Yuan would never let Luo Yao enter Yongzhou City, so he appeared a hundred miles away from Yongzhou with the power he had always hidden.  Everything he had planned since coming down from the Snowy Mountain was not unsatisfactory. Although he did not deceive Fang Jie or Luo Yao, Luo Wen's body could still be used.

    But now, he understands something.

    The more things go smoothly, it may not necessarily be a good thing.  Sometimes it is easy for people to slack off if things go too smoothly, resulting in insufficient preparation.  He thought that he had brought a hundred golden monk soldiers, a wolf-faced ape king and himself, which would be enough to deal with Luo Yao.  But when he saw Luo Yao easily displaying his karma, he realized that he had not asked about Jianghu for more than ten years, and Jianghu was no longer the same level of turmoil as before.

    Shi Yuan raised his hand and pointed forward, and a ray of energy rushed towards Luo Yao's karma with a chill.  Because the finger force is so cold that the air wherever the finger force passes makes a crackling sound.  It was as if everything he passed along the way was frozen, which was particularly sharp in contrast to Luo Yao's karmic fire.

    The collision between fire and ice is always so intense.

    The two people stepped forward at the same time, and countless finger energy attacked each other like thousands of arrows. The red and blue energy continued to collide in mid-air, and the speed was so fast that people could not follow it.  superior.

    What's shocking is that the two people don't seem to be moving at all, just walking slowly. The energy can be emitted from anywhere on their bodies, and the speed is as fast as thousands of people firing arrows. It's impossible to distinguish them.  It was impossible to tell what angle the energy was coming from, but without exception, the energy emitted by the two people collided with each other accurately. In the end, it was no longer clear who was attacking and who was blocking.

    As the distance between the two people gets closer and closer, the energy becomes more intensive and violent.  The two people are at the center of the storm, each creating a torrential rain.

    The red fire and the blue ice kept colliding. The air in this area finally became equally violent because it could not withstand such drastic changes, and the space between the two people even became more and more distorted.

    "Blue Lotus in a Vase"

    Shi Yuan groaned and pointed toward the ground.  A moment later, the ground under Luo Yao's feet suddenly cracked with countless holes, and a blue lotus burst through the ground and emerged from under Luo Yao's feet. The moment it was unearthed, the lotus began to bloom, and its petals separated one by one.  , the pure blue color makes the flowers look extraordinarily beautiful and eerie.

    The moment the lotus flower appeared, Luo Yao's body had already been pulled up.  The lotus flower was in full bloom, always at his feet but never touching him.

    But at the moment when the blue lotus flower was fully in full bloom, the seven petals suddenly surged upwards. The petals became larger and larger, spiraling upward. Luo Yao's body continued to rise, and the petals continued to grow. It seemed that the growth rate was unexpected.  It was faster than Luo Yao jumping up.

    Luo Yao frowned slightly and stretched out his hand to press down. At this moment, the seven petals suddenly closed and became entangled together, turning into a huge vase shape, shutting Luo Yao inside.

    When Shi Yuan saw the Aquarius Blue Lotus swallowing Luo Yao, he quickly formed seals with his hands and pushed forward, then violently retreated backwards, retreating ten feet away in an instant.

    His feet just landed, and it looked like the huge blue bottle was about to explode in mid-air!

    Shi Yuan¡¯s eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn¡¯t help but feel happy inside.  Before, he and Luo Yao had been struggling with fast attacks and quick attacks, but suddenly they changed their tactics. Lan Lian emerged from the ground and finally swallowed Luo Yao inside.  No one knows the power of the Blue Lotus in the Aquarius better than him, because this technique is his original creation, and even King Dalun Ming specially commented and praised this technique back then.

    Shi Yuan is recognized as the number one among the four heavenly deities in Daxue Mountain because he knows how to improve the Buddhist practice instead of sticking to the rules.  Although Da Zi Zai is the leader of the Four Heavenly Lords, he will never leave the Snow Mountain.  Lingbao Tianzun and Wisdom Tianzun have similar cultivation levels, but he is stronger than those two.  Someone once said that being at ease in the snow-capped mountains is as good as Shiyuan, but when you get down from the mountain, you still feel uneasy.?? Got it.  No one knows why Da Zi Zai didn't go down the mountain.

    It was this move of the Aquarius Blue Lotus that convinced Lingbao Tianzun back then.

    Once the treasure vase transformed into blue lotus explodes Shi Yuan even believes that the great freedom on the snow-capped mountains may not be able to stop it.  Someone once said that the Great Freedom is almost invincible in the Snowy Mountains.  But after descending the snow-capped mountains, I changed from a god to a human being.

    The air began to twist, and so did the vase.

    In the next second, everything within a radius of thirty meters will be razed to the ground.  In the next second, there will be no life within thirty meters.  The destructive power of the Aquarius Blue Lotus is unparalleled, Shi Yuan has this confidence!

    But the next second, his self-confidence was severely stabbed.

    Just at the moment when the blue lotus vase was about to explode, a fist came out of the lotus petals and opened suddenly. A black hole seemed to appear in the palm of that hand. The huge vase quickly twisted and became helpless.  What was blocked was sucked into the palm of the hand, and the aura that was so violent that it was on the verge of exploding was sucked clean away.

    In mid-air, Luo Yao looked down at his palm and smiled with satisfaction: "This method is good, I will accept it."

    The huge vase turned into wisps of energy, and finally merged into Luo Yao's palm.  The joy that Shi Yuan had not expressed immediately disappeared, and the surprise in his eyes was so obvious.

    "This is Da Luo Buddha's Hand?"


    When the Buddhist sect was first established, King Ming led his disciples to conquer demons.  There is a great demon who is proficient in all kinds of techniques and has a myriad of methods.  It can transform Qi into shape, and it can shape and control Qi.  Everyone in the world is afraid of this demon and avoids it.  But King Ming was not afraid, and found the big demon alone, and fought decisively on the top of the snowy mountain.  The great demon used thousands of techniques, and King Ming defeated them one by one.  The demon was so angry that he used his lifelong cultivation to condense a single blow, which had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.  At the most critical moment, King Ming stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and the Great Demon's full blow was actually caught in the palm of King Ming's hand. When the hand was loosened, the Great Demon's lifelong cultivation disappeared invisible.

    ??The descendants of the Buddhist sect praised the first Ming Dynasty king and described this stunning and stunning grasp as the Great Buddha's Hand.

    It can break all laws and tolerate heaven and earth.
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