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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 290: The Words of the Huangmen Minister

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    (Thanks to Xiao Yu Xiao Yan Ran, Long Hair VS Snow, Goose Head Red, Fire Smile, Flowers Blooming, Half Moon Like Strings, Monster Rogge, and Silent Rewards, Thank You!)

    Chapter 290: The words of the Huangmen Minister

    Fang Jie knew Pei Yan, and he also knew that this seemingly low-key and outrageously low-key Huangmen Minister was actually extremely powerful.  When he felt someone watching him, he turned around and found that the big man who really held the power of the court was looking at him.  Fang Jie quickly saluted from afar and called Mr. Pei.

    Pei Yan nodded and smiled at him, walked over and said, "Why are you standing here?"

    Fang explained: "There is something I want to report to Your Majesty, but His Majesty is busy at the moment, so I am waiting here to wait for His Majesty's summons."

    Pei Yan nodded and said: "It's raining outside, go and wait in the room over there. I'll let Mu San know when I go in. If your Majesty sees you, ask him to go directly to the house to find you. In early spring  The rain is the most freezing, and if you catch the wind and cold, you¡¯ll be in trouble.¡±

    Fang Jie thanked him and said: "Xiaguan, you should just wait here. This little rain won't matter. Xiaguan is from a military background. When he was in the border town, the climate was several times colder than that of the emperor. No matter whether it was raining or snowing, the training would be fine."  In the harsh winter, the days of dancing bare-chested in the wind seem like yesterday.¡±

    When Pei Yan heard this, he suddenly realized that Fang Jie was also from the Fan Gu border army.  He had just read the secret report from the northwest, and his mind was filled with the murder of Fan Gu.  He looked at this young man with a handsome and clean face, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.  He was thinking that this young man was the only frontier soldier left after Fan Gu's murder.  The murder had not yet occurred when he left Fan Gu, but the date was not far behind.  Sodoes this young man know the truth?  If he knew, did he know it later or before?

    He was stunned for a moment, then realized that his idea was somewhat unreasonable.  He smiled apologetically because of his distraction, and then the other party explained: "It is good to follow the rules, but your Majesty has always been kind to our ministers, and will not blame you for taking shelter from the rain. There is no one in the room over there.  , you go inside and wait. If His Majesty is too busy, you have to wait. I will come out and chat with you later. "

    He smiled and said, "You don't know, being alone in that room all day can be very suffocating."

    Fang Jie couldn't help but laugh too, not wanting to offend others' good intentions, he nodded and said, "Then I'll go above and beyond. Thank you Master Pei for your care."

    Pei Yan nodded slightly, then quickly walked to Dongnuan Pavilion holding an oil-paper umbrella.  Fang Jie walked to the door of the row of houses known as the inner court. He opened the curtain and was about to walk in when he saw the mountain of memorials on the long table in the room.  He raised his brows slightly, but finally stepped back.

    Pei Yan looked back before walking into Dongnuan Pavilion, and happened to see Fang Jie lift the curtain and then go back.  He immediately understood what was going on. Fang Jie must have seen the memorial in that room and did not dare to enter easily.  He smiled, thinking that this young man was cautious.

    Fang Jie stood in the yard, raising his head and looking at the light rain falling.  What was on his mind was today's beating of left midfielder Wu Pingya to cripple Lu Ou. This incident was an emergency, but Fang Jie's decision at that time was not a sudden one.  What he was thinking at this time was, had he gone a little too far?

    With something on my mind, time seemed to pass a little faster.  If you are just waiting for nothing, time will seem very slow.

    I don't know how long it took, Pei Yan came out of Dongnuan Pavilion, and when he walked to Fang Jie, he didn't ask him why he didn't come into the house, but smiled and said: "Come in with me, you are not such a cautious person.  He has a military background. Your Majesty is discussing matters with Zong Lianghu, the Minister of War, and several generals, and I don¡¯t think I¡¯ll have time to see you for a while.¡±

    Fang Jie did not refuse anymore and followed Pei Yan into the inner court.

    Because of the backlight, there are lights in this room even during the day.  The weather outside was very gloomy, so the room seemed a lot brighter.  Fang Jie didn't count carefully, but after looking at it he found that there were at least dozens of lights on in the room.  And from the fact that Pei Yan kept looking at his feet while walking, Fang Jie guessed that this person's eyesight must not be very good.

    Pei Yan pointed to a chair not far away and said, "Sit down, this room is a bit messy."

    Fang Jie sat down on the chair, looked at the furnishings in the room and said, "Master Pei is really working hard. If I look at so many official documents and memorials, not to mention reading them carefully one by one, even rough browsing would be difficult."  Don¡¯t live.¡±

    "Our division of labor is just different."

    Pei Yan smiled, stood up and poured a cup of tea for Fang Jie with his own hands.

    The things in this room are too important, so even the serving eunuchs and maids are not allowed to enter or leave at will.  Pei Yan likes himself againI was making tea with my hands, so the young eunuchs and maids almost didn¡¯t come here.  There was a stove burning in the corner of the room, and the copper kettle on it was still steaming.

    Fang Jie stood up quickly. Pei Yan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Why be too polite? Etiquette is for everyone to see. It would be too tiring to pay attention to so many rules in private."

    Fang explained: "Some rules cannot be abolished."

    Pei Yan hummed, sat down and asked, "Is there anything you want to report to Your Majesty? Of courseif it's not convenient for you to tell me, that's okay."

    Fang Jie hesitated and said: "There is nothing inconvenient to say. It's just that I got angry today and had a fight with a tooth general sent to the capital by Luo Yao, the general of the left wing His attack was a little too heavy and it was useless.  The man's arm has several broken bones, and he will probably have to lie down for a while."


    Pei Yan let out a surprised sound, and then asked: "Aren't you about to go to the southwest to see Luo Yao? Why did you meet his generals before that"

    When he said this, Pei Yan suddenly stopped, and then gave Fang Jie a meaningful look.  This glance made Fang Jie's heart tighten.  He suddenly thought, could this person see through his mind so easily?



    Pei Yan did not continue what he said before, but smiled and looked away from Fang Jie.  He opened a memorial and after reading it, he picked up his ink pen and marked two words on it.  Fang Jie didn't want to look at it, but he was too close and couldn't see it unless he turned his head.

    Those two words are very eye-catching.


    This is¡­¡­

    Fang Jie was immediately surprised. Pei Yan was reviewing the memorial on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor.  How could you write such two unserious words on such a serious thing?  This was completely beyond Fang Jie's imagination. In his opinion, even if the emperor was too busy to read all the memorials, he would let his trusted ministers review some of them.  Then shouldn't this minister be extremely serious?  How could you write two such casual and vulgar words?

    ¡°Perhaps sensing Fang Jie¡¯s doubts, Pei Yan put the memorial aside and said with a smile: ¡°Do you feel that writing these two words is very hasty? And it loses the majesty of His Majesty?¡±

    Fang Jie didn¡¯t answer, nor could he nod.

    Pei Yan said with a smile: "It seems that you still don't understand your Majesty at all The memorial just now was handed over by the magistrate of Huoliacheng County on Jianghuai Road, saying that there was a sudden auspiciousness in the county. There was a very big turtle.  Flying in the sky, accompanied by auspicious clouds, he suspected that this was the legendary beast Xuanwu, which was a sign of good luck. "

    Hearing these words, the first reaction in Fang Jie's mind was also these two words.


    Pei Yan said: "You should know that you should do what you do in whatever seat you sit in. Since Your Majesty has entrusted this job to me, I naturally can't slack off. Every memorial I approve is done in accordance with Your Majesty's instructions.  You may think that the word "fart" is a bit unserious, that's because you don't understand His Majesty at all First of all, at this time, the county magistrate is auspicious, if His Majesty sees the reply.  It¡¯s definitely more¡­ harsh than these two words.¡±

    "As soon as Yang Yin's case was announced, someone reported it as auspicious. This person is just looking for trouble."

    Fang Jie said with a smile.

    Pei Yan nodded: "Even without Yang Yin's case, His Majesty never believed in such things as auspiciousness. Last time the governor of Huashan County wrote a letter saying that the legendary phoenix was seen on Huashan Mountain. He saw it with his own eyes, and there were five  It has two feet and a pair of colorful wings. After this memorial came up, how do you think His Majesty approved it?"

    Fang Jie shook his head.  Pei Yan smiled and said: "I rounded my palms and mouth."

    "Another time, the county magistrate of Linhai City, Su'an Road, Jiangnan wrote a letter saying that a big fish several hundred feet long was stranded on the shore. The most amazing thing is that the scales on the big fish actually formed a picture of the entire territory of the Sui Dynasty.  picture!"

    "When His Majesty found out, he first scolded him for being ridiculous, and then told the county magistrate to draw the entire territory of the Sui Dynasty in front of Governor Su Andao. If he drew it, he would be exempted from punishment. If he couldn't draw it, he would be punished with thirty sticks. Finally,  I was dismissed from office. To be honest I couldn't draw it, because only the palace and the Ministry of War had the entire map of the Sui Dynasty. Even the governor below had never seen it.  Even if it is from the palace, it cannot be called a complete map. It is just a combination of the maps of the countries destroyed by the Sui Dynasty in recent years and the original map of the Sui Dynasty. "

    Fang Jie couldn¡¯t help but ask: ¡°Why don¡¯t you let someone specialize in drawing it?¡±

    "Easier said than done"

    Pei Yan said: "The territory of the Sui Dynasty was too big. If you want to draw itHow can it be easy to complete the whole picture?  How huge are the manpower, material resources, and years that will be spent?  Moreover, the territory of the Sui Dynasty is always expanding, and it is more difficult to draw the most complete map.  The map drawn during the reign of Emperor Taizong was invalidated during the reign of Emperor Taizong.  After Taizong conquered the entire south of the Yangtze River, he began to order the Ministry of Household Affairs to start doing this. But how big a project was just surveying the mountains and rivers of the Sui Dynasty?  Then detail it down to every village and town"

    Pei Yan shook his head: "If there is not a very responsible person who spends his whole life doing this, it will be extremely difficult to accomplish."

    Fang Jie had to admit that in this era, it was too difficult to completely understand a huge empire that stretched tens of thousands of miles from north to south and east to west.  It may seem simpler if you mobilize the local area to do it and then summarize it, but the map that is compiled together will most likely not match up.

    Pei Yan has said so much from the word fart.  It was obvious that he liked Fang Jie, a young man, and he was not stingy with his words.  He opened another memorial and asked while reading: "Before, you said that you had conflicts with the generals under General Luo's command. Can you be reasonable?"

    "There is some truth in it. This general named Lu Ou smashed the red sleeves move. The young master who used the red sleeves move verbally abused Xi Huamei and Xi Zhuxin. I was going to stop him, but he also had a bad temper, and he would get angry at any disagreement.  The fight started."

    "No need to care"

    Pei Yan nodded and said: "Since you have the truth, don't be afraid of anything. No matter how domineering the left vanguard people are, it's not their turn to come to the imperial capital to show off their power You are about to go to the southwest. On the surface, it seems that this time and  If the people in the left avant-garde cause conflicts, it will be detrimental to you. But things are not absolute. If you make the people in the left avant-garde dislike you, at least you will be liked by the people in the court You should know that most people in the court will not like it.  That General Luo.¡±


    Fang Jie couldn¡¯t help but ask.

    "Because he has great authority."

    Pei Yan's answer was not tactful: "Originally, His Majesty asked you to go to the southwest, but many adults in the court objected. First, it was said that you were not qualified enough to represent the majesty of the royal family. Second, since you were also from a military background, it was inevitable that you would not be able to work with him.  Luo Yaohan is colluding. Third, saying that you have not graduated from the Yanwu Academy is entrusted with a heavy responsibility and is inconsistent with the rules."

    "But now that you've crippled Luo Yao's people, except for the people at Yushitai, I'm afraid no one will stop you anymore."

    Pei Yan smiled and said: "And His Majesty will also be at ease with you. If you beat the people of the left avant-garde, will the left avant-garde still have a good impression of you? Your Majesty also doesn't want the people he sent out to interact with the local people.  The relationship is great. Fang Jie you are the smartest young man I have seen in the past ten years."

    Fang Jie sighed, hiding the surprise in his eyes.

    He sighed in his heart Sure enough, this Pei Yan guessed his thoughts from just one sentence. This person is so deep in the city!
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