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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 283 Can you kill less?

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    Chapter 283: Can we kill less?

    Fang Jie and Zhuo Buyi carried the drunken Chen Heng and Chen Ha back to the shop to settle down. The two looked at each other and then smiled.  After walking to the small yard behind and sitting down, Fang Jie made a pot of tea and poured a cup for Zhuo Buyi.

    "Congratulations, I will call you Sir from now on."

    Zhuo Buyi said with a smile.

    Fang Jie curled his lips: "This is not a good thing Your Majesty asked me to go to Yongzhou in the southwest, why do I always feel uneasy?"

    "Luo Yao is not a tiger."

    Zhuo Buyi said: "You are just following orders, and you are also an imperial envoy after all. When you go to the local area, you can be arrogant and domineering, but the local officials have to obey you? If you want to accept some bribes, I guess  We have to use a boat to pull her back. If you want to take in a few beauties, three wives and four concubines won¡¯t be a problem.¡±

    "You are envious, so go ahead."

    Fang Jie said: "I always feel that Luo Yao has no good intentions when sending someone here at this time. This person has been deeply rooted in the southwest for so many years. He guards half of the country in the southwest, and he is a first-class Duke. How could he take me seriously?  "

    Zhuo Buyi said: "If Luo Yao didn't have such courage, how could he be where he is today?"

    "He has courage. Do you think his son also has courage?"

    "He didn't dare."

    Zhuo Buyi smiled and shook his head: "Sometimes you are so smart that people admire you. For example, the way you set up a trap to catch all Prince Yi's cronies a few days ago was wonderful. Sometimes you are so stupid that people look down on you. You don't want to think about this either.  At this critical moment, why did Luo Yao suddenly send someone to ask His Majesty for a marriage? "

    "If I figured it out, would I still ask?"

    "It's actually simple."

    Zhuo Buyi took a sip of tea and said calmly: "Because of your matter, is there something Luo Wen is holding on to that Hou Wenji is holding on to? That day at Keshengjuli, Hou Wenji met Luo Wen in private. This was most likely the case.  Something happened. I was the one who caught Luo Wen's men assassinating you, but Hou Wenji didn't let anyone intervene during the interrogation. I knew there must be something going on. Later, Luo Wen's men died inexplicably.  In prison, this matter will be settled, but I am sure that Hou Wenji and Luo Wen must have reached an agreement at that time. "

    After he said these words, Fang Jie's eyes immediately lit up: "With Luo Yao's position, he naturally has eyes and ears. The distance between the northwest and Chang'an is almost the same as that between Yongzhou. We already know about the defeat in the northwest, and Luo Yao might also know about it.  , Hou Wenji has turned against him, if Luo Yao is really capable and got the news, it can be seen from the fact that he went to Beijing to kill his son twenty years ago, Luo Yao is a man who cherishes his feathers very much"


    Zhuo Buyi smiled and said: "He is not sure whether your majesty knows that there is a secret between his son Luo Wen and Hou Wenji, so he sent someone to ask your majesty for a marriage. If your majesty agrees, he will be relieved."  . A man has already killed a son, and now that he is older, it is not easy to have a son. Even if it is easy, will Luo Yao be as powerful as he is now in twenty years?  The reason for sending people here should be just for his only son Rowan."

    "He will cherish his son very much, and of course he will cherish his own future even more."

    Fang Jie frowned and said, "But the emperor has no intention of betrothing the eldest princess to Luo Wen. If Luo Yao finds out"

    "No problem"

    Zhuo Buyi said: "As I said just now, Luo Yao is just testing. In fact, he is not sure about the marriage. As long as you make Luo Yao believe, the emperor believes in him. It doesn't matter whether the marriage will happen or not."


    Fang Jie slapped his forehead and said, "The emperor not only asked me to delay some time, but also asked me to give Luo Yao a reassurance. Tell him that the emperor trusts him."

    Zhuo Buyi nodded.

    Fang Jie thought for a moment: "Then I need to go to the palace and ask for a magic weapon from Your Majesty."

    "What magic weapon?"

    Fang Jie said: "It can be seen from Luo Yao's apology for killing his son outside the palace that Luo Yao cares most about himself. For such a selfish and suspicious person, it is not easy for him to believe what I said.  , After all, even if the emperor gives me the status of a first-class countryman, Luo Yao may not take it seriously. Therefore, if you want to make Luo Yao feel at ease, you must at least give him enough sincerity, your Majesty's sincerity. "

    "I plan to ask for an order to give Luo Wen some benefits."

    Fang Jie thought for a moment and said, "For example, being granted a knighthood?"

    Zhuo Buyi curled his lips: "I'm an idiot again. Luo Wen is Luo Yao's only son. Sooner or later, the status of first-class Duke will belong to him. If His Majesty changes the title to another title, Luo Yao will have toToo worried.  "

    "That's right"

    Fang Jie frowned: "What other benefits can it give him?"

    "Let's get promoted"

    Zhuo Buyi said calmly: "Due to matters in the capital, Luo Wen did not directly fill a vacancy of fifth grade or above like the top three in the Yanwu Academy in the past. You can go and ask for an edict and ask His Majesty to grant Luo Wen a military position."

    Fang Jie nodded: "I will enter the palace in a moment."

    "Your Majesty is not in the palace."


    "The Martial Arts Academy."



    Martial arts academy


    The emperor personally brought a cup of tea and handed it to the drowsy old man sitting in the chair, as respectfully as a student serving tea to his husband.  The old man, who looked like he might be killed by time at any time, quickly sat up straight and took the tea cup with both hands.

    "Thank you, Your Majesty"

    The emperor smiled and said: "Why should the old dean be polite to me? I have visited you once since I came to the throne. More than ten years have passed. I always want to come again to listen to your teachings. But I know that the old dean does not want to be ignored."  I was so annoyed that I never came to visit.¡±

    This old man is the old janitor of the library who Fang Jie delivers a bag of peanuts to every day.

    "Tea is good tea"

    The old man took a sip and grinned.  When he smiled, he saw clearly that there were not many teeth left in his mouth.  I really don¡¯t know how I can still eat peanuts like this.  At this time, on the table in front of him, there was still half a bag that he had eaten.  He pinched one and threw it into his mouth, accurately cracking the peanut with his few teeth.

    "Your Majesty is busy with state affairs, so why worry about me, an old immortal who is already half buried in the earth. People say that being old but not dying is a thief. I often think that if I were a thief, what I stole might be time. Fortunately, what I stole was not someone else's. I  After living for so many years, few people have died prematurely because of me. I am fine here alone, drinking tea and eating a few peanuts every day, and living a leisurely life There was a silly little guy who bought a pack of peanuts every day.  Giving it to me saves me from having to spend money to buy it in the canteen. Your Majesty, you don¡¯t know that the things in the canteen of the Yanwu Academy are ridiculously expensive"

    The preface does not match the postscript.

    He was talking completely out of his own mind, with no trace of logic at all.

    When it comes to the little guy who bought him peanuts, the old man is obviously in a good mood: "That little guy is a discerning little guy. He knows that I have the final say in this library. I read every book in this room."  However, Your Majesty also knows that I have no other advantage than that I have more time than others, so if you ask me what book you want to read, you can always remember where it is."

    The emperor smiled along with him, but he was not interested in the little guy the old man was talking about.  The most indispensable thing in the martial arts academy is young talents, so it is not surprising that they have such thoughts.

    He looked around and asked with a smile: "I would like to invite you to live in the palace, is that possible?"

    The old man shook his head: "Where did so many books come from in the palace? How could anyone ask me to eat peanuts? Besides, the high-walled hall in the palace is too solemn. I still like the colorful and colorful scenery in the martial arts academy.  It¡¯s bustling with people.¡±

    The emperor advised: "You can live in Changchun Garden. The scenery there is beautiful, the environment is good, and the living is comfortable. I have ordered people to clean up a yard in Changchun Garden. If you like to read, I can let someone  Send all the books in the palace. Besides, the cooks in the palace are better than those in the Yanwu Academy."

    The old man still shook his head: "Changchun Garden is really good, but I still don't want to go."


    The emperor asked.

    ¡°Because it¡¯s not down-to-earth, there aren¡¯t many human fireworks.¡±

    The old man smiled and said: "When the late emperor was in power, I went to Changchun Garden. The pavilions, pavilions, and rockery gardens were as beautiful as a fairyland. The palace maids were also beautiful. Walking through Changchun Garden was like a fairy flying on clouds.  It's like flying back and forth. But because of this, it seems too isolated from the world, neither the aura of Taiji Palace nor the fairyland of Changchun Garden are suitable for me. "

    The emperor could no longer persuade him. He was silent for a while and said, "I still have something to ask for your help, old dean."

    The old man said: "Tell me, Emperor Taizu and I have been friends for many years. Since he promised to protect his descendants before he died, I still have to ignore what happens to you Yang family members."  ¡±

    "I want to hold a martial arts conference to re-evaluate the cultivation level of people in the world."

    Hearing this, the old man frowned slightly: "It's such a complicated and huge thing, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

    The emperor hurriedly said: "Of course you don't need everyone to comment. Below the ninth rank, IOf course, I will arrange for others to review it.  The one you want to comment on is a great practitioner above the ninth level.  "

    "Above the ninth level?"

    The old man was startled for a moment, and after a moment of silence he said with a somewhat sad tone: "I remember that I had this idea more than a hundred years ago. But then I thought about how many people would fight to the death for the false reputation above the ninth rank.  Blood flow? It would be better if the rivers and lakes are calmer, with less disputes. The rivers and lakes are peaceful, and the Sui Dynasty is also peaceful. "

    "Iare preparing to personally conquer the northwest, and I need the help of people in the world. There is a Buddhist sect in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, and there are many great practitioners in the Buddhist sect. Even if I issue an order, people in the world of the Sui Dynasty may not be willing to listen. But if the old  Dean, if you identify those who are above the ninth level at the martial arts conference, and the court will reward them, they may serve the country, and they will not be able to truly defeat Meng Yuan if they do not defeat the Buddha Sect."

    "Your Majesty Sometimes ambitions are too high, which may not be a good thing. Meng Yuan is powerful and has been deeply rooted in the country for more than a thousand years. There are millions of armored men and there are so many powerful monks. Meng Yuan is not Dong Chu, Nan Chen, or Nan.  Yan is not a Shang State either Your Majesty is too obsessed with it, which may not be a good thing for the Sui Dynasty. "

    "I have only one wish in my lifetime. The old dean said that I am paranoid, but I will not deny it."

    The emperor took a few steps forward and whispered a few words into the old man's ear.  The old man's expression suddenly changed. He raised his head and looked at the emperor carefully, and then let out a long sigh.

    "That's all"

    He slowly shook his head: "Since I promised Emperor Taizu back then, it would be nice if I could help your Yang family more while my body bones are still moving. But I am also a member of the world. Although I have lived in seclusion for so many years, I am not here.  In the world of Jianghu, there is still Jianghu in my heart. Please remember, don¡¯t go too far in anything.¡±

    The emperor bowed deeply: "Don't worry, old dean, I know the importance. I know what you just said is correct. The Jianghu is peaceful, and the Sui Dynasty is also peaceful. So I understand that everything has a measure, and I will not break that  scale."

    "That's good"

    The old man nodded: "Who does your Majesty intend to entrust to do this?"

    The emperor shook his head: "This matter is not urgent. The court's mobilization of people is not a matter of a short while. Because of Lao Liu's matter, the court cannot find a suitable candidate for the time being. Logically speaking, Luo Weiran is the most suitable, but he  I¡¯m afraid I¡¯ll be very busy in the next few days. Let¡¯s talk about it later. I¡¯ll see if I can choose someone smart to arrange this.¡±

    The old man nodded: "I can help your Majesty with this, but I also have something to ask of your Majesty."

    The emperor quickly said: "You say it."

    The old man raised his head and looked at the emperor, and said very seriously: "Prince Yi rebelled and brought disaster to many people They brought it upon themselves, and I shouldn't say anything. But I still want to tell your majesty, if you can kill less people kill less.  "

    The emperor was silent for a moment and then nodded: "I will try my best."

    "Thank you, Your Majesty."

    The old man stood up and bowed solemnly.
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