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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 200 Victory Comes Amid the Enemy¡¯s Conspiracy

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    Chapter 200 Victory comes amid the enemy¡¯s conspiracy

    The Mandu banner cavalry who rushed into the Sui army camp were in chaos and could not stay rational.  They saw countless Sui infantry appearing from all directions, their black armor glowing coldly under the light of torches.  The soldiers who were pouring in blackly blocked the Mandu Banner Cavalry tightly in the middle army, as if a hard and thick copper wall was cast in an instant.

    Tens of thousands of spears fell like hail, beating the Mandu banner cavalry to pieces.  In this round of throwing spears, twenty-three out of ten Meng Yuan people were killed.  The wailing of people and the neighing of war horses intertwined to form a lament.

    Shortly after the Sui army appeared, ballistas appeared one by one in the infantry formation.  Following the command of the Sui general, the war drums sounded again.  A creaking sound came out, which was the sound of the crossbow's coil rope twisting.  Immediately afterwards, hundreds of giant crossbows roared over and crashed into the cavalry unstoppably.

    The huge crossbow with a thick calf can easily nail people and horses to the ground, and can even impale three or four people to death in succession.  The fine steel serves as the blade and the iron blades serve as the feathers. The wounds caused by the giant crossbow are fatal even if they are not critical.  The Mongolian and Yuan cavalrymen were pierced through the chest by the giant crossbow, leaving bloody holes as big as the mouth of a bowl.

    The broken bones and rotten internal organs were taken away from the human body by the giant crossbow and scattered all the way.

    A huge crossbow hit the Mongolian soldier's left shoulder hard, and half of the soldier's body was immediately removed.  As the blood rained down, the soldier fell heavily backward.  The unabated giant crossbow nailed the second soldier's chest and took the man away from the horse. The giant crossbow with a corpse hanging on it flew for a distance, and finally penetrated the neck of a war horse before stopping.  down.  The war horse fell sideways, and the knight on the horse was pinned by the horse's body on his thighs, unable to free himself. The huge pain and fear made him cry out for help.

    "Fire arrows to drive them away!"

    Manduteler roared loudly, with fear in his hoarse voice.

    The Mandu Banner's cavalry began to counterattack, using their skillful mounted archery to attack the surrounding Sui infantry.  Their mounted bows shoot very quickly, and each of them is an expert archer.  However, the well-prepared infantry of the Sui army blocked most of the arrow attacks with the help of a barrier composed of giant shields as high as a man and infantry shields as high as half a man.

    The wolf-fang arrow sent from the hard bow of boxwood cannot tear the shield wrapped in a thick layer of leather.  The Meng Yuan people counterattacked very fiercely, and the shields in the hands of the Sui infantry in the first few rows were soon covered with a layer of white feathers.  However, such an attack could not shake the already formed battle formation, and the damage to the Sui army's infantry was not very great.


    General Li Yuanshan, who was standing next to Xujun Wang Yang Kai, waved the flag in his hand, and the drummer behind him beat the war drum.  Hearing the sound of drums, the Sui soldiers surrounding them began to press forward as a whole.  The thick team was like a closing mountain, pressing towards the increasingly chaotic Mandu Banner Cavalry.

    "The method that the prince came up with is the most effective. There is nothing more effective against cavalry than long weapons!"

    General Yu Zhengdong smiled.

    Yang Kai waved his hand and said: "Where did I come up with it? Isn't it what you summed up when we discussed raising the account? I have sent people back to ask your majesty to issue an order to the major workshops to make spears. To deal with the cavalry, this  Something that can scare the enemy! And this spear is much simpler to make than a spear, just a wooden stick and an iron spear head are enough."

    In the battle formation in front of him, each of the soldiers behind the shield formation was not holding their usual long spears, but weapons that were nearly half as long as the long spears, four meters long!  Perhaps essentially, this is not a weapon at all, just a sharpened stick.  Although not sharp enough or tough enough, these long sticks are simply the nemesis of cavalry!

    Especially when facing cavalry who are trapped and lose their speed advantage, this long stick is more useful.  Meng Yuan's cavalry is known as the fastest team in the world. They boast that they can run faster than the wind.  But precisely because of the need to ensure speed, the armor of light cavalry is often very thin.  Only by reducing the load to the minimum can the speed of the war horse be fully demonstrated.  While gaining powerful attack power and speed, solid defense must be abandoned.

    To deal with these Mongolian and Yuan cavalry, only a four-meter-long wooden stick is enough.

    The shield array kept pushing forward, and the Meng Yuan people tried to use wolf-fang arrows to force the Sui people to stop.  But it was obvious that although the Sui army lost many soldiers as it moved forward, it would never stop.  The archers of the Sui army hid behind the shield array and fought back. Although the firing rate of the foot bows crafted by the Sui Dynasty was lower than that of the Meng Yuan's cavalry bows, they were more powerful.

    The triangular arrowhead can easily tear through the leather armor of the Meng Yuan people, and can even penetrate the chest.

    "Quickly blow the trumpet and call for help!"

    Has reached the edge of despairDutler shouted so loudly that he could barely make a sound, and now he could only pin his hopes on the two thousand-man troops remaining outside the army camp.

    Fortunately, Mandu Wolf was left behind.

    Mandu Teller couldn¡¯t help but think that if Mandu Wolf hadn¡¯t left him outside because he was afraid that Mandu Wolf would share the credit, he would really have died here today.  Now, although he is almost desperate, he still has confidence in Mandu Wolf's two thousand-man teams.  As long as those two thousand cavalry charge forward, they can help themselves tear a hole in the Sui people's damn battle formation.  The men and horses are definitely not safe, but as long as I can rush out, why do I care so much?

    The sound of horns calling for help pierced the night sky and slipped through the cracks of the Sui people's war drums.  Mandu Wolf, who was ordered to stay outside the Sui army's camp to take care of their retreat, heard the horn sound, but he said nothing.  The commander Agudamu who stayed with him glanced at the general and did not open his mouth.

    "General, this is the young flag master's call for help!"

    Another captain, Gu Han, rushed his horse from a distance to Mandu Wolf and said eagerly: "We should rush in immediately to meet the young flag master!"

    Mandu Lang glanced at him lightly and said: "Yes, we should rush in as soon as possible to rescue the young flag master. Are you willing to rush to the front to clear the way?"

    "I do!"

    Gu Han shouted loudly.

    "Then let's divide our troops into two groups. You rush in from the left, and I thrust into the Sui camp from the right like two knives. No matter who saves the young flag master, he will immediately blow the horn and withdraw at the same time.  OK?"

    Mandu Wolf said politely.

    Gu Han felt ashamed. He thought that Mandu Lang didn't give the order immediately because he was considering tactics.


    He responded loudly, and then spurred his horse back to his thousand-man team.

    Mandu Lang suddenly smiled when he saw Gu Han's leaving figure, and then ordered Agudamu: "Take the people to circle outside the Sui army, and don't get close. From the beginning, I didn't think the Sui people could be so easy.  Defeated, only an idiot would believe that the Sui people would be undefended on New Year¡¯s Eve.¡±

    He smiled brightly, even a little proudly.

    And if the Sui people's New Year's Eve is as important as Lent, he vowed to report it to Mandu Latu.  It was precisely because of his intentional or unintentional persuasion these days that Mandu Ratu decided to attack the Sui army camp at night.

    "Come here! Go back and tell the flag master that the young flag master is trapped and ask him to lead troops to rescue immediately. If it is delayed any longer, the young flag master may be in danger."

    Mandu Wolf looked at the Sui army camp, smiled and said: "The faster, the better."



    The shield formation squeezed the living area of ??Mandu Banner's cavalry into smaller and smaller areas. The archers behind the giant shield bearers have been removed and replaced by soldiers holding long sticks. They only need to stand behind the giant shield and use  The wooden stick, which was too long to be controlled, poked the Meng Yuan man off the horse.

    If you are fighting, such a long stick is useless.  On the battlefield, weapons that cannot be used flexibly will become the murderers of soldiers.  But this time it was different. The Sui infantry did not need to use this wooden stick to show their martial arts. They only needed to mechanically repeat the action of thrusting forward.

    The densely packed long sticks poked the Meng Yuan cavalry off their horses one after another. Although the long sticks were not enough to kill with one blow, they were enough to make the Meng Yuan people temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.  Perhaps the sharpened wooden stick could not tear the Meng Yuan people's leather armor, but it was enough to make them fall from their horses.

    To the Mongolian people, a person who is off horseback is not considered a warrior at all!

    The area where the Mongolian people can move is getting smaller and smaller. Less than 30% of the more than 10,000 cavalry who rushed into the camp can still ride on horseback. They can easily shoot a running rabbit with the shortest weapon.  Time tamed a wild horse with their bare hands. Their scimitars were sharp enough, but they had no way to deal with the Sui people's battle formation.  In their previous understanding, fighting was straightforward.  The horse charges forward, and the sword is bloody.

    But now, the despicable Sui people hiding behind the giant shield did not fight head-on with them at all. Instead, they relied on their longer-range rifle bows, sharp ballistas, and those damn weapons that couldn't be considered weapons at all.  The sticks had the upper hand.  Powerlessness and complete powerlessness made the Meng Yuan cavalry despair.

    Mandu Teller kept looking around with red eyes, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.  He could see the dust and smoke rising from the fire outside the Sui army's battle formation, and could hear the familiar shouts.  However, the reinforcements could not break through the Sui people's battle formation. The two thousand-man troops seemed to be blocked behind a mountain and were powerless.

    In fact, Mandu Wolf's thousand-man team was just wandering outside the Sui army.

    The Sui army was like grinding beans with a millstone, slowly but thoroughly killing the Mongolian people layer by layer.??.  Just when there were less than 2,000 men left in Mandutel, a thunderous roar suddenly occurred outside.  It was the sound of thousands of war horses galloping across the ground, making even the ground tremble.

    "Father is here!"

    Mandu Teller couldn't help but shouted excitedly, waving his machete to boost morale: "Hold on, the owner of the great Mandu Banner has arrived with reinforcements, let's fight out!"

    ¡°That¡¯s right, Mandu Latu is here.  When he heard that his beloved son was trapped, where was his sense?  He rushed over with the remaining cavalry of the Mandu Banner, and poured into the Sui camp like a torrent.

    On a high slope, Yang Kai, Prince of Xu County, finally laughed when he saw the large group of Meng Yuan cavalry coming in: "I really didn't expect that it could lead to a decisive battle. I thought I was shooting a deer, but I didn't expect that I could shoot it.  A tiger."

    "Drumming, encirclement!"

    Li Yuanshan gave a loud order, and the rumble of war drums sounded again.  Countless Sui troops rushed towards the camp from all directions, and the Sui troops who had been deployed on the periphery were crushing the Mongolian people like horses and chariots.  According to the information from the spies and scouts of the Ouchi Guards, Xujun Wang Yang Kai and others determined that Mandu Latu must be preparing for a night attack.  The best time is naturally only New Year's Eve, so the 700,000-strong army was dispatched last night.  Most of the troops were deployed outside the camp, waiting to encircle the enemy.  But neither Yang Kai nor Li Yuanshan expected that they would achieve such a big harvest this time.

    Mandu Ratu, who had always seemed very cautious, actually rushed over like crazy with all his troops.

    This is really good news and surprising.

    Mandu Latu's face was full of anxiety. He rushed into the camp with more than 30,000 cavalry and attacked the Chinese army.  At this time, Mandu Wolf, who saw the arrival of Mandu Latu, ordered the soldiers to attack the Sui army's formation.  Mandu Ratu pointed forward with his scimitar, and the cavalry shouted and rushed towards the Sui people.

    "Flag Master!"

    Mandu Lang appeared in front of Mandu Latu with a guilty look on his face. He wiped the blood and sweat from his face and said sadly: "It's all my fault that I couldn't accompany the young banner master to fight in. The young banner master left me to take care of him.  I should have stopped him!"

    "Now is not the time to talk about this."

    Mandu Ratu said angrily: "If you can't save my son, you will naturally be buried with him! Therefore, you should lead the men and horses to charge instead of talking to me here! If Mandu Teller really can't save  Come out and I guarantee your body will turn into a puddle of mud!"

    "Yes! I will lead the troops and continue the attack."

    Mandu Wolf agreed loudly, and then handed the torch in his hand to Mandu Latu's soldiers.  The soldiers subconsciously took it over and still closely guarded Mandu Ratu's side.

    Mandu Wolf urged his horse to leave, and when he turned around, there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.  If the guilt he showed before was somewhat sincere, then the words of the furious Mandu Ratu completely dispelled his guilt.

    Behind a tent only thirty steps away from Mandu Ratu, Agudamu, hiding in the shadows, saw Mandu Ratu's face illuminated by a torch.  He smiled coldly and took out a Sui armor-breaking awl he had picked up before.  Without the torch, he could not determine which Mandu Rattu was in the darkness.  And Mandu Latu could not be stopped without Mandu Wolf stepping forward to speak.

    The torch was deliberately handed to the soldier by Mandu Wolf.

    Agudamu put the armor-piercing awl on his riding bow, took a deep breath and then pulled the bow string to its full capacity.  With a soft buzzing sound, the armor-breaking cone flew out quickly.  The distance of more than thirty steps was reached in an instant.  Agudamu's shooting skills are good enough, and it is impossible to miss from this distance.

    Therefore, the leader of the Mandu Banner, Mandu Latu, died so easily.  What was stuck in his throat was a Sui armor-piercing awl. No one suspected that it was a cold arrow shot by the Sui people.  Of course, no one doubted that there was something wrong with Mandu Lang's motive in handing the torch to the soldiers.

    "The Sui people's arrows are really useful."

    Agudamu muttered to himself, then turned around and fled.

    "The flag owner is dead!"

    Shouts of shock and fear rang out, and the men and horses of the Mandu Banner were completely defeated.

    Even the Sui people did not expect to win this decisive battle so easily.
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