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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 378 This is the truth!

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    (After so long, half of the secrets have finally been revealed, so please vote for me monthly.)

    Chapter 378 This is the truth!

    Bo Chi recalled for a while and then said: "It was a very strange coffin, extremely cold. The body in the coffin can guarantee that it will not rot or deteriorate. When I saw the body, I would have doubted it if I hadn't seen its wounds.  This is a frozen living person, but Amosa told me that this young man has been dead for several years.¡±

    When Fang Jie heard this sentence, he immediately thought of Luo Wu.

    "Is that Luo Yao's eldest son?"

    he asks.

    Bo Chi hummed and said, "Yes, he is Luo Yao's eldest son. Later I heard that Luo Yao killed him by himself. Such a father cannot even be described as crazy. He killed him first.  His own son, and then he killed his concubine, daughter, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and even his father, how can such a person be called a person? "

    Fang Jie sighed and said, "I know about this."

    Bo Chi said sadly: "When I saw the corpse, I knew that I might not be able to do it. Luo Yao asked us to resurrect the corpse. Although we wizards have many magical methods, it is impossible to defy nature.  OK. If a person is just dead, he can be revived by chance, but Luo Yao's son has been dead for several years, and although the cold iron coffin has preserved his body from decay, there is no way he can be resurrected.  Not a zombie, but a living person."

    "At that time, I realized that so many wizards were captured and killed by Luo Yao because of this impossible thing. And the reason why Amosa was not killed was because he found a solution to this problem.  An alternative method of doing things, but because he couldn't do it with his own witchcraft, he mentioned people from our holy wizard family in front of Luo Yao. "

    Bochi said arrogantly: "In terms of witchcraft, all the wizards in the entire He tribe are far inferior to our holy wizard family. Amosa's skills are already pretty good, and he is also a very popular figure next to the big chieftain. And the wizards  The most complete inheritance of martial arts has always been in our family.¡±

    "I told Amosa at the time that it was absolutely impossible to resurrect a person who had been dead for many years. If we just made the corpse move, it would be barely possible to make it look like a living person in a short period of time. After all, we are making  Zombies are not a difficult thing for us wizards.¡±

    "Zombies are not afraid of swords, do not know pain, and only obey orders. They are the best soldiers. During the founding battle of the Shang Emperor, the zombies commanded by our He tribe wizards once turned the tide of the battle. But since the status of our He tribe has been  After the Shang Dynasty became more and more advanced, there were very few wizards making zombies. Because we accepted a lot of Han culture, we gradually didn¡¯t think it was a very reasonable thing.¡±

    "Amosa said that he had an idea and needed my cooperation."

    Bo Chi put his exposed hand back into his cuff. When he looked at his hand, there was a kind of disgust in his eyes.

    "He came up with a way, a way that I have to admire."

    "any solution?"

    Fang explained the question.

    "You seem to be very interested in this matter?"

    Bo Chi suddenly asked.

    Fang Jie smiled and said: "I am interested in everything about Luo Yao. Luo Wu is a criminal who must be killed by the court. Luo Yao killed him back then, so the emperor pardoned Luo Yao's sins. But if he is resurrected again  Luo Wu, that is a violation of the laws of the Sui Dynasty, and this is also one of the evidences of Luo Yao's crime. "

    Bo Chi frowned slightly, as if he didn¡¯t quite believe Fang Jie¡¯s words.

    Fang Jie said: "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

    Bo Chi thought for a while and said: "Even if you do things for your Han emperor, aren't you afraid of being killed by Luo Yao? I always feel that you have other reasons for checking Luo Yao."

    Fang Jie smiled and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you what's in my heart Just like when you agreed to Luo Yao, it was because you wanted to restore the glory of the Holy Wizard Family, and you even wanted to be King He. I am the same,  As long as I can capture Luo Yao, I will be favored by His Majesty the Emperor, and my name will be written in the history of the Sui Dynasty and will be passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years. "

    ¡°That¡¯s a temptation that¡¯s hard to resist, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    Bo Chi was silent for a while and then nodded: "You are right, everyone has greed in their hearts."

    "Go on."

    Fang Jie made a gesture of invitation.

    Bo Chidao: "After Amosa told me his idea, although I marveled at the wonder of the idea, I still couldn't find a solution. That's itThere has been no progress for several months.  At this moment, Luo Yao suddenly asked me to meet his wife.  He said his wife was very sad and had never recovered since Luo Wu's death.  Luo Yao knew that I could control wild beasts and poisonous insects, so he asked me to perform for his wife.  "

    "Later, I discovered that Luo Yao's wife always lamented in front of the mirror. I asked her why, and she said that it was sad to see her face getting older day by day. She was a very beautiful woman, so beautiful that it was breathtaking. I thought,  It would be so sad and regretful if such a woman grew old and turned into a withered flower. So I tried to find a way to help her It was precisely because I wanted to help her keep her beauty unchanged that I found it accidentally.  How to solve the problem of resurrecting Luo Wu."

    Bo Chi proudly said: "I consulted many classics left by the family and found a way to make women look immortal. So I planted insect poison in the body of Luo Yao's wife to ensure that she would age much slower than ordinary people.  But this method has a drawback. The insect voodoo can only survive in her body for thirty years. If a better insect voodoo is not found to replace it after thirty years, she will grow old overnight or even die. "

    ¡°She said she was willing to stay beautiful for thirty years, and she didn¡¯t want to see herself become an old woman.¡±

    ¡°Later she talked about her son and said she hoped to have another child.¡±


    Bo Chi said excitedly: "I suddenly thought of how to resurrect Luo Wu!"



    "I told Amosa my idea, and Amosa thought she could give it a try. She should be very sure of success. But it requires many children to do the experiment, and this can only be done by Luo Yao.  When Luo Yao found out, he didn't hesitate and immediately sent people to arrest hundreds of children within a month. The oldest was three years old and the youngest was one month old. "

    Fang Jie's face turned a little ugly, and his voice trembled slightly as he asked, "What do you want a child for?"

    "Replacement of Soul"

    Bo Chi said proudly: "This method has not been thought of by my ancestors, the great holy wizards, but I have thought of it."

    He looked at Fang Jie and asked: "Do you know where the human soul exists?"

    Bo Chi pointed at his head and said: "There is still a heart here. Luo Wu's brain has been shattered by Luo Yao, which is one of the reasons why he cannot be resurrected. But his heart is still there, and his soul is attached to the heart.  . So Amosa and I teamed up to dig out Luo Wu's heart and make a few drops of blood essence. We planned to cut open the chests of those children and inject the blood essence into the children's hearts. In this way, Luo Wu's soul would be transformed.  Make a home in the heart of a child and he will be reborn."

    When Fang Jie heard this sentence, his stomach twitched.

    Although Bo Chi¡¯s statement has no scientific basis at all, think about how cruel it is to inject a dead man¡¯s heart into thick blood into a child¡¯s body!  And when Bo Chi said this, he didn't even have any regrets.  He was even excited and proud.

    "Why why are you looking for such a young child?"

    he asks.

    Bo Chidao: "Because when a child is young, his soul is not fully formed, but for a child over three years old, his soul is already very mature and will reject Luo Wu's soul. So you can only find children But you should  You know, although our He people¡¯s witchcraft and medical skills are great, if you want to cut open a child¡¯s heart and inject the essence and blood into it, it will be difficult for the child to survive Therefore, at the beginning, there were sixty or seventy people in succession.  The child died before the blood could be injected into it.¡±

    "Later on, we became numb and cut open a child's heart every day, but we were always disappointed."

    Bo Chi sighed: "Later, if it weren't for Mrs. Luo Yao's words, we would have failed. I have to say, she is a genius. I taught her some witchcraft when I had nothing to do, and she liked it too  Study hard. I didn¡¯t expect her progress to be so fast, and it didn¡¯t take long for her to surpass the average He wizard.¡±

    "After knowing that the experiments on many children were unsuccessful, she found Amosa and I. She said that before cutting open the child's heart, she could turn the child into a zombie for a short time, and then wait until the wound healed, and then use the insect Gu  Take it back. This may save the child from bleeding to death.¡±

    "Amosa and I were so excited at that time that we were ready to study how to turn a baby into a zombie. You know, although babies are weak, they are the most energetic, and they are also the most repulsive to bugs. They are even greater than adults. The repulsion is too great.  If they were older, the children would die. But Luo Yao¡¯s wife said that she had found a way to turn all the children who had died into zombies, which was amazing.¡±

    ¡°Next, it was me, Amosa and Luo Yao¡¯s wife who completed it together, but even if we found a way, it was still difficult to succeed.

      "Only the last child was left, a boy who was only one month old. At that time, Amosa and I were already desperate, knowing that it was impossible to succeed. But Luo Yao's wife thought of another way!"

    Bo Chi¡¯s eyes exuded a strange look that made people¡¯s hearts palpitate.

    "She is really a genius!"

    Bo Chi said excitedly: "She said that since attacking the child directly cannot succeed, then we can inject Luo Wu's essence and blood into the insect voodoo, and then plant the insect voodoo in the child's heart. In this way, we may be successful."

    "At that time, Luo Yao was already preparing to send people to continue catching the children. He was watching from the side as the three of us attacked the last child. We first carefully injected the essence and blood into the insect voodoo, and then planted the insect voodoo in the child's body.  We waited for an hour, and gradually became desperate again. The child cried in pain, and then slowly lost his vitality. He was too young to bear the erosion of the insect poison. "

    "An hour later, the child was no longer breathing."

    "Luo Yao was very angry and wanted to kill Amosa and I. But at this moment, there was a muffled thunder in the sky. The dead child seemed to be frightened and cried.  Get up. We were all dumbfounded and looked at the child."

    "The insect poison was perfectly integrated into the child's body, and he regained his vitality We succeeded, finally succeeded!"

    Bo Chi laughed, proud and proud.

    "That childwhere did the child go?"

    Fang Jie put his hands in his cuffs to prevent Bo Chi from seeing his trembling fingers.

    His back was soaked with sweat and clung to his body.

    "have no idea!"

    Bo Chi sighed: "Later, people from the Fo Sect appeared in Luoyao Mansion. We never saw the child again. I suspect that he was snatched away by the people from the Fo Sect. When the Shang Kingdom still existed, the Fo Sect  The people were very interested in the witchcraft of our He people and invited many wizards to the Snowy Mountainsbut none of them came back."

    "Later, Luo Yao wanted to kill me because of something, but I escaped Humph! I am a descendant of a holy wizard, how could I be killed so easily? Although my body is a bit ugly now, it is strong  Like a rock, there is no flaw!¡±
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