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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 203 His Eyes Are Very Good His Eyes Are Also Very Good

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    Chapter 203: His eyes are very good. His eyes are also very good.

    The room was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers. The person sitting in the room was wrapped in a black cloak, blending into the night. He closed his eyes and breathed a little quickly.  Perhaps it was because the smell in the woman's boudoir made him feel very comfortable, so after hesitating for a while, he got up and walked to the bed, then lay down on the bed, buried his head deeply in the soft quilt and sniffed hard.

    This feeling is very strange. He has never been in a woman's room before, and he feels a little guilty, but more of a curiosity.  A guy who kills people without batting an eyelid is actually uneasy about entering a woman's boudoir, which makes him feel a little ridiculous.  So he smiled, showing his white teeth.

    If it is in the sun, his smile must be very beautiful.

    He has two rows of very neat and white teeth, and the corners of his mouth are very softly curved when he smiles.  If he was willing to wash his face carefully, he might still be a not too ugly looking man.  I don't know whether it was because he was lazy or did it on purpose, but his face was very dirty. Although the smell of blood in the dirt had dissipated, it was still disgusting.  In fact, it's a very weird face.  His eyes were very young, but his skin was so old that he already had many age spots.

    He wanted to pull the quilt over him and feel the comfortable bed and comfortable quilt.  But the outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and he didn't even dare.

    Finally, he sighed slightly.  He got up and straightened out the quilt he had made a mess of, even pinching up a hair that had fallen out on the quilt.  He could actually easily see a fallen hair in the dark, which would be a surprise if someone saw this.  Men in the Sui Dynasty also grew their hair, but this man's hair was very short.

    His face was disgustingly dirty. If someone saw such a face while eating, they might be tempted to vomit.  But his hands were surprisingly clean, not even a trace of dirt could be found in the gaps between his nails.  His hands were a little thicker and shorter, not slender and beautiful.  Old people often say that such hands cannot play beautiful music because the fingers are broken and thick and must not be flexible enough.

    The clothes he wore were also very strange. The black-looking cloak was actually a torn gray cloth robe and was remade. It turned black because it was too dirty.  The thread used to sew this cloak is very thick, and the craftsmanship is even thicker. If someone's daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law is so ugly, she might be embarrassed to death by her husband's family.

    He left the bed and returned to the chair to sit down, lowering his head and looking at the cloak on his body in a daze.

    "So ugly"

    After a while, he suddenly whispered to himself in a very low voice.  I don¡¯t know if he was talking about his cloak when he said it was ugly, or if it was something else.  But these two words are full of disgust, real disgust.

    When he raised his head, he found a big-headed rag doll hanging in the window.  It is made of a handkerchief wrapped in rags and is very simple to make.  The white handkerchief is painted with curved eyebrows, round eyes, and a large upturned mouth.  I have to say that this is not a pretty doll, but it is also a very cute one.  It must have been made by the hostess of this house, hanging in the window or because she wanted to see the happy smile on the doll's face often.

    Because the window was closed, he didn¡¯t see the doll at first.  He stood up and walked over, took the doll off the window and looked at it carefully.  He seemed to like it very much and even rubbed it on his face a few times.  Then he tied the doll to his belt, very carefully.

    When he tied up the doll, he suddenly thought of something, and then a tangle appeared between his eyebrows.


    do not kill?

    He whispered.

    Looking at the rag doll swinging beside his waist, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.  He knew that his decision was childish and idiotic. If the person who taught him knew about his decision to take away a rag doll and let the woman live, he would definitely be scolded by him.

    The figure of that person appeared in his mind, and a trace of hatred suddenly flashed in his eyes.  And behind the hatred, there is intense fear.

    Why should I listen to you in everything?


    You taught me how to kill people and I will obey your will in everything?  No, no, no, you didn¡¯t teach me the ability to kill, I learned it from somewhere else.  Don't try to control me anymore, I have left, I want to live my own life, I want to have my own life!

    Get out of here!

    He suddenly squatted on the ground holding his head, with a painful expression on his face.

    You can never let me change back to the same me. Now that I have come back, I will never go back with you!  It's me, not you!  Yes, I am killing people, but I am killing these people for myself, not for you.!  Stop talkingwhat's mine is mine, don't even think about taking it back.

    I'm not crazy!

    You are the madman!

    The man squatting on the ground suddenly raised his head, with murderous intent in his eyes.  He didn't know what he had just experienced, but the originally weird expression on his face became more and more ferocious.  His resentful eyes swept across the room, and then he saw the bronze mirror.  He stood up and ran over, raised his finger and pointed at himself in the mirror: "Do you believe I will kill you?"

    His voice was very soft and hoarse, and he didn't know why he was still a little tired.

    His eyes in the mirror looked at him outside the mirror with disdain, and the contempt was unbearable.  Outside the mirror, he growled lowly: "Why do you look down on me? Now I have become very powerful. If you dare to look at me like that again, I will kill you. I will definitely kill you."  !¡±

    Then he raised his hands and pinched his neck very hard.

    "Hey, hey, are you scared?"

    He smiled proudly, speaking in a high-pitched voice because he had difficulty breathing.

    ¡°From now on, you go your way, and I¡¯ll go mine!¡±

    He said to himself in the mirror: "I don't want to kill anyone today, but I won't kill him!"

    Then he turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, the voice of the old housekeeper of General Guide's Mansion suddenly sounded in the yard: "Miss is back who is this young master?"

    He ran to the window, opened a small gap and looked outside.  He saw the female student standing at the door, seemingly talking to the guy named Fang Jie.  She was probably thanking him for escorting her home. He could see the shy expression on her face.

    The guy named Fang Jie said a few words and then left. He saw the very beautiful woman standing behind Fang Jie.  He could feel the strength of that woman, so he chose to give up halfway.  Just like the night when he first met Fang Jie in Chang'an City, he also suppressed the urge to go down and kill people.  That guy is the hardest to kill, so save it for last.

    He pursed his lips and thought in his mind that since it is you who are unlucky, don't blame me.  Why don't you come back later? Why?  If you come back just a little while longer, I'll be gone and you'll be safe at least, safe tonight.

    That was an ordinary-looking but cute girl. It would be a pity if she died, right?



    The tiny gap in the window closed, and the man wrapped in a cloak walked back to the chair and sat down.  He faced the door, his hands stretched out from his cloak.  The moment Marilyn opened the door and walked in, she would have been surprised as to why there was a black shadow in the room?

    And when people are panicked, they will naturally have many flaws, and then she will be dead.  Even if he wanted to kill a woman whose cultivation level was not very high, he had made some calculations.  This is another perfect murder case, and it is impossible for the Chang'an Mansion police officers to find any clues.

    He closed his eyes and counted in his mind.  He calculated that there would be no more than fifty steps from the door to the room, and even if the woman's steps were slightly smaller, it would not exceed fifty-three steps.  When the woman who walked to the door raised her hand to push the door open, he opened his eyes a little early.

    The door was pushed open from the outside, and the darkness outside seemed to be much lighter than inside the house.  So after the door is opened, it takes a while for the people outside to adjust to the light in the room.  At this moment, the man in the cloak stood up and waited for the woman to enter the room.  If he wants to kill, he must kill perfectly.  After killing this woman silently in the house, he would wait until she fell asleep again in General Guide's mansion before leaving.  Then he rushed to the next place. During the day, he followed another student and found his residence, but he was not in a hurry to start.

    Night is the time for the devil.

    This is what that person said, the only thing he thinks is right.

    The woman standing at the door paused for a moment, then stepped in.  Then she turned around and closed the door, and touched the fire seal on the table as she entered.

    Just when the fire was about to light up, he suddenly took action.

    He has already planned his next move, kill someone, and then catch the fire.  Lighting the candle, he would then control the woman's body and walk back to the bed.  No one outside would notice his presence, and then he would cover the woman with a quilt, the quilt he took a deep sniff of just now.

    His fingers were as sharp as knives, but he didn't want to ruin this woman's appearance.  During the day, he had seen it from a distance. This woman was not beautiful, but she was lovable.  He decided to force his fingers into the back of her head and crush her brain directly.  Without any visible injuries, she would have died very quickly.Quiet.

    Just when his fingers were about to touch the back of the woman's head, he suddenly rolled backwards.  There was a soft sound, and a piece of the cloak he was wearing fell from mid-air.  When the fragments of the cloak fluttered down, the woman flicked the torch, turned around, and smiled.

    The man wrapped in a cloak had a look in his eyes, full of surprise.

    This woman is not Ma Lilian.

    It was the alluring woman next to Fang Jie. She was standing at the door holding a fire stick. Her other hand was empty, but he clearly felt that her free hand was holding a long, sharp weapon.  sword.  There is no doubt that if he had reacted a little slower, the sword energy from before would have hit his body.  Shen Qingfan, who didn't need to carry a sword, seemed even more terrifying.

    "Very surprised?"

    Shen Qingshan said calmly: "You shouldn't open the window a little and look out, because you don't know there is a person with particularly good eyes outside His name is Fang Jie, do you want to kill him?"

    Without waiting for the man to answer, Shen Qingshan continued: "You think, you wanted to kill Fang Jie on the night he went to red sleeves. So you can die."

    She didn¡¯t move, but the man wrapped in the cloak immediately backed away.  He kept waving his hands to block, as if there was an invisible sword in the air that kept stabbing and slashing.

    It¡¯s not a handle.

    Shen Qingshan, who was holding the fire fold, slowly moved forward, while the man wrapped in the cloak stepped back.  On the ground between the two people, on the table next to them, on the walls, and on the windows, narrow sword marks kept appearing.  One after another, densely packed.  With a click, the table shattered.  With a sound of nailing, the bronze mirror broke in the middle.  With a crash, the bed collapsed.

    Countless marks were cut into the hard ground and walls, and many more cracks appeared almost every blink of an eye.

    The man wrapped in the cloak suddenly turned around and knocked out of the window. Then he saw the man named Fang Jie with a bright smile.

    A punch comes at you!

    PS: Let the red ticket fly a little longer.
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