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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 419 Breaking the Camp

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    Chapter 419 Breaking the Camp

    The rebel camp was already in chaos. General Yin Poshan was blocked from returning. Wen Xiaodao's men were too eager to attack the west gate and could no longer hold it.  Although the total number of rebels in the camp was still no less than 100,000, and Wen Xiaodao only had more than 30,000 troops, the rebels had no advantage at all from the beginning.

    Two hundred crossbow carts showed off their power, and the dense heavy crossbows almost knocked over the wooden wall. Five thousand archers lined up to suppress it, and the rebels on the wall could not raise their heads at all.  The weapons in their hands are not at the same level as those of the left midfielders.  The powerful crossbow car aimed at the camp gate and bombarded it. After a round of volleys, almost no living person could be seen within a few dozen meters near the camp gate. The weak points of the city wall were hit by heavy crossbows, leaving holes one after another, making it look shaky.

    The suppression of the archers' arrow array is even more suffocating. The defenders on the city wall are condescending, but the range of the bows and arrows is not as far as others. Besides, even if the arrows are shot past, they are so light that they have no power.  The suppression made the rebels feel desperate from the beginning. Facing the well-trained and well-equipped left midfielder, they felt helpless.


    Wen Xiaodao's arrow array began to press forward, and under the covering blow of the arrows, the rebels had no room to fight back.

    "Go ahead"

    Wen Xiaodao pointed forward: "The general said that if we can't break through the west gate of the rebel camp within an hour, let me cut off your heads. If you can't get in within half an hour, I'll cut off all your heads first."  ¡±

    His generals shouted, and then the horns sounded.  A Zhechong camp formed a square formation and pressed forward with shields. Because they were crossing the river in a hurry, most of the siege equipment was not brought over, but a wooden stronghold like the rebel camp was far inferior to a tall and majestic city.

    Seeing the men and horses of the left vanguard squeezing towards the village gate, the rebels on the city wall finally lost their composure.  They knew who they were facing, the southwest left avant-garde, the Butcher of Loyaoluo. It was said that this man never took prisoners and slaughtered everyone.  In front of such an opponent, there seems to be no way out.

    They stood up under the rain of arrows and started to fight back with the bamboo bows in their hands.  However, the two Zhechong battalions that pressed forward first formed a shield array with giant shields, and the feather arrows hitting it almost did not cause a blow.  In the eyes of the rebels, it seems that everything about the left midfielder is so solid and powerful.

    Their equipment, their weapons, their formations.

    This is the first time that the Huangniuhe rebel camp has fought against the real Sui army since its establishment. Previously, they faced the county soldiers and civilian warriors of Huangyang Road. It seems that both sides are on the same level.  The county soldiers and civilian warriors in Huangyang Road were also poorly equipped and had not received any rigorous training.  When the two sides have small-scale conflicts, they compete to see who has more courage.

    But the left midfielder is different. Even those equipped with the left midfielder are enough to crush the rebels.

    Seeing the men and horses of the left vanguard overwhelming the entrance of the village, the general Liu Shuo who was left behind to guard the camp couldn't bear it anymore.  He ordered his generals to rush out with four folding battalions, trying to push back the two folding battalions of the left vanguard.  But after making this decision, he knew how wrong he was.

    Those two shield formations are like hedgehogs that cannot be touched.

    The rebels rushed over, leaving only a trace on the giant shield with their swords.  The long spears in the shield formation thrust out irregularly, and the rebels who were close to the shield formation were knocked to the ground one after another.  The shield array was barely blocked by the number of people, but it was impossible to break through the thick layer of defense.

    Wen Xiaodao pointed his hand toward the shield array, and five thousand archers immediately poured a hail of arrows over them.  He didn't care at all how many of his men were killed, he loved the slaughter.

    The left vanguard soldiers under the shield formation would not suffer any damage from the arrow rain, but the rebels were different.  They didn't even have any decent leather armor on them. How could their thin clothes block the sharp arrows?  The sound of arrows tearing flesh apart was like the sound of heavy rain falling on lotus leaves.

    After a round of arrows, 20% of the four Zhechong camps that the rebels fought out were slaughtered.  The rebels' courage finally ran out, and many of them retreated wailing.  At this moment, the shield formation suddenly opened, and the elite left avant-garde inside pushed forward like a tiger descending a mountain, sticking behind the rebels' buttocks to kill.

    Wen Xiaodao smiled with satisfaction, pleased with his men's sense of timing.

    In this situation, unless the rebels close the camp gate and abandon the four soldiers who rushed to the camp, they cannot stop it at all.  The men of the left vanguard chased after the rebels and formed a single unit, driving the broken troops back.  The rebel soldiers who handed their backs to the enemy were knocked to the ground one after another by the sharp spears.

    The subsequent left midfielder immediately formed a winning streak, and at least four rushing battalions quickly rushed forward to reinforce.

    ? ???When Wen Xiaodao's men were about to break through the rebel camp in less than half an hour, suddenly there was a whine of horns from behind Wen Xiaodao's men, followed closely by a muffled thunder that clung to the ground.  It was passed over here.  Hearing the thunder, Wen Xiaodao's expression immediately changed.  He turned around sharply and unexpectedly saw a black torrent rushing towards the rebel camp.

    "Luo Xiaotu, fuck you!"

    Wen Xiaodao couldn't help but cursed, his face as cold as ice that had never melted.

    It¡¯s like this again!

    It¡¯s like this again!

    After the people in front opened up the situation, Luo Xiaotu¡¯s heavy cavalry came up to take the credit!

    No matter how harshly Ke Wen Xiaodao scolded, he could not stop the heavy cavalry who had already increased their speed.  He knew Luo Xiaotu so well that this person was not a human being at all.  If Wen Xiaodao dared to send someone to stop the heavy cavalry in front, Luo Xiaotu would dare to step over with the heavy cavalry without changing his expression.  In Luo Xiaotu's eyes, all those who stand in front of Heavy Cavalry are enemies.  If Wen Xiaodao is a madman, then Luo Xiaotu is a machine with no emotions at all.

    Hearing the muffled thunder, the left vanguard infantry attacking in front also knew that they were riding up heavily. They did not need any orders to remind them, and immediately and spontaneously gave up the passage.

    That torrent of steel is unstoppable!



    When Liu Shuo saw the black steel monster in the distance approaching, he knew he couldn't hold on.  His face was pale and bloodless, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.  He had seen heavy cavalry under Li Yuanshan.  Therefore, he knew that once the heavy cavalry charged with such invincible power, the crumbling camp gate that had been bombarded by heavy crossbows could not stop the heavy cavalry at all.

    "Spearmen, line up at the camp gate!"

    He took a deep breath to stabilize himself, and then gave the order loudly.

    In the rebel army, there is no arm that can compete with the heavy cavalry. The only one that can be used is the cheapest pikeman.  The so-called spear is an iron spearhead inlaid in front of a wooden pole.  The cost of a horse-stem can be used to make at least several hundred spears.  The ranks of the rebels have expanded so much that their weapons and equipment simply cannot keep up.  Li Yuanshan, who had built a long iron mine in the past ten years, could barely equip his direct troops.

    The weapons distributed to other teams are this kind of low-cost spears.  And spearmen often have another titlethe fastest infantry.  Because they only have one long spear in their hands and the least equipment, they are even simpler than the archers with the same low defense. At the very least, the archers must carry a hard bow, two quivers of arrows, and a short knife.  When it comes to running, there is really no one among the infantry who can move faster than the spearmen.

    Tens of thousands of spearmen lined up in the open space inside the camp gate, and the phalanx piled up with soldiers looked particularly thick.  Just when the square formation was taking shape, Luo Xiaotu's heavy cavalry also arrived.  The fragile camp door was knocked open, and the torrent poured in unstoppably.

    The hands of each of the rebel spearmen were sweaty, their arms were trembling, their faces were pale, and even breathing was becoming difficult.  The spearman at the front squatted on the ground, pressing the barrel of his gun on the ground, pointing the tip of the gun diagonally upwards, holding the barrel of the gun tightly with both hands, closing his eyes and not daring to look at the group of black steel monsters.

    Luo Xiaotu, who was rushing at the front, pulled down his visor and pointed his long arm forward.

    The heavy armored cavalry behind them also pulled down their masks, revealing only a pair of cruel eyes.  The mask was so hideous, like a bloodthirsty Yaksha.

    When the heavy cavalry and the spear phalanx collided, even time seemed to pause.

    The rebels¡¯ spears were not as long as Ma Shan¡¯s, and the spearmen in the front row were sent flying by Ma Shan with little effect.  The horse spear is different from the infantry commander's spear. The pole is flexible. After hitting the soldier, the pole bends and then straightens quickly. The body hanging on the pole is immediately ejected.

    In a matter of moments, the first few rows of the rebel gun array were shattered.  The fully armored war horse was almost fearless, and its heavy body immediately trampled the rebels' heads and caused bleeding when they hit them.  The spear stabbed the heavy cavalryman. If the force was not strong enough, the cavalryman would be shaken at most. If the force was strong enough, the cavalryman could be knocked off his horse, but he could not even think of piercing the thick armor.

    The heavy horse that landed on the ground had no chance of survival, because the armor on its body was too heavy, and it would be knocked over by the comrades behind it before it could stand up. After being trampled by the horses' hooves, the body in the armor was trampled into mud, and blood flowed out along the gaps in the armor.  drip.  There was also minced meat, squeezed out from the inside like mud.

    The gun array was broken apart layer by layer, and the courage of the rebels was almost defeated.

    The horse's hoof stepped on the soldier's head, and the sound was like crushing a watermelon.  The eyeballs are squeezed out of the sockets and stuck to the horse's hooves.??I don¡¯t know where he was taken.

    Luo Xiaotu¡¯s sharp blade was three feet long, and the area it swept was littered with broken limbs.  The rebel phalanx was thick enough, but it still couldn't stop the heavy cavalry from crushing straight through the middle.

    When the cavalry passed through, only a piece of meat was left behind.

    Liu Shuo kept giving orders and mobilizing troops to block the gap. However, the rebel soldiers, who had been frightened out of their courage, kept retreating. No one dared to approach the heavy cavalry.

    Behind the heavy cavalry, Wen Xiaodao's infantry also rushed in like a tidal wave.  The hole that was torn open grew wider and wider, and the rebel troops were quickly swept away by the torrent as they entered.

    Until now, only four words were floating back and forth in Liu Shuo's heart.

    The situation is over.



    Nearly all the rebels gathered on the west side of the camp to resist the left vanguard. No one noticed that on the other side, a group of wild wolves who had just tasted flesh and blood were watching.  On the high slope, when Fang Jie lowered his clairvoyance, the smile on the corner of his mouth was as bright as the sunshine that had just fallen in the morning.

    "Get on the horse"

    He waved his hand and pointed to the east gate of the rebel camp: "Follow me after you enter. Most of the rebels have been transferred to the west. The camp is empty. At this time, the places where there are still heavy defenses are naturally the rebels' baggage."  We're here. Follow me, don't let me fight, and start setting fire after you enter. Don't think about killing many people when you rush into the supply camp. What I want is something!"

    ¡°Bring out as much as you can!¡±

    Fang Jie jumped on the red horse: "Our rations and supplies are all in the hands of the enemy. If you are polite, I will never finish with you!"

    "Ha ha!"

    Everyone laughed, and they followed the crimson war horse, spinning out from behind the high slope like the wind, and rushed towards the rebel camp.

    It looks like a pack of wolves rushing towards the sheepfold.
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