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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 400: Unplanned Confrontation

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    Chapter 400: Unplanned Confrontation

    No matter how powerful a practitioner is, he cannot change a war by himself.  Zhuo Buyi's cultivation was strong enough, and Shen Qingshan's sword energy was sharp enough, but on the north bank of the Huangniu River, a rebel army with poor combat effectiveness was enough to kill practitioners like them.

    On the battlefield, Zhuo Buyi's abilities were far inferior to those of the ten elite soldiers.

    From the beginning to now, more than 300 rebel soldiers have fallen to Damo's sword.  One to thirty, this kind of fighting power is enough to shock people.  Even if the rebels who besieged them at first were not qualified soldiers, their numbers were there after all.

    The rebels had lost forty or fifty of Li Hao's cavalry, and his eyes had begun to turn red.

    Seeing the large group of people behind Gao Po crowded up, and seeing the dark green battle flag embroidered with the word "Yin", Li Hao knew that if he couldn't defeat the dozen or so enemies, he would not have the shame to continue.  Went down.  With five hundred cavalry, a dozen infantrymen were besieged, and more than twenty of them were killed in a counterattack. Such a thing is not considered glorious in any way.

    He didn¡¯t understand the military camp, so naturally he didn¡¯t know what the Mingguang armor and the big sword meant.

    "what to do?"

    Zhuo Buyi wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked for an explanation.

    The rebel cavalry is already regrouping, and it seems that they will try their best this time.  On the high slope, a rebel team of at least 10,000 people had already laid out. Although the left avant-garde behind them was still struggling to build a pontoon bridge, their speed was obviously not faster than the rebel cavalry.

    Although the feather arrows have no effect on the fine armor of the military camp, people will eventually get tired.  No one knows how long Chun Gu and the others can hold on, wearing such rough clothes and holding the heavy Da Mo Dao in their hands.  Now they are fighting purely with their blood. Once despair arises in their hearts, the Mingguang Armor and Damo Dao will no longer have any power.

    Fang Jie looked back at the Sui soldiers in the river, was silent for a while and said, "If a miracle doesn't happen, it looks like we are doomed."

    Zhuo Buyi suddenly smiled: "I never thought that I would die on the battlefield. After so many years in prison, I finally betrayed my old master and assisted the emperor. I guess the hundreds of ghosts of the Qiu family in Jiangdu  The underworld has been looking at me coldly. I thought I would die badly and be ruined Who would have thought that in the end, I would die a glorious death."

    He smiled with relief, but Fang Jie could hear the sadness and desolation in his tone.

    When the Sui Emperor came to the throne, he massacred the Qiu family of Jiangdu. This matter has always been a knot in Zhuo Buyi's heart.  He was originally a guest of the Qiu family. Although the Qiu family did not show any great kindness to him, Zhuo Buyi always felt grateful for him.  The emperor thought that he was a rare talent, and Luo Weiran and Luo Weiran were old friends from many years ago to intercede for him, so he was just locked up.

    Now that he is in death, he actually sees this as a kind of relief.

    "Since we are all going to die, do you think we should die more gloriously?"

    Fang Jie suddenly smiled and asked.


    Zhuo Buyi asked.

    "Have you seen that cavalry general?"

    Fang Jie pointed at Li Hao, who was commanding the rebel cavalry to rush over from a distance: "That guy is at least a rebel general. Although the color of the uniform has changed, the leather armor is still made from the Sui Dynasty. Before he died, he said  Killing a rebel general is considered a complete achievement, right?"

    "What are you going to do?"

    Fang Jie looked at the cavalry getting closer and closer, smiled and said: "Let's see who has better luck?"

    After he said this, he picked up a throwing spear from the ground and aimed it slightly, then raised his arms and threw it forward. The throwing spear flew straight forward, like lightning.  Fang Jie's muscles were more than a thousand pounds strong. He threw his spear and drew an afterimage that quickly stabbed Li Hao.

    Zhuo Buyi laughed loudly: "I have always been lucky."

    After saying this, he also picked up the throwing gun from the ground and threw it towards Li Hao.  The rebels had previously attacked with spears, and at least a hundred of them were scattered outside the plum blossom formation in the camp.  At this time, the rebel cavalry was still about fifty steps away from Fang Jie and them. According to the speed of the war horses, they could rush there in just a few breaths.  It is precisely because the war horses are so fast that the spears are thrown faster and move opposite each other, so the distance the spears fly becomes shorter and faster and harder to defend against.

    When Chun Gu saw Fang Jie and Zhuo Buyi picking up the throwing spears and throwing them at them, she thrust the Damo knife into the ground, picked one up, rounded it with her arm and threw it forward.  The people in the service camp followed suit one after another, and with the addition of Big Dog and Mu Xiaoyao, more than a dozen spears were fired towards the cavalry.

    plumSeeing that the spear was coming quickly, Hao's soldiers immediately accelerated to protect Li Hao from behind. The two cavalrymen on the left and right raised the cavalry shields hanging on their arms to protect Li Hao's upper body.  Fang Jie's spear was thrown too quickly, and the two soldiers just raised their shields and spears and arrived.  The cavalry shield is much smaller than the infantry shield, with a diameter of only about one and a half feet. No matter how large it is, it will affect the action of killing the enemy.

    The spear arrived in an instant, and with a snap, it punched a hole in the cavalry shield on the soldier's arm.  The spear was thrown without losing force and penetrated the soldier's arm and then stabbed into his chest. The force of the spear was so powerful that it carried an unstoppable domineering force.  Breaking through the shield, penetrating the forearm, and finally knocking the soldier off the horse.  When the soldier fell off his horse, his body hit Li Hao's horse. The horse neighed in shock and jumped up.

    Zhuo Buyi's spear flew just in time and pierced the horse's neck.

    The tip of the spear passed through the horse's neck. Li Hao was shocked. He cut off the spear with a knife and restrained the horse to prevent it from falling. But he was able to stabilize himself. More than ten spears came one after another, and there was a series of muffled sounds.  After that, Li Hao's body was penetrated by six or seven throwing spears, and the war horse was also hit by several more shots.

    The man and the horse wailed at the same time and fell to the ground. The cavalry behind them had no time to avoid and stepped forward one after another. A horse hoof severely stepped on Li Hao's eye socket.  Bloodline's eyeballs were squeezed out of their sockets, and the bridge of his nose and half of his face were crushed.  The sticky brains flowed out along the cracks, looking like minced tofu brains.  The war horse couldn't maintain its balance and fell forward. The horse's neck hit the ground and then its body was raised upwards and turned over.

    The second war horse stepped on Li Hao's chest. With a click, his chest was like a layer of window paper that had been punctured, and the blood inside immediately flowed out.  At least four cavalrymen tripped over their horses and Li Hao's body and fell down howling.  By the time the people behind him reined in the horse, Li Hao's body had been trampled into meat patties.

    The slimy internal organs were trampled by the horses' hooves and mixed with the soil, turning into gray and black.  It looked like mud that had been stepped on by countless people after the rain, except that there were a lot more red bubbles.



    Li Hao was killed, and the cavalry behind him reined in their horses in fear. The newly formed assault formation immediately became chaotic. The cavalry looked at each other, wondering whether they should continue charging.

    At this moment, the sound of a horn came from Gaopo.  When the cavalry heard the horn, they subconsciously gathered together again and looked at where the dark green flag was.

    Yin Poshan immediately stood on the high slope, put down the clairvoyant in his hand and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

    His face was cold and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

    He already knew the situation of the previous battle. A single attack camp and five hundred cavalry were unable to do anything to a dozen Sui troops.  Even if the soldiers in the Zhechong camp were low in combat effectiveness, they were still a team of 1,200 people.  More than a hundred times the enemy, they actually lost more than 200 people without even killing a single person on the other side.

    Not to mention the cavalry, the number of people lost has exceeded seventy or eighty, and the leading general was stabbed to death with a spear. This scene was so embarrassing that it was brought to my grandma's house.

    So he ordered the trumpets to be blown and the cavalry to regroup.

    "Go and tell those cavalrymen that if we don't capture those few people today, everyone will be treated as collaborators. Hundreds of people have already died, and I don't care if hundreds more die. I don't need to keep any of them."


    The ordering soldier responded and rushed over on horseback.

    "Who is leading the troops?"

    The messenger asked the rebel cavalry loudly.

    One of Li Hao's soldiers hesitated for a moment and replied with an ugly face: "The general is dead."

    "The general is dead, but the Guardsmen are still alive?"

    "I am here"

    Li Hao¡¯s personal troops were moving forward to pick up the horse, looking apologetic, guilty and scared.

    "The general has an order. Now you take command. The general will be buried with his own soldiers when he dies in battle. If you don't capture those enemies today, not only the soldiers but everyone will be punished by military law!"


    Li Hao's personal soldiers were clasping their fists in response, with a trace of fear in their eyes.  Yin Poshan was a cruel man, and no one who angered him would survive.  In this army, there are no so-called hard-and-fast military rules.  Some are just absolute obedience required by Yin Poshan. If you don't obey, you will die.

    The team knew that the Sui troops on the opposite side were not easy to mess with. Although there were only a dozen of them, they were all murderers born from hell.  Now at this point, he could only bite the bullet and rush upward.

    "Tread on the enemy!"

    He is big? shouted something, and then took the lead in urging the horse to rush out.

    Fang Jie looked back at the other side of the river. The pontoon was at least a hundred meters away from the shore. The rebel soldiers were already arrayed by the river. The archers were lined up densely, waiting for an order to be given and thousands of arrows would be fired.  .  The left forward guard auxiliary on the pontoon only had thin cotton armor and could not stop the arrows at all.

    While splicing and driving piles into the river to fix them, the auxiliary soldiers were already sweating profusely.  They also knew that as soon as the rebel archers on the opposite side let go of their bowstrings, their lives would come to an end.

    Just as the general commanding the rebel archers was about to give the order to fire arrows, he saw a group of cavalry suddenly appear in the left vanguard array on the south bank, surrounded by a general wearing golden armor who came out of the group to look at the tall flag.  He guessed the identity of the visitor. After all, among the Sixteen Guards soldiers of the Great Sui Dynasty, only Luo Yao had the imperial golden armor.

    Luo Yao stopped his horse by the river, looked at the situation on the other side with his clairvoyance, and his face became increasingly gloomy.

    "Liu Kuo"

    He stretched out his hand and pointed at Fang Jie's location: "What's the crime for failing to rescue?"

    Liu Kuo's face turned pale, he leaned over and said, "Behead him!"

    "I'll give you three hundred fine steps. If I can't save him, I won't be able to solve it. You don't have to come back."

    Liu Kuo¡¯s mouth trembled, and then he loudly said: ¡°I obey my orders!¡±

    Luo Yao stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "The ballista smashed the arrow formation on the opposite side to me."

    At least forty crossbows that had been mobilized were lined up on the shore. Following an order, forty huge crossbow arrows roared and smashed over. In just a moment, they reached the other side, where the rebels were already in formation.  The archer was torn apart violently before his eyes, and the sound of wailing could be clearly heard from the other side.

    There are still ballistas coming up from the left avant-garde side to join the bombardment array.  The rebels' equipment was far less sophisticated than that of the left vanguard, and this place was far away from their main camp. There were no ballistas to fight back, and the arrow array on the shore was immediately smashed to pieces.

    "Follow me!"

    Liu Kuo shouted loudly, and then he led the soldiers of the 300 fine infantry battalion and rushed out to the other side in a dozen small boats that he had finally found.  Huangyang Dao's county soldiers withdrew to the extreme, and almost pierced the fishing boats out of anger.  These dozen small boats were found from nearby villages, and they could barely carry three or four people across the river.

    Yin Poshan frowned more and more when he saw Luo Yao's banner appearing on the other side.

    His eyes were full of anger, and he didn¡¯t know why he looked at Luo Yao so angry.

    No one, including Fang Jie himself, thought that this supposed easy exploration across the river would lead to the first confrontation between the left avant-garde and the rebels.  And this confrontation was not even part of Luo Yao's or Yin Poshan's plan.  A balance was inadvertently broken by Fang Jie.
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