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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 271 Reversal

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    The sudden change in the square surprised everyone. No one expected that a good expedition ceremony would turn into a rebellion.  If the appearance of those assassins before had made people feel unbelievable, then Zuo Wuwei's rebellion was what really made people completely dumbfounded and frightened.

    Two thousand infantry troops suddenly moved forward. Under the command of the commanding general, two thousand feather arrows rained down on the commander's platform. They had only one purpose.  That is to shoot to death the emperor sitting on the general stage, and the assassins who dressed up as officials of the Ministry of Etiquette were nothing more than cannon fodder.

    Because of the appearance of those assassins, Yu Manlou ordered the army to attack without hesitation.

    ¡° In this way, even if they kill the emperor, they will not bear the infamy.  Because they could infer that the assassin had killed the emperor, they ordered the army to fire arrows.  Although this is just an excuse to deceive oneself and others, this excuse must exist when publicizing it to the outside world.

    The feather arrows pierced the sky and blocked the sun.

    But just when Zuo Wuwei's arrow formation was taking shape, the sound of releasing an arrow was shouted out.  There was a sudden change on the other side of the general platform, and the emperor sitting on it suddenly disappeared!

    Not only the emperor, but also everyone standing on the general stage disappeared.

    Including Huaiqiugong and other important officials of the imperial court, including the eight bodyguards of the emperor.

    The wooden board covering the platform suddenly opened, and the emperor and everyone on it jumped down.  The golden melon warriors and Ouchi guards who surrounded the dianjiang platform took out the giant shields from under the dianjiang platform and held them in their hands. They quickly squatted down to protect the surroundings of the dianjiang platform.  The inner space was immediately sealed.

    The unlucky ones are the unsuspecting Forbidden Army soldiers. Although there are many assassins among them, most of them are innocent.  At the moment when the arrow rain arrived, these forbidden soldiers howled helplessly but could not find a hiding place.  After the first round of arrows, almost all the remaining 400 or so Imperial Guards were shot over, and the injured fell to the ground, moaning helplessly.  No matter how sharp and dense Zuo Wuwei's feather arrows were, they could not penetrate the giant shield's defense.

    The emperor actually seemed to have anticipated this change, and left the mechanism behind when the Dianjiang Tower was built.

    Seeing this scene, General Zuo Wuwei Yu Manlou¡¯s expression immediately changed.  The general ordering platform was set up a few days ago, and no one would see anything strange about that platform.  Yu Manlou had observed the terrain countless times, but the only thing he ignored was that platform.

    The emperor entered the general station, and the feather arrows could not hurt him at all.

    Yu Manlou thought that a hail of arrows would turn the people on the stage into hedgehogs, but apart from overturning the more than 400 imperial guardsmen whom the emperor no longer trusted, nothing was gained.  Even the people in the Ouchi Guards, who seemed to have been abandoned by the emperor, were prepared in advance. This shows that the emperor had already anticipated today's situation.  (First release:)

    Although this filled Yu Manlou with fear, by this time he no longer had any scruples.

    Yu Manlou, who was sitting on the white war horse, straightened his body.  His expression was solemn, as if he had returned to the battlefield many years ago.  He led troops on many expeditions for the Sui Dynasty without any defeat.  His success comes from his awe and serious attitude towards war. He is accustomed to treating any war as a life and death crisis.

    Now, he has no way out.

    "The archers fired three volleys to clear the crowd around the general's platform."

    He gave the order loudly: "The cavalry patrols roundabout and blocks the street. Peng Laishun, lead your battalion and rush over! Unless there is a tunnel under the general platform, otherwise I will punish you with military law if one person is gone! You go and get that platform for me."  Demolish it! Don¡¯t leave anyone inside, kill them all!¡±


    General Peng Laishun agreed loudly, took the command flag from Yu Manlou and ran quickly to the front of the phalanx: "Kill over and tear down that broken platform for me!"

    He shouted loudly and took the lead in drawing out the horizontal knife.

    A battalion of 1,200 people immediately followed him. During the infantry attack, the square formation turned into a swallow-tail formation.  The densely packed branches pointed forward, like a fallen steel jungle.


    Who in Penglai shouted: "Prosperity and wealth are only for today!"

    "Rebellion Someone is actually plotting rebellion!"

    The white-haired old man's face changed greatly, and he pulled his wife fiercely: "Run quickly, this is a rebellion, Zuowuwei's men are trying to assassinate His Majesty, you go home quickly, and don't go out no matter what happens!"  "

    The old lady, who also had gray hair, took the old man's hand: "What about you? Come home with me!"

    "I can't leave!"

    The old man¡¯s eyes stared intently atThe team in the square: "I was once a veteran of Zuowuwei, a soldier loyal to the emperor. Now that Zuowuwei has rebelled, I can't just watch them make mistakes."

    "you're old!"

    My wife begged: "Let's go home, you are no longer a soldier."

    The old man shook his head slowly but firmly: "As long as you serve as a soldier for one day, you will be a soldier for the rest of your life. Although I am old, I can still kill thieves for the country! These rebellious officials have ruined the reputation of Zuo Wuwei. How can I  Can you just sit back and do nothing? If the emperor dies the world of the Sui Dynasty will be in chaos. "

    "do not go!"

    His wife tugged on his sleeves and begged: "Come home with me."



    The old man took his wife's hand away and shook his head: "You go home, boil some wine and stir-fry some side dishes and wait for me. I have killed countless enemies for my country, and when I conquered Dongchu, I held three heads in my hand.  Still moving forward bravely. If I escape at this time, I will be sorry for the glory I once had!"

    He resolutely shook off his wife's hand and strode towards the square.



    "Someone is rebelling!"

    The people were excited. They looked at the Zuowuwei troops in panic and were at a loss.  Most people forgot to escape and watched in horror as the square was full of panic.  They never thought that there would be rebellion in the Sui Dynasty.  Especially in the imperial capital, there are people who dare to commit regicide and rebel!

    At this moment, they saw a gray-haired old man striding towards the square.

    "Who will come with me to kill the thief and rescue the driver?! If you are a man, just say hello!"

    The old man with bare hands shouted loudly.

    No one responded. People who heard the shout subconsciously looked at the people around them. I don¡¯t know who shouted for their lives first. The people immediately began to flee.  The old man was stunned for a moment, with disappointment in his eyes.  But just when he thought everyone was going to escape, he found that most of the people who escaped were women, the elderly and children.  Almost all the young and middle-aged people stayed. They hesitated, and no one took the first step.

    The old man was about to wave to greet people when he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

    There were more than 100,000 people surrounding the square. It seemed that there were no one knows how many people there were on the three floors inside and outside.  After they reacted, although many people began to flee, many people actually stayed.  And these people who stayed were not just common people who wanted to kill the thieves like the old man.

    Most of the people who stayed began to take off their clothes.

    Under the robe is the battle clothes of Sui Dynasty!

    The army!

    There are no less than 50,000 troops hidden among the people!


    A distant and loud horn sounded, and immediately after, people found a general in silver armor waving a huge flag on the roof of a private house across the square.  With the sound of the horn and the waving of the general's flag, the Sui soldiers dressed as ordinary people began to form an array.


    A powerful shout floated over from the general ordering platform. Although the square was filled with people's shouts, this order was clearly heard by everyone.  The soldiers surrounding the square quickly formed an array. Soon, more than forty thousand-man phalanxes of 1,200 people gradually took shape.  The Zuowuwei people and horses in the square were surrounded, and everything was blocked!

    On the general stage, a general stood up again without knowing when.  Dozens of soldiers held huge shields to protect him, and he also held a large flag in his hand. The big flag was embroidered with the golden dragon representing the Sui royal family.  That was General Yang Shunhui of Zuo Zhenwei, who was sitting not far from the emperor before.  He is a general, and he is also a member of the Yang royal family.

    The sound of the horn pierced the sky, powerful and far away.

    More than 50,000 troops were like a sudden rise of a dam, trapping Zuo Wuwei's rebels inside.


    The order sounded again, and the Zuo Zhenwei surrounding him immediately pressed forward.  Densely packed soldiers formed a thick wall, gradually shrinking the encirclement.


    Yu Manlou, with a solemn face and a flash of despair in his eyes, shouted loudly: "Suppress the enemy, charge the cavalry, tear a hole for me to come out! Peng Laishun, don't worry about other things, just continue to Dianjiangtai.  attack!"

    Zuowuwei¡¯s archers began to counterattack like crazy. Zuo Zhenwei, who lacked protective gear, suffered heavy losses at the beginning.  As they rushed forward, a large number of soldiers were knocked down by arrows, but they still maintained their formation.  The dense arrows ruthlessly took away the soldiers' lives, but they failed to stop Zuo Zhenwei from moving forward.

      When the distance got closer, Zuo Wuwei's advantage began to disappear.  The Zuo Zhenwei soldiers dressed as ordinary people only carried Hengdao and repeating crossbows, two things that were easy to hide, but no shields or hard bows.  Repeating crossbows can be put into packages, horizontal swords can be hidden in clothes, but shields and hard bows cannot be hidden.  If Zuowuwei had not rebelled, these Zuo Zhenwei soldiers pretending to be common people would retreat quietly, as if they had not received the order.  The emperor may have wanted to give Yu Manlou a last chance, or he was not sure that he really dared to rebel, so he asked Zuo Zhenwei's soldiers to dress up as common people.

    The range of the repeating crossbow is not as good as that of the hard bow, but once the distance is shortened, the advantages of the repeating crossbow are fully revealed.

    The Wuhou Repeating Crossbow of the Sui Dynasty could fire more than a dozen crossbow arrows, which was far more lethal than the bow and arrow at mid-range.  When the Zuo Zhenwei's repeated crossbows began to show their power, the Zuo Wuwei soldiers who had formed a defensive formation were torn off layer by layer.  They are like wheat that has been knocked down by a sickle and can no longer stand upright.  The numerical advantage made Zuo Zhenwei closer and closer, but Zuo Wuwei had no way out.

    If you want to fight out, the only way to rely on is the 3,000-man cavalry!

    "Hou Dehai!"

    Yu Manlou turned around and ordered: "Take a thousand cavalry and fight out, and pull the rest over!"


    General Hou Dehai turned around and left. Holding the command flag, he detached a thousand cavalry and rushed out towards the west side of the square.  The Zuo Zhenwei soldiers who surrounded here reacted immediately. The densely packed infantry formed a defensive formation. They pointed their long spears diagonally forward to deal with the light cavalry. The infantry of the Sui Dynasty had extremely rich combat experience.  Once the light cavalry is trapped in the infantry square and loses its speed advantage, it will only be massacred.

    The situation turned around in an instant, and no one could understand Yu Manlou's state of mind at this time.

    When he saw that Hou Dehai's cavalry was stuck in a quagmire, he knew that it would be difficult to break out today.  What he didn't know was that Xu Xiaogong, the general of the Right Guard, had already led troops to surround the remaining troops of his Zuowu Guard.  Even if Hou Dehai led the cavalry to fight out, he would not be able to bring in any reinforcements.

    At this moment, the golden melon warrior and the flying fish robe from Ouchi's bodyguard suddenly gave way to the side of the square facing the square.  Under the huge commanding platform, soldiers slowly walked out pushing crossbows.  On the crossbow cart, a calf-thick heavy crossbow has been loaded.

    When he saw the ballista, Peng Laishun, who was leading the troops to attack, suddenly felt cold.

    Although ten ballistas are not many, they are enough to destroy the already fragile military morale.

    Prince Yi¡¯s Mansion

    Yang Yin's face became extremely ugly. He slowly put down the hand holding the clairvoyance and murmured: "Fourth brother I didn't expect that you also prepared a big gift for me But if you want to do this, you can force me  If I give up, you would be looking down on me!"

    He turned around and ordered: "Sound the cannon and ask Qin Liuqi to lead people to take action in the palace! We have captured the queen and the prince Fourth brother, what else can you do?"

    At this moment, suddenly the door of Prince Yi¡¯s Mansion was smashed from the outside with a bang.

    Among the flying wooden boards, Luo Weiran, the landlady, the old cripple, Zhuo Buyi, and two old men walked in slowly.  Behind them was a large group of Ouchi guards wearing flying fish robes!  (First release:)
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