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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 148 It turns out they are all liars

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    Chapter 148 It turns out they are all liars

    Fang Jie was very proud that he didn't faint this time.

    The pressure of the waterfall was unexpectedly great, especially when he was pretending to be cool but actually he was stupidly raising his head and reciting poems in a heroic manner. Unexpectedly, a small amount of water hit his mouth and nose hard. This feeling of suffocation and  The feeling of being grabbed by the throat is almost the same, but the pressure is stronger.

    But he didn¡¯t last long. After a heroic moment, he had to bow to the waterfall because of difficulty in breathing.  Because he lowered his head and took a deep breath, the muscles in his body relaxed a little, and the huge water flow directly hit him on the rocks.  Just when Fang Jie thought he was about to be rushed into the deep pool, Qiu Yu flew across the water like a dragonfly.  His body quickly turned around like a spring swallow and picked up Fang Jie who had fallen in mid-air.

    After throwing Fang Jie carelessly on the grass, the female professor, who had hidden her graceful body in her long robe, walked away with her hands behind her back.

    "You have a treasure, but you don't know how to use it."

    She left a sentence that made Fang Jie deeply moved.

    He knew what Qiu Yu meant, and there was indeed something abnormal about his body.  Even stronger than those who can practice, no one knows the explosive power of this body better than himself.  But just as Qiu Yu said, his current body is a treasure, and his knowledge of this treasure is still outside the soil and needs to be discovered.  If I can use this body skillfully, then what is this mere waterfall?

    But now, Fang Jie had to express his admiration for Li Xiao, who recited poetry under the waterfall a hundred years ago.  You must know that Li Xiao was not known for his high cultivation at that time. He was more like a erudite Confucian scholar.  His Majesty the Emperor once commented on many famous generals in the Sui Dynasty, and his evaluation of Li Xiao was elegant and ruthless.

    ??Elegance and ruthlessness should never be put together according to reason.

    But there is no doubt that Li Xiao is such a contradictory person.  He has an elegant temperament and is knowledgeable and talented.  When debating with others, you will never do anything extreme, and talk calmly and politely.  But often those who debated with him were defeated by him, and even citing scriptures could not gain the upper hand.

    "And on the battlefield, this Confucian general showed his ruthless side.  He pacified Jiangnan and nearly doubled the territory of the Sui Dynasty.  In order to stabilize this large new territory, the cruelty of Li Xiao's killing methods shocked the world.  Those who reviled him said he was a devil and an executioner, while those who admired him said he was iron-blooded and courageous.

    Li Xiao, who was once the general manager of Jiangnan, was so powerful that people even called him the Emperor of Jiangnan in private.  But he had no rebellious intentions towards Sui Que, and Emperor Taizong's trust in him could not be shaken by anyone or anything.  These two people were called the role models of monarchs and ministers by later generations.

    When Li Xiao was stationed in Jiangnan, he would never appease the rebels. He only said one word: kill.

    Often the generals below come in a hurry to report that there is another rebellion somewhere.  Li Xiao will ask someone to bring over the map, and then ask where the rebellion is.  After confirming it, he stretched out his finger to draw a circle on the map where the rebellion was located, and said calmly that he didn't want this area anymore.

    We don¡¯t want it anymore, not because we don¡¯t want the place, but because we don¡¯t want the people anymore.

    The imperial army marched into the circle he drew, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

    Because of this, people in Jiangnan still have a deep-seated fear when Li Xiao's name is mentioned.

    This person left behind too many legends, and what makes people think he is smart the most is.  During the most glorious period of his life, he resolutely refused most of the rewards given to him by Emperor Taizong.  At that time, Emperor Taizong even thought of making him a county king. Such a glory of the founding of the Sui Dynasty has never been matched to this day.  But Li Xiao refused to accept it, and even resigned from all military posts after Jiangnan was stabilized and settled down at home to plant flowers and raise birds.

    The most puzzling thing is that he even rejected the status of hereditary Duke.  In his words, I personally made some contributions to the Sui Dynasty and received a gift from His Majesty, but this does not mean that my descendants will be able to rely on this to achieve eternal prosperity and wealth.  If my descendants want to be Dukes of the country, they must rely on their own abilities to fight for it.  And if my descendants live in comfort and do not want to make progress because of my contribution to the Sui Dynasty, I will be the sinner of the Li family a hundred years later.

    Such a thing is unique in thousands of years of history.

    In the end, I don¡¯t know why, but Emperor Taizong actually agreed to Li Xiao¡¯s request.  He was given the title of first-class Duke but not hereditary, although in the end he was given the title of hereditary marquis to the descendants of the Li family.  Many people were puzzled at the time, but Fang Jie had to admire the wisdom and courage that Li Xiao, who did not want to benefit his descendants, had at that time.  If Li Xiao was made a county king, would his descendants still be like now?

    Although because of his decision, it was too late for the Li family to join the ranks of the first-class families.?Hundred years.  But there is no doubt that what Li Xiao did was truly considering his descendants.  Because of his refusal and refusal, no one in the Li family has been beheaded or imprisoned since the reign of Emperor Taizong.

    And what if Li Xiao takes the title of county king?

    Who knows what will happen to the Li family now.

    Fang Jie felt that Li Xiao was as smart as Prince Zhong Yang Qi.  A person who knows when to move forward and when to retreat is far smarter than a person who only knows how to move forward blindly.  And how can the best care for one's descendants be as superficial as giving them glory and wealth?



    Fang Jie lay on the grass for a while before regaining his strength. He sat up and panted for a while. He moved to the deep pool and washed his face again with water. Then he looked at the face reflected on the deep pool and murmured.  The revolution has not yet succeeded, handsome man, you still need to work hard.

    Very hungry.

    He was hiking during lunch time and didn¡¯t eat anything.  After such a huge physical exertion, what Fang Jie wants to do most now is not to eat but to lie on the grass unable to get up.  But the boy stood up as soon as he felt he could walk, and did not agree to rest for a while.

    He drank a few sips of water, then stretched his waist and walked towards the waterfall again.

    Walking to the waterfall, he felt the energy of the strong water falling down, the force of the water droplets that jumped out from time to time hitting his body, and the reaction of his body after these external forces acted on him.  Then he took a deep breath of the moist air and prepared to walk into the waterfall again.

    Qiu Yu did not go far. She originally planned to go back to her residence to study and write, but for some reason she felt that she should go back to explain a few words. Then when she returned, she saw an embarrassing scene.

    That stubborn, strong, shameless boy took off his clothes and walked under the waterfall again.

    Qiu Yu has very good eyes and sees things much clearer than ordinary people.  As a result, she saw everything that the young man should and should not see.  Qiu Yu, who thought he could take everything lightly, including gender, felt his cheeks feel slightly hot at this moment.  She gave up her plan to give advice and feel the impact of external forces on her body, and turned around to leave.

    Annoyed, she even wanted to slap Fang Jie into the deep pool.

    Fang Jie took off all his clothes, it was not because he had a habit of nudity.  It's because just now when he was feeling the water and air, he felt that his clothes were hindering his body's reaction.  So he took off his clothes without hesitation, allowing his skin to directly contact external forces.

    Fang Jie, who walked into the waterfall for the second time, already had experience. He raised his head slightly so that the force of the water flow would not hit him directly on the top of his head and back of his head. This small raising of his head would not cause the water to hurt his eyes.  .  Fang Jie knew that the top of the head and the back of the head were much more fragile than the forehead.

    The water falling from a high altitude hit Fang Jie, he felt it with his eyes closed.

    Feeling the pressure, suffocation, and pain.

    Amidst the roar of the falling waterfall, Fang Jie suddenly entered a very calm state.  He thought of his two comas and the several times his eyes turned blood red.  He guessed that if the coma after these two severe pains was because his body was undergoing some kind of transformation, then he could only passively accept it at that time and had no other choice.  And when his spirit could not bear the physical pain, coma became a matter of course.

    He then thought about his own eyes, especially after he met the red-robed priest Taoist Heji, he became even more interested in the red eyes that appeared at some point.  He asked Mr. Zhuo, asked Wu Yiyi, and asked the old lame man what the purpose of the vertical eyes on Taoist Hexi's forehead was.  When he learned that those eyes could restrict people's freedom and make people fall into hallucinations, what he thought about was whether he also had this potential?

    Zhuo Buyi¡¯s comment on his idea was you think too much and you think too beautifully.

    Fang Jie doesn¡¯t think his thoughts are beautiful. If a person can¡¯t even have beautiful thoughts, how boring would the world be?

    The two changes to red eyes were all due to anger.

    If we explain it scientifically, Fang Jie can understand that his eyes are bloodshot because of anger But why is his body's potential stimulated after his eyes turn red?  Could it be that emotions are the fundamental reason that dominates my body? If that's the case, it would be outrageous to be passive.

    Fang Jie doesn¡¯t like being passive.

    If red eyes only appear after anger, then the reason why the dominant body becomes stronger becomes useless.  Not all duels in this world are due toAngry, some encounters can even make people feel physically and mentally happy.  But do you think you can only get beaten when you feel happy physically and mentally?

    This is so fucking useless.

    When Fang Jie was lost in thought, he even forgot about the external force, and he also forgot that he took off his clothes and stood under the waterfall to feel the changes in his body caused by the external force.  At this time, the waterfall seems to have ceased to exist.  So what's the biggest change when the waterfall doesn't exist?

    It is freedom.

    Fang Jie forgot the existence of the waterfall, so he also forgot the huge pressure brought by the waterfall.

    When a person is deep in thought, he often paces slowly.  This is a subconscious action that the person may not even realize.

    And Fang Jie began to pace.

    Walking under the waterfall.

    At this moment, Qiu Yu, who had gone far away, suddenly changed his expression. She couldn't help but look back at the waterfall. When she concentrated, the distance was instantly shortened, and the scene of Fang Jie walking under the waterfall was clear.  appeared in her eyes.  She was startled, and then the corners of her mouth curled up into a relieved smile.

    "He's very good."

    I don¡¯t know when, Dean Zhou appeared next to Qiu Yu.

    ¡°It¡¯s really good.¡±

    Qiu Yu repeated it.

    "So you shouldn't lie to him."

    Dean Zhou smiled and said: "When did Li Xiao take a leisurely stroll under this waterfall and recite poems? If he didn't approach the waterfall, he would definitely run away with the excuse that he felt sorry for his clothes getting wet."

    ¡°It¡¯s good to lie to him, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    Qiu Yu replied with a smile.

    Then she looked at Dean Zhou and said seriously: "Didn't you lie to him before? Tell him that the purpose of studying his body is for Your Majesty and the Sui Dynasty, and to build an invincible army. This excuse is a bit shameless  ¡­¡±

    ¡°It¡¯s good for him to lie to him, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    Dean Zhou sent Qiu Yu's words back, and then said matter-of-factly: "Lying is a method. As long as the starting point is not evil, there is no need to think that this method is not beautiful. Being beautiful in cheating is also a kind of practice."

    Qiu Yu curled his lips, as if he didn't respect Dean Zhou as much as he did in front of outsiders.

    "Next time you use me to lure others into making mistakes, I won't agree."

    she says.

    Dean Zhou naturally knew what she was referring to. After all, the incident of him pimping Fang Jie happened today.

    "Eyes and ears are very easy to use, so you lose too much fun."

    Dean Zhou sighed with emotion, then turned around and walked back: "Sometimes, pretending to be deaf and dumb and pretending not to see is not a bad thing."

    "For example, when wisdom comes to Chang'an, you just pretend not to see it?"

    Qiu Yu asked.

    Dean Zhou paused for a moment, and then said in a calm tone: "Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to pretend that there is nothing you can do against the enemy. Especially when the Sui Dynasty is about to start a war against Meng Yuan."


    Qiu Yu was silent for a while and then said: "Wisdom can go away because you let it go."
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