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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 223: Taste

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    (Is it time to sell the red ticket?)

    Chapter 223 Taste

    The red light in Fang Jie's eyes was too eerie, like two sparks burning in his eye sockets.  Qiu Yu supported Shen Qingfan and subconsciously took two steps back, and then the two of them let out a low cry almost at the same time.  The shock in Shen Qingshan's eyes gradually turned into joy. She couldn't help but the corners of her eyes gradually became moist as she looked at the man who slowly sat up on the bed.

    This was the first time Shen Qingshan shed tears. This stubborn and strong woman wanted to cry out with happiness.

    The redness in Fang Jie¡¯s eyes did not last long and disappeared quickly.  But his body gradually changed, and a light spot suddenly appeared slowly on his lower abdomen, and then became more and more dazzling.  Immediately afterwards, with the light spot on his lower abdomen as the center, several red veins extended to his limbs.  Wherever it passes, spots of light gradually shine.

    Qiu Yu¡¯s white eyes stared at Fang Jie¡¯s body without blinking, and his surprised mouth grew bigger and bigger.  She tried to see more clearly, so she poured the power of cultivation into her eyes.  Because she was too focused and gathered too much cultivation power, many cyan textures appeared on her face, which looked like the textures on leaves.

    Her eyes were fixed on the red veins on Fang Jie's body, trying to see clearly what they were.

    When these bloody veins started from the lower abdomen and gradually connected to the limbs, thirty-six bright spots were clearly visible on Fang Jie's body.  Perhaps Fang Jie was still in a confused state at this time and didn't know what changes had happened to his body.  Although the red glow in his eyes gradually disappeared, his eyes were still blurry.

    When the red veins finally reached the end of the limbs, the light of the thirty-six bright spots reached its extreme.  Immediately afterwards, Fang Jie's clothes began to fall apart, and a male body full of masculine power appeared in front of Qiu Yu and Shen Qingshan.  Without the obstruction of clothes, the red veins and light spots are clearer.

    After that, Fang Jie¡¯s muscles began to show wave-like changes.  His body suddenly curled up and then suddenly straightened, and his muscles swelled, looking extremely domineering.

    When his body fully stretched, his muscles also stopped moving.

    Fang Jie's body suddenly trembled violently, and a mouthful of black ink-like blood spurted out from his mouth.  Shen Qingshan subconsciously pulled Qiu Yu, otherwise the black blood would splash on her body.  The dirty blood had no color at all and was as black as ink.  After falling to the ground, it made a sizzling sound, and blue smoke emerged from the black blood.

    Shen Qingshan lowered his head and took a closer look, and then his expression changed drastically.

    In the black residual blood on the ground, she actually saw tiny insects struggling uneasily.  There was no head or tail, no legs or feet, and they were rolling back and forth in the blood, as if the sunlight shining on them was causing them pain.  Soon, those tiny bugs began to explode, and the pus that came out was as dark as ink.

    Qiu Yu moved his eyes away from Fang Jie and stared at the insects.  Her expression was solemn, as if she was thinking.

    Soon, dozens of bugs died one after another and turned into black water.  Under the sunlight, the black blood on the ground evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.  The hard blue bricks were mottled with black blood corrosion, just like the old city bricks that had been beaten by wind and rain for hundreds of years.  The last bug that struggled to explode was the largest, as long as a joint of the little finger. It was curled up together. If you didn't look carefully, you would mistake it for a peanut.

    The largest bug rolled back and forth, like a small piece of charcoal, and the green bricks under it were like snow. It was slowly corroded into a small pit, and then it seemed to gradually cool down.  Without moving, it finally burst open and turned into a small pool of black water.

    After all the insects died, Fang Jie's body suddenly twitched a few times.  He opened his mouth and spurted out another mouthful of blood, but this time the blood spurted out was a normal red color.  Then his body fell backwards and fell into coma again.

    Qiu Yu and Shen Qingshan rushed over to support Fang Jie almost at the same time. Qiu Yu reached out and pinched Fang Jie's pulse gate, while Shen Qingshan leaned his head against Fang Jie's heart, and then the two looked at each other.  , eyes full of joy.

    The powerful and strong heartbeat makes people particularly happy.

    Ma Lilian, who was kneeling at the door, was so surprised when she saw this scene that she even forgot to wipe the tears from her eyes.  She didn't know what she was feeling now, surprise or fear.  She looked at Fang Jie with a complicated look, then she screamed, got up and ran back.

    Maybe she was really frightened.

    She couldn¡¯t understand how a person could vomit such black and strong blood, and she couldn¡¯t understand it.I can't understand why there are such disgusting bugs squirming in the black blood.  Her worry about the solution and previous sadness were all defeated by fear. She couldn't control herself and could only run away.

    Just as she was leaving, Dean Zhou, who had disappeared from everyone's sight, suddenly appeared at the door again.  The black blood on the ground had disappeared, and he did not see the shocking scene.  Therefore, his eyes were full of doubts.

    "what happened?"

    He looked at Qiu Yu and asked.

    Qiu Yu opened his mouth, then finally shook his head and said, "I don't know, he suddenly woke up."

    ¡°Perhaps even she herself didn¡¯t understand why she suddenly didn¡¯t want to tell Dean Zhou the truth.  She didn't want people to know about the weird red veins on Fang Jie's body before, nor did she want people to know about the thirty-six dazzling highlights.  Even Dean Zhou didn't want to tell her, or maybe she just thought that Fang Jie didn't want others to know the secret of his body.

    Dean Zhou could tell that Qiu Yu was hiding something, but he didn't ask any more questions.  He just nodded, then smiled and said: "It's good if you don't die, it's good if you don't die."

    After repeating these four words twice, Dean Zhou turned around and left again.

    Qiu Yu reached out and touched the muscles on Fang Jie's body and found that Fang Jie's body was as hard as iron.  But the hardness was gradually disappearing, returning to normal after about thirty seconds.



    "what is that?"

    Fang Jie, lying on the bed, slept deeply and breathed evenly.  Qiu Yu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but glance at Shen Qingshan and asked.  She just felt that Shen Qingshan might know the truth.

    But Shen Qingshan just shook his head, his eyes confused.

    She was thinking in her heart that maybe Da Quan and Mu Xiao Yao should know something.  Because she was still very young, she was not the core figure in the team that protected Fang Jie.  Later, she gradually became a commander because her cultivation improved by leaps and bounds at a terrifying speed, surpassing everyone else.

    She remembered that at that time, Big Dog always carried a sword box on his back, while Mu Xiaoyao had a kit hanging around his neck.

    When we met again, Da Quan¡¯s sword box was gone, and Mu Xiao Yao¡¯s kit was gone.  She didn't ask what happened, but she was sure that among all the people who protected Fang Jie, only Mu Xiaoyao and Da Quan knew the most.  Mu Xiaoyao is now in the northwest grassland, and I don't know if he has returned.  Da Quan went to Jiangnan, and he didn't know when he would come back.

    Seeing that Shen Qingshan didn't answer, Qiu Yu was silent for a while and said softly: "I haven't seen those things, but I can vaguely guess some."

    "what is that?"

    Shen Qingshan asked subconsciously.

    "In the southwest of the Sui Dynasty, there are many uncivilized barbaric tribes. I heard that some tribes living in the deepest parts of the forest are good at using poisonous poisons to control strangers who accidentally enter their territory. People controlled by poisonous poisons will turn into walking corpses.  Completely obeying the orders of the caster, even if they are asked to commit suicide, they will not resist at all. There were tribal wizards who were good at using poisonous poisons and left the tribe, but they were regarded as evil and were killed by knights in the world. "

    Qiu Yu sighed and said, "I'm wondering if the bugs Fang Jie spit out are poisonous poisons?"

    "You mean, Fang Jie was planted with poison?"

    Shen Qingfan asked.

    "Have you heard of it too?"

    Qiu Yu asked.

    Shen Qingshan nodded slightly and said: "I'm from Nanyan I've heard some things about poisonous poisons. What I've heard is similar to what you just said. People who are poisoned will turn into walking zombies.  But Fang Jie seems to have done nothing wrong these years, eating, drinking, acting and speaking like normal people.¡±

    Qiu Yu shook his head: "You don't know who is around him. It's hard for me to deduce anything from those things. Maybe something suppressed the poison and did not take effect. Or maybe his own physique is very special, so that the poison  Unable to control him, he was finally forced out by the power in his body."

    Shen Qingshan said: "Fang Jie said that Prince Zhong Yang Qi didn't know what kind of methods were used on him when he was in Fan Gu. His body has gradually changed since then. Is it because Prince Zhong used the power of cultivation to  Suppressed the poison? "


    Qiu Yu sighed: "Prince Zhong's cultivation is said to be so high that people look up to him. If he really found something wrong with Fang Jie's body and cast a spell to suppress it, it can be explained. But why, he didn't directly  Cleaning up those things? Isn¡¯t it possible with Prince Zhong¡¯s cultivation?¡±

    "But this doesn't make sense"

    She frowned and said, "If even Prince Zhong is helpless, how could Fang Jie force it out on his own?"

    "Perhaps it was not forced by Fang Jie at all.Those bugs came, did those bugs escape on their own?  "

    Shen Qingshan thought of the strange red veins and thirty-six bright spots on Fang Jie's body: "Is it because of the changes in his body that the poisonous Gu cannot survive?"

    ¡°You mean, these poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous in the state.

    Qiu Yu was shocked by this inference.

    "Maybe no one will know the answer."

    Shen Qingshan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the sleeping Fang Jie and smiled: "In any case, these disgusting things were forced out of his body. For him, this is the most worthy of celebration."  We should be happy for him, right?"

    Qiu Yu nodded, stood up and said, "I'll prepare some medicine. You can stay with him."

    Shen Qingshan stood up and saluted solemnly: "Thank you."

    Qiu Yu was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "When he wakes up, let him tell me himself."




    Fang Jie found himself in an absolutely dark place, so dark.  He stretched out his hand, but couldn't see anything.  He didn't know where this place was. It seemed huge, empty and boundless.  It seems to be very small, just a small enclosed space.

    He couldn't see anything, so he groped his way forward.

    Then, he suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell, so tempting.  He turned his head and noticed that there seemed to be a glimmer of light in the distance.  Although this light is so faint that you can't see it unless you look carefully, it still makes people's hearts immediately filled with hope.  He started to run towards the glimmer of light.

    As the light becomes clearer and clearer, the fragrant smell becomes stronger and stronger.

    This smell was refreshing, and he breathed in greedily.

    He could even feel the fragrance inhaled through his nose flowing throughout his body.  He had never experienced this comfortable feeling before, it was fascinating.

    When the light became stronger and stronger, he suddenly heard someone calling his name softly.

    Seeing Fang Jie open his eyes, Shen Qingshan couldn't help but let out a soft cry of joy.  Lying in her arms, Fang Jie suddenly realized that the glimmer of light was the gap between his closed eyes. It became brighter and brighter because he opened his eyes.  So, what is that lovely, intoxicating scent?

    He felt it carefully and experienced the beauty with his heart.  After a long time, the corners of his mouth slowly formed a curved arc.

    It feels so good.

    He cheered softly in his heart: This is the smell of the vitality of heaven and earth, right?

    "What's wrong? Why are you laughing?"

    He heard Shen Qingshan ask himself.

    Fang Jie smiled: "It's nothing, it's good to be alive."
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