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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 176 The First Front (Part 1)

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    Chapter 176 The First Strike (Part 1)

    The Meng Yuan secret posts on Langru Mountain were cleared by the Sui army, and the Sui army immediately set off from Fangu.  And the reason is that there is a Nirvana City to the west of the Langru Mountains and a Fangu City to the east.  It is because there is only one canyon in the Langru Mountain that stretches for thousands of miles, so the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty built border cities on both sides of the canyon.

    It was at the widest place in the middle of the canyon that the Great Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, Kuoketai Mengge, and the Emperor Tianyou of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Yi, met.  The terrain here is very suitable for an ambush. When the emperor and Meng Ge set the meeting place here, the courtiers objected, fearing that the Meng Yuan people would set up an ambush.

    At that time, His Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty just smiled lightly and said: "You are worried about the Meng Yuan people setting up an ambush. Why won't the Meng Yuan people worry about us sending troops? Since they are all worried, scared and on guard, it is the safest. I want to be in a place like this  Meet Brother Meng and see if Brother Meng has the courage to go to the appointment. "

    The emperor of the Sui Dynasty dared to come, how could the great Khan of the Meng Yuan Dynasty not dare to come.  Although high-ranking officials such as Ai Jin and Special Qin of the Meng Yuan Dynasty tried to dissuade Meng Ge, he rebuffed his courtiers' good intentions with almost the same words as the Sui emperor rebuffed his courtiers.

    ¡°This is the second time that the two supreme beings have met in more than a hundred years.  The first time was when the Great Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and the Emperor Taizu of the Sui Dynasty signed an armistice contract and delimited the territory.

    Therefore, both sides attach great importance to this meeting.  No one wants to lose their dignity, and they certainly don¡¯t want to lose their etiquette.  Although the people of the Meng Yuan Dynasty did not have so many complicated things about etiquette, the Millennium Empire naturally had their own special set of etiquette.  To put it simply and directly, it's all about saving face, and you can't look petty in front of the other party.

    That day, the Supreme Leaders from both sides met in Qingxia with only a hundred followers.  Following the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty were Luo Weiran, the commander of the internal bodyguards, and Hou Wenji, the governor of Qingya Town. General Yu Manlou and eighty soldiers accompanied him. The civil servants were headed by Huai Qiu Gong, the Minister of Rites, and Wen Ji.  Two great bachelors from Yuan Ge and Shu Hua Ge.

    On Meng Yuan's side, eighty golden tent warriors were guarding Meng Ge.  Mengge's younger brother Teqin Kuoketai Menglie personally held an umbrella for Mengge. Two unnamed attendants, a monk wearing gray cloth monk's clothes and red cassock, and Mandu Latu, the leader of the Mandu banner, followed closely.  thereafter.

    The two sides held talks in Qingxia for three consecutive days. Later, the two emperors actually traveled to Langru Mountain together, chatting and laughing. No hostility could be seen anywhere. The entourage of the two countries behind them were stunned.  Speaking of which, these two supreme beings actually have very similar personalities. Meng Ge is familiar with Han Chinese allusions, and Yang Yi also knows very well about Meng Yuan's affairs.  The two emperors talked about the past and present, wore bamboo hats and sat by the lake to fish, and even came up with the idea of ??riding horses to test their archery skills. If the courtiers on both sides hadn't stopped them, they might have even had a meeting.  Come hunting.

    But I don¡¯t know what this hunt will be.

    Before the meeting, no one thought that these two supreme beings who were destined to be enemies from birth could actually get along so harmoniously and perfectly.  There was not a word of quarrel, just like two old friends reunited after a long separation.  In a very relaxed atmosphere, a trade treaty was signed, designating Fan Gu as the place where the people of the two countries would trade goods.  After the place was settled, the two supreme leaders let it go and left it to the courtiers below to fight over it, blushing and bargaining non-stop.

    The two of them, when they should be traveling around the mountains and playing in the water, simply became the hands-off shopkeepers, looking extremely relaxed and comfortable.

    However, after the two emperors returned home after three days of talks, they also unanimously issued a decree.  God Bless Emperor Yang Yi ordered General Li Yuanshan of You Xiaowei, who was stationed in the northwest, to march 150 miles to the west. He also ordered the governor of Shandong Province to increase the number of county soldiers.  The Great Khan Mengge ordered Mandu Banner Mandu Latu, the leader of the Mandu Banner, to have 50,000 elite troops available at all times, and asked Mandu Latu to select the most skilled Mandu Banner general to replace the original Nirvana City general to guard Qingxia.

    Precisely because the two of them discovered that the other party had so many similarities with themselves, it was inevitable to feel sympathy for each other, but more importantly, they were afraid of the enemy.

    The Meng Yuan secret sentry on Langru Mountain is always monitoring Qingxia. As long as the Sui army enters Qingxia, they will immediately light up the smoke.

    He Dazhuang, led by the Right Xiaowei Brigade, wiped out the Mongolian scouts overnight. When a hundred elite soldiers came down the mountain, only sixty-seven were left.

    On the mountain, they buried the body of the Meng Yuan scout, and then carried the body of their comrades down the mountain.  This is the traditional rule of Sui soldiers. Although it is unwritten, it has not changed for more than a hundred years.  Unless they are forced to do so, they will not leave any of their companions behind, even a cold corpse.

    The mighty army entered the Qingxia Gorge like a giant dragon in the early morning. Five thousand elite soldiers of the Youxiao Guard marched towards the west under the leadership of Li Xiaozong, the reactivated fifth-grade tooth general.  The moment he walked into the Qing Gorge, Li Xiaozong couldn't help reining in his horse and looked back at Fan Gu. He knew that just by leading his troops into this Qing Gorge, his name would also be written into history.?.

    In more than a hundred years, this is the first time that the army of the Eastern Empire has passed through Langru Mountain, and the first time it has crossed the Fangu line. In another hour of walking, the army will be able to cross the Qingxia Gorge, and the Han people will be stepping on it for the first time.  in a meadow.

    Li Xiaozong¡¯s face looked calm, but who knew that his heart was already in turmoil at this time.

    He has been looking forward to this moment for ten years.  The Sui Dynasty had been waiting for this moment for a hundred years.



    Although the Langru Mountains are very high, they don¡¯t look majestic from a distance and the mountains are very gentle.  However, in fact, it is almost impossible to climb over Langru Mountain. The seemingly gentle mountain is actually shaded by green trees, and the gentle and gentle curvature of a breast hides endless murderous intent.

    Not to mention that there are many ferocious beasts such as wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains. After entering the mountains, you will find that what you can¡¯t see behind the green trees are steep cliffs that are not very high.  The shape of this mountain is so strange that you can even ride horses below the mountainside.  After reaching the mountainside, cliffs will appear in front of you. If the army wants to climb over, they must build ladders on the cliffs, which is very powerful.  It took a lot of manpower and material resources to build the ladder. How long did it take for the soldiers to climb up one by one?

    The cliff above half-way up Langru Mountain is like a barrier created by God to prevent discord between his two favorite sons.  In order to prevent the two most powerful empires from losing contact, Qingxia became the only link.

    The Sui Dynasty and the Meng Yuan Dynasty were like giants that could no longer grow in their respective territories.  They have developed what they can develop in their respective regions to the extreme. If they don't go out, no one will gain another meter.  Meng Yuan's cavalry roamed across the prairie, and the tribes had already surrendered and did not dare to show any disrespect.  Wherever the flying wolf flag flew, herdsmen bowed their heads to pay homage.

    The infantry of the Sui Dynasty were so powerful that they could not find any enemies in the Central Plains.  Since Emperor Taizu of the Sui Dynasty raised his troops, the infantry of the Sui Dynasty have been moving forward along a glorious road.  Whether it was Nan Chen, who once dominated the south of the Yangtze River and was known as the invincible navy, or the great merchant who lived in the southwest and had millions of soldiers, these towering giants were all knocked down by the newly rising giant with one punch and could never stand up again.  But now, the giant Sui is alone and invincible. Without the enemy's corpse as a bedding, he can no longer stand higher.

    Perhaps, a war between these two countries is inevitable.

    Emperor Yang Yi of the Sui Dynasty once said, even if I don't use troops against the Meng Yuan Dynasty, who can guarantee that the Meng Yuan Dynasty will not use troops against the Sui Dynasty?  Although I have only met Brother Meng once, I can see from his eyes that he covets the world of the Central Plains.  As long as the time is right, he will lead Meng Yuan Langqi over Langru Mountain without hesitation.  Do you have to wait until Brother Meng drinks from the Yellow River before I fight back?


    Li Xiaozong, a mere fifth-grade military officer.

    Li Xiaozong once committed a blood debt.

    The look back at Fan Gu contained such complicated meanings.  He had thought about it more than once, leading the eight hundred border troops to the western prairie.  He wished that those frontier troops were all his own arms, wielding the Sui Dynasty's standard horizontal sword, and making achievements together with him.

    But, all this disappeared with that bloodbath.

    That night, the person who wanted to kill was actually Wu Peisheng, Fang Jie was just a person who deserved to die at the right time.  From the very beginning, Li Yuanshan asked Wu Peisheng to take people to Fangu to kill him, which was a trap set against Wu Peisheng.  Even if there is no Fang Jie, there will still be people like Li Jie, Sun Jie, and Chen Jie as excuses to lure Wu Peisheng into Fan Gucheng.  The moment Wu Peisheng entered Fangu, the 2,000 civilians and 800 border troops in the city were destined to be buried with him.

    Fang Jie is just an insignificant fish that slipped through the net.  And later on, this fish that slipped through the net became someone else's ploy.

    It seems that all the conspiracies and traps set against Fang Jie are actually aimed at Wu Peisheng. The old eunuch who has lost most of the power of the eunuch Bingbi should not come to the northwest.  If you just want to kill one Fang Jie, why massacre the city?  The whole city was filled with death. It was just the smoke and dust scattered for Wu Peisheng's death, which fascinated many people's eyes.

    Not many people know the truth behind Fang Jie being able to reach the imperial capital Chang'an alive. Is it as simple as the fact that he has big dogs and the others protecting him and he is lucky?

    ¡°As long as Fang Jie survives, all eyes in the imperial capital will be fixed on him. Wu Peisheng, the most important person, has become the one that people ignore.  Fang Jie walked into Chang'an City alive. Those who were trying to find out the truth about the Fan Gu murder case subconsciously focused their attention on Fang Jie. The nearly 3,000 lives in Fan Gu City were a layer of mystery. Fang Jie was  Another layer.

    Li XiaozongIt was the first time since he left Chang'an City that he led so many people.  But he was not panicked. Except for the complicated look in his eyes when he looked back at Fan Gu, the rest of the time, his eyes were full of confidence.  He shook off the chaotic thoughts and erased the shadow of the handsome young man who suddenly appeared in his mind.


    He ordered in a cold voice: "We must pass through the Qingxia Gorge within half an hour, set up a defense line on the opposite side of the canyon, set up horse-repelling antlers, and guard this door for the army!"


    His men responded, and then blew the horn to speed up the march.  The five thousand elite soldiers immediately accelerated when they heard the sound of the horn, and the soldiers ran towards the unknown world on the other side of the canyon.

    Everyone¡¯s eyes are so hot.



    To the west of Qingxia, a dozen cavalrymen riding the Mandu Banner were galloping towards Qingxia.  The leading cavalry captain shouted loudly: "Every day before the sun rises, the scouts on the mountain will send back news that everything is safe, but today the news has not been sent back, and I don't know if something happened to those brothers.  The Sui army is already gathering on the other side of the mountain. Don't be careless. Hurry up and rush to Qingxia to check! The east side of Langru Mountain is the land of demons abandoned by Changsheng Tiandu. Those damn Sui people can do anything.  !¡±


    The cavalry behind him responded neatly and followed closely behind the captain of ten.

    Just when they could see the canyon, a bright red flag suddenly rolled out from the canyon like a flaming cloud.  Immediately afterwards, agitated dust and smoke spurted out from the canyon.  In the dust and smoke, countless Sui army infantry wearing black armor strode out.

    "Sui people!"

    A Mandu banner cavalryman could not hide his frightened cry, his voice was trembling.

    "You three go back and report that the Sui people have passed through the Qingxia Gorge! We will cover the three of you from behind, and leave quickly!"

    The tenth captain shouted loudly, and then drew out the scimitar at his waist.

    On the opposite side, among the Sui soldiers who also spotted them, dozens of cavalry were separated from the few, and they came quickly towards this side.

    "The Daxue Mountain has given us infinite power, and King Ming's magic power makes us invincible!"

    The tenth captain shouted sincerely and led seven or eight of his men to face their destined enemy without hesitation.  The Sui people were proud, so why not the Meng Yuan people?
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