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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 254: Red Lotus

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    Asking for red tickets collection

    Chapter 254 Red Lotus

    A white, crystal-clear three-petal lotus floated quietly less than half a meter in front of Fang Jie. At this time, Fang Jie had just shaken off a white lotus that was stuck to the tip of his Chaolu knife.  When he turned around, he saw the white lotus turning into black in an instant.  Then the lotus flower began to grow in size, fearing that it would explode in the next second.

    Fang Jie, who had seen the power of the white lotus just a moment ago, his pupils suddenly widened, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.  He originally thought that he had the strength to fight against the cultivators. After all, Xie Fuyao was a master with seventh-level cultivation. If he and Fang Jie were to fight to the death, no one could be sure that he would win.

    At the beginning, relying on his perception of the vitality of heaven and earth, Fang Jie accurately avoided Fang Henshui's finger.  He succeeded in getting close and wounded Fang Henshui with the bloody sword.  At that moment, Fang Jie already had all the advantages, and Fang Jie himself thought that the battle was about to be won.

    However, the three-petal white lotus thrown by Fang Henshui instantly shattered Fang Jie's pride.

    The time and location of a practitioner who has reached a certain level of strength are indeed difficult to predict, making it hard to guard against.  A few seconds ago, Fang Jie had the upper hand. Fang Henshui was cut on the chest and looked quite embarrassed.  But the next second, Fang Jie's arm was burned by the first white lotus, and now he was cornered by the second lotus.

    A complete dead end.

    This lotus that had turned into black was too close to Fang Jie, and even if Fang Jie ducked immediately, he would not have time to avoid it.  Fang Jie, who knew he was forced to a dead end, choked for breath and his face instantly turned pale.  And at this moment, the unyielding and unwillingness in his heart emerged.

    Obviously it has taken advantage of the upper hand, but was it into hell by a black lotus?

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out???

    Not willing to give in!


    Fang Jie's eyes were fixed on the black lotus. If his eyes were hot enough, the black lotus might melt.

    A proud smile appeared on the corner of Fang Henshui's mouth as he jumped away. Although he was a little embarrassed by Fang Jie, he was sure that he was still the winner.  The power of this black lotus is far greater than the previous white lotus. This is his strongest method.  He was sure that as long as the black lotus exploded, even a stone within a radius of five meters would be shattered into powder.  In fact, he even believed that anyone who could find a solution within ten meters would definitely die.

    He has seen victory coming, very close at hand.

    He felt that he could feel Fang Jie's unwillingness and anger, because he had often felt this way before.  Fang Jie was a lucky man and was recognized as a genius throughout the Sui Dynasty.  He was the second person in the Sui Dynasty more than 100 years ago to get nine excellent exams from the Yanwu Academy. Not only was he highly praised by the Yanwu Academy, he even looked up to him with admiration from the emperor.  And Fang Henshui was just a policeman from a small remote county. Without this trip to Chang'an, he was sure that he would have lived a mediocre life.

    But precisely because he has experienced hardships that others cannot bear, he has now become a strong man.

    He could even look at the genius of the Sui Dynasty and the spoiled child of the Yanwu Academy with pity and contempt.

    He has been thinking about how to kill Fang Jie, whether to destroy his self-confidence first and then slowly torture him to death, or to kill him outright.  When this day really came, he suddenly lost these thoughts. As long as he could kill Fang Jie, no matter how he killed him, his name would be legendary in the world.

    A catcher from a small fishing village on the south coast of the Yangtze River actually killed the future star of the Sui Dynasty.

    This is such a happy thing.

    At this moment, he even felt that the pain, humiliation and torture he had suffered with Zhizhi could be forgotten.  Kill Fang Jie, who among the younger generation is better than him?

    Fang Jie¡¯s surname is Fang, and his surname is Fang. Why is Fang Jie the most glorious one?

    The black lotus grew rapidly, from the size of a peach blossom to the size of a bowl.


    Fang Henshui gritted his teeth, his eyes suddenly glaring.

    As if he had been given an order, Black Lotus suddenly trembled and then began to explode!

    Fang Henshui's eyes had narrowed. He knew that no one could save Fang Jie at this moment.  Don't say that he has great cultivators of the ninth grade around him, and don't say that he has many powerful friends.  Now, even if Daluo Jinxian appears, he may not be able to bring Fang Jie back from the gate of hell.

    If time can be slowed down a hundred times, then the process of the black lotus exploding can be seen with the naked eye.

    The three-petal lotus opens outward, and a pure black mass gradually enlarges in the lotus heart.  The petals parted, and the black light radiated from the lotus heart to the surroundings, as if it had penetrated the clouds and mist.Wisp after wisp.  Immediately afterwards, a large mass of black stuff gushes out like a waterfall, then expands and explodes.

    Of course, time cannot be slowed down a hundred times, so the speed at which the black lotus explodes is completely invisible to the naked eye.  Even Fang Jie himself had no doubt that he would turn into pieces of flesh the moment the black lotus exploded.

    However, if time can really be slowed down a hundred times, careful people can not only see the process of the black lotus exploding.  You will also see a trace of change happening quietly in Lian Xin, an absolute red struggling out of the black.

    There is no way for others to see or discover.  But Fang Henshui could clearly sense the subtle changes in the black lotus he created, so he immediately frowned.  He stretched out his hand and shook it far away, as if to urge Heilian to quickly complete the explosion.  But he failed. The black lotus that had burst open was suddenly restrained by the red threads coming out of the lotus heart, just like the blooming flowers were restrained by thin red ropes.  The three petals that had been separated were actually pulled back by the red thread and connected again.

    Fang Henshui was shocked and watched as the black lotus he created turned into bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye.  The red color is so thorough and delicate. This is a lotus created by him, but it no longer belongs to him.  That red lotus made him feel fear and powerlessness.

    The lotus flower that had burst into bloom became perfect again, and the red beauty was breathtaking.

    Fang Henshui looked at Fang Jie subconsciously, but was so frightened by a pair of red eyes that his heartbeat stopped.

    At this time, Fang Jie¡¯s eyes could no longer see the distinct black and white eyeballs, only pure red.  And this kind of red is not a festive red, but a magical red.  Fang Henshui knew that his eyes would turn black when he reached the limit of his cultivation. That was because of the inheritance he had received.  Wisdom once said that after receiving this inheritance, the eyes will become extremely powerful.  And depending on the different inheritances and understandings obtained, the color of the eyes will also be different.



    At this moment, Fang Henshui couldn't help but think of that night with heavy rain.  In the huge tree cave at the foot of the north side of Banyue Mountain, the old monk Zhihui told him many secrets about Buddhism.  There was one secret that Fang Henshui remembered particularly clearly, and that was about the inheritance of the Buddhist sect.

    At that time, the old monk wisdom said that the amount of inheritance a person receives has a great relationship with his qualifications.  The better the qualifications, the more perfect the inheritance will be. Wisdom said that even a waste like him who cannot practice will become a truly strong person once he gets the inheritance of the Buddha.

    And the place that most directly reflects how much inheritance a person has received is his eyes.

    When Fang Henshui later discovered that his eyes could turn pure black, he was still a little annoyed when he recalled the words of the old monk Zhizhi at that time.  Wisdom told him that day that the eyes of the person with the least inheritance would turn pure black.  This is a kind of dark power that can corrode other people's cultivation power and transform it into one's own inner strength.

    "And if a person's eyes turn pure black after receiving the inheritance of the Buddhist sect, then it will be regarded as almost the same as the failure of the inheritance.  Because even ordinary people will become absolutely strong after receiving the inheritance.  Fang Henshui once asked the old monk at that time, are black eyes the most failed manifestation of inheritance?  The old monk replied that the more inheritors get, the greater the color of their eyes will change.

    ??What you get is little, and you can't separate yourself from the black and white.  Get more and it's possible to change your eye color.

    Fang Henshui was angry for a long time because of these words. Later, when he hardly encountered any opponents, the anger and anger gradually disappeared.  Because he knew that his qualifications were average and that the inheritance he received was not enough, but his eyes turning black still made him a little dissatisfied.

    Although the inheritance he received was very unexpected.

    But a person¡¯s greed is so great that he desires something when he can¡¯t get it.  When you get it, you crave more.  And if you don't get more, you will feel resentful and angry.  This morbid mentality is like a weed in a garden that cannot be eradicated even if the garden soil is turned over.  With a little gloomy rain nourishment, this disease will grow and spread rapidly.

    Fang Henshui knew what made his heart full of weeds, but he didn't think they were weeds.

    That¡¯s ambition.

    Abnormal ambition.

    He unexpectedly received the inheritance of wisdom from the old monk, and became a strong man with the power of cultivation from a humble man.  He even had fear when he first noticed this change in himself, because he didn't understand what it was at all.  When he slowly discovered that he was different from the past, the hatred in his heart began to grow stronger and stronger.

    He has the right to hate.

    He endured too many hardships for no reason. He turned out to be just an ordinary person.  HeHe thought he would become a master, but at that time he knew that this fantasy was unrealistic.  If there had been no such change, he would have married a fisherman's daughter and had several children.

    He went to the Yamen on duty, while his wife took care of the housework at home.

    That¡¯s it, an ordinary life.

    However, how could Fang Henshui, who had already changed his life, be willing to go back to the past?  Find a fisherman's daughter as your wife, live a mediocre life on the beach for decades and then die normally?  When he was living in the dilapidated courtyard on East Eighteenth Street in Chang'an City, he looked at the bright moonlight in the sky and swore.

    He wants to become a master, sleep with the most beautiful women, live in the biggest house, have countless properties with endless money to spend, and have countless people worshiping at his feet.  When people mention his name, their eyes show the most sincere respect.

    However, he didn¡¯t understand until he arrived in Chang¡¯an City.

    How difficult is all this.

    Then, he saw the most beautiful woman next to Fang Jie, and saw that Fang Jie was living in the courtyard of Sanjinhou, having no worries about food and drink. Although no one paid homage to him, everyone mentioned the name Fang Jie.  The people of Sui Dynasty will be very proud.

    So he hates it.

    But, at this moment.

    His heartbeat almost stopped and his face turned extremely pale.  The blackness in his eyes faded like the tide, and what was left in his eyes was full of fear and fear.

    "If you see a person's eyes that are the purest and most enchanting color of blood, then you have no other choice but to kneel down and worship. That person is the darling of this world, and no one can resist the gaze of those bloody eyes."

    This is what the old monk wisely said.

    At this time, Fang Jie's eyes had completely turned blood-colored.

    The lotus flower turned into a peach-sized lotus and coiled around his fingertips, and it was red and delicate.  As if alive, he voluntarily surrendered to the gaze of this young man with bloody eyes.  The fierce and arrogant Black Lotus no longer exists, although the lotus is still the same lotus.
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