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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 413: A Small Test of Skills

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    Chapter 413: A little test of one¡¯s skills

    Lianyun Village once had a certain weight in the world of Sui Dynasty. Although it is called a cottage, it is a true sect.  However, this sect is not a pure place of cultivation. There are specialized lay disciples who run the industries belonging to the village. Lianyun Village once had seven trading companies and thousands of acres of fertile land.

    Although Qiu Yanlai, the leader of Lianyun Village, is not a great practitioner of the ninth level, he is also very famous in the world.  This person's martial arts skills are not outstanding, but his character is very good. If the Jianghu guest in the past encounters any trouble and is short of money, as long as he visits and leaves his name, Qiu Yanlai will give him a sum of money to solve his urgent need.

    But because of this, many people come to eat and drink.  Qiu Yan didn't expose him even when he came, and still treated him well.  If things go on like this, it will make most of them who are thinking of cheating money feel embarrassed.  The name of Lianyun gentleman Qiu Yanlai has become more and more resounding in the world.  Qiu Yanlai has a wide acquaintance and has friends all over the world. It is said that he has close contacts with many heads of major sects.  Therefore, although he is not a top-notch expert, not many people dare to come to Lianyun Village to cause trouble.

    Qiu Yanlai¡¯s greatest achievement was that on the day before his birthday on August 15th more than ten years ago, he invited his relatives and friends to Lianyun Village to enjoy the moon and eat a seafood banquet.  Eating seafood is not a rare thing in coastal counties.  But in the inland northwest, it is not easy to eat seafood.  In order to show the strength of Lianyun Village, Qiu Yanlai prepared more than 300 tables.

    It is said that many wealthy people from all walks of life were invited and drank in Lianyun Village for four days and nights.  Many famous sects either had their heads come personally or sent their capable disciples.  It is said that more than 2,000 Jianghu people gathered in Lianyun Village in those days, and most of them were Jianghu people who had been helped by Qiu Yan. Some people were poor, but they came from thousands of miles away even if they only brought a few longevity peaches.  , at that time Lianyun Village was decorated with lanterns and colors, and there were so many guests, it was a grand gathering.

    It is said that the governor of Yancheng County sent people to congratulate him, and the local magistrate, county magistrate and other officials even came to congratulate him on his birthday in person.

    But no one expected that on the day when the banquet was about to end.  Yuan Chongwu, the newly appointed governor of Shandong Province, personally led 5,000 county soldiers and borrowed 800 cavalry from the right guard Li Yuanshan to completely surround Lianyun Village.  At that time, no one knew what happened. Even Qiu Yanlai felt that the newly appointed governor wanted to establish his authority and was angry with him for not being filial.

    So he didn¡¯t pay too much attention to it. He prepared a generous gift of tens of thousands of taels of silver and sent someone to deliver it to Yuan Chongwu down the mountain.  As a result, Yuan Chongwu ordered the person who gave the gift to be beheaded on the spot, and then sent someone to notify Qiu Yanlai to surrender on the same day, otherwise Lianyun Village would be uprooted.

    Many Jianghu people present at the time were angry, thinking that Yuan Chongwu was bullying others.

    The total number of people gathered on the mountain at that time was no less than three thousand. If there was a fight, the troops brought by Yuan Chongwu might not be able to win easily.  The Jianghu people are good at what they do, and the army is well-trained and well-equipped, each with its own merits.  Of course, not everyone is willing to offend the court for Qiu Yanlai.

    Qiu Yanlai thought twice and decided to go down the mountain to surrender and asked Yuan Chongwu why he surrounded Lianyun Village.

    As a result, as soon as he came down from the mountain, Yuan Chongwu's people tied him up and beheaded him on the spot without even asking a question.  Then Yuan Chongwu sent people to the mountain to announce the charges, saying that Qiu Yan came to plot a rebellion.

    This is a serious crime, implicating nine tribes.

    The Jianghu guests on the mountain were immediately shocked. No one expected such a serious crime.  Some people have theorized, but Yuan Chongwu ordered that anyone who interceded for Qiu Yan would be treated as an accomplice. All the people in Lianyunzhai, a total of 1,100 people, were captured, and more than 300 of Qiu Yan's disciples and grandchildren were killed.

    No matter how upright Jianghu people are, they would not dare to get involved with those who conspire against them.  It's just that no one can figure out how Qiu Yanlai, a man in the world, could be associated with rebellion?

    ¡°It wasn¡¯t until a few days later that Zuo Houwei took action in Jiangdu City, thousands of miles away, and massacred three aristocratic families in one go. Only after people learned the news did they suddenly realize.

    Qiu Yanlai came from the Qiu family in Jiangdu.

    In this way, the once-prominent Lianyun Village completely disappeared.  The stockade at that time had been abandoned, and most of it was in disrepair and was in ruins.  After the rebels established a camp on the north bank of the Huangniu River, Yin Poshan sent people to build dozens of small villages around the camp as outposts.

    Because Lianyun Village occupies a large area and has good visibility from a high place, Yin Poshan sent a regiment of 300 soldiers to garrison them. Standing on the highest point of the mountain, they observed with clairvoyance whether the left avant-garde camp more than 30 miles away was like a garrison.  The mobilization of troops and horses can also be seen at a glance.  Logically speaking, Duan Bianbao should have sent people to pull out the troops here long ago, otherwise the camp would be looked at first whenever troops and horses were mobilized.  But the left avant-garde obviously had no intention of fighting the rebels, so even if the scouts from both sides passed by, no one would pay attention to the other.

    The people from Shanziying crossed the river.Finally, I found a place in the forest to rest and didn't move for two days.

    During this period, Fang Jie sent a large number of scouts out to investigate and get a clear picture of the terrain near Lianyun Village.  This is the first battle after Shanzi Camp crosses the river. Most soldiers will not consider whether the general's order is right or wrong. They are just waiting to kill people with knives, and they are gearing up one by one.

    Although Chen Bishan was worried, looking at Fang Jieyun's calm look, he knew that he must have something in mind.  After asking several times, Fang Jie only said that he would tell him when he took action, and it was not good for him to continue asking.

    On the third day after crossing the river at Shanzi Camp, Fang Jie sent a big dog to take people out. He came back half a day later and whispered to Fang Jie for a long time.

    That night, Fang Jie summoned all his officers above the rank of captain.

    "Tonight we will raid Lianyun Village in Funiu Mountain."

    Fang Jie spoke straightforwardly. Although the officers all knew the news, everyone couldn't help but feel a little nervous. They were both excited and worried.

    "Chen moves the mountain"

    Fang Jie glanced at Chen Bishan, who quickly stepped out of the queue: "My subordinates are here."

    "Tonight, you lead the Shanzi camp and wait ten miles below Funiu Mountain. When you see my signal, you will act. If there is no signal, you are not allowed to act rashly."

    "Generalyou want to go up the mountain in person?"

    Fang Jie nodded: "The cavalry is of little use in a night raid. If you are not careful, you will lose men and horses. So most of the people in the Shanzi camp just waited at the place I planned. I brought my own elite troops up the mountain."  "

    "General, how many people will you bring?"

    Chen Bishan asked eagerly.

    "Ten personal guards around me, plus twenty or thirty elite soldiers are enough."

    Qilin is now the commander of Fang Jie's personal army. He glanced at Chen Bishan and said, "General Chen, don't worry. I will protect the general with my own soldiers."

    Chen Bishan was still worried: "Why don't I go up the mountain to attack Lianyun Village, and the general will lead the troops to respond!"

    Fang Jie smiled and waved his hand: "You are not as good at fighting this kind of battle as I am. I have been specially training those fifty soldiers for this kind of small-scale battle. You don't need to worry,  Not only Shanzi Camp, I also have other back-ups, so this battle is absolutely safe. Just remember, if there is no signal from me, just wait ten miles away."


    Chen Bishan responded, but still felt that it was too risky to take only a few dozen people up the mountain.



    The terrain of Funiu Mountain is not very steep. Qiu Yanlai originally chose this place to build his village because it is not far from the Huangniu River. There is an official road at the foot of the mountain and both water and land routes are open.  The original purpose of building the mountain stronghold was not to build it into an indestructible fortress.

    Overall, this cottage looks more like a large manor.

    The wooden walls of the cottage have been simply repaired, and the watchtowers and arrow towers have been re-erected.  Three hundred soldiers from a rebel regiment were stationed here, doing nothing all day long.  Since the left vanguard troops crossed the river, the soldiers here have something to do.  Every day during the day, stand on the watchtower and observe the movements of the left avant-garde camp.

    But the men and horses of the left avant-garde have been crossing the river for so many days, and no large group of men and horses has ever been mobilized.  The rebels also discussed in private that there was some agreement between General Yin Poshan and Luo Yao, and there would be no real fight.  Originally, the left vanguard army had arrived, with 400,000 men and horses covering the sky and the sun. Each of the rebels was trembling in their hearts, fearing that Luo Yao, known as Luo the Butcher and Luo Manzi, would lead his troops across the river.

    But after these days, the peace between the two sides made the rebel soldiers feel a lot more at ease.

    There are more than twenty soldiers on duty on the wooden wall, four people in the two arrow towers, two people on the highest watchtower, and others patrolling back and forth.  But because there was no war, the soldiers were lazy.  The people in the archery tower and watchtower were accustomed to sleeping when they came up, and the soldiers responsible for patrolling back and forth were too lazy to move.

    The moonlight shines down like water, and it is a rare month of good weather with few stars.

    The rebels have been at ease for too long, and no one thought that a group of murderous gods were approaching quietly.  Fang Jie and ten people from the service camp stood in the shadow of the mountain forest and watched, with a calm expression.  Qilin stood on one side with thirty soldiers. Fang Jie stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Qilin nodded immediately, turned around and made a gesture.

    The thirty soldiers behind him immediately began to check their equipment. A long knife, a short knife, a triangular steel spike, repeating crossbows, ropes, signal fireworks, poison, and iron claws were equipped for everyone.  Very complete.

    Twenty seconds later, Qilin Cat bent his waist and rushed out first.  In the grass under the moonlight, thirty-one people were divided into six teams and quickly approached Lianyun Village.  There was a ripple in the grass, like a dragon swimming in the sea.The ripples of ?? are the same.  But these people were very light on their feet and made almost no sound.

    Qilin led six people outside the wooden wall, while the other five groups of soldiers squatted down and waited more than ten meters away.  Qilin pointed upwards, then clasped his hands and got down from the horse and squatted down.  A soldier raised his foot and stepped on Qilin's hands. Qilin suddenly let go, and the soldier flew up as light as a hawk. He pressed his hands on the wooden wall in mid-air and fell to the ground silently.

    He took off the rope behind his back and tied it down, while others below began to climb up one after another on the rope.  Qilin was the last one to climb onto the wooden wall, looked at several brightly lit places, made a few gestures, and his six soldiers immediately dispersed and ran out.

    The two soldiers walked slowly up the ladder of the archery tower, trying not to make a sound.  When we arrived at the archery tower, we found four rebel archers sleeping soundly without any reaction.  The two soldiers started from the nearest position, holding the sleeping soldier's mouth and nose, and then cut open the neck with a short knife.  Two people killed four archers in less than two minutes.

    The archers on the two towers were cleared away in a very short period of time. At this time, a dark figure stood up straight on the watchtower and waved his hand, indicating that the two rebels above had also been taken care of.

    After the six soldiers killed people, they returned to Qilin.  Qilin pointed to the gate of the village. Six people went down the ladder from inside and quietly opened the gate of the village.  The five groups of soldiers waiting outside immediately came in, like a group of cheetahs, silently carrying a cold murderous aura.

    Fang Jie stood in the forest, silently counting the time.

    About an hour later, a dark figure ran over quickly in the distance. A soldier in black knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists with blood-stained hands: "General, clean it up!"

    Fang Jie frowned slightly, looking dissatisfied.

    "It took a little longer. If it's not so slow next time, everyone will get their own ten-army stick."

    The soldier looked ashamed and said, "Please remember this!"

    Fang Jie pointed forward and said: "Come on, let's go in. Go tell Chen Bishan personally that the matter is done."

    He spoke in such a calm tone, but he was very happy in his heart.  The training in the past few months had not been in vain. The first performance of these fifty soldiers in special operations actually made him very satisfied.  Thirty-one people killed more than 300 people, including handymen and cooks, in less than an hour. On average, each person killed more than ten people.

    What makes Fang Jie most satisfied is that these soldiers are neither arrogant nor impetuous, and there is still room for improvement!
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