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Volume 1 The Border Town of the Empire Chapter 134 Two against one

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    Chapter 134 Two against one

    Yu Xiao walked towards Fang Jie step by step, so Fang Jie was a little annoyed.

    Ten outstanding places have been allocated. Is it necessary to continue the competition?

    Cultivation competition, the ten people who persist to the end will get excellent results.  There were only about twenty people left in the last round of the battle. Fang Jie and Yu Xiao were the first and second to end the competition. Obviously there was no need to fight again.  The few who decided the winner in the end had to play one more game to compete for the remaining spots, and there was no point in playing again after the score of the first finisher had been determined.

    But looking at Yu Xiao¡¯s appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to have a fight with Fang Jie.

    "You are a smart person"

    Yu Xiao said.

    This is the second time today that Fang Jie heard someone say this to him. Although the tone was not hypocritical, Fang Jie was still a little disgusted.  This kind of speaking tone has a condescending tone, as if a strong man must first confirm that his opponent is good before declaring war, otherwise he will appear to be inferior.

    Fang Jie simply said nothing.

    Yu Xiao didn¡¯t care, smiled and said, ¡°I¡¯m not here to fight with you.¡±

    Fang Jie couldn't help but glance at him and said, "Do you need me to say thank you?"

    Yu Xiao shook his head and said in a calm tone: "If you are free after the competition, I would like to treat you to a drink. Of course, you can refuse. In addition I am actually very curious about what tricks you have not used yet."

    Fang Jie was silent for a while, then walked to the side and picked up a small earthen stick that Cui Pingzhou had condensed with an earthen talisman.  Holding it in his right hand, he stood up straight and suddenly took action. His right arm was bent at an incredible angle, and then he made a stick move, drawing a strange trajectory.  This is the old cripple's one-style knife. Although it is not very authentic, it is definitely useful.

    Yu Xiao was startled, and then the other party said seriously: "Now I want to fight you again."

    Fang Jie threw the clay stick aside, patted the dust on his hands and said, "Unfortunately, weapons are not allowed to be used in this competition."

    Yu Xiao suddenly smiled and said, "Why didn't you think of this until now?"

    Fang Jie was stunned for a moment and then laughed dumbly: "Yesit turns out that I won a long time ago."

    Yu Xiao said: "Yes, the moment Cui Pingzhou turned the earth talisman into a stick, you actually won. Although I don't know why the professor of the Yanwu Academy didn't stop you from continuing the competition, what I can confirm is that even if you are defeated by Cui Pingzhou  Even if you are knocked to the ground, you are still the winner. The rules of the martial arts academy are rules. It may not be that the people on the stage want to see how you fight, so they don't stop it, but this does not prevent them from acting according to the rules. "

    "What a nonsense rule."

    Fang Jie couldn't help but glare at the other side of the viewing platform, thinking that he could win so easily.

    "Are you here to remind me of this?"

    Fang explained the question.

    Yu Xiao said: "As I said just now, I want to treat you to a drink."


    "Is it possible at noon tomorrow?"


    "General Zuo Wuwei's Mansion."

    Fang Jie hesitated for a while, but finally nodded and said, "You know I'm a pauper, and I don't have much to offer as a gift when I come to visit you. So if you don't blame me for being rude if I come to visit empty-handed, I don't mind eating and drinking."  ¡±

    "I'm very happy that you agreed."

    Yu Xiao nodded, turned and left.

    Fang Jie understood Yu Xiao's intention when he said the words "General Zuo Wuwei's Mansion", so he hesitated.  Now, some people have begun to show favor to him, and he is also the son of Zuowuwei General Yu Manlou.  If it were anyone else, he might have nodded immediately and felt a little flattered.  But what Fang Jie thought about was whether he would offend many people if he walked into General Zuo Wuwei's mansion.

    At this time, there is probably more than one young master of General Zuo Wuwei who wants to get closer to him.

    And when he walked into the mansion of General Zuo Wuwei, it seemed that he was making a statement that made others unhappy.

    That¡¯s why Fang Jie hesitated whether he should reject Yu Xiao.

    He told Yu Xiao that he had no money to prepare any expensive gifts, so he had to show up empty-handed. Yu Xiao also understood what Fang Jie meant.  If Fang Jie had prepared generous gifts, then those who were watching would probably feel very uncomfortable.  Accepting Yu Xiao's invitation is one attitude, but showing up empty-handed is another attitude.

    Fang Jie found that things became more and more complicated after he arrived in the imperial capital Chang'an. These things never had to be considered when Fan Gu was there.  There were only 800 frontier soldiers and 2,000 civilians in the border town, and it took Fang Jie three years to get to know everyone.  The imperial capital is too big, and the hundred-mile city of Chang'an is just a deep pool of water.??Who knows where he can find pearls and where there are water ghosts waiting to haunt him and demand his life?

    He turned around and walked to the grass on one side to lie down and take a rest.  The sun is already hanging in the west and will set soon.  Another day is coming to an end, and another night is approaching.  This day was an extraordinary day. Fang Jie completed the long-awaited and long-prepared exam for the Yanwu Academy. Although the results were not finally announced, he felt relieved and really wanted to go home and lie down in bed and fall asleep.

    "Fang Jie"

    When he walked to the edge of the grassland, he heard someone calling him. He stopped, turned around and saw another young man from a well-known family, Pei Chuxing.

    Pei Chu walked up to Fang Jie, paused for a moment and opened his mouth to speak, but Fang Jie spoke first. He pointed at his nose and asked with a smile: "Master Pei, do you want to say that I am a smart person?"

    Pei Chuxing was stunned, then smiled and nodded: "You are indeed a smart man."

    Fang Jie hummed and asked again: "But you want to buy me a drink?"



    "Is it possible at noon tomorrow?"

    "Tomorrow night"

    Fang Jie smiled and said, "I can have more fun at night. Where can I go?"

    "my home"

    Pei Chuxing asked: "Do you recognize it?"

    "I don't recognize it, but I think many people know about the residence of Mr. Huangmen Shilang. I will inquire about it, but I don't have the money to buy any decent gifts. If Mr. Pei doesn't dislike me for being shabby, I will be happy to visit."

    "It doesn't matter, I'll send a car to pick you up."

    Pei Chuxing clasped his fists and turned to leave.

    Fang Jie raised the corner of his mouth, wondering how long the next meal would be in line.  For a person who is already a little strapped for money, it would be nice to have someone treat him to a drink every time.  He saw Xie Fuyao sitting on the grass not far away and resting. After thinking about it, he walked over there.

    Under Xie Fuyao's attention, Fang Jie sat down next to him, stretched out first, and then asked casually: "Can I buy you a drink?"

    Xie Fuyao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, when?"

    "Just tonight."


    ¡°Wherever you can buy wine, that¡¯s where you can buy it.¡±

    "As soon as you enter the city gate, turn left and there is a small shop half a mile away that is good, but a bit too small. However, the stewed dog meat and roasted chicken are both delicious, and there are also a few signature side dishes."

    Fang Jie hummed and asked, "Is it expensive?"

    "If you want to eat enough you still need one tael of silver."

    Xie Fuyao answered.

    Fang Jie couldn¡¯t help but uttered a curse word: ¡°Damn, it¡¯s so expensive! Um are you giving me a fruit plate?¡±



    Shenquan Mountain

    When they heard the old monk saying that he just wanted to take his disciples back to the Snowy Mountains, the expressions of Zhuo Buyi and Taoist Hexi could not help but change.  The two of them knew that the young and handsome monk had an accomplice and had amazing cultivation, but they did not expect that his background was so powerful.  The second heavenly deity in the Buddhist sect is known as the wise deity who knows everything about the world.

    Maharaja Maharaja of the Buddhist sect has four disciples. The eldest disciple is Mahavatar Maharaja, who is in charge of all affairs of the Buddhist sect.  Not many disciples of the Buddhist sect can see Mah¨¡r¨¡m¨¡na, and it is already extremely difficult to see the deity.  Since King Maharaja went into seclusion in the stone chamber ten years ago, all matters concerning the Buddhist sect have been left to the decision of Mahavatar.  Even the throne of Mengge, the Great Khan of the Mongolian Yuan Empire, was only designated by Maharaja Maharaja on his behalf. It is said that only a few people can see Maharaja after retreating.

    The second disciple is the Wisdom God, who lectures on the Mirror Stage of Daxue Mountain every month.  Some Buddhist disciples and believers traveled thousands of miles to listen to the Buddha's teachings. Those who went up the mountain walked sincerely, taking three steps and kowtowing.  Many people died on the way because they could not endure the hard work.  It is said that the Wisdom God knows everything about the world and can look back three hundred years.

    The third disciple, Lingbao Tianzun, only stayed in the Sutra Collection Tower and never went out.  He is in charge of the classics and spends his days copying scriptures by hand.  He never asked about Buddhist affairs, and he never preached Buddhist scriptures.  He is the most mysterious deity in Buddhism. There are even rumors that he is a cripple and cannot travel.

    The fourth disciple, Shiyuan Tianzun, is in charge of the precepts.  Legend has it that the only person in the Buddhist sect who has mastered Vajra Fury has great power.  Buddhist disciples are spread all over the world, and they can be treated with respect everywhere except Sui Dynasty.  So it is inevitable to be proud, but in the Discipline Academy, no Buddhist disciple dares not to bow his head.

    These four Heavenly Lords are all legendary gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

    As long as it¡¯s not in the Sui Dynasty, these four Heavenly Lords will appear anywhere.He was given the most solemn welcome, the roads were paved with flowers, and clean water was sprinkled on the streets. Even the king of a country had to kneel down by the roadside.

    But such a big shot appeared quietly outside the city of Chang'an in the Sui Dynasty.  And not long ago, he was even in Chang'an City.  Being able to avoid the search of many experts in the city that night was enough to prove the old monk's high level of cultivation.

    "He turned out to be a deity"

    Taoist Heji breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Are you the wise bald donkey?"

    The old monk shook his head slightly and said: "The great priest of the Dao Sect, are you afraid of losing your identity by speaking such vulgar words? Although the Dao Sect only lives in a corner of the Sui Kingdom, it is still a very famous sect after all. As soon as you open your mouth, it will be revealed  To sum up, most people from the Taoist sect have the same temperament as you."

    "You have a good tongue, and you are indeed very clear-minded."

    Taoist Hezi snorted coldly and said: "Don't pretend to be here, are you tired? It is said that you claim to know everything about the world. I want to ask you something."

    The old monk put his hands together and said: "Excuse me"

    "Since you know everything about the world, do you know that you are going to die today?"

    Taoist Heji asked, raising his chin slightly.

    The old monk sighed and said: "You are violent and barbaric. Even if you wear a layer of human skin, you are still a demon. In this case, I have to eliminate demons for the world."


    Taoist Heji said coldly: "You have to find a false excuse before even killing people. Don't you think this is too shameful? A fight is a fight, there is so much bullshit!"

    After saying this, Taoist Heji waved back his two broad sleeves.  With a bang, two pits were blasted out behind him, dust rose up, and the big red figure flashed away. When he looked again, he had already arrived in front of the old monk.

    He rushed forward, but Zhuo Buyi sat down cross-legged.

    The latter closed his eyes and did not look.

    The old monk raised his hand and waved his cassock.  Like a golden shield spread out in front of him, the two fierce and powerful repulsive forces that Taoist Hexiao attacked in mid-air hit the cassock hard.  The cassock was spread out and stretched very flat, but the overbearing repulsive force hitting it was like a stone sinking into the sea. Except for pressing the cassock downwards and denting two small holes, it was difficult to move any further.

    The old monk raised his cassock with his left hand to block Taoist Hesiao's attack, and made a slight movement with his right hand that seemed to drive away flying insects.  After this action was completed, Zhuo Buyi, who was sitting cross-legged more than 20 meters away, frowned.

    The old monk blocked the repulsive force of Taoist Heji with his left hand, and broke Zhuo Buyi's thoughts with his right hand.

    "Two against one, it seems that they don't have the upper hand."
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