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Volume 1: The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 167: Disgusting Things

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    Chapter 167 Disgusting Things

    Fang Henshui recited the formula silently in his heart, while occasionally taking a peek at the old monk who had changed his destiny.  He didn't know what kind of path he was taking now, but what he was sure of was that he was running counter to all the dreams he had ever had in his life, and was drifting further and further away.

    He once imagined that he would become an excellent head catcher, solve countless cases, and be promoted one after another. Sooner or later, he would sit in the position of county magistrate or even county guard.  When his beard turns white, maybe he can become a governor!

    He once imagined that he would become a peerless master and resist countless foreign invasions for the Sui Dynasty. His majesty even looked at him with admiration and granted him the title of marquis and general.  When his beard turned white, he had filial sons and daughters and a large group of disciples, and his status in the world and in the court was second to none.

    He once imagined that he would marry a quiet and virtuous lady.  Even if you don't become a vital figure in the Sui Dynasty, you still have to live a happy and beautiful life.  Holding my wife¡¯s hand and walking on the beach, listening to the sound of the tide and watching the sunset, enjoying every spring warmth and blooming flowers, savoring every alternation of sun and moon.

    He even thought that when he died, he would place his grave on the small dirt hill in his hometown, with the grave facing the sea.

    But these are all gone.

    After the old monk Zhizhi taught him the mental formula of the Turtle Breathing Technique, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.  He looked at this old man who was not tall at all, but had a strong sense of oppression in front of him like a big mountain, and he couldn't resist in his heart.  The old monk said that he was injured, but Fang Henshui knew that even the injured old monk could crush him to death with one finger.


    Everyone in the Sui Dynasty despised the Buddhist sect, but he turned out to be a disciple of the Buddhist sect.

    Fang Henshui smiled bitterly and wondered why fate was so unfair to him.  He was just a head catcher from a small remote county in the Sui Dynasty. Even though he had many grand and spectacular dreams, they were just dreams, weren't they?  He is an ordinary person, and every ordinary person has some unattainable dreams in his heart.

    He knew that in the end he would live a mediocre life, marrying a fisherman's daughter, with skin tanned by the sun and roughened by the sea breeze, and a waist as thick as a bucket but strong.  After giving birth to several children, they squatted at the door every day like birds waiting for food, waiting for me to come home from the Yamen. When they saw me, they laughed and shouted, rushed up to hug me and called me daddy.

    Why is it like this?

    Who have I offended so that I will encounter such bad luck one after another?

    Fang Henshui thought a lot, and then gradually fell into a deep sleep.  He was very tired. Although the old monk was skinny and short, he was extremely tired after carrying him all the way. Moreover, he had not eaten for two days.  Some of the food picked up from the students was lost during the escape, and what was left was something that only the old monk could enjoy.  He could only look at it, not even dare to smell it.

    After falling asleep, he began to have endless nightmares.  I dreamed that I was wearing gray monk robes and golden cassocks, walking on the prairie.  The herdsmen dressed in strange clothes paid sincere tribute to themselves, offering their gold, silver and the most delicious food.

    The most beautiful woman crawled at his feet and kissed his toes.

    He looked at the herdsmen with pride, feeling the grassland wind that was completely different from the sea breeze.  In his dream, he saw the prairie, as vast as the sea, but green and endless.  The wind blows through the grass like waves.  He stood there, enjoying everyone's admiration.

    At this moment, a line of black tide suddenly came over from the eastern horizon.  He stared with wide eyes, watching in horror as the black wave rushed over unstoppably.  The green grass was trampled, the herdsmen were crushed, blood and minced meat were everywhere, and wails and cries resounded throughout the sky.

    That was the heavy-armored elite cavalry of the Sui Dynasty, which shattered the tranquility in his dream.  Those Sui cavalrymen wearing black armor used their sharp horseshoes to harvest the lives of herdsmen like wheat.  They are like black hurricanes, destroying everything in their path.  No one could stop them from moving forward. The loud sound of the Sui army's attacking bugle sounded like the sky on the grassland was torn apart.

    He could not stop the majestic army. He dreamed that he was knocked over by a red horse. The knight on the horse was holding a long knife that was dripping blood, looking at him with cold eyes.  Not a trace of emotion.  He wanted to kneel down and beg, but he couldn't turn over when the red horse stepped on him.  He wanted to say that he was also from the Sui Dynasty, but he clearly felt that the eyes behind the Sui general's visor could see everything.

    "You are a traitor, a traitor of the Sui Dynasty, so you can only die."

    The Sui general spoke indifferently, and then slowly raised the huge red sword.Only then did Fang Henshui see clearly that the knife was not red because it was stained with blood. The knife was originally such a color, weird, deep, and frighteningly red.

    The blade was raised, and the sunlight seemed to penetrate the blade.

    What a terrible knife.

    What a beautiful knife.

    When the knife fell, Fang Henshui even saw his head rolling on the ground.  The blood in his neck spurted out like a waterfall, and the blood was filled with shame.


    Fang Henshui woke up with a start, his body already soaked with sweat.

    I am no longer a Sui person

    When Fang Henshui woke up, he was trembling all over and huddled in the corner of the tree hole.  He hugged his knees and buried his head between his legs, not daring to open his eyes to see the world.  After a long time like this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the old monk, with hatred in his eyes.  It was late at night, and it was even darker in the tree hole. He could only see the faint outline of the old monk, sitting there cross-legged like a zombie.

    The old monk was still in meditation and seemed not to hear or see anything strange about him at all.

    Fang Henshui bit his lip, blood slowly sliding down the corners of his mouth.



    Fang Jie stretched when he woke up, and then failed again in trying to calculate the time.  This dungeon never sees the light of day all year round. Even if the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly, it will still be frighteningly dark if there are no lights on.  The light here is always dim, and it is impossible to tell whether it is day or night just because of the oil lamp.

    Being in this place for a long time will make people feel that they have become confused.  I can't even tell the difference between day and night, and I feel so confused.  Perhaps on purpose, the time for delivering food to him was irregular.  So much so that Fang Jie was completely lost in time, and gradually became too lazy to think about whether it was the sun or the moon hanging in the sky outside.

    "If Fang Jie didn't speak, it was so quiet in the stone room that he could hear his own heartbeat.  People always want to pursue a quiet life at some point and don't want to be disturbed by anyone or anything.  But when you are really in such an absolutely quiet secret room, boundless fear often spreads in your heart.

    There was no sound, so much so that even the sound of a slight movement of the body was so harsh.

    Fang Jie frowned. After pondering for a long time, his expression finally became happy.  A long and sharp fart was forced out of his stomach, tearing the silence in the stone room.  This voice sounded suddenly, so proudly.

    Fang Jie smiled proudly, turned over and continued to sleep.

    ¡°Perhaps this is a very boring struggle, not ridiculous, but rather desolate.

    When Fang Jie opened his eyes for the second time, there was no change in the room.  The oil lamp kept its position tirelessly, and I didn't know why the oil inside couldn't burn out.  Just when Fang was getting up and ready to urinate that he had been holding in for a long time, there was a voice outside the iron door.

    From this point of view, we cannot be sure that it is daytime now, because there are people guarding outside at all times.  And there are always some boring people who will come to see him at any time, open the iron door and say a few boring words to him.  For example, the one-armed man seemed to enjoy watching Fang Jie's embarrassment when he had nothing to do.

    Fang Jie left the stone bed as quickly as possible, rushed to the corner, lifted up the chamber pot and peeed.  The expression on his face was so intoxicating, as if he had just fucked a beautiful woman.

    The iron door was pushed open, and the person who walked in from the outside was startled when he saw Fang Jie pulling up his pants, and his face showed strong displeasure.

    This is a person Fang Jie has never seen before. He is very young.  Wearing a light gray almost moon-white brocade dress, with a jade pendant hanging on his belt, the red tassels are particularly eye-catching.  This man is tall but not tall.  It seems that the most it reaches is under Fang Jie's ears.  He is said to be tall because his body proportions seem to be perfect.

    This young man¡¯s face is very white, not the kind of white that is smeared with makeup, nor the kind of sickly white, but very healthy, with the texture of mutton fat and white jade.  His eyebrows are very thin and slightly raised, his eyes are large and haughty.  Compared to a man, his lower jaw is slightly pointed, but not inappropriate.

    Among men, he is definitely a handsome man.

    But Fang Jie could tell at a glance that this was a girl.  She is still a self-righteous girl who thinks she can fool all the perverts by wearing men's clothes.

    Behind her was a big shot, but the young man behind her looked very respectful.  So while Fang Jie was picking up his trousers, he speculated about the identity of the young girl who could make Hou Wenji, the imperial guard's official, Qing Ya Zhen Fu's follower.


    The guy disguised as a man frowns, raised his hand to cover his nose.

    "Eating, drinking, pooping and peeing are the most normal things. If this makes you feel disgusting, I really don't know what else you feel is not disgusting. And your definition of disgust is too simple, and you don't understand what it means at all.  It¡¯s disgusting.¡±

    Fang Jie calmly sat back on the stone bed, took off his shoes and started picking at his feet.

    "Your Highness"

    Hou Wenji called out softly, trying to persuade the woman whose face turned gloomy.  She was exactly the person who was brought back by the soldiers from the Shiying camp brought by Taoist Taoist Heji that day on Banyue Mountain.  If Fang Jie had been present at the time, he would have been able to guess her identity easily.

    The woman with a straight face took a breath slowly to make herself look calmer.  She came here purely out of curiosity. She wanted to know what the descendant of her beloved seventh uncle looked like.  But seeing Fang Jie at this moment, she was obviously disappointed.  Although that dirty guy had a handsome face, the way he sat on the stone bed and picked his feet was really disgusting.


    She walked to the chair and sat down, trying her best to look indifferent and calm: "Then tell me, what is disgusting?"

    Fang Jie glanced at Hou Wenji, pointed to his nose and asked, "Do I have to answer?"

    He had to frown when his fingers came close to the tip of his nose. The fingers that he had just picked at his feet didn't taste very good.

    Hou Wenji nodded: "It must be."

    Fang Jie hummed, sat up straight and looked at the woman for a while, unscrupulously, his eyes swept from top to bottom.  This made the woman even more unhappy, but she pretended to be calm in order to show strength.  She was not angry, simply because the prisoner seemed to despise her.  If he gets angry, he might make this annoying guy look down on him even more.

    "Disgusting thing You can imagine that you ate a piece of shit for breakfast. The person who pooped may have been angry, and the shit was a little black and hard. So it will be sticky to the teeth when chewed, and it is not easy to swallow.  ¡±

    The woman¡¯s expression changed and her stomach was churning.

    "Of course, you can treat it as dry rice. You can find someone with a gastrointestinal problem to make a porridge and drink it as porridge. Just like gargling, wash down the dry rice you ate before."

    The woman pursed her lips tightly and looked at Fang Jie with increasingly angry eyes.  The churning in her stomach almost made her uncontrollable, but she still didn't throw up.

    "Is this disgusting? Nothing more than that!"

    She asked with a sneer.

    "No no no"

    Fang Jie waved his hands repeatedly, then looked into her eyes and said seriously: "What's disgusting isyou have stuffed teeth."


    She finally couldn't hold on any longer and vomited it out.
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