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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 416 The Fighter

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    Chapter 416: Fighter on the verge of war

    The rebel team walked up the hillside. When Lianyun Village gradually became clearer, the rebel lieutenant's heart sank.  The shouts of killing he heard before were gone, and he could vaguely see the corpse lying on the ground at the gate of the cottage from a distance.

    "Avenge General Cui!"

    When the deputy general saw the soldiers who were not densely packed on the wooden wall of Lianyun Village, he immediately shouted. At this time, he had not yet realized that he had fallen into a conspiracy.  Chen Xiaoru told the lie very well. He had told the rebel deputy general that Cui Niuer was found out and was fighting outside the village gate, not that he had been killed.  If he said that Cui Niuer was dead, the rebel deputy general might not lead his men to continue rushing forward.

    ??Perhaps the troops will not move, and they will send people to find out more before moving troops.

    At this time, the rebels arrived outside Lianyun Village, and it was already too late.

    They have fallen into the pit, and waiting for them is the enemy using shovels to bury soil on them.

    "Break Lianyun Village!"

    The rebel lieutenant general yelled loudly, and then pointed the horizontal knife in his hand forward.

    The rebel archers immediately moved forward, forming a formation seventy or eighty steps away and pouring arrows at the wooden wall.  Most of them were holding bamboo bows, which had limited power. Although they could send arrows for about a hundred steps, they had lost their lethality.  If you want to kill someone, you must get close and fire an arrow within seventy steps.

    "And the two stone hard bows in the hands of the soldiers above the wooden wall can kill people at a distance of 120 steps.

    Many rebel archers were knocked down by arrows when they charged forward. The soldiers beside Fang Jie were the best among the best in the Shanzi Battalion.  Although there are currently only seventy or eighty people on the Lianyunzhai wall, the damage they caused is precise, and almost no arrows are wasted.

    In Fang Jie's hand was a three-and-a-half-stone hard bow, which was already the strongest bow he could find in the army.

    He took out an armor-breaking awl from the arrow pot and raised the hard bow slightly.

    The deputy general of the rebel army is at least 120 steps away from the wooden wall of Lianyun Village. This is the area that the deputy general considers safe.  In fact, this distance is indeed safe enough.  Since he joined the army, he has never seen anyone who can accurately shoot a target 120 steps away.  He had never seen anyone who could draw a three-stone and a half bow. Although it was said that General Yin Poshan could do it, he had always been skeptical.

    Among the rebels, not even the well-known generals have this strength.

    The sharp arrow clusters of the armor-piercing cone pointed diagonally at the sky. Fang Jie squinted slightly and looked at the target in the distance.  His arms slowly opened, his bow like the full moon.  With such a hard bow, there aren't many left midfielders who can pull it open so slowly.  When Fang Jie drew the stiff bow, his arms were as steady as a rock, without any shaking.  Being able to draw the bow and being able to hold the bow steady are two completely different things.

    He did not pull the bow out suddenly, but slowly, which required strong arm strength to do.

    The rebel lieutenant general in the distance was still giving orders loudly, without even noticing that the God of Death had silently stared at him.

    Fang Jie let go, and after a soft buzzing sound, the Armor-breaking Cone left the string.

    The arrow flew rapidly through the air and drew a beautiful arc, first rising and then diving.

    The rebel lieutenant general did not realize the danger at all. He had just ordered the soldiers carrying the ladder to rush forward. When he turned around, the armor-piercing awl penetrated his neck with a pop.  The arrow pierced his neck and cut his aorta, and blood spurted out like a fountain.  Under the sunlight, the color of the blood mist is particularly bright and eye-catching.

    He raised his hand and subconsciously grabbed the arrow shaft. He made a few soft clicks in his throat and fell off his horse.

    One hundred and twenty steps away, an arrow shot down the enemy general, and the defenders on the wooden wall immediately let out a cheer.  Seeing that the rebels who had crowded not far outside Lianyun Village were a little confused, Fang Jie put down his bow and said calmly: "Send the signal."

    A soldier lit the fireworks that had been prepared long ago, and with a bang, a large ball of flames burned in the sky.

    The moment the flame exploded, the battlefield fell silent.

    The rebels raised their heads and looked at the fireworks in confusion, and everyone's heart tightened involuntarily.

    At this moment, shouts of killing were everywhere!

    Countless ambush soldiers came out from the woods on both sides, wearing fine armor. As soon as they rushed out, they used their repeating crossbows to carry out a round of massacre.  The Sui Dynasty's standard repeating crossbow can fire twelve crossbow arrows continuously. Within a distance of about thirty steps, the repeating crossbow is a murder weapon that almost nothing can match.

    The rebels on the outermost side were caught off guard and were immediately wiped out by Huang Yangdao's county soldiers.  The arrows poured out - the rebels were like wheat being dropped by a sickle, layer by layer.Fall down.  The soldiers of Huangyang Daojun, who were ready to go, used the new equipment in their hands to harvest lives unscrupulously.

    This was the first time they crossed the river and launched an attack on the rebels. All the repression and hatred in their hearts for two years burst out.  They shouted, and pulled the trigger of the repeating crossbow like crazy. After the crossbow box was empty, they pulled out their swords and rushed forward like wolves.

    Lu Fenghou was the first!

    He cut off half of the head of the rebel in front of him with one knife, and then pierced the heart of the other rebel with one knife.  The knife was cold and ruthless, and his heart was equally cold and ruthless.  In his opinion, the rebels are not human beings at all and do not need sympathy.

    When the rebels saw countless soldiers rushing out, their inner defenses collapsed before they could resist.  The main general died, the deputy general died, and the soldiers who lost their command were running around like headless flies.  The rear team began to turn around and run down the mountain, throwing away the weapons in their hands and just holding their heads to escape.

    It was the first time that the brave men of Huangyang Road killed people so heartily, and everyone was red-eyed.

    There was no trace of excitement or happiness in Fang Jie¡¯s eyes standing on the wooden wall, but only slight disappointment.  These folk warriors of Huangyang Dao are fierce and powerful enough, but they are like a pack of wild wolves without a leader.  Now that we have the advantage, killing people seems as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.  But once they encounter danger or face adversity, these civilian warriors without any formal training may collapse in an instant.  If they were to change places with the rebels, these civilian warriors might not be any stronger than the rebels.

    With such a team, everyone is good at fighting a smooth battle.  Everyone strives to be the first and move forward bravely.  But in adversity, you may not have such fighting spirit.

    In the future, if he wants to rely on these brave people to make a living, Fang Jie knows that he still has a lot to do.

    The army was defeated like a mountain, and the rebel soldiers ran down the mountain like a tide.

    "We are ambushed, run!"

    "Oh my god I don't want to die!"

    Desolate and sad shouts came and went, and the soldiers wished they could fly away from here with wings.  The soldiers in the rear team couldn't help but feel relieved at this time, thinking that they were lucky to be at the back, otherwise they would have been swallowed up by the wolf-like left vanguard soldiers.  But little did they know that there was a pack of wolves chasing them on the mountain, and at the bottom of the mountain, there was a pack of tigers ready to attack.



    The rebels ran down the hillside, discarding their armor.

    They didn¡¯t know how many people were lying in ambush, and of course they couldn¡¯t know that the people who came out were not elite left-wingers at all.  If anyone can remain calm at this time, they will definitely see some clues.  Although the ambushing Sui army was fierce, their charge was completely unorganized. They relied entirely on their blood and spirit. They were no better than the real Sui warriors.

    If it were a real elite left midfielder ambushing, they would never charge in such a disorganized manner.

    Huang Yangdao's county soldiers, their eyes red from the killing, chased after the rebels and only waved their swords, inadvertently forming a tendency to roll back the bead curtain. But this was not what Fang Jie wanted at all.  What Fang Jie arranged was not a hearty victory. What he needed was to delay the battle for a while.

    But Lu Fenghou was already like a madman, still killing people covered in blood. How could he remember Fang Jie's previous confession? Besides, even if he remembered, he might not be able to restrain a group of men who had revealed their bestiality.

    ? ?Fortunately.

    Fang Jie deployed Shanziying cavalry at the foot of the mountain.

    The horn has sounded twice, but the soldiers of Huangyang Road did not hear it at all.  The arrangements that were agreed upon before were all thrown out of the window.

    Fang Jie's face began to turn cold, he jumped on the red horse and rushed out.

    The elites of the ten service camps immediately mounted their horses, and the eleven rode along the river of people to ride the wind and waves.  In the crowd, Fang Jie saw at a glance that Lu Fenghou, who was wearing a special armor, was still chopping as if desperately.  The soldiers following him carried the general's flag. Wherever Lu Fenghou went, the flag was there.

    Fang Jie frowned and urged his horse to rush over.

    "Chun Gu, lower the flag."

    He shouted from the horse, and Chun Gu responded with an order. When the soldiers passed by, he snatched the flag, then reined in the horse and waved the flag back and forth.  The civilian heroes behind saw the flag and stopped, and they subconsciously stopped too.  The soldier carrying the flag looked at Chun Gu blankly, and then felt a burning pain in his hand.

    When he looked down, a layer of skin was rubbed off on his palms. That was the mark left by Chun Gu grabbing the flag too quickly and the flagpole rubbing against his palms.

    Fang Jie leaned down from his horse and grabbed the sash on Lu Fenghou's back, lifted him up and threw him out from behind.  This madman was still shouting and hacking randomly in mid-air.

      ¡°The blood rushes to the heart!¡±

    Chun Gu said with some worry.

    Fang Jie nodded, jumped off his horse and strode over to meet Lu Fenghou.  Lu Fenghou's eyes were filled with blood, and he couldn't tell who was who.  When he saw someone coming towards him, he cut him off without thinking.  Before his knife reached Fang Jie's head, Fang Jie's foot came first and kicked him on the lower abdomen, sending him flying backwards.

    Lu Fenghou fell to the ground and dropped the horizontal knife in his hand.

    Fang Jie walked over and stepped on his chest, looking down into Lu Fenghou's eyes.

    Lu Fenghou was stepped on and couldn't get out, but his hands and feet were still kicking and beating randomly.  Fang Jie leaned over and slapped him on the face. The slap was so loud that half of Lu Fenghou's face immediately turned red.  Lu Fenghou was a little dazed after the beating, but he quickly came to his senses.  He subconsciously raised his hands to cover his face, and then saw Fang Jie's cold eyes.


    "He's been kidnapped. He will be taken back first and then dealt with by military law!"

    Fang Jie gave the order and turned away. The scholars and butchers from the camp got off their horses and tied up Lu Fenghou by pulling the rope three times, five times and two times.

    When the rebels rushed down the mountain, before they could breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the flat ground, dust and smoke started to rise in front of them. They subconsciously stopped their steps, and before long, a large group of cavalry rushed out of the smoke, holding long spears in their hands.  The sunlight reflected a palpitating sheen.

    The moment the cavalry appeared, the hearts of the rebel soldiers stopped beating.

    There are enemies on both sides, and they are really doomed this time.

    "Put down your weapons, and those who kneel down and surrender will not be killed!"

    Chen Bishan asked the soldiers to shout, and this shout was like opening a door for the rebels.  I don¡¯t know who was the first to kneel down with a plop, followed by everyone else.  The restrained Huangyang Dao Minyong also surrounded him, stepped forward and unstrung the bowstring, and all the rebels had to kneel down.

    Minyong rushed forward and handed over all the weapons of the rebels. After collecting them, he didn't collect much. It was better to pick up more on the way.

    Seeing that the situation was under control, Fang Jie turned around and ordered: "Let all these people stand on a flat place at the foot of the mountain and form a defensive square facing the direction of the rebel camp. All the archers in the rebel army should go to the front."  . Return the bamboo bow to them, and the soldiers of Huangyangdao will form a formation behind the rebels!"

    "Chen Bishan, take your cavalry out to meet the enemy. Remember, let the rebels retreat when they see you!"


    Chen Bishan responded, leading the cavalry from the Shanzi camp to spin out like a wind.

    Fang Jie's hand was holding the handle of Chaolu's knife, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.
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